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<br /> -..�;�^��r��r°' 17. Transtcr oP lhc 1'ro6xrly o�a Hcne�iclul Intcr�wt in I3rrrrowcr. (f:�U ur aiiy p�irt of tl�e l'roperty ur nny intcrc�,l in il ��
<br /> --�"':�� ,
<br /> _�, is sald or trnn�;fcrred(ur if a hcncfic�al intcrctit iu Qorrowcr iti+nl�l nr transfcrrcd :uid 13orrnwcr is niri❑ namr:d prrs���U�vithout
<br /> _.-".� l,cndcr's priur writtcn cunticnt. lAUdcr nmy, at its optian. rcquirc inmuJi.►:c �c�ymcnt in 1'ull uf all +ums sc�urcd by this
<br />_-.= -_.'.::;�;r� Sccurity lnslrumcnt.Hawcvcr,thiti i,ptinn tih:tll not bc cxcrriscJ by l.cndcr iF cxcrcisc►h pra�iihitcd by I'cdcr,►I law ati uf ihc d.�tc :�° .
<br /> - —��,� af this Sccurity Instrununt. ' _
<br />_ If Lender exercises this option. Lcndcr tiliall givc Durruwcr noticc��P arcclerution. 'Thc nuticc�hall prov idc a prriud uf n��t :
<br /> :.Z�I.R`J Icss than 30 days f'rom thc dnte Ihc no[icc is delivcmd nr mailed within which Borru�vcr mu�t pay all su�ns securcd by this ,,%�
<br />'•*��°"-��� 5ecurity Instrument.!f Borrower fails to piry these tiums prinr to the expircition ot'this period. Lcndrr may invukc any remcdics
<br /> -�'"�'"%a permitteci hy this Sccurity Instrument withaut further notice or demand nn Borrower. r
<br />_.,�;;,;� • - 18. [iorra�vice's Qtight to Re6nstute. If Borravcr mcets ccrtain co:iJitiuns, Qurrutvcr +hall havc thc right w havc
<br /> -;,_�.-�,a��': enforcement of this Security Instrument discnntinued at any time priur tu thc carlier oL• (a) 5 duyr: (ur such other periud as '..
<br />-_�;'r�,,,; •�pplicablc la�v may spccity tor rcin,tutcmcnt) before salc of the Property purtiuunt t�� �ny po�acr of salc rantaincd iei this ,,..
<br /> .,«:t Secu�ity Instrumcnt:or(b)cntry uf u judgrncnt cnforring this Sccurity Instrumcnt. Thasc conditiom arc that Borrowcr:(a)pays
<br />-:�%;=�i�`��.`�� } [.ender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as it nu aceeleration had occurred; (b) �''�`'
<br /> 4----�"�'�� ' cures an default af un nther covenunts ar a reements; (c) a ti dl ex en+es incurred in entorcin thiti Securit Instrument.
<br /> �,,..�•:Sk�:::�:•. Y Y S P'Y•' � P � Y,
<br />-•--�s � including, but not limited ta,reasonable attorneyti' fers; and ld) takes such.►ction as Lendcr muy reasonably reywre to:issure ���
<br />'-`=`a�'��y�' thut the lien of t6is Security Instrumcnt, L,cnder's rights in the Properry und Borrrnver's obligation to pay the sums sccurcil by �L�
<br /> �_ a-�i�ti"' this Security Instn►nicnt tihall continuc unchan�cd. Upon rcinswtemcnt by Borrowcr, this Sccurity Instrument and thc �_._
<br /> -_-�aii��c�;* obliFations secun�d hereby shall remain fully effectivc as if no��rcelerution had occurrrd. However, thiti right to rcinstatc shall --
<br /> ?}'���.�i���'r� not�pply ia thc casc of.icccicration undcr paragraph 17.
<br /> -;,ui�.•�i>:s�.�•.� —'
<br /> p�Y���;,:- l9. Sale af Note; Change of l.uan Servtcer. Thc Notc or u partial intcrest in thc Note (together with this Sccurity
<br /> : -•Y.sz �'� Instrument)ma��be�old one or murc times without prior notire tu Borrower. A sale may result in a changc in thc entity(known _
<br />- .,,;�,�,i�:F as the"Loan Servicer")that collccts munthly payments duc under the Note and this Security lnstrument. There also may be ane
<br /> :;;?..���;�'��'- or more changes of tlte I.oan Servicer unrelatrd to a sale of the Note. If thcre is a change nf the Loan Scrvicer, Borro�ver will be
<br />' given written notice nf die change in accordauce with parabrapl� 14 above snJ applicable law.The notice will state tlie nan�.e and _.
<br />-:.=t�' � address of the ne�« Loan 5ervicer and the address to which pay�zlents should be made. The notic� wil! alsa contain any other
<br />- ' '. a� � inforniation reyuired by applicable law.
<br /> - "j"•• 20. Hatardous SultK:t.ances. Borrower shall not rausc or permit the presencc, usc, disposal, storage_ or rcicase of any
<br />�'.'�'r�,. �''� Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borro�ti�er shull not do, nor alluw anyane clsc to do, a�rytt�'sng affecting the ;
<br />-,°�:, � _:` Property that is in violatiun of any Environmcntal Law. Tlie prccaling two scntences shall not apply to the prescnce,usc, or
<br /> ;��- : ;, j� stor.ige on the Property of tintnll quantities of Hazarcious Substances that are genrrally rccogniud to be appropriate tu nornial
<br /> � � residential uses and to maintenancc of thc Property.
<br /> -'�"�'�`'' Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigsrtion, claim, demand, lawsuit orother uction by any —
<br />:_ ," governmenGil or rcgulatory agency i�r private pany involving the Propeny and any Ha:tardous Substance or Environmcntal Law
<br /> � ��;� of which Borcowcr has actual knawle�lgc. If Borrower Ie:u�ns. or is nntificJ by xny govern�nental or regulatory authority. that
<br /> =' any rcmoval or other rcmcdiation of any Hazardous Suhsc;uice affecting thc Propeny is neccssary, Borrowcr sh;�l prompdy take
<br /> "• '� K �� � � { all necessary remedial actions in accordanee with Envirunmental Law.
<br />�'"`'�'t�• As used in this ua�n h 20, "H;uardous Substunces" are those substances defined as toxic or h:uardous substances Qry
<br />�.,,, �� � � P� b �P
<br /> ,=�!?�• :; Environmental Law and the following substances: ga,oline, kcrasenc, other flammablc or wxic peU�oleum products, toxic
<br /> ,,.,:.--.,� pesticides�nd herbicides,voletile solvents,muteriuls rontaining asbestos or fonnaldehyde,and radioactive m�eerials.As used in
<br />'�=��}'-.4�:•��e:� chis paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" mcsr�s fcJerul laws and laws af�the jurisdiction �vhere the Property is located that
<br /> _. ___.-° relate to health,safcty or cnvironmental prote�:tion.
<br /> ^-�-.^�-� NON-UNIFORM COVCNANTS.Borcowcr and Lendcr further cuvenant and agree as follows:
<br /> �'�"j""'�`�""'� 21. Accelerntlon;Remedies.I.ender shall give notice to Rorrow•cr prior to accelernticen Bmllowang Borrower's brench
<br /> `•'"�.;..,,::i,�.�:,,� of an
<br /> -�_.:,r..,.,�;�y. y covenunt or agrcement In this Security Instrument (but not prlur to accelerntio�i under �aragraph 17 unless
<br /> "--' `'�:.•atr �npiicublc iuw provides oihenvise). The notice sl�all spc�ify: (a) the deYuulh (b)the uctlon required to cure the default;
<br />';'m�rr�►!��++� (c) �date. not less tban 30 duys from the dutr the nottce ls given to Borrower,by wtiich the default must be cured;un�
<br />_ `'-'°"`_ (d) ti►;tt failure to care the defnult on or before che dnte specifled in the ��,rft�cc may result in accders;tloh of the suntis
<br /> .:=�x,�a'�#��
<br />':�;��,�„ sccured by this Security instrument and snle of the Yroperty. The notice s?�s�01 further Infurm IIorrower of thc d�,ht to
<br />-`�::x`�;�r reirvtitate at'ter a�cceleration und thc right to brin� �� cnurt actio�n to asscrt thc non�existcncc of c� default or any oiAcr
<br /> -- , . defense of II�orro�ver to uccelerntton a�ud sAle. IP the default is nvt cureal on or before the date specified in the notice,
<br /> • Lc��der, ot its aption, may rcc�uirc omm�diatc payment in full of all suncs sscured by this Security rnstntment w[ihout -
<br />;-�;r'.�.'j}•�- further demand und may invoke thc po�vcr of sale rnd uny othcr re�nedtcs g�rnmittcd by rapplicable la�.L.endes shall be
<br />:�z!=�r:�-''. entitled to rnllect all expenses incurred in pursuioF the remedt�providecl in ldaiq par�ruph Zl� i�xluding,but ryui iimited =
<br /> ��+' ���z "� to, reasunable uttorneys'fec5 and costs of title evidence. °----
<br /> "`�;��'y�`'j;';`� IP the poH•��r ot' s�le is invokc+i, Tnulee sh.ill rceord a noticc olt defuult in e�ch county in which nny part of the �__
<br /> -�'r^`•'��'"� Pro ri is lorated and shall mail cu �es of such notice in the manner prescrilx�d bv applicable InK•to 13orrower nnd to
<br />;'}•..,�,tc_:.r�.�wk.- P� Y A
<br />_:A.;u �::g- the othcr�xrsons prescribed by npplfcal�le la�r. Aftcr the time rcyubrd by a�plicuble law,Trustee shull �ive putsllc notice _
<br /> ;+-�;�;:.."�;' of�Ic ln the persons and in thc manner prescribed by applicablc law.Trust�x,wtthout demand��n Dorru���cr, shull scll _
<br /> °-`:a,-�`�`:.':• the Property at��ublic auctlon to thc hi�;hest bidder ut tlie time and place n�td m�der the terms desi�nated in the notice of --
<br /> � -:�''�= sale In one or morn pi�rcels and in zmy order Trustce detennincs. Trustce may post�wuc salc of all or uny parcel nf lhe ---
<br /> •�,�•' !�''"�"� Pruperty bv public unnounccmcnt ut the timc and pliicc oi's�nv prnviously scliedaled sale. I,cnder or its desi�nce �t�ay --
<br /> ��"'�.;:� purchosc the!'roperty ut anv salc. �—
<br /> '`� ��e:��ss4�.
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