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<br /> :'vT��'4�� •� ��• � TOCiETH6R WITN:dl thc impro��cntentti nu v or Rercafter ercrted on the property. and aU ca,cntcnts, appuncnancc,, and -
<br /> _:�.,.. . firturc+ nmv un c�rcaftcr a pan of [hc property. All rcplaccments and addition+ tih:iU al,�, bc a�vcred by this 5ccurity -
<br /> �.''�.:��y�.;• �' I�istn►mciit. All uf thc foregoing iti rcfcrrcd to in this Sccurity Instrumcnt as chc"PruF��►Y• .. -
<br /> ' ��% ' t� BORRUWER COVGNANTS that Borrowcr i�lawfully +ciscd of thc est;Uc hcrcby ronvcycd and has thc right to grant:md
<br /> . y� com�cy thc Properry .ind that tlic Properq� is uncncumbcrcd,exc:cpt for cncumhranccs of rccord. fiorro«cr warr.►nts und will
<br /> '�` d.fenJ gcncrally thc tiQc tu thc Propcny against all claims and d�mands,subjcct to any cn�umbranccr of rccurd. „ ,
<br />" til�.•�t�,;;_,;,� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cumbinc. unifomi covcnams for national usc:md n��muniform rovcnants with limited
<br /> ., varialinnti hy juri,dicYiun lu rim�tiwtc a unifomi sccurity in�tn�mcnt covcring rcal propcny. • -
<br /> ''' ' UNIFORM CUVENANTS.Barcowcr und l.endcr covenant and agrec as folluw,: . _
<br /> , 1. P�yment oP Principal and Intcr�t; Prepay�ttcnt und Late Charges. Borrowcr shall prompQy paY �vhcn duc the _
<br /> „ prinripal of and intcretit un th�dcbt evidcnccYl by the Nntc and an��prepayment and late charges duc undcr thc Notc. : _
<br /> Z. funds fur Taxe!; und Insurance. Sub�cct to applicable law i�r to a writtcn waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay ca ; `
<br /> �' .� � Len der on t ttc day mon t h ly p a y m c n ts arc Juc undcr thc Nnte,until ihe Notc is paid in full,a cum C'Fuods") for: (a1 yearly taxcs ; • „ . ,t;t•+. .
<br /> �n-'�' .' �H :S•� --_.
<br /> and assessments which may attain priority uver this Security Instrument as a lien on the Property; (b)ycarly leasc ho l d paymen ts i . �,.�.,.�.;L�_<�-�'-
<br /> ii: P ' •.�.'.•' „�-�_-:�-
<br /> � or gruund rents on thc Propert)�.if any:{r?yearly hivard or property insurance premiums;(d)�•carly floai insucvue r�miums. � ��,a��-..�__
<br /> — if any: (c) ycady mortgagc intiuranrc prcmiums, if any:and 1� any sums payablc by fiorro�ver to i.ender. in ar:u�dancc wich _ �� ,._
<br /> n �,,�, . �
<br /> the pruvisii�ns o6paragraph 8. in licu of the�ayment of mortgage insursnce premiums. These items arc called"F.�crow Items." •..,�,� � ___._
<br /> •-_ ,,.. , y '.,,:,,,,v�;,.�.��:::
<br /> Lender may, at any timc. collect and hold Funds in an xmount not w excced the maximum amount a tenc.er for a federall �v�_Yl
<br /> ' , ,��►.�..�-�
<br /> _ ' r�lat.� I�ZOfIbaC�'�n:�n may rCyuin: for Borcowcr's escrrnv account under the federal ldeal Estate Secticment Pro��a�ures Act of _ ,,�,.;,�__
<br /> � rittt;.�----------
<br /> thc Fur.
<br /> n J^�_
<br /> � 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 26o1 et sey. ("RESPA"). uniESS another law that applies.;, w
<br /> �_I,.;,. '.__.�`.,__ -
<br /> sets a lesser a�nount. If tio. Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an lmount not to exceed the Iesser amount �i.�,,;;'_,�_°---
<br /> oRrm=-
<br /> �;.., L.ender may cs[ematc thc amount of Fund,dur on the basis of current dat�and reasonablc estimates af cxpenditures nf futnn ��IWs��,��R
<br /> �;� ' Esrrow Items or Mherwi�e in accc�rdance with applicable law. " {-
<br /> �;_.�`•�'--:
<br /> ,.. Y �,_��..---__—
<br /> .4�{_ The Fund��hall be held in an instiwtion whose detiw�il� a�c insurcd by a fecleral agenc , instrumentality. or entuy _
<br /> ��� � (including l.ender,if Lender i,+uch an institutioni�r in any Federai Home Loan Bunk. I.ender shall apply the Fun�s to pay the ��
<br /> r...._....,.....,. a.. ���,,:,��„�� rh:�roe Rorroa•er for holding si�d apply�ns the Funds, annually nnt�lyz6�g the escrow acco�unt, oh �v�e__._
<br />. . . ��.. L]LIV� •�w���.�. r.�� � —_. . .. -
<br /> verifying tlie E�rmw ltcuiti, unlc��I.endcr pays Borrower interc+t on the Funds and applicable law p�-miw L.r�i�te�i�:�a^�°u� --—
<br /> :ti. a chargc. Ho�vc��cr, I.endcr may rcyuirc eorrower to pay a one-time charge for an indcpendent real es�ate tax reporting service ---
<br /> ' used by L,ender in conne.�tiun �vith this lu.►n. unletis applicable law provides othe�wise. Unless un agrcen�enY is made or � ��
<br /> �„�v.`.�,.�.�
<br /> • applicable la�v rcquires intere�l to he paid. l.cnder shall not be required to pay Bono�ver any interest or carnings on the Funds. ���,,,
<br /> <. Borrower and Lende► muy agre� in writing, hm�'ever, that interest shsll be paid on the Funds. L.enJrr shall gc�f�°, hich eacN �'_
<br /> ' ° .. without charge. :m annual accounting��f the Fund�. showing cr«iits and debits to thc Funds and c.'�°purpo.
<br /> " debit ro the Funds was made.The Funds are pledgcxi us additional security for all sums secured by this Securiry lnstrument.
<br /> If the Funds hdd by l.ender exceed the amountti permitted to be held by applicable law.Lender shall account to Borrower ;�
<br /> for che excess Fund�in accurdancc�vith the reyuirements of applicable law. Ii the amount of the Funds held by I.ender at�ny _� __ �;
<br />_ time is not,ufticient�o P�Y�unt neccs�al`c to mske up�thc deficien ys Bo rowcBr shall m.ike urp'the defirie►icyc n no mo c th•n ---
<br /> - shall pay to L,ender thc am �Y �L
<br /> twelve monthly pay►ncnts,at L.ender's sole discretion. _—____
<br /> � Upon payment in full cif all sum� <ecurcd hy this Sccurity Instrument. Lender shall promptly refund ta Borro�ver any - ,,.-_-
<br /> rior to the ac uisition or salc �,�r• �<'
<br /> � � Funds held by Lcnder. If,under par.igruph 21.l.cnder shall acquire or sell the Pruperty, Lendcr, p 8 .,f� ,r,,-
<br /> '�V`°;� ---
<br />• ' ��t of the Property,shall apply any FunJs held By L.ender at the time of acquisition or sale.ts a creciit ag�inst the sums seeural by ;_�
<br /> �rx,:��=—
<br /> this 5ccurity Instrumcnt. n• ,� r
<br /> PP P P�Y Y ` ��___,..��
<br /> • 3.Applics3tlon uf Payments. Unle.�,a licable la�v rovides othenvise,all i ments received b L.ender under ar �ranhc I�.������
<br /> . '.k l and 2 shall bc applied: tint, t�,any prcpaymcnt churges due under thc Note: second, to ami+unts payuble under paragrapti'-: �r.7 15-;�=�--�-
<br /> � third,iu i���e�c:��duc:f��unh,to prinripal�+.uc:and la�t,tn any latc chargey duc undcr thc Notc. ".'.�_ __
<br /> 4.Char�;es; i.fens. Born����cr>hall p:ry.dl taxes,assessmcnts, charges. fines and impotiitions attributablc t.�the Pmpeny :�•`,`.,`
<br /> which ma�attain rioric}� uvcr thi, Sccurity Instrumcnt, .inJ Ic:uehold paymcnts or gruund rents, if any. Borrowcr shall pay ��
<br /> _ „•, ) P -
<br /> '•�;;.", thcsc oblig�tiom in thc manncr pr��viJcd in paragraph ?.ur if nat paid in that msuncr. Borrowcr shall pay them on timc dircctly �` ,,�.
<br /> h�
<br /> P' J' • "� �.-.
<br /> � .� '�'�`' ro the person+iwcd payment. Borru���cr tihall prumptly furnish to Lender ull uotices of amuunts to be paid under this ar�r< fi ,;,;��,f 4'
<br /> , ,:'�'` '°r-
<br /> - �1'•i;,'_'" � ;: .
<br /> . �.. If Borcowerm;ikcs thcse payments dircctly, flurroa•cr tihall promptly fumish to Lencic�receipts cvidencing the pa}mcnts. �,
<br /> • �>;,. •
<br />- ��,�,ti Borrowce>haU promptly Ji,charrc cmy licn which hu,priurity ovcr this Sccurit��Instrumcm unles,Bonowcr: la)a�n�s in , .
<br /> � � ''4` '� writing to the payment uf d►c obligation �ecurcd by thc licn in:+manner acceptable to Lender.(b)�v�ntests in good faitB thc li;r� t
<br /> �,�::,:�;�� �
<br /> �;-;.,`.�j by, or dcfcndsagaimt cnR�rccmem uf the lien in. Ic��al procecdinc, ���hich in thc I..ender's upinion operate tu prevri�t th�
<br /> .��„, + :' enfi�rcement uf ihr lien: ur lc)+crures from thc hotder uf lhe lien an agreement yatisfactory to Lrsder suboniinstinc thr li;n tv `
<br /> .� this Sc�urity Irotrument. li'Lendrr Jetenuincs that an}•pan of'the Propeny iti subject tu a lien �vhich may atta�n Pnnrity u�•er
<br /> F this Security lnstrument. Lendcr ma��givc Bornnver a notice identif}•ing the lien. Hormwer shall satisfy the licn ur take��ne or
<br /> ���_;- ,
<br /> �'� ���' morc of ehe a�:tions,c[fonh abo�'���'i►hin 10 duys uf thc�n'ing uf nutit�. ,
<br /> ��
<br /> _ �`.�i ., Form 3028 3190 .
<br /> -� -�,� Pago]oe G
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