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<br /> ib. YAXE3 AfdD A89E:130.lHN'P8. (3runtor ohall pay nll tnKOn nntl nsoonarnonta rclnUnp to I'roporty ��hon duo o�J I�mcdlatcly provtdo Londc,r i #
<br /> widonc�ni Nsyrnent of eame. Upon t7�e requoot ot lsndot,(3rentor ehall dopoeit with Londer oach month ono•twellth (1/12)of tho oatimntccl annuel ' •'' -
<br /> ' Inaurance pamlum,t�xso and asseeemenri pertr+inlnp ro ths Property. So lonp ee thue Is no default,theae emounte ah�ll be applled ta tha pnyment l.�'.�
<br /> " of tex�o,eae�s�m�nte 4nd Insurance ae reqwnd on the Propsny. fn ths event o1 dsl�ult,Und�r eh�ll hsw th�rlpht,st Ite sol�op�lon,to�pply the � -Tt
<br /> funde eo h�!d to psy any texaa or epelnet the Ohligetione. My tunde eppll�d mny.at Lond�r'e optlon,b�sppll�d In r�vtruo ordu o1 tha duo dat� I
<br /> • th�nof. �'�.
<br /> 16. INSPECTiqtl OP PROPEi�lY,BOOK9,RECOR08 AND REPORTB. Ormtar thall allow Und�r or ita tpente to eximin��nd Intp�ct th� �. �.�,,
<br /> Proporty and exunino,inspea!and mnke coples of Rrentor'a booke nnd recorde pertalninp to the Pro�erry trom tlme to tlme. Orantor ehell provide �.-y�
<br /> � any uttatanc�nquirsd by Laredor for lheso purposcc. Ail ot tAo slpnnturaa and Informntion contn nod In Qmntor'�bookn artd rorordn ehall be
<br />- ° �� I p�nufn�, trw, �ccurat� and compl�te In au nap�cts. (irnntor ehUl not�th��xlstmc�of L�nder'e bensficlal Int�ns! In Its hook�and r�corda � �� y`,'�'�,�,5
<br /> J p�rtltlnlnp to th�Prep�rty. Additionally,f3ranto►eh�ll report,In e torm s�tisfectory to Unde�,euch In}ormation se Und�r may nqwst nperding � �'�'
<br /> Qoantor'e 41n�nclal condlUon or the Property. Th�infarmation ahall be for auch poriods.ehnll refiect Orentor's recorde et auch tim�,and nhali ho � .
<br />_ - nndend wim wch frequancy as Lender may detlflnaN. ai Iniormetlon turnished by Grentar to I.onder ehaii be tmn,accura4s end complete In nll I ;��
<br />_ �- rsap�cta,anQ�lpned by f�rantor if Lender nqwsb. I ,
<br /> r
<br /> 17. CBTOPPGL CERTIFICATE3. wthln tsn(10)daya after ony requost by I.onder,f3rantor shall dalivar to Lendsr,or any Intended trnnnferna�f
<br /> � Lsnder'�rlphta wtth reapect to tha Obiipations,s sipned and acknowledpod etatement spxftyinp(a)the outetandlnp balmce on thn Oblltiatiann;and �'�
<br /> (b)v?�athxr�:antor po.sessoa nny clslme,detenaea,setafta or countarclnima with retpecl to thn Obllpatlone and,if so,thn nntur�ot nunh citfmn,
<br /> defenaa,tIt-0Na or counterelalme. Grentor wlli 6e eonGuctvely bounA by any repreHntntion thnt l.onqer may mak�to tho Intnnded trennier�e with , •
<br /> rea{�eCt to these mnttere tn the event that Ornntot falls to provlde the requotted ttatement In a timeiy menner. � , .
<br /> ie. �EFAU6T. (irentor shAll be In default undor this Daed o}Tru�t and the Tructee's power ahail become operANvo►n 1hn ovont thnt(3rantor,
<br /> �. Borto�rer or nny guNantar of the Obli�t►tionfl:
<br />_ (a)falis ta puy any ObiiguUon to Londor whE�n duo; ,
<br /> f _ (b) falls to pertortn sny 0411pntlon or btoaches any warranty or covonant ta Londor contained In thio Qoed of Trust or any other procant nr futuro i ;
<br /> _� • �. , apreemen4;
<br />�-� +� (o)d�atroya,lowa or damt►Doa tho Propeny In any materlal reapect or aubJcct4 thn Property to selzuro,confiscatlon,or condemnatian; I r
<br /> {d) sesks to r:vaka,tarminato or othenrlse limit Ite Iltu►Ility undor any puc►ranty to l�nder. � . u:.'�`
<br /> � .i (e) diea,becomoa lagnlly incompAtent,Is diasotved or terminated,becomes Insolvs�nt,makea an aflsignment for the beneflt o1 creditore,falis to � __
<br /> vs
<br /> � pey d�bts 4�they bncome due,Hles a poUtlon und�r th�fedsral bankruptcy iswa,hue en Involunt�ry peUtion In bunkruptcy tfted In which Grantor, �
<br /> � ' �� Borcownr ot any guarantor la nemed,or hns properry taken under eny writ or prooeas of court; ",
<br />� , " . (t) allowa�ooda to be used,transportad or storod on the PropeAy,the poasesslon,trensportetion,or use of whlch,Is Illepal; �
<br /> l+_�� (g) a��pws any party uthsr than Grantor or Borrower to assums or und�rtake any Oblieatlon without thb written consent ot Lsndet;or � -�
<br /> v- � " � (h) causea Lender to dsem itself insecuro due to n sipniticant aecnne�n tne vatue of u�e Propeny;or if Lendsr,in good farth,for any reason, � • _
<br />-. bellsws thet the proapnct of peyment or performc�nce Is Inipnired. �
<br /> 19. RI6HT8 OF LENDER ON DEFAULT. It there is a defauit under thla Deed of 7rust,U�nder shall bs entitlsd to exerclse one or mors of ths �;,:,.�
<br /> foilowinp nm�di�s wfthout noUcs or demand(except aa required by Iaw): ���r
<br /> �� (n)to declero the Oblipatione ImmeAletely due and pnyable In full: . •'�"
<br /> ' (b) to coll�ot ths outaffindinp Obligations with or without resortfng to judiclal process; ,�°' _
<br /> " , (o) to i�equlre Ornntor to deliver and make uvailable to Londer any personai property or Chatteie constituNng tha Property at a ptece nesonabiy -i�;.'.--
<br /> convenlent to Orantor and Lender; � �
<br /> _ _ (d) to enter upon and tako possesslon of the Property without appiying for or obtalnlnp the eppointment of a roceiv�r and,at Lender's option,to � ;;��_ ,
<br /> `'° --- —= ePpomt a roceivor wi[houi bond,witnoui iiioi`uii��y�li�y a�it�si���::$��•^.-�=••'!!!m�f n(hwr4ulaw mw�tln�anv Matutorv conditlons resudino "'�4
<br /> � receivers,it being Intendod that Lender shall have thls contractual right to sppolnt a receiver; '�
<br />- : t?,.;:;�„ (e) to employ a�Ive the ren��i c mea,Issues end profits of he Property'and appty the samo,efter payment otf ell necsssary harpss and r-,s
<br /> arentor,and
<br />- ' � ezpensea,on sccount of the Obilgatlone: '
<br /> � (�to pay any sume In any form or manner deemed expedient by Lender to protect the security of this Deed of Trust or to cure sny default other ,
<br /> ttian payment of Intereat or princlpal on the Obilflatlons; '�._
<br /> • (g) to torectoae this Deed ot Truat Judlclally or nonJudiclally end to direct the sale of the property through exsrGs�of ths power of ealo an 4�� �,
<br />_, roterenCSd In parapraph 20 horeof In acccordonce with applicabie law; �: �'��
<br /> �••� (h)to s�t�oft Grantor's Obilgatlons aDalnat any amou�ts owed Grantor by lrnaer Including,but not Ilmited to,monles.Inatrumanm,and depoait �; .
<br /> ' • ' accounts malntnined with Lender or any currently exiating or future affillate of Lender;and
<br /> :��� (1)to sxsrclas nil othsr rlyhte evaliabls to Lsnder undsr any other written apreement or applicoble law. :
<br /> ' Lender's�tphte ars cumuletfve and may be ex�rcised topether,separately,and In eny order. In the event that Lender inatitutes an actlon saekinD tho �'„
<br />- rocovery ot eny of tho Proporty by way of a projudyment remedy in an actinn against Grantor.Orantor wefves the po�tinp of any bond whlch mipht .
<br /> othervviae be required. Lender or Lendor's d�sipnee may purchase the Property at any eale. Procaods nf any Trustee's sate hereunder shall be ' Y � �:-••
<br /> applied tlret,to the cosb nnd expenses of exercielng ths power of seie and of ths eale.InGudiny tho psyment ot ths Truate�'s isYO ectuWlY incurc�d ,a�!�.�%�.
<br />- and not to exceed the amount whlch may be provided tor In thla Desd of Trust,eacond,to payment of the Oblipetlona escursd h�r�by,thlyd,to th� .�;�,. �:_,�_�
<br /> payment ot Junior trust desda,mortganee,or other Nenholdero,nnd the baiance,if any,to ths psrson or persons Iepaily entiUW thereto.Th�property �;, :��u__ _
<br /> � � or any part thtrwt may be eold In ons arcel, or In auoh pnrata,mannmr or order ae lendsr In ito sols discnUon ma eisct,snd one or mon �`�•�� ,
<br /> ._�'f.,,.', p y �" v„�r, �z�r
<br /> exercls�s of tha power h�roin prantod shall not exGnpuieh or exhaust the power untsa+the entl►e property la sold or ths oblipatlons ars paid n tull.
<br /> - 20. TRUSTEE'$E7(ERCISE OF POYYER OF SALE ON DEFAULT: Upon dafauR by Oranror in payment of any Obllpationa secured hsroby,L.ender � •, �`�
<br /> '` may d�ctan ail suma e�curW hsnby Immsdintsly due and payable and ahall cause to bs filsd of record a written notice of de}autt and Nection to eeil '+',:':�;,
<br /> .' the Property. After ths tapse of auch time es then may be requtred by law following recordation ot auch noNce of default,and uotice of eale havinp '�i�1, '�
<br /> boen phran u then required by Inw,Trustee,without demand on Grantor,ehall seli such propeRy,eithar ae e whoie or in separate Parcels,und in such ;,,� ,�+��
<br />� • � '�, '� order a�it or Isnd�r may dstermin�at public auctlon to the hiqhest�tdder. Truatee may postpone tho¢nle of ail or any portlon of ths Properry by •; - = ,;�;.
<br />"� ��•, ; � publlo ennounc�msnt at the time end place of eale,and from time to dmo thereafter may postpone tho sale by publlo announcement at the time and ''�� � �
<br /> � ' . .- piace 11xed by ths prsceding poatponemetrt. Truatee ehall deliver to such purchassr Ita deed conve yine tho properly,or portion theroof,so soid,but �"�� . '�.
<br /> — wfthout a�y eovenant or warrenty,expreea or Implled. The redtals In sueh de�d of nny mettets of faet or otherwise shnll 6e conclusivo proof of the _ �
<br /> truthtulndsa thereof. Any person,includinp Cirantor,Truetee or Lender,may purchnse et such asle.
<br /> 21. REQUEST FOR NOTICEg: Orentor requeats thnt a copy of nny notice ot defeult and a copy af any notica of sale hereundsr be mailed to each
<br /> � pereon who fs e party hereto at the eddreas o}such parson set torth hereln at the eame tlme und In the aame mnnner requlred na thaagh a separate :
<br /> rsqu�at th�u►of h�d Wen filsd by e�ch such person.
<br /> � ?3. SECURITY IHTEREST 7NOER THE UNIFOHM COMi1AERC1Al.CODE. fiia Deed of Truat ehell bs consld�rod e financln stot�mmt end a � �
<br /> -.. tixture filinp purouant to the provislons of the Uniform Commercial Code(as adopted In the stato whoro the real property Is located�coverinp fixturos, :
<br /> • chattels,end artfctes of personal ptopnrry now owne�i or heroatter attached to or to be usod in conneotion wlth the Property topother with any nnd all
<br />_•�� replecements thereof and additione thereta(the'Chattels'�,and Grantor hereby grente Lendar e sea�rity Interest in such Chat4els. The debtor Is the ,
<br /> , Grantor deecribed above. The ser.ured party Is tho Landor described above. Upon demand, Orentor shall meke,ouecute and deliver¢uch security ,
<br /> eyreemente(as avch term Ia dstined in sald Unitorm Commerclal Codey as Lender at any Ume may deem necessary or proper or requlred to grant to i
<br /> � Lender a penc�t�d sscurity Intsreat In the Chattel9,and upon Orantor's tailure ta do ao.Lender Is authotlxed to sipn any such apreement as tho agent ,
<br />-��' of Grarr3or. Grantor h�nby nuthorit�s Und�r to fii�finnncinp etetsmsnte(an such t�rm Is dsHn�d In eeild Unifonn Commerclai Codo)with respoot to ; . ,:�
<br /> the OLattsls,at any tims,wfthout th�cignaturo of Grantor. Grantor will,however,at any tlm�upon requost of Lender,sipn such finenoing statemonte. i ..;�. ,.•
<br /> =� Grantor wlli pay all tilinp feas tor the tilinp of such financiny etetemcnts and for the refitinp thereof at the times requlred,In the opinion ot lsndor,by , •� .
<br />� said Uniform Commerdal Cods. R the Ilen ot thla Deed of Trust be subJect to any securtty ayreement coverinp the C�aftels,then in ths event oi any �
<br /> detault under this Deed ot Trust,all the riqht.Utte and Interest of Grantor In and to any end aN of the Chattels Is hereby assigned to Lender,topether i
<br /> with the b�nefit of eny deposits or paymsnts now or hereafter mads thereof by Grantor or the�redecessom or successore In tkle of Grantor In tho -
<br />'= ProMdY•
<br /> �;j� 23. REIIMBURBEMENT 0�AINOUNTS EXPENDEO BY LENDER. Lender,at Lsnder's option,may onpond fundn pnctudln�attomeys'teos and Iegal
<br /> . __.___..,__���_�.,_....n...............�..�..a.�rn..Anhf nr rom�dv e}l wndat undot this D�� of Trual. Unon damand.
<br /> _ ---- enpenavsj ivp��"�- m siry avi�oyunw.v w.a...�...�...o��............._._.__.,..o..._... . __, .
<br /> Grantor ahall immediately refmburse Lender for ell such amounta expendod by Lender together wiih intorest thoreon at the lower of the hlghest rate
<br /> 'I�_... _ ., dsacribed In nny ObIlgaUon or the highest rete all�wed by iaw from the dats of paymont untll the date of relmbursement. Thess suma shali be
<br />� �- -� Inciuded In the deflnition ot Wllpettona horein ancl annll be socuron by mo cenoiiaei mierost pranted herein. ii the Obliyatio�is e�o paiu atter tne
<br /> b�gInning of publfcaUon o}notice of sal�,as henin provided,or In ths event Lendor shali, at ita sole option,permft Grantor to pay nny part ot the
<br />�1 pYilpntione nfter the bepfnninp ot publlcation ot notice o}sale,es hereln provided,then,Grantor shall pay on demand ati expenaes Incurred by the
<br /> Trustee And Londer In connectton wlth aald publlcatlon,Including roasonable eHorneys'tees to the attomeys tor the Trustee end tor the Lender,and e
<br /> ���c reasonable fse to ths Trustee,and thls De�d of Truot shall be security for all sush a�cpenaes and tees.
<br /> c iE . Y4, �pp�,��T10H OF PAYMENTS. AJI payments mads by or on behall of Orantor may bo applled agalnat tMe amounte pafd by Lender(Inciuding
<br /> .. nttomeya'lees nnd t�pd expans�e)in cunnectlon with the exsrclse of Its�Ighte or remedles described fn thle Deed of Truat nnd then to the payment
<br /> of th�nmalninp ObIlpaUona In whu�vor ord�r Lendtr chouses.
<br /> - 2a. POWER OF ATTORNHY. t3nntor hereby eppolnta Lender ao fta ettorney-1n•fact to endorse (3rantor's name on ali i�atrumente and other
<br /> 1�- documenta pertulnlnp to tlie Obtlpetlona or Dasd of Truat. In additton.Lender ohall he entltled,but not requfred,to pertarm any actfon or executo anY
<br /> documsnt r�qutrsd to be tak�n or executsd by arantor under thls Oeed ol TruM. Lender's pertormance ot auch action or executton ol such
<br /> doa�me�ta ehdl not relisva Orantor from any Obllgation or curo eny defauit under thls Qsed ot 7ruat. All pov�ere o}attorney�deacribed In thls Deed of
<br /> Trust�n couplod with�n Int�nst�nd an Irrevoc�bl�.
<br /> -� 26. SUBAQ(iATiQN OF LENDEN. l.�nd�r ehall ba subropated to the rldhtn of ths holder ot any prsvloun Ilen,securfty Interest or encumb�ance
<br /> � A� dlseh�rg�d witA tunds�dvanc�d by L�nd�r ngardl�se ot wh�th�r thst�Il�ns,securiry Intsreats or other encumhrances have besn releasod of record.
<br /> i ' .
<br /> ~ IPNESNC 1�FptmAllon Tet�nOlpAieL Int.11/1618�) 18W�817-37f19 _ Papo�of 5�� �• '��• .. I
<br /> �
<br />