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., :.;,. . _ ``�' <br /> � � .. -—,� <br /> ` - ' � �,r '' . • . <br /> �-� . ' ' ,, . � ' � <br /> . . ._. ;,. -� „ ;�.�ua�� ,. , <br />= � . �..a: �.:.:� - , .�_ ° � . _ <br /> . � _ <br /> , � � <br /> _ ., <br /> ..... . „ . - - . <<. ._ ...... _. � <br /> . _ .. . .. _ . . _._.._......_ .._. ... - -- <br /> ......�..- i , <br />' " {.' �, <br />;. �. <br /> i .' S�. 1(���1�5 . , <br /> � .. 9 .�- <br /> M . " ._ . .�. a <br /> 5. I�nzurd nr 1'rodxrty Intiurancc. Lurru��•cr +I�cdl kccp thr iropr�n•rmcm� nn�v rxitiun� on c�rraftrr crecia# un Ih�: �• — <br /> , _ P�upuiy in,ur�rd ;�g:mi,t lu„ by I�rc, hvard� includcd w�th�n th��tcnu "cxtrndcd cu��rrtiihe" antl atry ull��r Ii:lUl(1J1�in�:lucl.iriB ... .. _,,�.;5,�-�. <br /> fl�uxlr ur Iluu�linF. fi�r whirh Lcuilrr rcyuirr�in�uran�:c. Thiti intiuranrc tih;dl hc maintainr�l in Ihe amuunh�u�d li�r Iha perbo;ls "'x - <br /> �'.. .. <br /> Ihat I.�ndrr rrNuirc,. Thc in,urancr r:irricr provi�lin�; tlir in•,urancr yhall hr chuun hy H�n�rowcr ,uhj�ct lu l.rnd�r'ti��ppr�aval h; <br /> ��hirh +h�ill nut hc unrca+unahl�� withhcld. 11'liurruacr I:iils tu m:iintain r���•cr,i�:c dcuribrd a6uvc. Lcnacr m:y. al l.4ncl�:r'+ ,I�y , �.`�;t�^�-- <br /> � - upti�u�.ul�tain cnverage tu protcct LenJrr',ri�!ht�in thc Pruperty in.iccorJ:inre��iIh�r,uaigraph 7. �• • ., �;�';, <br />. , All insur.ui�c polirira a�iJ renc��al� +hall h�arrcptahlr tn l.cmlcr and .h:�ll includc a ,tundard murtga�,�: clau,e. U:nder � ,. .:,,•:�-;•=_ <br /> ., ,hall i�avr Ihc rigM w holJ thr pulici�� and rrncaal+. li Lrndcr rcyuircti. Hurru«•�r tihull prumpUy giv� tu!_cnJcr all rec:cipts��f . :. "' . . �,.:,°•° <br /> paiJ pr�mium,and rcnewal nutirc,. In thr evcm ol lu,�. Eiurro�scr+hall givc prumpi nuticc tn thc intiurancc carricr and ll�:i�dcr. `�:':�:a••��'`��;-�. <br /> ,s'�;�:�4��_._,. <br /> . 1_cndcr muy maMc proof uf'lu,s if nut madc prumpdy hy 13ornx�•cr. y:.:2�r�:,:=°=. <br /> Unless I.�;ndcr anJ I3urnnvrr uthrn�•i,c agnr in �vriting. in,ur:uirc pru.ceJ� shall bc upplicJ tu rr�tor.niun or rcpair uF tlic - <br /> Pruperty Jam,'thc rc�toration or npair i,acunumi�ally fca>iblc:inJ L.cndcr',�rcurity is nut Ics�encJ. If thc�.�n ur '�r_�—� <br /> repair is nut cronomically fe.uible ur Lender'ti,ccurity ��•uuld be Ie+sened, du in,urance proceed, shall he applied to the Smtts -- -- <br />_ �ecurcd 6y thiti Sccuriry Instrument, whcthcr�tt not then due, with anp exrr5ti paid to Borro�scr. If Burru�ver abandnn.� tlte <br /> _ ,. Prupeny, or doe�not ans��•rr within 30 Jay. a nutirr Irom Lender that the insurancc carrie:hati offercd to settle:i claim, then � <br /> '� �" L.endcr may collect the imur�ncc proceeds. Lender may u,c thc proreeds to repair or rcawre the Propr.rty or to pay sunts <br />_� :.ecured hy this S��urity ln,tniment. whether ur not then due. Th��0-Jay prriod will brgin whcn the nutice is give�. �"..€';"' <br /> ��' Unlc�a Lcndcr anJ Borro�vcr ��thenvisc a�r�r in �vritin .ui <br /> b g. • y applicatiun of pnkccJs w principal shall not cr.tei� or <br />�:� postpunc thr Juc Jatr,of thc ntonthly pasmcnts rcfcttcd ►o in p�r�graph, I .md : or chantzc thc :imount of thc p�yincrtts. If �- <br /> . , unJ�r paragr,iph 21 thc Property i� acy�iR�i by L,rrdrr, Borro�vcr's right to any in,urance polirics and pro�ti�ccls resultimy from <br />: damagc w the Propeny prior to the acyui,itiun,hall p:�,�to Lcnder to the extent uf thc,ums accured by tlri::Stcurity Ins�rument <br /> immediately prior tc>the acquisitiun. - <br /> �,� 6.Occupane�, Preservatfon, 161ai�ttenunee and Yrotection of the I'rnperty; Qurrower's A.n�n Appliestian; Le�.S�olcls. — <br /> - � ''�. Barcower tihall uccupy,esrablish,and use the Property ati Barro�ver'S principal residcnre within>ixty days aiter the execution of <br /> • this 5ecurity In,trument and,haU continue to occupy the Propeny a� Borro�ver'� principal residettce ior at Ie:�St one v���r nfter <br /> ��- <br /> - -;-- . <br /> , �•• the date of urrupancy,unle,s L,ender othenvise agree�in writing, which consent shall not he unreasonably withheld,or. unless <br /> extenuating rircumstance� exi,t which arc beyonJ Borrower's curztrc�l. Dorrower tihall nut detitroy, damage or itnlsair the <br /> Propeny, allow the Propeny w deteriorate. or rommit wa5tr inz t�� Property. Borruwcr �hal1 be in default if nnv fa�zfciture <br /> actiim or pro��eeding, whether civil or crintinal, is begun that in LrnJer',good faith judgment cuulJ�ti�ult in forfcilurs:of the — <br /> Propeny o�otherwise nu�terially impair the licn create�+�f by this S�curit��Instrument or L.enJcr's ucurity intcn�t. BanoN:er may - <br /> , cure such a default anJ reinstate,as provided in para�s�ph I8, by rausing the actiun or pra:eeding tu be dist��i�,sevi wiU�a ml:ng - <br /> . . that, in Lender'� good f;uth determination, prerludca forfeitun uf the Borrowcr's interc.rt in the Property or other rnitcrial - <br /> " impairrnent uf the lien created by this Security In�trument ur Lender'ti ,ecurity interest. Burrower,hall alu� be in default if ��_�s <br /> Borrower, during the loan application p�occs,,gave matcrially falsc or inaccuratc inforniation or statcmcnts to L..:ndcr lor failcd -�-- •� <br /> ��. <br /> . to pro�•ide Lsnder�vith any material inti�rniation)in connection with tht:loan evidenced by thc Nule,including, but noi limited �'� y��;�` <br /> ta,representations concerning Burrower'�ocrupancy ut the Property a�a principal residencc. It'thi,Security Instrument is on a <br /> • Ieasehold. Borruwcr shall comply with all thc provi�iom ��f ihc ieasc. If Dorri�w�r acyuircti fcc titic ti� tlte P�vpeny, the •�'4-:='.`r�-�' <br /> Iwsehold and the fee tide shull nut nurge unless Lender a�:mes to the merger in writing. ���^^�. <br /> 7.Protection of Lcnder's Ri�hts in the Property.If 8orroaer fails to pertiirm thc cuvcnrntti and.�grerments runtaincd in "`'�"•t"`,_�� <br /> : this Security Instrument, ur there i� a legal proceeding that may signiscantly afFect L,endcr', ri,lnti in thn Pruperty (�uch as a "�� <br /> � proceeding in bankruptcy, probute, for conJemn3tion ur forfeiture ur tc�cnforcc la�v� ur regulatiuns), then Ixnder�nay do and •� '� <br />`� '' pay for whutever is nccey�ry w protcct thc �adue o!tlie Property and I.ender'� sights in thc Prvpeny. Lender's actions may " .. ��-�_-_-�� <br /> ;•,�' - , �� include paying any �ums scrured by a licn whirh has priuriry uvcr thiti Security In.trumcnt, appe:aring in coun, paying �� <br /> reasonable attorneys' f'ee� and enterin�cm the Property tc� tnake rcpair�. Althuugh Lcndcr m:�y takc actiun unJcr this par.,graph �,� W;� <br />_ � 7,Lcnder d��es not ha�e to do.o. � ' �--'"•__ <br /> 3: Any amounts di>burticd hy l.rnder undcr thi� paragraph 7 ,hull hecumc ;1dJitional dcbt uf Burrowcr accur�d by this ' �;,�-=. <br />� Securiry Instrununt. Unless Burrower and LenJcr agree tc�uth�r tcrms ul'paymeru, thc�c amountti +hall bcar intcrest from thc ' ��'`' <br />.���' , �;: <br /> s; , date of disbursrment at the Nutc ratc and �hall hc payaBlc, with intcrest. upon noticc from L�ndcr lo Burcuwer nyuestin� ' • <br /> paymcnt. j •� , <br />! 8.A1oe��a�e Insut�nce. If I,ender rcyuired nxmgage insuranre as a conditiun��f making ehe I�zan�ecumd hy this Sccurity � <br /> i <br /> 3 Instrument, Borrower shall pay thc prcntiumti rcyuira�d tu maintuin the nwrtgagc insuranrc in cffcrt. If, rca,on, th� - <br /> .ID mortgage insuranrc ru�cr�iec rcyuimd by C,�nder lapses or rcatics to be in effcct. Born�wcr�hall pay Qtc pr4mte�nn rcyuircd to � <br /> _ � obtain coveragc wbstantiaEly cyuivalrnt m thc mot�tgagc insurance previuu,ly in rffect, at a cci,,t �ubuanti;�:iy ryuivvlcnt w:he <br /> '�' Cotit to BorrowC�of thc mortgagc inwrancc prrviuUSly in �ff�ct, front an altcrnalc tnortga�:c imurcr appruvc�i hy L�r_der. If ' <br /> � substantially cyui��alent mortgage insurau�cc r�a��crage i�not a��uilablc. Burrower�h,dl pay t�� 1_rndcr earh mtmlh a sum ryuat to , <br /> � •• otte-rivelfth of the yearly monga�e inwrance premium bcing paiJ by Hurrower when the insurance cuveraLe IapseJ c�r cea�ed to ' <br /> be in effect. L.ender will ac��ept, u�e and retain thesc payments�� a lo�� r�scrve in liru o( Illortrare fi�,wrinc:. Lutis reserv� ` <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br /> y _ `� �e„e.,.,,s �.: - .-- _- .-- .--- - . <br /> �- ..�-----_ :� <br /> �:� -.._...._...... ..._.. ...._ .... . <br /> L� . • <br /> � . . <br />:� <br /> ;� • <br /> , <br />� •a ' <br /> I r .. .. <br /> f'��• .. <br /> I�. .. ' <br />