' . .ww'M . ' •�r(.`y�2. L.ti�'s`:J" ' ,%��?'� .
<br /> ' •'•��'_ ��.5.' .
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<br />—� �.i. . . ..�.�.� ;l.�}� L.1(:1'..., ... �. . . �. .4. fSM•I. �_-'.' ' " __._'- .......�.
<br /> r,..,
<br /> !.LL_l__,..,..r.,....�_� . . " ._'.�._' - ...�_ ._ -__-._.�_-._' • ' ����i�:.i:t�k�A�i �.�'�
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<br /> L �� ��
<br /> --..
<br /> . ..." _ .�.�lG+i!➢..]liL�Y+usc�ws[�w��+mz:�as-a-�_T--..-':_�__��...�..���.�__._. ...... .. ..�.��.��__._.____
<br /> -...��. .._. _. �"-�rT,.-
<br />_1_��iw�r�+.�.�� . , �-��;--.
<br /> - . ..�;;:�;�,�r:_ � • '.�1��4a`� :�' a�� ...
<br /> ���y?�.;.a.:
<br /> z..�,��=�'y--� �t� braeka, aubeti.tute r� sucaeeeor or sucoeasora t�o�-�ru�tee named ,:�'���'''-
<br /> . • �,,,.:,
<br />—==���-.-�'"�- he�rein or acting horeunder. __---
<br /> _.,�„fP,:r�lS�F•r:- �i��-_��:,.
<br /> �_:,��;�:::�� 17. ¢ua�eseasr6 a�d 1-1:::�3.g�ta. Thia Dced of Tsut�t e��p��.�e taQ I �•-=n�
<br />--� -" and inuree to the benefit of, and binde all pastiee her�to, their �`-'-W��
<br /> -.�'11!."'k,;.'W
<br /> '� heirs le atoes, dev�.eees eren�al re �eeentati.vea suaaeeBOrer �,i<�: ---
<br /> - .... . ,,, e 9 � L� � � r�,�,�":-
<br />=_�.�:� _ and aeeigne. The term "Bcneficfary" eh�ll mean the owner and �>��:W�
<br /> ;�- � holdar o� i:ho note, wheth�er or not named as Benefiai.ary h�rein o �?'_�-:--_
<br /> _ :,.�,,.: G.1'^=':
<br /> ,:,�� ;w,-��l� : 18. Bene�ficiarys F�owara. �i7ithou� affectinq �he ].iabil:lty "__-_-_._._
<br />��� ' of. any other pereon liable for th� payment o� any obligation ��--
<br /> _ herein mentionsd, and wi�hout af�ect!Lnq the lien or charc�e of �s��°
<br /> •� . � thie Deed of Truot upon any portfon of L-he property not then or �?=`_ _
<br /> : „�;
<br /> ;;�:.: � � theretofore releaeed ae security fr�r �he fu].l payment of all un-� .�._-
<br /> �=-^-�� .�y��; �� � paid ab].igatione, Benefici.ary may, frnm time to time and withaut �::
<br /> _-�;. , ,,,�,,;, .
<br /> —..�-�: .:�.� netfce:
<br /> _— � : .. , (ay release any parsone eo lfable; t_°�`�
<br /> A--_
<br /> = (b) e�ctend the m�turf ty,or alter any �f ��j-_=��
<br /> - . � '• th:: te�rte uf� aay euch obliga��o;�; �- �
<br /> �,: _
<br /> _" . . .y - ___
<br /> - °•i` (c) grant other indulgencea; �f�e_:==
<br /> ��.;_-
<br />--- : � (d) r�leaae or re�convey or cauac to be �--- -_
<br /> _: °�,� relea�ed or re-conveyed at any time at Bene- __--
<br /> �� ficiarys op�ion, any parcel., portion or all
<br /> � - ox ��ee proper�y; �����
<br /> �:
<br /> �.
<br /> - �, � (e) takQ or release any other addi- �'
<br /> tional security for any ob�igation horein
<br /> �,�-_"'°`
<br /> .. . mentianed; or -__
<br />- �;_
<br /> _,-_.,,;,; �;.�;. (f) make compositions or other arxange- ;�:t��,,;�Nt�
<br /> - _ ...: . , mente with debtors in relation thereto. .
<br /> �'w!b'.. . '__ _
<br /> . . � � 19. Governingl Law. �his Deed of Trust ohall be governed by :
<br /> - . t'ha lawe of the State of Nebraska and, in the event any one or .:�;_
<br /> - �='_ : ' :" more of �he p�rovieiona contained in this Deed of Truet, or the ��:��=:
<br /> `�.�.�, � note or any othor security instrument given in connection with ;`��"
<br /> ?q�-+� •�. • this transaction shall be for any reason be held to 1ae iravalid, � �`�`�
<br /> - ,��:,;..:°. ,-„�,. .
<br />_ ' � -:�{� illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidi.ty, il1Q- � .
<br /> _�';�;, .�. ,�:r; qality or unenforceability shall not a�fect any other Esovisions , ,�
<br /> =-' ' of this Deed of '1'rust, but the Deed of Truot shall be construed �;':'���:
<br /> - aa if such invalid, illegal or en�oxceable prcvrision had never
<br /> _ M1.
<br /> .. been containEd herein p� therein.
<br /> • 20. Effect of F�rhearance. Any forbearance by Beneficiary
<br /> ;��: -••:��� " or Truatee in exercieing any right or remedy hereunder, or ot3�ier-
<br /> �`•�''�" '� • � wise �aEforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of ar pre- I
<br /> �� ;�'�;���';a`' clude the exarcise of any such right or remedy hereunder. Like-
<br /> I..
<br /> � �r�.�:`:: wis�, the waiv�r by Beneficiary or TrustQe of any defan�lt of the � '
<br /> — . Truetor under thia Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a � .
<br /> `.� . � wai�rer of any other or similar default subsequ�ntly occurring. �
<br /> �?- 21. Ro-convevance by Truatee. Upon writ�ten request of the i
<br /> Y - � � Henoficiary etating ��at aal sums secured heroby have been paid, I
<br /> "'" `. ; ..� and upon sussender of thie Deed of Trust and the note to the I
<br /> •�' ��a � Trustee for cancellation and retention and upon payment by Trus- ,
<br /> � . ���� ., tor of TrueL•ees feee, Trustee shall re-�convey to Trustor, or the ;
<br /> �, �:�.� person or persons legally entitled thereto, without warranty,. any I
<br /> ;:_;�L�'•"�'�' partion of the property then helcl hereunner. xecitais in sucn j - -'
<br />