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<br /> <<:.s� . . : . .:_. , ,y�.-,:
<br /> .,� .._ ._.-� ..=:��. ,..,. . �
<br /> �d• :-n a.�:�-+sq�+iwc�lbn++ar�Atae�:,
<br /> . .....�f..:..a I''.
<br /> •V M y_ ....�.�.w�r�� r y i . ,. _�.r. _ �."»--_---_ .
<br /> l '.i�- .. .', 5!�l�t��:i:5f.'... � ♦ V, .i1i'Vil�1'-- `__'—_ _
<br /> - � ��wrN•n,. . ... .... � . ., . . ..�11:. '. .oi^YN�1.�<��i.:R",:�t... •,w74� -. . ...�... :rt:x.'_._. -- ?c..,.,....a,��T:.,y.
<br /> ...-.�. . . . .�:: _ _
<br /> .. ,:
<br /> �. ._.�.._........_... � .__...._ ._ __ _ " ' '._.
<br /> �,,,,�,. _—"".. ..._.—. ��. .._ ._ �...�
<br /> .'r�s�•.--..-.
<br />. -.�'.'��i: �.:*_"�,J'.t.._.,�.St_..:t.�,...s�..��...JC3.�.9�4���.i.Y'-=_— ____._._. ....
<br /> `'jA'�._-- `'� , �.'��.l.T:.
<br />-iNr''"r�� `1��� ���A�+J _�i.r*%.
<br /> -6�� the indeb�edneae aeaured hereby and become secuxed l�y th� lien �= --
<br />��-�'���� heraof. Henefiaiary eha�.l not inaur any pereo�n�l Iiebf].ity be�- �,�1.,_
<br />--„ .,���� cauee of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> _ -_�� �`•.,,:::_.
<br /> g� Aww9_an�1eA� of Rente. Henefiafary ehall heve the riqht,
<br />-�� power and authori�y during tho conti.nuanae ot thi.e �eed of Truat :--
<br /> ° to col].eat the renta, ieeue� and profite o� ths p�c�pgrty and o� ���`= -
<br />_�.���� any pereannl property located tho�eon with or witlxout icaking poe- �_
<br />��.�:n s�eBion of the prop�rty affec�ed hereby, and True�or hereby abao- _.
<br /> .—K lutely and uncondit�.onally aeeigng all suc� rent�, iseues and �
<br />- '-�' prof.itc� to Beneficiary. Henefic�.ary, hawever, herreby coneen�e to _
<br />_,-��t� � Trust�r's collection and rotention of euch r�nte, ir�eues an.d _
<br /> :�' profits ae they accrue and becoma� payable, sp long �e Truetor is
<br />-::�;R�g�:,
<br />-�-_�_�;� not, at euch ti.me, 3.n defaul� with respect ta payment of any u�
<br /> --=+' debtednesa secured herehy, or in the perfnrau►nce of any ac�ree�aent
<br /> --v=-:;� hereunder. IE any event of d�fault desaribed hereaEter in re-
<br />�:�= epect to this Deed of iruet ehall hav� eacurrcd and be con�zn��- __
<br /> �"�+�.�� inq, Senefiaiary, as a matter af right and withouir. notice �o
<br /> =r:��:.:..
<br />' � •'�4���� ��uetor or anyon� claiming uader �rustor, and without �egar tA
<br /> "'�`-'�" � the valus of the truet �state or the ix�terest of the Tzu.�i:or .__.
<br />:��` '�'��� ther�i.np e�iiall ►`.aJ� t:t� �igh*_ to ?�+n�v to any court having jurie- _
<br /> _, .•.. .
<br />"��°�=�= d3.ction to appoint a receiver of the property.
<br /> �
<br />.��'i �. In�ectians. Beneficiary, o.*.' its agen�e, representa- _
<br /> �"' tivee or woackmen, are authorized to enter at any reasonable ic3iae �_--_
<br />����" upon or in any gart nf the prapexty for tho pu�pose of inepecting -_
<br />`-;�;; the same amd for the Qurpose of porforming any of the acts i� fe __
<br />.:•,s�mtt• Al1thOT3.Z� �O P@S�O=IIl uACiCi �ai8 �o'a�[io �F �22i 1�a�n i nat r�nteeIItB
<br /> r� ''i execu�ed by Truetor. __--_:_._
<br />•.;-'�:���,'• anefez of Pro ert . If all or any part of the prqp- �=
<br /> � � 10. Tr p,��
<br /> `-``�`,•'��'� eaty or any interest of TruRtor thezein ie sold, trrinsferred or ��: _
<br /> _._..�,,..
<br /> -=-��'� further encumbered without the express or writfien consent of F�-
<br /> ���''`_�-•,: Beneficiary, Beneficiary may, at ite sole option, declare alL :aY
<br />-��";�' s�uas secured hy this Deed of Tsust to be immediately due and pay- ���4-;�
<br />����•�.:;.
<br /> � �� � able and proceed to the remedies available to it under tk�e de-
<br />�,������� fault provieinn� contained herein. -
<br />: �*.,:,
<br />-.:�.,�.; �
<br /> -�riA�:• lI. Evente of Default. Any of the foll�wing even�s sha11 .,
<br /> ,�-.,�.. .;
<br />._;;,,,��;;;� be deemQr� an evQnt of dafault horeunder:
<br /> .:,.
<br /> ,_ ,__ �..
<br />---� __ (a) Trustos shall have failed to make
<br />"�- paymeat or any.inBtall.ment of interest, prin-
<br /> �'F;�,'=� cipal or prinaipal and interest or any oL•hes
<br /> sutns secured hereby when due;
<br /> :�:�:.
<br /> •�'r"��� (b) 'Phere hae occurxed a bxeach of or �
<br /> �''�� default under any tPrrn, covenan�, agreemen�,
<br />`-"'�'°�' condition, proviafon, representation or war- i
<br />�'�����p'� ranty contain�d in thxs Deed of Truat, the I
<br />�:�5!r'a1�,�
<br />�._;,�:,.�,. note or �ny o�iher loaa inetsument secured
<br /> .:-.=_.� herel�y; �
<br />-r�::� E .
<br />='-'� .'� (c) There has �eon a default by the
<br />:"�' �� Trustor in the paymer�� of any priar or subse- '�
<br /> k� :.
<br /> �_•: �. quent lien or �ncumbrance in �eepect to all !
<br /> �;�;;;���. or any part of the proper�y; i
<br /> _ ;
<br />�a=>.:;�
<br /> •�.�SGYi�Y. I
<br /> =�_�"� (d) Trustior ehall file a voluntary pe-
<br />��.� tition in bankruptcy or eha11 be adjudioatec� �
<br />:��e� bankrupt or insolvent, or sha11 make an as-
<br /> -- ..�� -r -�''---- s..
<br /> - eignment =or Lne bene=x.. oL vtcu.i.a.va.o x., r°- ;- -
<br /> ;�::,�� epect to the property; or an action to en-
<br />-��=��� £orce any iie�. o� e:=ct:mhranae ar jud��nte
<br /> _,� aqainet the property is commenced.
<br /> ____-- , .
<br /> T��� . ........ �`c�.'�� r� aha Avw,nt of any de-
<br /> — 1L• �i4'LCJ.Cl¢i..i.vi. w.+.. . -
<br />.°�.'"^°.,� fault, Soneficiary moy declare�all.�indebtedness securea hereby tA ,
<br /> =�<�- �
<br /> •� �•�4'� be due and payable, and the nam� shall theraupo:► becomR due and
<br /> ,<. .
<br /> ,.,. - payable withou� any preeentme�nt, demand, protest car notice of any
<br />_;�.���, kind. Theceaftor, Beueficiary may:
<br />�,�7:ary.� .
<br /> ,• 4 .,
<br /> ..� 3
<br />