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"� • paymcnts may oo longcr bc thc upiiou nt'l.�:ndcr, if'mortgugc insur.mcc cov�r�c�n1'�►c umount and for thc perioJ <br />---.—,�.--='a�' tl�at Lcndcr rcquiresl pmvidc�l by an insurcr nppravcd by I.cndce ugnin hcroincs irvuilablc �nd is.obtnined. si�rrowcr sludl pay ;'�. <br /> ,�,.,�. . ' <br />"`-- " .'°•. tlic r..miun�:,r� uirui to�naint:;im m�n a*� insuranrc in cflcct.ur to rovidc a lnsti rcrscn��•,until thc rc uirement fi�r mnrt�n�c ' - <br />_---_:.��; p ' y G'6• P 9 L E <br /> ' - = insura�icc rnds in acwr�nnce with uny wriucn�igrccmcnt hctwccn Clorruwcr and i..cnd�r or upplicahlc iaw. .. . :.,��,,;' <br />��^�� ' 9. Inspectlon. I.cndcr or its ugcnt may nr,�kc rcas�nablc cntricti upn�i and inspcctions nf thc Properry. I.cndcr shall bivc , ..�- <br /> ��--`-�'—�-'-�°� Barrnwcr noticc at thc timc of i�r prior to an in+pcctioo�spccifying rctisnni�hlc causc for thc inspcction. � <br />-=j°"-" �Y , 10. Condem�intton. Thc procccds ot'uny a�vard��r cluim for damagcs, dircct or conscyucntial, in connection �vith any � <br />---�` �° condcmnatian or othcr taki�i of an �rt nf thc Fro crt or fi�r convc ancc in licu c�f condcmnation, arc hcrcb issi mcci and <br /> "-�.�:;�f�.; E Y p� P Y� Y Y ' b � . .. <br />�' ''' , shall bc paid to I.cndcr. <br /> :�;,;�.- <br /> -�:��;+ •_ In the event of a total taking of thc Property,the procccds shall bc applicd to the sums sccurcd 6y this Security Inswment. .•..; , • <br />.�:;.. . � . <br /> `f'" �"' whcther or not thcn duc. �vith any excess paid to Qonower. ln thc cvent of a partial taking of the Property in which thc fai: - • <br /> :� .�_�. . . . <br /> ;.:;�;., . <br /> ,�;�w� ���•• market value of thc Pr��SI� imm�distef�befare the i��!!2a!S C(j�1?{l!���T oCrE!�CP fI1711 IItC amU�stlt �f thr cutlls ar�nrr�i hv thig �'��" �'� <br /> +�1�•- - d � . <br /> ��x �'"� � Securiry instrumcnt immcdi:�tely beforc thc taking,unlcss Borrowcr und l.cnder otherwisc agrcc in writing, thc sums securcd by ; � _ <br /> a�.i:'' � � r�`�` - <br /> .Y.,,��,�-� �� this Security Instrument shull Nc rcduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplicd by thc followinb fraction: (a) thc totai �. � � <br /> ..:.4ir .k..�= <br /> `"% amount of thc sums sccured immcdiatcly before thc taking, divided by (b) thc fair market value of the Property immcdi�tely �+ �� - <br /> � ��'�~ beforc thc taking. Any balance shall bc paid lo Borrower. (n tt►e e��ent of a panial taking ot tlic Pruperty in wi�icl� tlie fair fY,+�t�;r�rh��:,,•�� <br /> markct valuc af the Property immediately befare thc mking is Icss thun thc amount of the sums sccureci immcdiately beforc the ��� "F''� °` <br /> ►:'`:�.-��'� �-- --- <br /> taking, unless Borrowcr and Lender otl�envisc agrec in writing or unless applicablc law uthcnvisc provides, the procecds shall �,,:;.;;�•��.,�::-s� <br /> �• be applied ta the sums secured by this Security Instrumcnt whether or not the sums are thcn due. � f"k I '`'"` <br /> ��i��'":�t; � - :, <br /> If thc Property is ubandoned by Burrmver,or if,aftcr notice by Lendcr w Horrower that the candemnor offers�o mskc an <br /> ; � ' award or setde a cla�m for damages, borrower tails ro respond to Lcndcr within 3U days after thc date thc notice is givcn, 4 �'"- ^ - <br /> � .�,g� <br /> . ti., Lender is authorized to collect und apply the procerds,at its option, either to restoraiion or repair of the Property or to the sums <br /> "��'•:�:^'�• secured by this Security Instrumcnt,whcther or not thcn due. ��%'._ <br /> , ;t Unless i.cnder and Aai7ower othenvise agrec in writing, any application of pmceeds to principal shall not extend or �� <br /> - .,,�� � postpone the duc datc of the monthly payments refercc:d tu in paragraphs I and 2 or changc thc umount of such payments. �*��■�"�� <br /> l l.Bor�awer Not Reles�sed; Corbearance By I.ender Not u Waiver. F.xtension of the time for payment�r modificntion �� <br />- -,. . . . _ . .. . _ • • _ <br />._ i.. !'n.___...._ _ . <br />_:� ;.y,;;�=,;,^ ot amonizanon ot me sums securea oy ti�is Secuniy tn,irumem gca�iicu oy i.cudcr iu any+uccc„u� III IIItCICJI Vt OVIIV\YW aiiaii _ <br /> " '' not operate to rcleuse thc li�bility of thc original Bnrrower or Borrowcr's succcsson in intcres[. Lcnder shall not be required to ' - <br />-;.,.:r,• •; � commence procecdings aguinst any successor in intci-est or i�efuse to extend time for pnyment or othe�wise modify amorti•r.�tion _ <br /> � ' •,t �'� of �hc sums secured by this Sccurity Instrumcnt by rcason of uny dcmund madc by thc original Borrowcr or Borrowcr's <br /> � '.,,. �`�'r su��cessors in interest. Any forbearance by Lcnder in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> :•.�";;`�'','�"i�'�•`'�'• exercisc of an ri ht or remed — <br /> :"+;}°rrr ,��-�i� �. Y E Y- <br /> •`_;;i�'.�-'.,;�,r.r` 12. Successers and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Ltt�bflity; Co-signcrs. Thc covenants and agrcements of this <br /> ,'re.T;,';,°`�''�' <br /> -rE w4„.�,._,r�. Seeuriry Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of I.,ender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br />_�k,:y-MOY:.�� paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants amJ agreements shall be joint and several. Any Barrawer who co-signs this Security — <br /> =;'';�"';•'�.-'";!'�`�` Instrurnent but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and cc�nvey that <br /> " � � '�"�* Borrowcr's intcrest in thc Property undcr thc tcrms cii this Security Instrument; (b)is not penon;illy obligated to pay the sums <br /> . . . .�.., <br /> 'rt"�^,'"""' � securecl hy this Security Instrumcnt; anJ(c)agrr.�s that Lender and any othcr Borrowcr may agrec ai cxtend, modify, forbear or <br /> �::,..;e� .,l��. <br /> �',..;,�,,.:•...;,•.. ma�CC uny accommodationi with rcgard to tlic tcrms of this Sccuriry instrument ur thc Notc wiQtout that Borrower's conscnt. �A <br /> ;;..1 i,�,��;.:.^�. 13. Loan Cnarges. If the loan securui by this Security Instrument is subject to a Ixw which sets maximum loan charges. -- <br /> _��=��,�Y:_; `'�,;_�;:f� and that luw is tinally intorpreteJ so thut thc interest ur othcr loun cliarges collected or to be wUectcd in connection with the <br /> -;.,�`�:,�.'�,� !� lw�n exceed the permitted limits.then: (u)itny such loan charge shall be recluced by the ainount necessary to red�tce the churge <br /> ' ` to the permittcd limit; and (h) any swm already collected from Borro�ver which exeeeded permittecl limits�vill be�efunded tc� — <br /> ' � iionower. L.ender may rh�ose to make this mtund by rcducing the principal oweci under the Note or by makinb a dirc�:t <br /> � payment to Borrower. If a retund reduces principal, thc rcduction will bc trcated �.s a partial prepaymcnt without any � <br /> �t�- �:'•�.� � �� prepayntent charge under the Note. �__ _ �_. <br /> - ., •;•.� .,1;1;r�' 14.Notiees. Any notice to Borrower provided for in ihis Security Instrumeut sl�all be given by delivering it or by mailing �_� <br />_,., . ,-,;;b'.• ':;:"` � it by first class mail unlcss applicshlc law requires use of another method. The notice sli�ll be directcd to the Prag�erty Address _ <br /> .;�.:e.rt`x;�::.:_:�:%��' I cir any other address Bm•rower dcsignates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice to L.endcr shall bc given by first �class mail to ��u��<== - - <br />- :•;.�..-:...,.`.t:' ��,,.—�..�--`_— <br /> , Lender's addresr statcd hcrcin or.iny other uddress Lcndcr dcsignates by noticc to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this <br />.. ., i'Y '���-�� T`:�F <br />__•�_ . � . _;3!,,:,l Security Instrument shall bc dccmed to hAVe t�ccn givcn to Borrowcr or I..cnder�vhen givcn as providcd in this paragraph. �_���;�. <br /> :�.+, 15.Governing Luw; tieverabillty. This 5ccurity Instrument shull be �overne.d liy federal law and the law of the . � <br /> , .+�,, ;��,• <br /> . jt►risdi;tion in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clnuse uf ehis Secarity Instrument or the Note ,; -�,, ,_�..,.,, <br /> _ . ..� �,::,,. `�.•�• • <br /> conflicas�vith applicable law, such can�lict shnll not affect other pro��isions of this 5ecurity Instrument or the Note which can be �,.4t�t ��-�:�,� ,• � <br />,� �_ • � givcn effoct ��•ithout the conflicting pm��is+�m.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrumcnt a�►d die Notc ar�e declared �"`��",�•'��.;'�:;.. ' <br />: �;::[,•�,�.•;,..:;:�' .`.":� <br /> . . . •� , to bc sevcrable. ... ��.'�?.�i`';^., <br /> ' ;,; ,.,y lG.llore�ower's Cony.Bm•mwer shall be given one cunfornied copy of'the I�fote anJ of this Securiry Instrument. '-�;y/ ' __.. <br /> �S I '!L�''lY•; . <br /> 'F'_�,1�•:tii. Form 3029 9f90 g'r jt,;_ '"'.. <br /> ,,. <br />-!�,. - Pogaaofc ;'--�:' <br /> . ,. <br /> - ��:. �y� <br /> . . E. <br /> rs±!�"�i <br /> - . . " `.1.�� � �/"___ ..-___._.___ <br /> �� _�•�.'�r.�""� .. .. <br />:.� -_.j, ����::i. �.-�,,.r�------�•-- .---••-.,•------° .. —.�----T�_ �,t. _ _RJ�"OT�'--,-----. „ -------___•....�.� � , .. � <br /> _ .. . ''a' _ .. . . . . .. <br /> � . :.z� , .. -- .. . .. . - � .. <br /> ` . - . , .�/ ..� � ' . - .� '� . . . , . .. . " .. <br /> . `'�;� `: � .. „ .. . .. . . .. , ..-tf'.1 F'+_t,C�.�,b°^, ' � ..� . -. <br /> �� � .4�� � � .' . _ u ' . •.��• . _. . � .� <br /> �� . •+� . <br />.�;• , . . . .. ' .. - . ' <br />� ' .. . .� �� . - <br /> . � _ <br />