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. ._ , ._r • � .- _ � - - <br /> . . :,,u: �' . .. , , . . <br /> • - �d.�* . <br /> ' ` . <br /> • _ .. _ oiY� I ... • ' , . .. . ,. .p._..YfY�'�l�- - .. <br /> -. " . r�.� ..�. .�*.4a�.��H. . . _ � .. . . �3 . .. �. .y��\ - <br /> �:'q'R1CR�[.T�T1�T"'..f�!-���..... ... 1 . .1. - . . •� . .. .. }j . . . S�- . <br /> - t` . . . - . 7� . . ' .. i . .. <br /> ' . - .. " .. ,. <br /> '� •, <br /> . <br /> ' .at_.�.. .:.. ...-'"'..�.. ., <br /> �.:..,�:_,�,' ;-.� (,95�. �.c�:��v3 - <br /> •=r���, :• ' �'� . S. Hazad or PeoateiYy Insurance. Hnrruwcr shall kcep thc improvcmcnts now exist�ng ��n c�rc;iftcr erected un thc ' <br /> -`_;�xc;�;:;�_;� Propeny insured agninst loss hy fire, hai;irds includcd within thc tcrm "cxtendcd covcra�c'and any other h;uards, including � •'�i�; <br /> -�-�s��•`"' , flonds or Ilo��ding, for which I,cndcr rcyuires intiurancc. This inwrnncc shull hc m.►intaincd in thc unwunt�;md for thc pericxls <br /> "��� .�'..j:. . .. that lw:u�t�r r:yui:e+. Tlie in,ur�mre carn�r prmtduig the insuranrc,hxll be rho,cn hy Biirrower tiuhject to L�:nder'ti approvul . . �L�� <br /> i��'°�:..,` which shnll not be unrc:ironubly withhcld. If'Borrc�wcr failti to maintain cuvcrage Jc.cribcJ ubove. I.cnder may, at Lcndcr's - -- <br /> _::-�; <br />-___...�;�>:�' r „ � .�= ...� <br /> -_'�'r� .'. �' . i�ption.ubtain covcragc to protcrt Lrndcr'ti right.r in thc Pruperty in uccurdancc with paragraph 7. <br /> , r�'4 �.r,�q,`.".'� , All insunncc�x�licics and rencwal� shall hc acrcptablc w Lendcr and ,hall incluJc :i,iatndarJ mort a � clausc. l.cndcr .� `r'�`� '� <br /> � �•�,, � . .��n�: <br /> -5'-.�'� - shaQ havc thc right to hold thc�I+cics and rencwals. If I.cndcr rrquires. I3orrrnvcr shall pr<�mptly�i�-c to L.cnJcr all rcccipts of ��''Y` <br /> _�r: ��'' : • . ,�t. <br /> h::,, paid premiwns and rencwal nutices. In the event uf loss,8orre�wer shall �ivc prompt notice to the insurance carri�r and l.ender. ' J `��'�"'��� <br /> ,��.; <br /> . ,d;=' ' .'i; ^' l.endcr may makc proof uf lutis if not made pramptly by Horrower. ' , ' • � *..°,; ��,•-: <br /> Unless Lcnder and B�rrower atherwise u� S� "� "'�=;'����".�� <br /> = • „`''� � � bree in writing, insur.uicc procecds shall bc applicd to resta�ation or repair of the � •�� +•• +�-:� <br /> • Proporty dam��gecl, if the restoi•ation ur repuir is economically featiiblc nnd i.�:nder's security� i�not le�sened. If the restoration or �''' '., '1 ��'���vz�:•.� <br /> ' ° °.I,r. r1-ri11'ak�cn:,�c-_ <br /> - . rcpair is not ecan�� fwsible ur I.cnd4r'�scrurity would bc Icsscned,thc insurance procecds shall bc applied ro the sums �' �r�c,y,•���=i <br /> :.,. _,.';�,�, �, i�.=-.-���.�..��.,��� <br /> � ••�% �• secured by this Securiry [nstrmnent, whether or nol then due, with any excess paid to Bortower. If 14on•ower aband�ns the ;' '•'''��-��v- <br /> :�:���.� <br /> s;..' '�r�l� �..��' Pro crt o --- <br />_:��_ � .��'; p y, r does n�x unswer within 30 days u notic� from Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to setde a claim. then <br /> '�?. �:t'._ Lende: may caUeet the insurunee proccecis. I.ender maq use the proceedc ro repair or restore the Pro ert or to � - <br /> - P Y Pay swns - <br /> secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due. The 30-duy period will begin when the notice is given. "'s�" <br /> Unleu Lender and Aorcower othenvise agree in writing, any npplication of proceeds to principal shall not extvn� or � -- - <br /> postpone thc efue dAte oi the monthly payrt,ents rofcrrcd ro in paragtaphs I and 2 or rtiangc t he amount of the payments. If .;�x;Y"`�--_. <br /> ,�,'. .. . �" ,:_.,:�_ <br /> - - undcr paragrrph 21 thc Property is acquired by Lender, Borrowcr's right to any insurancc�olicies ctnd pracceds�csultin� from <br /> � �..: <br /> _��^ damav� m thc Propert,p q ... . y y p..;,.�_�_ <br /> rior to thc ac u�ti�uon shall pas;to L,�,;�1r, tu thc cxicnt uf the sunts saurcd b this 5ecurit Instrument �s.:�' <br />