. :r'� ..�._^.«� .` •• . , . .. ' ., - .��
<br /> ....�., . .i. , ., � .
<br /> . w. . . . . , ..� . ' • - . . ., -
<br /> � . KeArc. .. . . � � _ � � ., . ... . •� . .,,aJ. *�' .�n.. .
<br /> �� ,�I��"'felfll��! .t . :`ht-�i��k r Ys�.�.:. �1 . r- ' .. . . � . - , ., , � ._ . r' '�f�M�I�M�•. _ ' �,ry f'..:1 .
<br /> 1,• •�•
<br /> ..'h)..�.:": , . . , .
<br /> . .. ..'___—'�.�_.__._�i__..._�._._...._..� .._. .. .. . .._, ... ._ .___.�.._..___"--"'___�..._"_"'__—"._.,"""'..._... ....._."'_ ..... ..-._... ...
<br />. -='v+�� .�,,f �
<br />�_���_:..�_�. � ��96�— �.c��.�a�3 ,
<br /> _�;,-_,'"�i�`"r� paymcnts may no longcr bc rcyuircd,:tt the optirn�of I.cndcr, if mortgagc insurancc covcragc(in thc.unount and for thc period �"'!i'.
<br /> -- - -• thet L.ender requires)providrd hy an insurer uppr�wcd by Lender ayai��h�cc�me� avnil;�hle;u�d iti i�htained. I3orrow�:r�hall pay
<br /> _ _�:rx� ' tlie rcmiums re uire�i to maintain mort a e insurancc in cffcct,or to rovide a loss rescrve, until the re uiremcnt for mort n e �'�'-''
<br /> -_—�,�a. �L P y G fi P �l S S � . .. .;,_�:F;;-s:
<br /> ��"��?'-t-:�: �: insu�ancc ends in accordancc�vith�iny wriucn i►grecment betwcen Borro�ver:md Lcndcr i�r upplicabic law. -�•'`
<br />--:„• e.. .. � :�,- -�
<br />`'`t''�•� ' � .� 9. Inspectlon. I..ender or its agant may make r�ason.�blc entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender,hall give ,. _
<br />-'�:� ,�::;.,'.
<br />-?'� Borro�vcr noticc ut thc timc of or prior tu an inspcction spccifying rcasu�iahlc c�u�c for thc in,pcction. •� ° • • ..4��.
<br /> , ._ ..+pl�' �:
<br />- •r.. ,�.��7r 10. Conde�nnutlon. The pruceeds of uny a�vard ��r claim for Jamages, direct ur conscyurntiul, in cnnnection �vith any =��-
<br /> - �'._. . � ,�,�'.=,:,
<br /> '.��"+•� �>� � condcmnatian i�r uthcr taking nf uny part cif the Prapeny, �r fi�r ronvcyancc in licu i�f candcntnation, are hcreb�-ussigned and • ' =`
<br /> - _ � •;�',•;�` shall be paid to I.ender. � •; . <r,';���:
<br /> . . • - � !n the evcnt of a tot�l taking of thc Property,the prncceds shall be applied to tl�e�ums�ccurcd by this Scrurity Instrument, �•� • - ""�^'`
<br /> .., i�'�.' ,`:':.ri ry•
<br /> ...,„ • whether or not�hen duc, with any excess paid to Borrower. in the event of a partial taking of thc Propeny in �.�•hich the fttir ,�' : i,�•-�:.,�
<br /> '` •' '�''F , i`, '• market value of the Prn rt immcdiatcl� before thc takin �� .; :�"'� ��"-��
<br /> pe y y g is cyual lu or breater than the amount of the sum�sccureci by thi, , •,•�
<br />:°�;��„�.:,.._.y - .,+ ,.,
<br /> _ - ��.� �. Security Instrument itrunedintely before the talcing, unless Borrrnver an:i I,c�nder othenvise agrce in writing, the sums secur�:d by ��;,;�^�
<br /> �-���''�." '�' ' this Securit Instrument shull bc reduccd 6 the amount af the rocecds multi hcxl 6� the followin fraction: (a) the total 'i�;��.�.d.. ---
<br /> ;�'�A��.�: : Y )' P P� 7 g '�;:ns::_:--
<br /> . ,:,r•^=_:�--
<br /> �'r '•�. :_;'. "' aniount oi�the sums secured iiumediately before the laking, JividcJ by ib) the t'air m,ske� valuc of�he Aropeny immediarely °• =_-
<br /> .,,,� ,:.�.•. �+�i'•.t,�..-..,...�
<br /> . • before the taking. Any balunce shall b�paid �o Barro�ver. In the event of a partiul lal.ing of the Property in which the fair `���" -
<br /> ;,. ';�;�;,r':. �.� ,, �x;,�::
<br /> , markct value of the Property immediately tr.forc the taking i, Iesx than thc amount of thc sums sccured immcJiatcly before thc •ti:
<br /> � ��,,:��'.�`�'.-
<br /> i taking, unlcss Borro�vcr and Lcndcr otherwisc agrcc in writing or unlcss applicable tuw othenvise provides, thc procecds shall _ - —
<br /> '�'�':�� � be applicd to thc sums secured by this Security Instrument�vhcthcr or not the sums arc then duc. ��- ---
<br /> - � - � if�iic Fruperty is abandoned by Borro�v�r, or if, afler nutice by L.ender to Bottower thut the cundemnor offen to m:ike an ��A yt,��� �`�
<br /> '"':y;�,:fi: �..,"}�:-c:i_°°----
<br />_ �.' , ' , , award or scttic a claim for damagcs, Bormwer fails to respond to Lender within 30 Jays afler thc datc the notiee is given, �:�"°
<br />'�sr'-;••!��-',�� Lender is authori�.c.d to collect and apply the procecds, at its c�ption, cither to restorntion or repair of the Property��r to the sums -__ _.__._
<br /> . secured hy this Security Inttniment,whether or not then due. ��a��R�'•__
<br /> "'i Unless Lcnder und Borrower cithenvisc ugrcc in writing, any applicatian of proccc�s to principal shall not extcnd or ��'''�""�
<br />;'..?•. , �.�.�.��—
<br /> _'�_ postpone thc due datc oT the monthly puyments rcfcrrcd to in paragraphs I and 2 or changc thc amaunt of such payments. „_
<br /> � � :2. Earr3:s�:*:a: ::c:.;�,..•�: f�a:l�:r«s:r:�3;;I.�r ... R`s�i a :;'a:tr. E;;tc��;�.,��a �-- • °... �'�":�
<br /> ` . ` ` d^' f �inc iiliic w� pay�iicui u� �uuiii�icuiiui�
<br />':,'ri�.�`,' � � of amonization of the sums secureci b,y this Security Inslrument granted b�•L,ender ro any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> , ' ' �� not operate to rcleasc the liability of the uri�inal Borrowcr or Borcower's successors in interest. Lender shall not bc rcquircd to - -
<br /> .. . • '�c commence procecdings ugai�ist ae�y successo�in interest or refusc to extcnd time for payment ar otherwise modify amortization � —�
<br /> ,;�Y;;.:_�}: ,n,.,: ..� of the sums securcd by this Security Instrumcnt by reason of any dcmand made by the original Borrower or Borro�ver's �
<br />,�:�.;;�_.?;:�l,,,;�;,< . successors in interest. Any for6eeuance by Lender in exercising any right ur remedy shall not bc:a waiver of or preclude the _—
<br />;�i,ti� "e�s� ` exercise of any right or rcmedy. ��= �=
<br /> � ' .'�. 12. Succe�sors And Assig»s Baund; Joint und Severul Lia6i16�y�; Caslgners. Thc covenants and agrecments of this
<br /> --, ,.•�,^, �ti.:4•
<br /> �.�.�
<br />,:���.�c__r . .
<br /> ��s:av�'_., '' �t Security Instrument shall bind nnd bcncftt thc succcstiors and assi�ns of Lender und Bo�rowcr, subje{:t to thc provisions of = -
<br />_ur.;����.,�;., : ,��,,'' e ..T.�,::_r
<br /> s , - �r,� paragraph l7. Borrower's cavenants and agrccmcnts shall be .joint :uid seveeal. Any Borrower who ca-signs this Security
<br /> ;�`���;,:;�'.'.- t' '`• Instrument but dacs not cxecute thc Note: (a) i�co-si nin this Sccurit Instrument onl to mort a c, rant and conve that N.�=
<br /> .;.,., ' ,�,:. � S Y Y �S S Y ��
<br /> ��r�:;;;"�:;:.�::�... �orrower's interest in thc Propetty under thc tcrms of tl�is Security Instrumenr,(b) is not personally obligatcd to pay thc sums -- -
<br /> -�''�''t���"f • secured b this Securit instrumenr and(c)a rees that Lcnder and an othcr Borrowcr ma a�rcc ta extend,modif forbear or -
<br /> _:_�:-:_ :_• . Y Y S Y Y'b Y. =
<br /> �*� :�:.,.;� ,
<br />-.�•" ; � : .�,ti• makc any accommodations with regard to thc tcrn�s uf ehis Sccurit}�Instrumcnt or thc Notc without Qiut Burro�vcr's conscnt. `- ��-"{
<br /> -_:.;;;�'°;;." �.,;�.�
<br /> 13. Loan Charges.If the lo:in securcd by this Sec:urity Instrument is subjcct to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> y,`�,- and that taw is finally int�rpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be coUectecf in wnnection �vith the = _
<br /> - "�'`:, loan exceed the erniitted lirnits, then: (a)un �ucl�loanchar�e shall be reduced b the amount necessa to ruiuce the chur e
<br /> =y'�4::- � ,•�- P Y b Y rY �
<br />