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<br /> � : DEED OF T'RUST �►�5- ��1���� � ;,r :
<br /> . ,,.
<br /> ; :�, .
<br />-_�''�: ;•. tiROVY�R� ----° •t,43JWYt}H -- --- � • .. r
<br />�.,� • •, . Tia�othy J. 9chiaa�x �C3mothy J. �ahim�er. SLee�,asnd °'"T--°�=.
<br /> �` ',`',`•;�,''� Su�an S. Sch3mmer Su�sn S. 9ahiam�r. 4�ifs ..... . " "'
<br />� " ;� � Halen E. Sahiswsr. An wnremarried aidoN , , . �
<br /> '. � "...
<br /> �' : � --
<br /> � „ �o�ss �unNrrs9 • '',��<z__—
<br /> ' '�;� 361x BAU�h Stuhr Road 3611 South 8tuhr 12oad ;�:"
<br /> •� " arzeid x�land, t7� 68801 aread ie].aad, 1� 68801 . ' 4�;:,�� .
<br /> .,.•. },::.
<br /> '� 16�MM7111t170. iDf.MI�7iCAi1GN110. TE�EPf1oMlENfb 1DlNil17CAT101lN0. � � _
<br /> — -- ---— - - i. -i t, "��
<br /> T11UfTEf: ^ - -----
<br /> ' :`� IIaioa Senk A�ad Trust Cospaay �, . �
<br /> - ,. � L 3543 o�ii�u �'soTia D4it70{rI Y+'sAi:�lu� � o'oa'i3v' �
<br /> 9��• in contld�r�tion of ths lo�n or oth�r cndlt accamr�.MaUon h�rNnafter epecifisd nnd any future ndvancea or futuro ObNpatlona,aa dsfinsd hera�in,
<br /> �'�!�' vrhich may husinetKer be advanad or Incuned�nci tM truet hereinnfter mentloned end other good and valuabte consideration,the receipt end .
<br /> � ��,. QuflicJ�ncy of w1Uch aa h�nby ockrtowtWQ�d tirant�r h�nby Irrsvxab bu0atna e�ll� transbrs,prants, conwyro and assl9 ns to Truatw, his :
<br /> .;. succssnara and a�lAna,In tnist,for IIaioa �o�a. Yna. . 18 ��se Z�Rd $Cra�t, 1�aasnex�NS 68647 , , ;;
<br /> ("Lender'),the `
<br /> b�nafldAry vnder thla Dosd ot Truat,with pow�r of sale nnd ripht of antry and posasselon ail of Orantor's preaent and tutur�eatate,ripht.UNs and .
<br /> Inter�st In nnd to the ntl pruperty d�scri!»d In Scheduie A which is amohed to thls Desd of Trust and Incorporated herein Cy thls refarancs,toystha '�"�
<br /> .. with all pna�nt and futun Impruwmonte�nd fixtuus;a6 canylbt�peraonal prop�rty Includinp wlthout IImRaUon nil machinsry,equipment,bufldinp • •
<br /> mat�rl�la,and poods of evMry ntturo(exGudiny consumer paoda)now or hsrsefter tocatW on or us�d in connsadon with U��resl prop�riy,wh�th�r ^ `
<br /> , or not�Ntxed to tho Imd;privlispsa,hersditaments,end appurtsnances inciuding all dsvslopment riphte assoctnted with tfis Property,whsth�r �,,:, �
<br /> previouety or subeequentty uansisned to the Prop�rty from other reai property or now or hereafter suscepNble of tranafsr from this Property to other . . L
<br /> . real praperly;i�ae��.Ilansra and othsr apnem�nM; ronte,losusa and profIte;wat�r,wsll,ditch,roa�rvoir and minsrel dyhts end etocke p�rtainlny to �
<br /> tt+�rmal prop�rty(cumulativ�ly'Prop�rty');to haw nnd to hoid ths Propsrty nnd the righte hersby grentsd fot ths uae and 6enefk of TrustN,hle " + ..
<br /> , sucassoro uid aaipno,unUl paym�nt In tull o}all Ob11p�Uon�e�cured h�nby. - - ��`
<br />. . • hior�owr,In tunher conald�r�tlon,(irantor doe�,tor(irentor and Onntor'e heir,ro�taaentftiws ar,d asalpna,h�nby expns�ly wurant,cownaM,
<br /> and agrw with L,and�r and Tru�tw and th�ir succ�uon and asalyna aa tollowe: • �jr�___
<br /> , � 1. OHLIQATIQN9. Thia Deed of Trust sheil securo the payment and performance ot nll prosent and tuture Indebtedness,IlabilfUsa,obllyaUAns and y. :� '��- �
<br /> • c�vensnb of Bonower or(inntor(cumulathrsiy'Oblipatlona`►to Lender purauent to: „
<br /> (a�this Qe�d of Truat and th�fo�llCa—w�ing rprominsory notea end other agroemente: - s�� „�
<br /> '. 1.' y ��t �AM��VA�� "_' � ��Y��� �� �� ��jrw
<br /> cMearuarc �n�ra,�re a�Ye � �►�wue �t��`���=:`
<br />- .. . VARIl1HI.� $90.000.00 OZ/28/95 03/01/05� �' ��`''"�#;`�°_"�
<br /> � ..a}x. ;r:�...
<br /> 9.Z5 $110,000.00 01/02/95 03/01/46 ,��
<br /> . � ( .i��.r�.i:�'�?:�-.
<br /> .. � .. ,ti- - � �i•.,?�..C�ry^•y_ _
<br /> (b) UI other present mr firturo,wdtten apraementaµ4th Lender that refer apealfically 4o this Derid ot Trust(wA�tli�r�x�cut�d ta the sartw or �
<br /> „ difNtMt pwpo�e�tliail tlt�forpoinp): �� �,
<br /> (o) any puflranry ot obtlpatlone ot other partfes plven to Lender now or heroafter oxecuted that rofero to thla Deesl of Truet; -
<br /> � (d) futun�dvmcec,wh�th�r obilpatory or optional,to fhs eame extent as If mnds contemporan0ousty with th��xocuNon of this Dasd ot Trust, i
<br /> made or extended on behalt of f3nntor or Borrower. Grentor ngraee thet If one of ths Obligationa Is a Iins of cndit,the Ilen of this aaW of Truat �
<br /> ahall continue until paymsnt In tuit o4 dl debt due under the ilne notxithstandinp the tact thnt from time to time(but brfors terminatlan of the Ilne)
<br />- " no bNana may be ourita dinp At no time sha�the Ilen of thla Deed of Trust,not Including eume ndvanced to protect ths sscurity ot thia Oeed of �
<br /> , Truat,sxc�W S 180,0�0.00 ;nnd ' '
<br /> (e)all un�ndmmt�,ext�n�tone,renewai�,modiHaaUans,repiacemento or eubatltaP.one to any of ths torspoing.
<br /> , M us�d In Mlo Pupr�ph 1,tho t�rms Gr�ntor�nd Bortower shall Include and also mann nny Grentor ar Bortowsr H more Nan one. ;;t
<br /> _ 2. REPA�SEHTdTiONB.WARIUWTIE9 AND COVENANT3. Grentar re�resenta,wananta and covenants to Lender that: �,,, �
<br /> - � �• (a} Grentor hae fee oimpio mukotnhlo UHo to the Property and ahall mninr.�in tho Property freo of ali Iiena,security Interests,encumbraneoa and i �
<br /> daim3�xapt for thlo O�ed of Trust�nd those described In 3chedu:o B,whtoh is attaciied to this Deed of Trust and IncorparattC herein by ' -
<br /> , nfennae,whfch dr�ntor nflnoe to pay an�psrtavn in n tlmoly mannar;
<br /> � (b) Grentar Ia In comptlanco In nll nop�cto wfth all nppllotiblo t¢deroJ,utate and local lawa�nd regulaUons,InGudi3g,without IImRallon,those � "
<br /> ' _ _ refnUny to'Hunrdou� Metednls,'na deflned h�roln, end oM¢r onvirr.,montal mattero (the 'Environmentai Laws•j. end ne�.r tn. }�d�ml L.________- _
<br /> . --- - __.-------- - -- --
<br /> - - -.:.� po�rxnnlant nor any othor povemmentat or quaef�ovemmontN ontry hne fiied a Ilen on th0 Property,nor an thero any govemmantal,Judielal or I
<br />_ _T,:.: adrn'nlrtrntiva eationa wiUi roopect to�nvironmentel mattero penClnp,or to the Mat of the Grantor's knowl�dpe,thnat�ned,whlch Involve the ,
<br /> ,• Pra�sRy Noitliar Orantor nor,io the boai ui G�antor e knowfedge,eny oth�r parry has usW,pensra4W,ro;esssd,dlscharpsd,storcd,or dfsposed �
<br /> o!�tny(�iezardouo M�tarlels ns dsfinsd hsreln,In connectlon with the Prop�rty or transport�d any N�ardoue Materinle to or irom the Propsrty.
<br /> . Grantor ehtii not Commit or p�rmit auch acUona to b�tukm In ths lutun. Th�term'Huudous Mat�rlale'shdl m�an any eubst�nco,materlal,or �
<br /> waflta vrhtoh to or Wcomea repulated by nny povemmentel nuthority Includlno but not IlmftW to,(i)p�troleum; (il)irlabte or nonirlabte nabestos; j
<br /> pII)polychiorimted Diphsnyts;(Iv)those subatencee,mat�riai�or wastes dealgnated ae e'f�axerdoua eubstancs'purouant to Section 311 of the '
<br />— Clean WtNr Act or Ilsted purcuant to Sactlon 307 of ths Clean Water kct or any amendmenm or replscemente to thsse statutos; (v) those
<br /> subatsncee,mtt�nals or wasta detined ns n'hatardoua waste'purouant to Saotion 1p04 of the Reaource ConnarvaUon end Recavery Act or any
<br /> emendm�nta or nplacement�to that atatutr end(vl)thoa�cubstenees,mat�riata or wast�a definsd ee e'hezardous substence' pureuant to '
<br /> • " • SecUon 101 of ths Comprshenalvs Envlronmentel Fi�sponse,Compeneatlon end Uablilty Act,or aroy amendmente or ieplacemente to ihat statute
<br /> or any other simflar stnte or tederal statute,ruls,rogulaUan or ordinence now or hereafter In eitect. Grnntor ahali not lease or psrm@ the suhlease �
<br />,�= of the Propertyr to a tonant or su�tonant �vhoso operettione mAy reault In contamination of the Proporty wfth Hrzardoua Matsrlals or toxlo
<br /> subshncea;
<br /> , (o) NI spplicaWe lawa end rtputaUona.Includinp, without ifmltetlan,the M�ericans with DlsablUtles Act,42 U.S.C.S�ctton t2107 ot seq.(and ell
<br /> � r�puittione promulp�t�d th�reund�r)and ail sonlrtp ertd buitdlnp Iaws and ropulstions nlatiny to the Property by virtu�o}any tedercl,stats or .
<br /> � ' muNclpal tutfialty with juriedictfon owr th�Prop�rty, pns�ntly en and ohail be oba�rved nnd compli�d with In ait materl�l reapscte,and all
<br /> -�- dpht9,llc�nswa,permite,and certificatea of occupa�qr(Inciuding but not Ilmlted to tonlnp varinncea,apeclnl exceptiona for noncontormtng uses.
<br /> :y; end tinal Inspsctlon epproval��,wh�th�r temporary or psrmanent,which aro matedel to the�sf and occupanCy of ths Property.prosantly ere and
<br /> -, � , shall b�obt�InM, pna�rved�nd,wh�ro neaseuy,renewed; � � , "f' .
<br /> '� ° 1 PNF611�I�FonnN�o�+Tvchn�'oq�er.�nc(A/tq/A41 f6001 837�3769 " ' -� pnqo t cf 3/V• �•r�. .
<br /> f �
<br />