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<br /> .._. Up�n rccelpt o�payment ot the prlce bi�l, 'trustee shall Jefiver ro tl�e pumh c ostee's decd com•cying th� _.
<br /> I�mperty. The recftat9 in the Trustee'A deetl Khall be pr[ma focle evi�e�ece ot the truth of the statements mAde fhee�eht.
<br /> `I�Ci15It%f S�1AI� B�Eliy lfi@ EICOCCCiL9 Af(�IC SIIIC I!1 II�C COIIOiVIIt$QI'(�CP:(a)¢o aU casis Uml expenses��f exercising Ihe�x�wer o!
<br /> Snle,�nd the swle,Inciuding the paymenl ntlhr Trustee'F fees Actuxqy incurred,not to e�ceed `�o
<br /> of the pti�xipwl pmount of the nMe at the tiuxe af the dec�aratio»uf default, And reasonable nttarncyti' fec..�s os�xrmittrd
<br /> hy IAw;(b)to qil sumis secured by this Securlty Instnement;und(c) Any excess to the person a�r per�,o�u legally eutltle�!to
<br /> tt.
<br /> 2Z. ReconveyAnce. Upan paymetu af all sums ticcured hy �his Security Instrument, Lendcr shall requcst Trustce to
<br /> � reconvcy the Propeny and shall surrender this Securiry Instrument and all notes evidencing dcbt securcd by this Sccurity
<br /> fustrunxnt w Trusc�e. Tr.tste,z shal! reconvcy the Prop..rty withnut wacranty and withnut char�c ro the p�rson or persons legally
<br /> entitlecl to it. Sueh person or persons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br /> 23. SuF�stitute Trustee. Lcnder, at its option, may from timc to time removc Trustce and appoint a succcsso:trustec tu
<br /> any'i'�ustee nppointeci hereuncier by an instrument recorded in�he county in wl»ch tbis Security instrum�:nt is rccordr.d.Withoiit
<br /> conveyanee of the Properiy,the successor tcustee shall succc�ed to�II the t�tle, power and dutics confr.rred upmi Trustee I�emin
<br /> and by a�plicablc Inw.
<br /> 24. Request[ar Notices. Borrotiver requcsts that copies of thc noticcs of defauli and salc he sent to Borrower's :�ddrcss
<br /> wt�ich is the Property Address.
<br /> 25. itidern to tdis Secur[ry Irutra�ment.If on�or more riders are executeci oy Borrower arn1 ru:urJ�xt tugelii�c witb thig
<br /> Security Ynstrumcnt,the covenants and agrcen�nts af cach such rider shal(be incorporated into and shali amend aad supplement
<br /> the covenants ami ag�rements ot this Sc.curity instrument as if the rideris)were a part of this Security Tnstrument.
<br /> (Check applicable box(es)]
<br /> �Adjustablc Rate Rider O Condominium Rid�r Q Y-4 Family Ridcr
<br /> �Gmduated Payment Rider �Plunned Unit Ar.vclopment Rider 0 Riwcekl,y Payment Ridcr
<br /> �Balloon Rider �R1tc Improvement Ridcr �Second Homc Rider
<br /> ❑V.A. Rider �Othcr(s)ispccifyJ
<br /> BY SIGNING BE[AW, Iiorrowcr accepts and ngrees to the terms ;u�d covenants cantained in this Sccurity Instrument anci
<br /> in any ridir(s)cxecuted by B��YOwcr and recordcd with it.
<br /> Witnesses: �����,�)
<br /> �' (�)
<br /> CLARENCE W RAY� -C�orrowcr
<br /> ��
<br /> i cs��
<br /> EV$L I RAYER -Borrorcr
<br /> _,� M (Scal) _ (Seal)
<br /> -Bormwcr -I3orrower
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, Ade�es County ks:
<br /> The foregoing instrument was acknowlecfgeci before me this 33RD day of FEBRUARY , 1995 ,
<br /> by CLhaENf.E B. P.AI'EP. AND EIiE�YN 1, P.A1EE Hu�band and kiifa -
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial scal at GRAND I 5 LA1VD. •BRASK in said�ounty, the date afares�id.
<br /> *;y Conunissicn Expires:
<br /> Nutar .Pnblic
<br /> �a�wi��w�
<br /> ������
<br /> P�s o�o Form 3028 0190
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