Laserfiche WebLink
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'. � ��...�..�_ " .. <br /> -_ .__=_rillf�i_...___..��. _ ._...�_r . __-....___ _ <br /> "-'.�;�..��� . ., .. <br />---:-�F.,���:�� 1,9 5--� �na.��� . . <br /> -y�� 17.Transtcr o!Ihe Nropeny or n Ilcneficl�il Intcrest in l�nrrn«•er. If aU or any part nf thc Propcny or nny intcrest in it <br /> ��� �' is snld or transfctmd(nr if n heneliriul intcrc�t in F3urn�wer i�,,n1�1 or tranrfcrrcJ und I3urrrnv��r iti not a natural pertiun)witliuut <br /> _� Lcnder's priar written cunscnt. I.cndcr may, at its nptiun. rcquirc immcJi.itc paymcnt in tull oi all .runty ,ccurcd I�y ihi, „ , '- <br />�A�$--,,-� Sccurity lnstrumcnt. Howcvcr, this t�ptintt shall not bc cxcrciscd hy Lcnder if cxcrcisc��prohibitcd by fcdcral la�v ati uf thc dulc • , •r:�.�: <br /> uf�his Sccuriry Instrumcnt. <br /> _��� If[,cnder cxcrciscs this nption, Lcndcr�;hull givc Borru�vcr noticc of'acrcicratinn. Thc nuticc shall proviJc a perioJ af nut — <br /> �����;� less than 30 days from thc datc thc noticc is Jclivcrul or n�ailcd within which Bi�rrowcr nwst puy all SUI111 hccu�cd hy this <br /> �- o�,��,■ Sccu�ity Instrumcnt. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior�o the cxpiration uf this period. Lcnder mxy� im•okc a�ry remcdics , <br /> ��"'°`'��''�"`��`�' permittcd by this Sccurity Instrument without further natice or dcmand nn Borrower. -___ <br /> � ��'"� 18. Rorrower's Right to Rettutate. If Borrower mcets certain conditiom. Horrawer �hall have thc right tu I�uv�: ,� : <br /> �' ��� enforcement of this Securiry Instrumcnt discontinucd at any timc prinr to thc earlier uf: la) S days (or ,uch ��ther peri�sd ,ts , ,� <br /> t%�`-'� a l�cable la�v ma s cif far reinstatement) bcfore salc o(thc Property pursuant to any power uf�ale rontaincd in this � _ <br />:'�s:.�'��;.„�, PP� ' Y •P�' Y � , . - <br />°=��^-���. Sccuriry Instrument:or(b)en:ry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Those cnnditions are[hut Borrower. (a)pa��s , . . -- <br />--�=��� Lender all sums which then would be due under this Securiq�[nstrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred: (b) � , _ � � <br /> _ . �:•, <br /> 'r- - -- ��._C'�-'-'_._ <br /> ���-,narsr...� cures �ny default of any othei•caven:uits nr agreements; (c) pays aU expenses incurred ire enforcing this Security Instrument. :a_ _ - <br /> —"'..:W."�':'�`�� includin�*, but not limited tn, reasonable attorncys' fces: and(d) takes such action�.s Lender muy reasonably requ�re ta assure � . �`:,.;�-��.-� <br /> ._rr�--- <br /> .,�,:��,;'','�' tl�ut the lien of this Sccurity instniment. Lender's righ[s in Ihe Property and Borrower's ubli�ation to pay thc sums secureJ by _ a _:_.. _ <br /> �:,� .a� this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatemettt by Borrower, this Secunty lnstrument :md the j n <br /> ;"•��'�'�.`.��`. obligations secured hereby shall remsin fully effective as if no acceleration had oc.urred. Ho���ever,this riaht to reinstate shull _ _ <br /> +.�.; •� ..y not a I m thc clse o f accc lcration un dcr paragrup h 1 7. ''�'---- <br /> PP Y '•""y..r f.-„-. <br /> '-;,;�:�•._�, 19. Snle oP Note; Chan�e of [.oan Servicer. Thc Note or a partial �nterest in the Note (togc�her with this Sccurity ,;��."._;"..:-�' <br /> "- _� Instntmenq may be soid une or mure timea witi�out priur nuii�c t.,�..r�c�wt�. ...�...�::ia,sesult in a c4�xnoe in the entiry(known '._1�F-� __ <br />'r� „. �' as the"Loan 5ervicer") that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this 5ecurity Instrument.There also msy be one �^�:. ' :':1�1��,�— <br />-:';` • . '� or mare changes of the I.aan Servicer unrelared to a sale of the Naite. If there is a chan�e�f c3�e l.oun Servicer,Borro�ver will be •"�•Etti;:.`_`~ <br /> -, ,��skw given written notice of the chan�;e in accordance with paragraph 14 abnve and applicable la�v. The notice will state the name and �•+r�•:o_;-�� <br /> �_`�.y,� ,�4 address uf the new Loan Ssrvicer and the address tn which payments should be made.T'he notice will also contain any uther y. <br />_ • , infu�•mation requircd by applicablc I�w. �'L��`- _ <br /> - 20. Huznrdous Substances. Borrowcr shaU not caus�or pem�it thc presenc�, u.c, disposul, stnrage, or rcicase of any ;•;° - :.���__ <br /> �V`` s ' Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone clse to do, anything aflecting the -- <br /> ,_e' �: �- ' � •:^.. ^c•...•. �^:'::�^!Y,^^rg! i:iw. Th�nrececiin¢ two sen[Cnces shull tlot :lpplY to the presence, use,or �-a^._.�-- <br /> �.:. •,: Ru�iiy ivai i5 u� ��;,.�.�.,,�.,� ...., ---_--- <br /> •>� . � storage on the Property of smnll quantitics at'Haiardous 3ubstlnces that urc gencrally recogniud tn be upproprinte tu normal _ `,� <br /> �'• residcntial uses and to r�iaintenance of the Property. 'ij'y <br /> • � Borrower shall ps�mpdy give L.ender written n�tice of any investigatic�n.claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any ��:�' <br /> � .,: 't,;�.�;. <br /> � ' ;��;�;;.. governmental or regulatory agency or private pany involving the Properry und:uiy Hazardaus Substance or Environmental Law . <br /> ;•5 .� of which Ban•o�ver has actual knowledgc. If Barrower leams,or is notified by any govcrnmental or regulatory authority, that ?f';.,; <br />-' ± "' "t�"" � any removul or other remediation of any Ha•rardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, eonower sh�ll promptly take <br />. .�•,�;�a>?a��Mi �t�+ _ <br />:1,,,�•h�;,,,:lr._' all necessary remedi�l actions in accordance vrith 6nvironmental Law. <br />-^'_r��..�.r,, . �ip-!- <br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "Harardous Substances"are those substances deFned as toxic or n;�ardous szbstances by '�• tr � <br /> ""��.��`"' � Environmental Law and the followine substances: gasoline, kerosene. other flanunable or tuxic petroleun� products, toxic �• W, <br /> .,�::1..�,rq;y,to- �� ` :•.'}: <br /> _ T.�,,,;,,�„� pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials conwining asbestos or formaldchyde,and radioactive materials.As used in ;� ��..� <br /> u • • .K•.: this parrgr.tptt 20. "Environmental Law" ntcans t'cderal I�ws and laws af the jurisJirtion whcre the Property is located that �,.�.��,- �� <br /> F- •�-M� �. rclate to hcalth,safcty or cnvironmental protection. Y_+f� . �"- <br />