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.. ... .. , ' . , - ` � � "•(!" . . ,. •'r't 9!:_.- <br /> _ .'v ' . .� � • � . ._ , y. . �. <br /> � •�..yyy`�:. <br /> .\ , �� <br /> R;7� <br /> � --. <br /> � � �r+'resa� <br /> 7 �, � , .. <br /> �. . . .:i� _.... ..x. ; � . - . .�� ' . <br /> • ., . ,. • , ���'_ <br /> ' •-_ <br /> ._ ._. <br /> .. <br /> . ..._.�._ ...._...._.._.._._ . _.. ....._._.. _. i <br /> . . . .-- ...— - ----._..... . ........_.__ _�. _.__.......... ......_ _._ ___._.---.�.__...___ - - ,�_ <br />� � g 5 q�.(1�.�i�S I . .� <br />� �� <br />+' � . ., IT. "1'runsfer oP the Nro�xrty or n tleneficlsil Interc�t in linrro�ser. If aU ur.►ny pan ut thc Nroperry ur auy inter��t in it ;.r-_ <br />- . i>>��ld ur tr:in,fcrrcd(ur if a hrnrtici;d intcrc�t in [iurr�x+cr i, ,uld cir tran,fcrrcd anJ Burruwer i� nut:i natural pertiun)��•ithout <br /> - -�lcr'. priur ��rittcn cun,�nt. Li•ndcr ma�. at it, e�ptiun, reyuire immediate paymrnt in full uf all tium. ,erured hy thi� i ��_- <br />� : Security In,trununt. Nuwcver. thi�opti�,n sh:dl nnt br cxrrci�rd by L.enJer if cscrcitie iy prufiibitcd hy fed�rxl law a,ut thc datc f ���-- <br />- ' , uf►his S�curity Instrumcnt. � �*'' <br />-_ II L�ndrr cxrrci,c.thiy nptiun, L�ndcr+hall �ivr B��rru�vcr nutir�ut accelcratiun.Th�natirc ,hall pruviJc a peri��J uf nat I . <br />- ~ Ic++ tliau 10 day� fnmi thc datc thc nuticc i, Jclivcrrd rn• mailcd within whi�h Burruwer mu+t pay all ,unn ,erurcd by ihih � .,�'... <br /> � • � Scrurity Intitrumrm. If Hurruwcr fails tu pay thc,e+umti priur tu thc cxpirati�,n uf thi,prriud. I.c:iJ�r may im•ukc any rcnudies <br />� permittcd hy this tirrtu�iq• Insn•ument withaut funhcr nutirc ur dcmand un Burr<�wcr. I .� <br />- I$. lii►rru�ti�cr'ti !ti}�ht to ltcinstute. I1 Buft015�C1' Il1CClti rrrtain cunJitiun�. R��rru�+�cr ,hall havc th� right to havc � ` <br /> enfurc�ment af thi, Sccur:ty lnstrument di>rontinued at any time pric�r tu thc earlirr ul': (.+1 5 �lay� (ur .ruch ottter period ati � <br /> '�PPlicablc law may ,perily li�r rcinstatemcnU bcforc yalc nf thc Property purtivant t�, any p�,wcr ��f salc runtaiiird in thiti � <br />� Security In,trument:��r(h)entry��f'a_judgment enforcing thi�Securiry Intitrum�nt.Thuu cunditiunti arr that Hurrower. (al pays , <br />- , Lender:dl wnn which tltrn ��uuld be due under this Security In+trument and thc Nute as if no acrclrra[ion had ��rcurreJ: (b) � <br />- cureti any det'ault uf any uthcr covenants ur agrccments; lc) payti ull expeme,incurrcJ in rnfurcing thi� Securiry Instrument. . <br /> incluJin};.hut nut limited to. rea,onable anorncys' fces: and (dl taketi ,uch actiun u, LrnJer may reasonably rcyuirc tu us�ure � ,. �� - <br /> that thc licn uf thiti Srcurity ln��nnnrnt, LenJer'�right�in �he Property and Borrower', ahligation tu pay the sum+sccured by <br /> this 5ccurity In,trumm�t ,huU runliuue un�h.u�ged. Upun rcinstatcmcnt b}• Horcmv�r. thi� Security Inctrument :uiJ the � ' , 3:.=:�: <br />-�' obligutiun+ticcurcd hcmby shall r�ntain fully etTe�tive a, if nii acrrleration had urrurrcd. Hu«•evcr. this right tci n:instat�.;�all �' - <br /> � �wt apply in thc casc nf ac�cicrauun u�tdcr parugruph 17. '. �,__ <br />�� 19. tinlc of Nutc; Changc oP Loan tierviccr. Thc N��tc ��r a partial intcrc�t in thr Notc (tugcthcr ��•ith thi> Sctiuriry � <br /> � [nstrumenu may he,uIJ une��r murc tim���sithuut priur notir�t�� Burruwer. A sale may retiult in a change in the�ntit� lknrnvn �%""� <br /> � ` <br /> " :u thc"l��an Scn•icrr"1 that collertti nwnthl}• paymcntti duc wiJcr�hr tiutr an�thi, Sccuiity In,trutncnt.Thcr�also ma} bc une , '��._- <br /> . or murc rhange,uf thc Luan Servircr unrclated tu a,alc uf the\i�t.. If thcre i,a rhangr�,f thc Luan S�rvircr. Burru��cr"ill bc .,,:,;, • �,_ <br />- �iven written nutir�of thc change in arrord:mc�with par.�gra}�h IS ahu��r cind applicablc law. The nutire will state the n.ln:;tnd •�;��; ,. . :_� <br /> . , addre.�ti uf thc nrw L,��an Scrviccr anJ thc addre�,to which paymznts should hc maJc. Thc nutirc �vill alsu amtain an� other I <br /> „ ' inforniation rc.yuircd b}'aPplirablc la���. ��, <br /> ' ' "� 20. Ha�ix+rduus Suhstnnces. B�ttruwer tihall not c:�use or prrmit the prc���nce. u�e, dispusal, starage, ur release of an}• � r!� � <br /> �� H•sz•s�Jt�uy Sab��anrc� cin ��r in the Prupcn}. Borrc��cer shall iu�t Jo. nor ullnw ;myune clse to du. anything affecting the �` �"� <br />:. _,... <br /> ' Pro eny that is in �•iulation uf an� Envirunnuntal Law. The recedin� twu �entenceti �hall not apply tu the pretience. u�e, or , •' . <br /> - --- - P . � .. .. } . . � nb.. u.. .......,nF,n.1 r�, hn annrnnri:�te�n nnrmal . rt� .. 1 . . <br />_. -- -_ ..__ ........�. <br /> , ,: storagc un uu t'�c�petty ut tin�:tU yust�uuc�oi Nar:uuuu� �uv�iau�ca w.« .,�� t..��....u.� ......r....__ ... ._ -�� . � �►'1 i'�F � <br />_ . re>idcntial usc�:md to m�intcn.mrc nf thc Pruperty. • f : ,�; <br />� Bi�rru��•er shall promptly give I.endrr wrilten nutire uf any inve}tigation, rlaim. drmand. lawsuit ur odier action by any . L.t fi <br /> - govcrnment.i!��r regul:+t��ry�tgenry or privatc pain� involving the Properry and any flarardou�Substanrc c�r k:nvironmental Law � •� � �.�t';�, <br /> . of which Burrowcr ha� uctual knuwlcdgc. If Borru�v�r Irarn,. nr is notiticJ hy any govrrnntcntal or regul��:orv:�uthority, that : ''�"' � � +•�',;:!,! <br /> any remo��.il ur other remrJiatinn uf uny Hat.arJ�wti Substance alfecting the Pruprny is necc�+ary. Be�rrowcr�hall promptly take , •�'�. f � <br /> :.ts;t� <br />- all neces�ry remedial ac�ions in accordiince«•ith Environmental L:�w. - � "��ti�� <br /> , As u+�d in this paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substaiices" are thosc �ubstanreti detincJ ati toxir or harardous yubstances by _'•'s� ��� <br /> Enviranmental La�v and thc following ,ubtitanres: gasoline, kcro,ene, other fl�mmable ur tux�c pevoleum products, toxic fi•� <br /> ' pesticidcs an�l hrrhirides. v�,latile,nlvcnt+, materials rontaining ashestc��or furmaldeh}�de,and rudioactive materials.As used in , �� , ' <br /> this paragraph ?0, "Em irontnental Law" mcan� I'ederal laws and lawti uf the jurisdiction where thr Propeny is located that • •�+• �r� <br /> _ relate U�hcalth, �afety or envimnmental prutertii�n. F „ � <br />_ . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bi�rrowcr and l.ender further ro�•enant and agrcr ay tiillo�v,: ' .�!� <br /> , 21.Acccleraition; Eiemedi�s. l.ender tihall �ive notice to Burrmser prinr to iucelerati��n followin� Borrower'�hreach , ', i�—.�� <br />� ., of unv covenunt ur a};r��ement fn this SErurity IIe�strument (but not prior to acrelerstion mider parn�ruph 17 unless �J;�,� <br /> •�v rovid�otl�cra•isc . Thc nuticc s4�All s �rif'r•: (u)the default; (b)thc itction rryuirrd to curc thc dcfuult: � ,.."'�' ''j= <br />- _ applicublc la p ) P . ,. ;, ��J <br /> i ,, , (c) u date, �iot Icws tB.ln 30 da�•s frnm the date the nntice is�iven to Bnrra�►•er. by a�hich the default ��ust be cured; und <br /> (d) thut fui�urr tn cure the deFault oi� ur betime the date .pecified in the nutice mx�y result in a�ti�ele�ution of the sums ;.:��'-��� <br />�; � secured bp this Securit�• Instrument und sale uf the E'rupert}•. The notice shull further inPorm Borrn�ver of the ri�;ht to ;c+,;;�__M <br />� ;'' reinstate ufter accelcwation und the ri�;ht to brin� i� court nctiun to assert the nun-existenre of a default or any other : �_,���—�_— <br />�� defensc of Borro�ver sa� ucceleration imd ss�le. Ifi the default is nut cureci on or before the d�te sReciflrd in the notice. , t.,r---�s. <br />�. ' � l.eeider, ut its option, mav requlre immedinte pAVment in full of ull suc�s secured bv this Securfty Instrument without �°�` <br />"" furthcr dcmAnd und mar•In�•okc thr pms•cr of sale und anv othcr remedies rmitted nv u licuble lu��•. Lender sliall be .,_ ��'�— <br /> � pp ;'"�_,:::-�_.�-=- <br />- entiNcd to collect aU expcnses incurred in pursuin�thc rnmedi��provided in this purn�raph 21.includin�;,bnt not limited <br />;� , to. rwsonable uttorneys'f'ctiti und rms�es of tide cvidence. �• •��Y="�"�i-- <br /> " , If thc p�nver of sale is im•ok��l, Tivstee shitll record i� notirn of default in e�r:4 rountv in which :�ny ��c o9'the . �.�`� _ <br /> Property is locnted und shull mafl ropiey of such nntice in the mnmier pr�crib��sl by applicuble luw rt�u�orro�ver�ad to -�� �„ <br /> - . Nie other�*ersons prescribcd b�•applicablc la��•.Afeer the time r��yuirtYi by�pplicnbte law,Trustec sha�l�ive public notice , '�'' _ <br /> of wile ro tl�e�rsuns und in thc manncr pr�critoed I�y upplfc:�blc lis�s. Trustec.without demand on �iorrower, shall sel! .• �. <br /> - thr t'�•uperly at publtc uuction to the hi{;hest biclder i�t the time:�nd place und under tlie terms d�i�n:eted in the notice of , <br /> ' sute in one or mm•c puncls und In uuv order Truste� determines. 7'rostec muy postpo:�e sulc of ull or any parcel of the , _ <br /> 1'ropert�• by pubUc announcement at thc time and place of unv previouslr� schcdul�d sale. I.endcr or its d�i�nce mny <br /> ;� purchasc thc I'roperty:�t uny sale. . � <br /> ;i'�`. . <br />� ' ' Form 3028 9/90 � <br /> _ :-. <br /> ran�s or a -� <br /> .,-._._..._ _°'-_-O -.--. _ .. .. _ a- <br /> :� .._-- ----_ --._._. . _-_�. _._-_. <br /> '� �__ <br /> - � f <br /> =�` ,. .. „ . _ ,. , <br /> `� ' , <br /> , <br /> , � . � . �- - -1 . -I <br /> , _ <br />