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The <br /> :.�•.��`�.w�.� upon anci taking poesee�ion af tk�e trust �3- ��-- - <br />=���s tatP, the colleation of euah renteo iesues <br />•.i:3''.. <br />_:;�'�� and protite and appli.cation thereof ae a or.e- <br /> s=� �aid staall not cuse or waive any default or <br /> �. <br /> �._;-°� notice of default hereundas or invalidate any _ <br /> ,�,.,. <br /> ;,,,�f.-t� act and in reeponse to euch d�fault or purau- <br /> ""`Y ant to such notice of defauAt and, notwith- <br /> ��->»:� stanc.tng �he continuance in poesession o� tne <br /> ':=;:-"�i£ property or the aollection, receipt and ap- <br /> . .�,.. - <br /> .,,,s,,;f�•, p1i.Gati.on of rents, issues or prof its, Trus- ___ <br />,,:,�.�.?�.a,-� tee or Beneficiary may be entitled to exer- __- <br />-;�;;;,'��; cise every right provided for in any of the <br /> u-;��� loan inetrumente or by law upon occurrencfl of _- <br />:��;�r�'�r�y� any event oE defAUlt, incZudinq the riqht ta , <br />'.;���--�°t,�er� exesci�e the power of eale; =�= <br /> g�� <br />_L:. "�"`..�i:'� �o <br />_'��'`_-� (b) commence on action to fnrecloee R: <br /> �''�`�-'�.,._;� thie Deed of Trust as a mortgaqe, appoint a �:�_ <br /> �,:,n,. <br /> -_-_:_� receives, or epQCifically enforce any of. the e�� <br /> PY���,;�:_�g covenante herQOf; t�?. <br /> _ '.�.......y� i���Y-. <br />_'-�'`•:_l�c9 l��;'!.. <br /> ��%�'�+►� (c) deliver to Truatee a written decl�� �_:� <br /> -=�+:% ration of default and demand for sale, and a <br />`"���•�r�' written notice of default and election to .. <br />:::�;�.:;` cause Trustor'o interesL• in the property to • <br /> -"- - be sold, which no�ic� Truetee shall �ause to ��;,.i:� <br />:�r�':°� be duly filed fos record in the official rec- <br /> --'�'� orda of the county in which the property is � <br />'--�� loca�ked.. <br />--'a�''':�-;i$� <br /> a:::�w�ac-�u� <br />`=''�-�:' Shorsld Benef iciary elect � <br /> � 13. T'�reclosure hy Po���r of Sale. <br />'':=��� to foreclose by exerciso of the power of sale herein contaitted, . <br /> w,4w.�.�. <br /> .-;,���� a, Bc3n�ficiary ehall no�iiy Trustee and shall depoeit with Trusteo � <br /> �:Y�''"rt''�,;np" this Deed of Trust and the n�te and s�nch receipts and evidence af � <br /> ,.;�. .�.,,�,. � <br />;,.�;���� expenditurea made and eecured 'nerel�y ae Truetee may require, and <br /> �--,.. <br />�_;t��,t,�-4 upon requ�at of the Benpfici.ary, the Trustee sha].1 fi.le for rec- I <br />:�:�:�. ,; ord, in the Register of Deeds office in the County where the � <br />'--`�'' ro ert ie located, a notice of defaul.t, setting forth the name � <br /> :; �� P P Y <br /> �:;�, of the Trustor, the Book and Paqe or pocument No. of this Deed of <br /> `s�'=r� Trust as recorde3 in said Regieter of Deede office, the legal de- <br />=--=`�'-- ar_rintiori nf the above-described seal estate and that a b�each of <br /> ��_;�- an obliqation, for which said real eatate was conveyed aA secu- ; <br /> r.a.ty, haa occurrEd, �nd setting forth the nature of such breach I <br /> =��=��a=_:� and thc� Truatee's election to seii the real astate tc� e�c��.ie�iy �n� ' <br /> '=�.�?`',� oUl�.gation; aad after the lapse of not lesa than ona (1) month, <br />''_`��►�=°M, the Trus��e sha11 give written no�ice of the time and place of <br /> �-,°^��Z�. . - sale which may be between 9:uu a.m. ana �:uv" N.�. a� �►•.� r�cu�- � <br />-"�"''�"'y��� ised, or at the Caurthuuse in the CounL-p wherein ouc�a prop�srty ie <br />:__,.�,�T..., . <br /> . ;�.; <br />-~j�.a ;,��-�, locatad, describ� the property to be sold by i�s legal descrip- <br /> - `�'•�`' tion, vaid notcice to ba published in a newspa�er of general cir- <br />=-�'-�'3�:;,.�y aulatian in th� Connty wher�in s�ch property is 7.ocated, vnce a <br /> - -� week for fivd (5) conseautive weoks, the laet pub].ication �o b� . <br />-- �� � <br />-„�^;;�' <br /> , ,,... <br /> , 4 � <br />