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<br /> 3' ._.. ..�,.��F. . . '
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<br />�. . a. � .. • �... . . . Yu.�n"��li:iy� � .. • 1 . .l�fl.7Pl�.'^`Y.. . • .•T:, : �l-(leM'�LLy.
<br /> �...�..�. . ..
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<br /> _` ns�o. �:: ____ '` �� _. � '. � -. .. � ..� ! �ti��.�'J2:o•arvSn�.''4.rMvr - ' " '. .�'��tYe.�'`'�.��,SL. _
<br /> - ,:1�;�-_t�'t T-js`n�z.�---�u.�-�.rr-.---c�m*�.0 � . '�.S�'� .. ,. .. . ,� � �. �wiar. . . '-�r�--- .
<br />--" . . - . .. /) . .
<br /> � r . ... . t � ....�v...d�...� - "_ _ _____�..." ._..._.... —_ � .... -_ .- ••--._-_ . . _ . '
<br /> 1"`'1`l -� ._h:fkNR��7l�'ti�P�1"v-b+.••!hi. ..e....,�+..�...._._ _.. ..�--. ..y....+... .. . _.... `;, . �
<br /> -��_} _ :�,,� .�.����...�..� ,95- ���.�95 w ,. �':.
<br /> -_--_��:p�� � . , .,._:.
<br /> �:-�::.�=-
<br /> . :-'"r4.�_�r�,�.. paymcnt,m;rv �w lungur bc rcquircd. at thc��ptinn of Lcndcr. if nwrtQa�c i�i,urancc covcragc(i�i the amount and lor thc period . +,.
<br /> �.,..
<br /> --�,y;�-'":`� `�� that l.�ndi:r rcyuirc.$)providcd by an insurcr approvcd by Lcndcr agnin bcc��mcy ava�luhlc unJ i,uUtaincd. Borrntvcr sh:dl pay . ` .,`'�'r�ry
<br /> _ tha prcmiun�ti rcyuired tu maintain mort6uGe n�°cc`;L�°��twecn I�ormwcr�md LcnJcrcrvappGc:ibh law uirement for morigagc ��.
<br />—•��,; , ..;
<br /> -. .,�:;,�„�"',� insurancc r,uJy in ucci�rti,ncc:�vifh uny«•riucn �
<br /> =-*." '��•_' _ 9. Ins c�tinAi. l.endi:r or its uge►�t may make reusonable cntrics upon and insPections ��f thc Pru;urty. L.cnder shall �ive Y.•.:,,��,
<br /> --�..;� �.�«-� '�. n � " �.. ,.'i'
<br /> :,:?���-, Darrower nut.is�r at the►.im�;uf or prior tu an inspection specifyin�;reas�nable cause for the inspection. �.
<br /> , . . ,�.+��-- �::,
<br /> -° .".:,�;�= . l0. Cmta4ti�y��ie,tiC�n, T'he pruceeds of uny award or claim fbr d:unag�=s, dircct or consequential, in cannection wit� i�ny ',v,.
<br /> .,T,jr.
<br /> r�-:< <.��-c ,_.._
<br /> ' ' condemnati��n or otl�.cr talcicsg,s�f any purt of thc PropertY•ur for ronvcyancc in licu of condcmnution,arc hcrcby ussignc an ti
<br /> �, . '`.!�•:�;`.K��'_.
<br /> . ` • slt:tll bc paid ev l.rnd.e��. • , ?�`
<br /> •. _�t••_
<br /> " In�he cvent nf a tc�tal.tidci.r,:;,oF tlie Property.thc proceeds shall be applicJ to the+ums secured by this Sec:urity lnstrument, �.4�; _T-_-Y J^-11?,
<br /> � , whclhcr��r nuc dien du4. +N��� H�7Y �x«" p1iJ to Borro w c r. I n t h e e v e n t u f a p a rt i u l �akin S of thc Propeny in which the fuir { �_�
<br /> + �����::.
<br /> `:s;:; . �.�'�-;� ` ��=-_=
<br /> _�k`'`•-,.r. ,.;� � m�rket valu�of thc Pro�u:rty i�xenr.diatcly before the taking is eyual to or �reater than the amount of the sums sccureJ by this , � ,; ti
<br /> —"`- ° �= Securitp InSmnaunt irrmi:dia��ly F.+eforc thc taking.�n ounBof thee��c d nmult pli dlby�he follo ving�fraci onm(a) the�total � - -
<br /> � ,' � this Security liii tru mc n t s ha U b c r c t l u c c J l�y t h¢ ----- -� -
<br /> �''�t amount c>f thc sums securcd i�Y►�..diately before tl�c tahin�. divided bY(b)the fair mar kct va luc o f t h e P r o p c r ty i m m a l i a t e l y ��_
<br /> ' beforc th� uu<ing,. Any balanrc :�ha�� bc paiJ to Born����er. ln thc evcnt of a panial taking of the Propeny in which the fair �Ve-_:
<br /> , Tz.r:_
<br /> markct valuc of the Prop�:ny im!n,:d►atcly before the tuking is Icss th:u�[he amount of thc sums sccural immuliately before the �J_.1��
<br /> - --_-- --'- takin�, unl�sti Burrurver and[.e�;dr:r othenvise a�ree in writin��,r uniess applicable luw otherwise providcs. the pracceds shall �._�T - ..P i
<br /> '.�� �• �-, b c a p p l i c n l t o t h:ti u m s�ccurcd E9`.h�s S��urity Instrum�nt whcthcr or nnt thc sums arc then duc. _ —
<br /> �'' lf th:Propr.rtv is ab:a�iduexcd�+Y B��rrower, or if,after notice by I.en d e r ro 8 o r r o w e r t h a t t h e c o n d e mnor offers to make an �
<br /> -- � aw:►rd ��r sculc a clai m fnr da.nx7Lics. ROTM�°W�cccds.ta�its u ptu n�e il�� to r'storat on�or rcpat irof thc Propeny or t th c.sunu ' •- -�-_--_
<br /> ' . � :� l.,cndcr iti autlwritcJ to collc�:t�rd.aPp Y p .
<br /> � secured by thii Securit}�Instn�no:nt,whetlier or not then due. �� ili�n uf roceeds to principal shall not extend or ,�
<br /> Unl�sti LAnd�r :.ind Flnrrowcr othenvisc a�ree i{rwri^;ng:1�i p„PP .ind z or change thc amount of such p�yments.
<br /> _•.y �� � po�tpone thc due dalc ot tl�e ntiuiii�iy Nuy���cr�;s.�....._.. :_ .. „
<br /> ,; � ', ,�`�." 1 L Borrn�vcr Not ltele+ased; fo�•be�rnnce By Lei►dcr Not a Wu�ver.Extensiun of the time Cor paymenc ur mcx����tt������ —
<br /> , 'ae; of umortir.uian of the+unxti necurccl hy this Securiry Instru►nent granted by Lender to xny successor in interest of Aorrower shall
<br /> � not ap�rate cu rr�.cas4�th¢'liibs`►a;°su`cceswrt�inli�t rc t or rcfase w extend i me,for payment�or�i.ithcr v cunt d'►fy amoni�t on
<br /> � commence pruceedin��uL.a Y
<br /> ' � of the sunis secured by tlus Security lnst��der n� ex rcising any raght�o�reiuedyb+huU no['bc�a�Ba ver`of orrpBeclude the �
<br /> -� ...*o .,:�r,:F succeasors in inte�'GSt.Any furbearance by
<br /> • +�*'� "-��►6• excrciscs uf any right or rcmedy.
<br /> .°.-='.~e. .,�.. ' 12. Sucr.essorK nnd Assiqns B�u�td�: Joint and Sevcrnl Lia6�ility;Co-.vfgners. The co�•eroants and a�rcements ot'this �;,�,.
<br /> . .. � Sccurity lnstnin�ent shall bind and be„�¢`���ementss�hall,be jo mnand cve�raL�An BBorrower`wlio co signsthis'Sccurity _�
<br /> •�� paragraph 17. t3orro�ver's covenant b rant and wnve that
<br /> '�-� `�.�� Instrunzcnt but dues not axecute the Note: (a) is a>-sign�n$this Security Instrument unty to mortgage. g Y
<br /> �r .,_� �:
<br /> - - - Borrmvcr'ti inccrc,t in thc Pruperty und.r nc�tenns uf this Sccuriry Instrument;lb) is not personally obligated to pay the sums -
<br /> =---""'•'••-`°^`� securod by th'ss Security fn;aumcnt: anJ(c1 abrecs that L�:nJcr and.my��thcr Borrower may agru:to cxtend,modify,forbear or — i �_ =�
<br /> ,t.�
<br /> _�£��..�:'!�:�• �.: t m,ike uny accuimno�l�m�c'�`}'`��tli regard to ehc terms of thiz Security instrument or the Note�viEhout that Borrower's consent. . .
<br /> ' ` `�` l3. I.oan Ch:r,n•pcw. ii thc li�an�ccured by thi,Sccuriry Instrumcnt is,ubject to a law which sets maximuni loan cbarfies,
<br /> �'.ti.��:����.z.
<br /> ' `'` �. and th,et law i� finall�•irtr.rpretcd ,o that th� +ntcrc�t or other loan char�es rullccud ur to be cotlected in conncction w�ith t e __-_-_T
<br /> _ ; ,: � ban exceeJ thc percuiutx7 lintit�. then: tal any surh loan charge,hall be reduced hy the smount necessary to ruiuce the charge ��"-���
<br /> _ to the permett�d limir,unJ(1�).�ny ,um> sdready culle�tal From B��rrowcr�vhich exceeded pc;rmitted limits�vill be refunded tn �����f.�-
<br /> Bc�Pro+var, l..endrr nLi)r �Iux�sc tc� mal.e thia rcfund hy rcducing thc principal owcd under the Nutc or by ntaking a direct �,.��,���„
<br /> paymcnt to durr���ver. if :► refunJ rcducc+ prin�ipal. thr redurtiun �vill be trcateci as a partial prepayntent withouY �ny �,w�-_--_
<br /> - � prcpayment tha►•s.e uixl�cr thc Nore. ;'..'�:''<:,a�•"---
<br /> __ ' . � 14.IVotiC�.w. r>ny nuticc to Aurrowcr providcd fur in tliis Sccurity Instrumcnt,hall hc given by dclivcring i[ur by mailing ;:.• •'y,,,����'.
<br /> '° ��.� . . "�: �':
<br /> ' it by tir>t rluss mail unlcss wcr�d�i`mateti by���ticc�«�t I.cndcrl fAny��wt ce`toULcndcr Icl hll be giv n byct"pstc lass�in.aleto � '
<br /> -° or any utlt4r addretis F3��rro 6
<br /> - . ' " Lendi:r'4 adJrey� +taicd l+ercin or lil["`I,hvc ne n`,i�t�Iiorrc ver ur Lcnder'«hcn Ri��n ati pn ndcd in`thpf pa agraph in this
<br /> Sc�uritq Instruotcnt tihi�ll t�c dcem�d b
<br /> a 1S.G��ve�rni�;� Lnz�; Scvc�•.�bilitv. This Sccurity Insrrumcnt >hall bc govcmcd by fuicr.�l law and thc law of t ic
<br /> _ .. ,• . juri�di�tii�n in�vhi�:li thc Pro�:r:y is IuratcJ. In thc rvent that any pruvision ur rlau�c of this S�curity Instrumcnt or ihc Notc
<br /> - � � �ann�<<h�d��+�:�n������h���`�w.'u`'}�1On�ia�hull not affect other pruvis��iro ut'this Security I n�u•umcnt ur the Nate which can be
<br /> --. .. . ,-;:,,
<br /> � -�•.�:�,�t`; given cl'fcct�vidwut Ih�:«���flicting provi�ion• Tu this end the provisions of this Sccurity In�crument�inJ the Note arc declared
<br /> ��_"'::!=r?.: „; to bC�.everablc.
<br /> i..d r•',
<br /> _ .-.,--��,`-:�,,.. 16.Bnrrower'n Copy. Aorraw�r�hedl hc given une confunn�d cupy uf th�Nrte and��f this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> h Form 3028 9I90
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