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<br /> -_�..�._...�..1_ �. .._....� ' .�.........�_�.. .��_._��..�_.W ._."'_".,... �.. 3'� ,1��b�(.� ��� t - -
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<br />�_ ;�yfw_.iwi-i f�.' �yw .n.�._�.�...�. .,.-__..._"""' h '
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<br /> ''"t'y,.�, � y y r�.0�; ��:�
<br /> ��''?':�; . a� leaet ton (10 da e a but not more than thirt (30) days, p . _
<br /> - �'�'t°��`a�''�� to the sale; aad the Tr+set�ee ehall then eell eaic� prope�cty at tho "��"�'•
<br /> �--��.:�%ei.: �,.�,�,_..
<br /> �ime and plaae deeignated in the motics, 3.n the manner p�ovided w_-��---
<br /> =�:���H,-� by lew in eEfect at iche �:iAe of ScYllraq �aid not�ce, at pubb�.� � `;"`�'�:
<br /> �:°�.�`��„ auatfon to the hi.ghe�t l�idder for caah and ehall deliver ta euah " �_
<br /> �--
<br /> � � purahasPr a d�ed to the property aold, coneietent witl� tha law in r+..s,4;
<br />�c�:� ��` effec� at the time. ;'`�'='-'�-
<br /> - �'•• F([,�.r_.
<br />`v rt ����. �,{�
<br /> i YW.�.:���.J-�D �t1�l��F:
<br /> �t� '�• Upon receipt of payment of tria price bid, Trus�ee sha].l de- �'<<R_
<br /> liver to the purchae�r, T�uetees daod aonveyinq thv pr4perty � --=--�
<br /> �'_-_-
<br /> ' sold. Reaitals in the Truetees deed ehall be prima facfe evi- �,._
<br /> � dence of tho truth of tho st;atements macle therein. Trustae shall __
<br /> � � apply the p�oaeeda of the eale in th� follawing order: (a) to _ _
<br /> - � all reasonable coeta and expen�es of the sale, including but not _.
<br /> �"�� � limited to, Trustees fees of not mor� tban l..�i$ of the groeB —=
<br /> -�� . � B��o riae reaeonable attorney fees and costs of title evidenc�s; - -
<br /> . � (b) to all�sums secured by thie Deed of lrust; anci (a) th4 E� � - --
<br /> - �=�, � cess, if anp, to the porson or pereone lurchaseesaidlpr�ertytat
<br /> Any person, including Beneficiary�, may p -__
<br /> , , ea�d sale.
<br /> �- -
<br /> : �, `'"'�r �° The pereon conducting the eale may, gor �ny cause he or she -
<br /> � .,`"��� oet one the eale f rom time to time until it —
<br /> deeme exp�dient, p p
<br /> �� ehall be completed ancl, in every such case, notice of poetpone-
<br /> ment sh�ll be gi.ven by public declaral:�an thereof by ouch pes�on __
<br />,., , � ��� at th�e time and place last appointed for the sale; provided, if _
<br /> •� the sale ie pos�g�oned for longer than one (1) day beyond the d�to
<br /> ' �'°�'� designa�ed in the notice of sa1e, noiice LiICLCVf shal� bs ri='_� -
<br /> � in the same manrs�r as the arigi�al notice of sale. —
<br /> � .. �•�A� - —..
<br /> i�h =—
<br /> 14. Remedi.es Not Exclusive. 7�ruatee and Be��ficiary, an�d -_
<br /> . , _ ,; each of tl�em, shall be entitle� to enf�rae paymea�t and porform- `--
<br /> , , � : ance of any indebtedneas or obliqation secused hereby and to ex- �:;r'����
<br /> �� :';*• ��+c�N� ercise all ri hts and owere undBx this Deed of Truot or undeY �"�
<br />. g p
<br /> "� �'� �� " any loan instrumont or other agr�emant or any laws nor or hereaf� `"��;�,_
<br />--""""' _.. ';�,-"` tex enforced, notwithstandinq sQrne or all of tho indebtedneee and :__�
<br /> _�. obligatione eecured hereby which may now or hexeafter be other- ',
<br />.:�,; . .,.,� ;�, wioe secured, whether by mortqage, deed of truet, pledge, lien, .����
<br /> �:�-�,- - aaeignment or otherwise. Neither the acceptance of this Deed of �.-.,�
<br /> °�° � � Truet nor its enforcement, whether by court action �r purauant to � :,�:
<br /> ' I.�"```' �"� powor of sale or other owess herein contain�d, shall preju-
<br /> ;:iY:...<.,n:_�-=�i': • the P ` `
<br /> -���' ��'`�"'� "'°�� di.ce or in any manner aEfect Tsui�tees or Beneficiarys right to
<br />.°f:� . su
<br /> ''-�'��'•:� .. '•�� realize upon or enforce any other security now or hereafter held
<br /> � : _ by Trustee or Beneiiciary, it beinq agree�l that Truete� a�ud Bene-
<br /> ,. fici�ry, and each of them, shall be enti�led to enforce this Deed
<br /> - of Trust and an� other security now or hereafter held by the I
<br /> ` �eneficiary or Trustee i� such �rder and matuieY as they, or Qi- .,
<br /> - - ther of them, may in their abaolute diacrgtion determine. No
<br /> � "' -� . • ���� remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustoe or ae�►efici- I
<br /> "�"���;: ' ��r ary is intended to be exclusive of ang othe� remedy herein or by i
<br /> •,, '�' . . law provided o� permi�ted, bu� �ach staal'1 be cumulative and shall i
<br /> � � be in addition �c, every other remed� given herecsmder orEvery '
<br /> ��, , '� hereafter exie�inq at law or in equity or by statute. ;
<br /> �: � � A power or remedy given by any af the loan instrumente to Trustee
<br /> or Seneficiary or to which either of them may be otherwiee enti- i
<br /> � tled may be exercised, concurrently or inde�ena�ently. from time
<br /> 'a ta timg a�nd as often ae may be deea�ed expedient by Truatee or i :
<br /> � . � � � Beneficiary, and either of them may puraue inconc�istent remQdies. �
<br /> .°.�,�, �' r''.� Nothing herein shall be conatru�d a9 prohibiting Benefiaiary from
<br /> . seeking a deficiency �udgmsnt againnt Trustor to the extent such
<br /> actioa ie nermitted by 1aw.
<br /> - �,F-�"a�r'�.� _ - ._..
<br /> 1S. Re�uest for Notice. Trustor hereby rsquests a copy of
<br /> - . any notiee ot �eztiulL and i.iiai. auy noLic:e c�i aaie he:.�t�nd�z �e
<br /> ,`�:,, '::�. mailed to Trustor at the address oat forth in the ¢irst paragraph
<br /> _- __�_t of this Deed of ''�ruet.
<br /> - - ,� . 16. �lppoa.ntment of Succe�sor Truetee. Beneficiary may,
<br /> from, time to time, by writ�en inetrument executed and acknowl-
<br />--- - ' . adqed by Beneficiazy, mailed to Trustor and recorded in �hs
<br />- ��" County in which the propQrty is located and by otherwise comply°
<br /> ;-����:= ���'•• inq wi�h the provYSione of the app3icable law of the Sta�e of Ne-
<br /> _ l � :,
<br /> '�� ,. 5
<br /> �
<br />