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• ":lf���!� ��,- • . . .f�. � . <br /> . �. . ... . ��^.I <br /> ,�ei.yi_ <br /> •*� ����r� <br /> .�. . � .-k�r�. <br /> ..�.�.�n�;,.. , •�1�_ <br /> ! �; i�i'�-.^.'R'�1a - . ..... . ...._.""......... . .... ......... ... . . ..__'_"'" ' �r� <br /> .� ' ."__'"'� __��._�. �^_."'_'._'.'.'_..... .. ... ....._ ....... . ... . .. I <br /> . ` �� <br /> L�'-� <br /> . , I 4��' <br /> ��'1.��:�i��� ; ;� <br /> (d) �rnntor hn� to r p 1 nnd I9 duly outhorl:Cd to oxoCU4o ond porlorm Itn ObIIpAtIOnO undor thlo Uood ot TruCt nnd thoao nctlona do not ond • � �+'� <br /> ehail not contllct wlth the ptovislona ot uny atetute,repulation,ordlnance, rule of law,contraCt ur other oproemont which moy bo binding on .,�,� <br /> . �rantor at any time; � - <br /> (e) fVo actlon or procsedinp le or ehall be pending or throatened whlch mlpht mntadally ettect the Property,end , �:"= <br /> ;�:-, <br />- ' (f) Orantar hae not vlolated nnd ehn,l not vfolate nny ntatute,ropuletlon,ordlnance,rule of iaw,contrsct ar other aproement (Including,but not „ ,_�. <br /> � Ilmited to,thoas poverninp Hniardou�MaterlAls)whlch might meterlaily affact tho Property or Lender'o riflhto or Intereat In the Property purounnt �,�4 <br /> .. , to thie Dted of Trust. � , c� <br />� ' � 3. PRIOii OEED3 OF TIiU9T. 4rantor reprouenta end warrants thaf there are no prlor deede ot trust aNecqng any part of the Propeny except ae set �`�q.' <br /> lorth on Schedule 0 attachod to lhis Doad o1 Truat,��hlch f3rnntor egroo�to pa�nnd parform In a t�moly mnnnm. II there are eny�nor deeds of truat ' l - <br />- " thsn Orantor�prosa to pay all amounta owed,end pertorm al l o b llgat lons roqu re d,un der suc h dee ds o}tru a t a n d t h e I n debtadneas cecured thereb y �;`� <br /> and furth�r aprene lhat a default under any qrior deed ol truat ahall be a defauit under thls Daed ot Truet and shall entitte Londer to all righte a�d <br />' remediea contafned heretn ot In the Obllpatlono to whlch Lender would be entitted In the event of any other detault. � . <br /> 4. TRAHSFERS QF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTHRESTS IN GitANTOFiS OA BOAROWHRS. In the event of a sala,conveyance,lease, , <br />- - � contraat tar daed or tranafer to any pereon ot all or any part of the real property described In Schedule A, or any Interost therein,or of all or any �� <br /> heneficlal Interoat in Eiarrower m�rantor pf Borrower or�rantor Is not a natural pereon or peraona but Is a corporatlon,Ilmited Ilebility company. <br /> partnerehlp,truet,or other legal ontfty),Lender may,at Ite optlon declare the outetanding principal balance of the Obilgetiono plun eccrued intereat � , <br /> thereon Immedlately due and�myuble. At Lender's reqwat,f3rantor or Borrowor,as the case may be,shall turnlsh a camplete statement setting forth � � <br /> ail of Its stxkholdera,members,or partners,na approprlete,and the extent ot thelr respective ownerehtp Intereate. <br /> 5. A38tfiHMENT OF REN43. In constderaUon of the ObIlDations,whlCh are secured by this Deed of Truat,Cirnntor absolutely asslgns to Lender all ' <br /> � (irentor's estate,right,titie,Interest,clalm and demand now owned or hareaftar acqulred in all existine and future lease3 ot the Property�inctuding <br /> extennlons,renewals and subteases�,ali agraementa for uae and oGCUpancy of tha Property(ali 9uch leasos and agreements whethet w�itte�or ornl, <br />- are hereafter referred 4o ns�e'Loases'1,and all gunrantles of lessees'pe�tormence under the Lesaea,together with the Immedlate anq contfnuing <br /> right to coliect and recelve alt of tho�ents,Income,recelpts,revenua�,Iscues,profits and other Income ot any nature now or heroafler due(inciuding <br /> • any Ineom�of Gny n��r wrrtng duo during any rodemption pedoG�under the Leases or from or adsing aut of the Proparty Induding minlmum <br /> renta, ndditlonnl renb, �ercentage rent�, parkin0 or common area melntenance contributlons,tax and insurnnce contributlons,deficleney ronto, <br /> Iiquidated dnmagbs t�!.ev�lnp default In eny Lesae, nll proceede payable under eny pollcy of In�urance coverinp loss of rente rosulting from � <br /> _ � _ untenentxbltity causud by destructlon or damttge to the Property,all procoads payabis ae a result of a Ieasoe's exercise of an optton ro purctsaso tho � <br /> v� , Property,atl proceeda detivetl from the terminatlon or re�ecUon of any Lease In a bankruptcy or other Insolvency proceedinp,end ell procaeda from ' , �' � <br /> any rightn nnd clalma of any kind whlch f3rantor may have against any lessee undor the Leasea or any occupants of tfie Property(all of the above are t'!� � <br /> heroafter collectively raterrod to as the"Rents'). Thls aesignment Is subJect to the dght,power and authority glvon to the Lender to Collest and apply r= <br />;.} the Flenta. Thts assignmsnt Is recorded In accardance wlth npplicable state law;the Ilen creatod by thls assignment is intanded to he specific, i•�`� <br /> - perfacted,snd chaato upan tha recordinp of thla Dned ot Trust,ell as provided hy applinnhie amte law as amended irom time to tima. As long as _ .�'; <br /> �' ' there is no default under the Oblipations or this Deed of Trust,lender prantv Grantor a revocable ilcense to coliect ell Renta from the Leases when �G� <br />- �• due and to use such proceeds In Grantor's buslnoas operutlons. However, Lender may at any time requi�e Grantor to doposit ell Rents Into an <br />- account malntained by(irantor or Lender at Lender's institution. Upon defauit in the payment of,or!n the peAormAnce of,any of the OblignUons, , � <br /> Lender may et Its opUon take possession of the Praperiy and have,hold,manape,lease and operate the Property on terms and tor e pedod of time , .. v�`�� <br /> that Lender deeme proper. Lender may proceed to collect and recahre all Rents from the property,and lender shall have full power to m8ko .�' -'t� <br /> alterattone,mnovations,repairs or replaatmenta to tho Property as Lander may deom praper. Lender may apply ail Ilonts In Lendsr's�ole discrotion � � __ <br /> • to paymnnt of the Obligatlons or to the payment o4 the cost of such allerations,renovaUona,repalrs nnd reptaeemcnts and any expenses Ineident to � "� <br /> taking antl retaining poasesslon uf the Property perlodically and the management and operatlon ot the Property. Lender may keep the Property • , �� _ <br />. properly Ineured and mAy dlacharpe any taxes,charpes,clnima,assessments and othor Ilens which may accrua. Tho expense and cost of these � <br /> actlona mav be oeld from fho Renta reeeived.nnd any unpald amounte ahall be edded to the principal of the Obliqations. These amounte,togother • '�'�I <br /> ' with other coats,shaJl krscome part of ths Qbligatlone secursd by tnls Oeed ot Trust. � � , -- - - <br /> " I 8. LEA9ES AHO OTHER AtiREEMENTS. (irantor shnll not tako or fali to take any acllon which may cause or petmit 1he termination or the i <br /> withnolding of any payment In connection with any Lease or other agreement('AgreemenY)ponNninfl to the Proporty. in additlon,Orantot,wtthout <br /> _ � Lender's pnu��vritton wnsont,ahall not: (a)callect any monies paynble undor any ABreement more than one month In pdvance;(b)modify any i � <br /> Agreem�nt: (c) asoign or Nlow a Ilen,securfty interest or other oncumbrance to bo placed upon arantor's rights,tllie and Interert in and to any � <br /> � Agreemtnt ur tho amounts payable thereunder;or(d)terminate or canatl any Agreament except tor the nanpuyment of any aurn ar other material i � <br /> bresch by tha othor party thoroto. It Grantor recelvas et any tfine any written communlcation asserting a defauft by Grantor unior en Aereement or I � � : <br /> � purporting to termina,co or cancai any Agreement, Orantor shatl promptly forvvard a copy of such communlcmtlon (and any cubsaquont � • . <br /> _ � cammunlcations relaUng tharato)to Lendor. AII suCh Apreamcnts and ths amounta due to drantor thereunder aro ht�reby asotgned ta Lendor as , ��"�� <br /> nddlUonel security tor the ObltQaticns. I. '''' � <br /> 7. COIIECTION OF INDEBTEOt1E88 FROM TkIRn PAR7Y. Lenctor shall be nntitled to notity or requlro drantor to notity any thi:d party pncluding, � ��.��.�til <br /> but not Ilmited to,lesseee,Iicenseea, povemmonW nut�oritioe and Innurenoe cumpanisa)to pey Lender any Indebte4ness or obtigatbn owinp to „ ,y� <br /> (irantor with respect to the Property(cumLlativuly'Indebtedneae')whether or not a default exlsts under this Deed of Tnist. Grantor shnll dlilgently ; ., , <br /> collect the Indebtedness owinp to f3rantor from th�so th:rd partlea untii the giving of such notfHcation. In the event that Grentor possesses or recelves <br />- posaession of any Inetrumente or other remittanae with respoct to the Indebtedness following the giving o4 such noUiicatlon or if the instrumente or � ,�'�,r,. <br /> other remittances conatitute the prepayment of any I�dobtedness or tha payment ot any Ineurance or condamnatlon proceeds,Grantor shall hotd I . , -. il;�`-� <br /> �uch instruments and other remittances In trust for Lender epan from its other property,endorse the instruments and other remittences to Lender, � r <br /> end Immedleteiy provida Lender with possession of tho Instruments and other remittances. Lendor shait be ontitled,but no3 requlred, to colloct(by ;�.•' r,-• ,� <br /> legal proceedings or olhervvise),extend the tlme tor payment.Campromiao,oxchanpe or rolease any obllgor or collateral,or othenrise settle any of � ",-�„ ��' <br /> • the Indobtedness whether or not an event of defauit exieta under thin Agreement. Lender shall not bo Ilable to drsntor for any action,ertor,mistake, • ��1�r <br /> omfssion or delay pertalning to the actiona described in thia parsgraph or any damagea resulting therefrom. Nolwithstanding the foregoing,nothing � ; �`"� <br />-'•- herein shall cnuse Lender to be deemod a mortgngee-in-possesslon. I � '�•!•���' �`� <br /> - 8. USH Ai�ID NWNTENANCE OF PROPERTY. Grantor ahali tako all actions and make nny rapalrn needed to malmnin the Property In goad , ' ' ur,.. <br />= conditlon. (3rentor shell not commit or permit eny waete ta be committed with rospeot to the Property. Orantot shall use thd Property aolely in . �`' <br /> � . :.,.., <br /> compIlance wiM applicable Iaw and inaurance pollcles. Grentor shail not make any alterallons,uddltions or Improvements to the Property without � y;�'�,, <br />- ' ., Lender'e p�iar written consent. Without Ilmking the forogoing,all alteretions,addltfona and Improvementa made to the Property sha�l be eubJect to � � . <br /> the beneticial interest belonging to Lender,shell not be romoved without Lender's prior writton conaent,end shall be made at(irantor's sole expense. � �� � � !.� <br /> _�' 9. LOSS OR DA/MGE. Grantor shall bear the entiro riak of any loss,theft,dastmctlon or damage(cumuiatively'lass or�amage')to the Property ar '�'' , r'"- <br />-°•� any portion thereof from any cause whatsoever. In the event of any Loss or Dumage, Grantar shall,at tha opiion of Lender, repair the ettected ! � <br /> � , Property to its prevfoue candltlon ar pay or cause to be pald to Lender the dacrease In thv falr market value of thv uftected Property. <br /> ; 10. INSURIWCC TNe Properly wili be kept Inaured for Its full Insurable value (replacoment cost)agalnst x1i hazards Including loss or damage ; ' �, �.- � <br />� caused by fiood,earthqueke,tomado and ffre,theft or other casualty to the eMent roquired by Lender. Grantor may obtain Insurance on the Property � <br /> from auch Companloe na�be accoptablo to Londer in It6 sole dlacretion. The inaurance policlea ehell roqulre the Insurance campany ta provido ' ' <br />- � Lender with at least days'written notico before euch policles are altered or cancelled In any manner. Tho Insurence policles ahall <br /> - � name Londer as a losa payae antl provido that no act or omfasion of Grantor or any other paraon shall �tlact the right of Lender to bo pald tho I <br /> Insuronce proceeds pertalning to the loss or damage ot the Property. In tho event Grantot falls to ecquiro or mafntaln insurance, lsnder(after I , <br /> � providinp notice as may be requtred b�law)may in Ita discrotfon procuro approprloto Insuranr,e coverago upon the Property and the insuranCe cost <br />_'`, ehall be en edvance payable and hear ng interest as desttibed in Paregraph 23 and secured hereby. Grentor shali furnish Lender with evidance of <br />'� Insuranoo Indicating the requlrod covorage. Londer may nct as attorneyIn•fact tor Grantor In making and sottling clafms undor insu�ance policlos, <br /> � cancelling any policy or endareing(irantor's name on any dratt or negotieble Inetrument drawn by eny Insurer. AII such insuranco pollclos shall be <br /> Immedfately easlgned,pledged and delivorod to Lender as turther security for the Obligations. In the event of lose,Orantor ohall ImmMllately give <br /> ' Londer written notice and Lendsr le authorizod to make proof of loos. Each fnsurance company le dirocted to meke payments direcYy to Lender <br /> :� Instead of to Lender and Cirantor. Lender ehall h�ve the right,at Ita aole opUon,to eppty auch monles towerd the Obliga8ons or toward the cost of � <br />�� rebufiding and rostorinp tho Property. Any amounri may at Lender's opUan be appiied In the Inveree order ot tha due datas thereot. <br /> - 11. ZONINO AND PRNA'1'E COVEH/!HT'S. Grantor shall not Initlate ar consent to any change In the zoning provlslona or private covennnts ettecting <br /> R � the use of the Pro�uerty without Lender's prlor written conaont. H Grentor's uae of tha Properry becomea a nonconforminp use undor any:oninp . <br /> __� _ ___ provlslon, Grantor shall not cauae or permlt such use to be dlaconUnued or ebandoned without the pdor written consent of Lender. Grantor will <br /> -- � Immediately prov�tlo Lnnaer wnh wmten notice ot any proposoo cnanges so me zomng pro�siona or privaie covenanis siiocone me Prvper4y. <br /> �,� . 12 COND�MNATIOH. tirantor shail Immedlately provlda Londer with written notice of any actual or threatened a�ndemnatlon oreminent domaln <br /> proceed�ng pertaimng to tt�e Rroperty. WI moniae payauie co uranwr from such condemneUon or tal�ing nro hereby aasignod to Lcader an�c�nl�hn <br />-,_� applled tirst to the payment ot Londer's attomeys' �eea, lepal expenses ancf other coste (including upprelsal tctes) in cornection with the <br /> condemnatton or eminent domaln proceedings end thon,at the optlan of Lender,to the payment ot the Obilgatlons or the restoranon or repair ot the <br /> . , Property. <br /> 13. LEHDER'S RIOHT TO COMMENCE OR DEFEND I.EGAL ACTIONS. f3rantor shnll fmmedletely provide Lender with written notice of any nctuni � <br /> � ; or threatened aotlon,eult,or other proceitding ntfectfng the Property. Grnntor hereby eppolnte Lender as it�uttorneY�ln-fact to commence,intervene <br /> - ' In,nnd detend euCh actiane,suita,or other legal procs�dinge and to compromise or oettlo any clalm or cbntroverey perteinfng theieto. Lender ehull <br /> not be Ifable to Orantor far any ncNon, error,mtateke,ominalon or delay pertnintng to the actions desc.ibed in thle paregraph or nny dnmagea <br />- rosuitiny ti�erefrom. Nothing cantalned hereln wlli prevent Lender Irom takinp the nctlone describesl in thla paragrnph in its own name. <br /> �i1 14. INDEMHIFICATfQN. Lencter shali not assumo or be responelble for the pertormnnce ot any of Grantor's obtlyatlons with ro�pect to tho Proporty <br />- under any clrcumstanCES. Grantor ehall Immedlatoly provlde LAnder with writtan notice ot antl indemnlly and holtl Lendor tintl it3 ennroholdors, <br /> directore,ofticere,employees arsd egenta harmlees trom ali clalms,demnges.Ilabiilties(Inciudtng attorneys'fees and legal expansosl, cEUSes ol <br /> actton, a�tlons,auite nnd other lepnl praeeadinps(cumulaUvely'Clalms')peAalnlnp to the Property pnctuding,but rtot Iimlted ta, thoso Involving <br /> Hazardous Matarlals). Orantor,upon the request oi Lender,ahall hlre logel counsel to detend Lender trom such Clalma,and pay the attorneys'fees, <br /> - ' fega!oxpensea and other costs Incurred In connecNon lherewith. In the niternative,Lender shall be entltled to employ Its own legal counsel to defend <br /> auch Cinlms et Grantor's cost. C3rantor's obtlgaUon to Indomnify Londor under thls�nrnflrnph ehnll aurvivo tho torminotion.rolopao o�toroc�osuro ot <br /> - . this Deed of Tru3t. I� <br /> —i�+ LPNE6t t d -r Po�mAUOn Tanno�op��u�0/0�) In00)217.J709 . . Pngo 7 of 0,��([�i � '��' <br /> � ' I <br /> " . � ---� __-- -.. <br />