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<br /> GQl.I.�GTtpt9 CL►S`tJ. TB tho extent ptrmlt;aU by la•a,Qrnntar¢yraa3 to pou I:endor'e reasonebin teas and oosto,Inctuding,bu4 noi Ilmlted to,
<br /> f.aex rnd easia c�1 t!!tarn�aya nnd otyer e3=nte pnc'u61n[�wlCiaui Iln�lt,ticn p�rel�p�la,clsdro end c�n2ultcmo),�:�hoth�r or not euch nttore�ey�rngent la
<br />- nn or��pt�yaa e1 Le:�Uu, whIC�T W�lncurtsd by t�nd¢t In eoll�ctinp nny emount dua or�n(arclnp any tl�yht or remed�und�r thh P)aid o1 Yruot,
<br /> tivhCM!r ar no!Euit 19 brau�ht,trtsludlnp,kut nat!United to,EA 4t9�E.!'td r.one Incurred on cp�seal,In ban.crup;cy,and far post•�udpmRn�colt�atic�n
<br /> •otlan�.
<br /> �. PAlITIN.pKl.IEME. Lrncl�r m�y r�l�aM Itn int�r�„In a poAEon ot th�Property by�x�cutlrtp u�d recortllnp on�or more Pwrtl�l U�d�q}
<br /> Fi�oamn�y�na wNhout aM�ctlnp lu Int�ntl in ths Pemvrtln��ortlon af th�Pro�rtyr, Nothlnp h�rNn�h�il ls�doem�d to obl{g�'t�L�ndw ta raN�a� •
<br />- �ny of IN InUr�ft ln tM Prt�rty(�xapt u r�qulryd und�r Pu�praph 3B),na eh�ll Und�r 6�obi{pat�d to r�i�u�eny part ot th�Prep�rty II(;ru�tor
<br /> U M dNiWl w�Nr thb DNd M 7ro�1. Th�I{m srni In�n�t cra�Md by tM Owd of Trun r�rr►Wn In af(�ct with n�p�ot M tha4 po�of th�
<br /> propMty,a�d�fin�d In tM ONd of T�uh,th�f I�not th�wb of thl�or�ny ParNd D�d of f�convoya�na
<br /> P'!�. �F!�!tt�lr!,71ttt�A!!�!!'".StfE�l. 7h�modlRr_rion nr e:�i::r bf cny ot Gcntor'a Oh!I�y::tlnns or Lcnd:r'a rlahta und:r i71�0;,;.d o4 1[ru�i nw�!E�a
<br /> oonWn�d In�wrWnp n�d by UnMr. Und�r m�y �ny ot Borrow�r'�or tir�ntoP�Abiipaticm,dN�y or tail t��x�rclN my of i�dQhb or ��
<br /> �M Wyrr�n«��+u�a u►ya►�oth�r than antor wHtwut cauWn��walwr o}tfioN Ob1�p�Uon�or r1�hh. A walwr on on�oxa��on�hail �
<br /> not a�ntdtuM a watwr un my otMr oocaWon. Cinnror'�Obl1pHbn�unWr thl�Dwd of Trun�h�ll not b�aH�£id I}l�ndor am��,canpromis�o, •
<br /> �xch�np�e,IWO to uarciM Impdrs or tsl�aN�uny o!tho 06Np�tlons bNonpiny to�ny Qrantor,Bortowlr or third psrty or any of lts�y?tb�pNntt I
<br /> �u►y(iranfor,Bortownx or th�rd p�rty or any of tM Prop�rty. UnclN'�f�liun ta InfIH upon�trict p�rtorm�np of�ny o}the ObIlpMions�hW not be `. :
<br /> dNm�d�wWwr uW I.�nd�r�hul haw M�ri�ht at any Umo tt►1re�tNr to InWn upon str(q p�Aarm�np. r �.
<br /> 9Q. Sl1Ql�TITIJT!1'NU��El. In cas�of tM dqth,LnM�Rf�y,rotu�al to ect ot abcena of tlu TrustM irom M��ut�wlHU th�rorl prop�rty fi IacatW �
<br /> or In caw f!w hoid�r of t!w pb1{�atfon�rhdl cf►�irn ft�r�ny��on to ramow th�Tnine�or�ny eu6nttute truatM u tru�tas hKainder and to yrpatnt �
<br /> n nevl ttuslee In hts p:sa an�s»ad,t�.s hoS�sr c►1 tf�A Qbly�i{ano la harsby pranted fiiUpowsr ta oppolnt In wripny o cubcUtute t�uotea wr uAW ,.���_
<br /> Trori�.u�d tM wbstlhit�trusb��h�il,wMn aoDOlr�lbtl h�oom��ucasar to sll riphti o1 Trustai hernunq�r and M�a�m��hall h�oome w�tW In ,i:-.-.
<br /> him tor th�purpoa��nd obHcts o}thi�Dwd ot-7ru�t wit�i+NI tha pow�r,duNn and o61lfl�11one hnrMn oonte�red on th�TruatN. �.:.ti
<br /> 31. SIICCESliORB AND AlSKilt� Thlr DMd ot Truri�hsll b�bindlnp upon and Inure to the b�nMd of(irentor and Lsnder and thNr n+p�ctiw ,�:
<br /> �+�ooN�on,u�tyn�,trustat,r�ahNn,�dminlstrator�,puson�l ropr�wn3ttivoa,ll+gAtcae and der�lssea. ° -
<br /> 9Z liQ71CFA. EKO�pt as othKwlq rpuind by Itw,anY notia or oth�r wmmtmt�4flon tn b�provirf�d und�r Mb DNd of Truft oh�ll b�In wdtiny g`�;_._
<br /> �nd wr►t t�o tM putih at iM addrtss��de�ccitrid in thle DNd ot Tru�t or cu„-fi other adcla��aa th�putla�may d�Wpn�ty In wdpn�Irom tlm�ta �;�y�:
<br /> Hm�. My wch mtk�w pIwn and Mnt by firot�G�m�il,patap�pnp�id,ehwll l»dNm�d piwn th��aAbr of lhrN(3)d�ys afhr eue3�noYin�ie
<br /> sent a whsn r�alwd by tha p�non to whom wch naUa la bNny piwn.
<br /> �3. SEIIERASILi11f. NIM►fnwst{wssiblo,eaCh provlalon of thi�Deed of Truat shall be interpreted sa u to 6e ef(ective and valid urtder appiicabk [ss;?---
<br /> �aS�law. M any proviAan ol thb DNd of Trust vloi�ta tM Inv or b anmtorc�able,ths ro»o}ths DeW o}Trun ahall oanHnu�to b� vuld�nd �"
<br /> MtOf0��b1�. r'.••
<br /> 3*. APPLlCAIlLE LIIW. ThI�DNai o1 Trua nh�l b�powm«!by tha I�ws ot the etat�where the nN property Is tocatsd. Unkse applk�ble law �`�T�,
<br /> provWN afh�+wiw,f3nntcv oona�nts to ths Jurisdlotton and venue of eny caurt aelect�d by Lender,In its eoie dlacrotion,iocated In th�t efitn.
<br /> 3S. MISCELaAMEO1JS. afNtOt ttld LQfIdN�ie�thit dme b of th�ss�encs. Grantor waiwe peesentmant,demand for payment,noUa o!disAonor �.;a_�.
<br /> �nd orobat�xoe�p►a,�nauind by I�n!. A!!reterena�to(;r�ntot Irt tht��?e:�o}Tn!!t+_h�l1 InNude dl�+CRMlw e�nR!Rg bNO:�!. Ilth!M I�lRQfQthA1!Q!!� e`-;.T-
<br /> Gr�ritor,th�lr Oblipatlon's�hal; 6e joint and e�v�rd. Thia D�W o}Trust rspraaente the complete integrate�'undet6tendtng bstw�en Grent�x Qnd *:;�
<br /> LsnWr�rtalninp to tl»termi end candiUona h�root.
<br /> 3�. NO iHMD PAkiY RIQHT3. No pawn la or�Adl b�a thlyd party benaftciary of�ny provlslon o!thla Dsed of Troat. NI provlsions of thfa Ossd ot -
<br /> Tni�t In favor ot Lmd�r er�inhnd�d sol�iy fortha b�ne}it ot Lsnd�r,and no third sholl be entiited to�ssum�or sxpsct thet Lsndsr wll/not wafvs
<br /> w conNnt to th�modMicaHon W my proviilort of thts DNd of Trust,In l.�ndetb sol� Iactetion. �
<br /> 97. NHfStHVASitDFI OF lJAB9LfiV/iND PRIOFifiS/. Nfithout aNsctinp ths Ilauility of F3orrower,C�antor,or any puuantor of the Obtlpatlons ar a�y
<br /> oiMr p�rwn(�xapt�psr�on expns�ly nbassd In wddnp)for Ma payment and pedormance of tho Obllg�tiona,and without atkctlny the r{�hb ot �`
<br /> L,�t►Wr with asMoe to�ny Ro�rty not�xpr�u1y nNawd In wrlUny,�nd without impalting in any w�y th�pNoriry o}thfe Dssd of Truat ovsr the i_�
<br /> tnbtMt o}�ny wqulrW-a tirot evid�noNby reoordinp suh�quent to the recordinc�of thla Dsed of Trust Lerxlst may,eftl�er bNoro or afcer �=
<br /> tl»mat�+rky�Oblipallons,u�d without natlos or c�r►aent: rolesse�ny poroon Ilebto tar payment or pe�ormancs ot�II or�ny paR of ths i:-
<br /> t'i'oi'qauonr,m�in anyapr�m�nt atar�np ms t�rtm of pa t or pMOrtnance of ail or any part of th�0611p�donr exardw or rsfrYn lrom
<br /> exsrdti�p a wal�w �ny ripht or nm�dy th�t L�nd�r may�under ths Deed of Trust;e t rdddiontl e�curlty of an kind for ar�y ot the ='�-
<br /> Ob1lpaUono;or nl�ue a oth�rwl�d�tl wNh any rai or p�raonel propsrty escuring the Ob1lgaUo�ns. My peroon acqulrinD ar ioordiny wWmcy of -
<br /> any rnt�aa4 0}�ny natun In U��Prop�fry shwll be d�am�d,hy aoquirinp wch Interoet or rscording any evidena theraof,to htw conssnhed lo dl or ;�--
<br /> any sucPf actlone by t�ndsr. --
<br /> 3�. dEFFfrBANCE Upon tM paymerH�nd pertormpnce In full o}ell o!ffie 06llgatlons,lender wlll ex�cute and dslfver to(3nntor those documente �
<br /> that may b�nquirsd to�NNw thti M�d of 7rust ot noord. Grmtor shall bs re�poneibts M p�y eny caste o!reoordatlon. -
<br /> 3f. CQMS7HUCTWN LOA1�6. [�� Thla Deed ot T�u�t la a oonatruction mortp�under the UnHorm Cemmerdtl Cods,to eecurs m oMiyation '
<br /> fncurtsd tor th�oonstnktion of�n improvement on land,Induding the acqulsiUan coMS of land. Thle Deed of Trust exuros�conmucdon Iwn,and It
<br /> wiN b�wbJ�ct to th�t�rms of a oomuuctlon lo�n�pn�m�nt WlwMn fi��ntor and Lender. My mat�ia�,pulpm�nt or�Is�u�d or ht�nded for -�
<br /> uM in tM aonsUuctlon,dwNoprn�nt,a op�r�tbn of th�Prop�rty,whsM�r stond on or off th�Prop�rty,�hall dso b�aub to M�IH►n of thl�DNd -
<br /> of Tru�t. ---_
<br /> 40. YfA1VER OF HOMEa7EM AND OrifEq E1fFINPTIQNS. f3nantor hetehy waivee nll hombstead and other exemptlona In ths P�op�rty ro which --
<br /> Gr�ntor would offierwiee bs errtis!ed under anY appticabie Inw. �
<br /> UPON,TN19 DEED OFTRUST. --�--
<br /> 42 I�DDRWHALTERMS: �'.,�
<br /> C.-_��-•
<br /> TJE�a�r ."�'-�
<br /> , .�.:
<br /> ;:�
<br /> �•,».
<br /> �.
<br /> CiraMor acknowkdyaa that(irantar has road,underntend�,and agroes to the terma and con�Nons of thle Doad of TNSt,end ncknowledfles raoelpt ot
<br /> an exact copy of s�me. .
<br /> Datedthie_18th daYOi Febru�s� 1995 .".
<br /> GMNTGR: ��hY J. 8chi��r - - , Q�TO : Susan E. Schisss �
<br /> i'' . 'f
<br /> J• l �I �i / A{�
<br /> /���,•,�t�� ' `W �'/ls/��Y� �� (��:(-� Z'L lC' Y��7�i7y�L�V
<br /> Y u"�waa�� � .
<br /> GwwTOR: g�l�u �l. 9chiaowmt
<br /> u
<br /> GRAHTOH:
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<br /> G(WITOR: GIlANTOR: �
<br /> I
<br /> C
<br /> --------- -- --- -- --- --- - --•----- - -- .-.. �
<br /> GFiANTOR: GRMITOR: � .
<br /> ..--------�---- - - --
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<br /> icr�a��o a�r-amnewn r.ennowmn,«,c.��nefa►�s«A ai�aTeo e,�..o�o ; ,
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