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<br /> --;:4�:�'�'��vtr". �
<br />.` - --_�=_�'t paymcnts�nay nu longcr bc rcquircd, at tl�c optiun af Lcndcr, if mortgnb�:in,urunru cnvcrugc(in thc unwunt an ii�r tlic pc�iod i .. .,
<br /> ---_:,.T��• Ihat I..cndcr rcquiresl providcd by un insurer upp�ovcd by Lcndcr aguin bec�imcs av;iilablc�ind is obt�ii�tcd, Hurn�v�cr shall pay �: . � �:;__..
<br /> ""'���� thc prcmiums r�:yuircd ta mai��taim m�rt�;:����• in,uranrr in rffcrt.��r tn pr„vialc a losti rescrvc.wnil thc reyuiremcnt far mort�,iigc l. ,. - _--
<br /> --:__:�,� insurance cnds ir►accnrdlitce widt any wriucn agrcement bcnvccn Borrowcr and l�:ndcr or appiicablc la�v. �.,,, ,,�
<br /> � :.:b H��'�
<br /> .1���_ 9. Ins�xcttu�i. l,ender or its agent muy make reaumable entries up�m and inspections��t'the Pruperty. l.�:nder sliall give _
<br /> - - �....,, Borrowcr naticc at thc timc uf'��r prior to an inspcction spcci fying maso n a b lc c.w�c 6�r t h c i n tip c c t i u n. ,
<br />_ �.�.:._+...�<' 10. Co��demn.�tiun. Thc procccds of:ury u�vard ��r rlaim for damagcs. dircct or runscyucntial, in cunncctiun with m�Y „ ' -
<br /> r.-�..- ,
<br /> =�;�:'.5::;'".•.. ` , condcmnation ur alhcr takin� „r�,��y� pan uf thc Propnrry. or tiir ronvcyuncc in licu��f cond�nmati�m, aro hcre by a+5i�ncd an d �':'._� ',�=.
<br />_ :.�.�� •`�,; ,�.:...j.•,::.�?
<br />.y shall be psid ta l..ender. •
<br /> .:�): �.r'.� , .. _ ...�.-. ._.
<br />';�_�;���,K"�;���;� In theevent of a tut�d taking uf thc Property.thc proi:ccds shall 6c applicd to thc�ums ticcurcd by this S�curity In�trument. _> .;,-.�..:.k;�•.�:
<br /> t•;r.;f . .,t_y, • -F'x�:h.'3�°-: -:
<br />;;�,;ir, .., . k whcthcr or uot then due, with any cxce,s paiJ a� Burrowcr. In the even[of a partial taking of thc Pruperly in which thc fair '� r��r,�,��..�.: � ,,,
<br /> ="-^==t.. :•, ..:�" n�arket valuc of the Propci�ty inmtc�liatcly befurc the t:►king is eyual w ur gre.ttcr th,m thc amouut uf thc sums securcd by this .�,���x T
<br /> '����,, .�,..,rh. ::�.°� rvix��u•r�.'..
<br /> �:r�b��•:,.,,,�• Sccurity lristnunent immediatcly befure thr tuking,unlcss Borrowcr and I.cnder othcrwisc agrec in�vritiug, tlu sums�ecur2d by ,�- • ��'.'- ,��u.^
<br /> b::�.-
<br /> -��`=�+ � this Security Instru►nent ,hali be r�dured by the :i�nount af the proceeds multiplieJ by the foUowing fracti�n: (a) the total `.:� Z-
<br /> =��;:�.,���,-, amaunt of thc sums sccurcd immediately betive thc takin^, dividcd by (b)thc fuir ma�kct value nf thc Property immcdiately
<br /> ' .-r_.,,, ..-,.
<br /> ` :4m:�. •,+1.', bCfOrC die taking. Any balaucc�haU be paid to 8urruv��r. In the event o f a partia l ta king o f t he Prope r ly in �vhich [hc f�ir �--_:__ --- -
<br /> ,,:F:�r;,�,'a ma�ket valuc of the Propcny immediatcly before thc taking is lcss than thc amount of th�swns sccurcd immediatcly beforc thc °--•�-
<br /> ::. rk,. . — --
<br /> . • taking. unlcss Borrower and Lcndcr othern�isc agrr.c in writing or unlc��:�pplicable!aw othcnvise provides, the procceds s i _M
<br /> ' ';, be applicd to the sums�ecured by this Securicy In,trumcnt whethcr or not the�wm arc then due.
<br /> � ��'�+��' `�� If the Propeny i�abandone�a by Borcower, ar if, after nocice by Ixnder to Borrower that the cond�mnor offers to make an
<br />.,_.#`.�`��+,.�� � a�s�s�! ur settle a claim fm• damagr:y. Horruwer fails w respund w LcuJe:� ��iit�in 30 d�y,ufter the date t5c naticc is given. = -�
<br /> Lender es authorized lo colltct nnd apply the prc�cc:eds,at its optiun,either to restoration or repair of thr.Property or to the sums
<br /> . : �•�'��j+ secured by this Security Instrument,whcther or not then due.
<br />"' '" Unless Lend�r attd Rnrrower othenvise ;�gree in �vriting, :tny application �f proceeds to princip�l shall not extend or __
<br /> `� post�ne the due date of thc monthly payments rcfe►•red tu in p:�ragraphs 1 and 2 or clringe thc amount of such payments. - '
<br /> �:'r� ��,?�' 1L tiorrmrer N�t Released;Forbcarunce By Lcnder Not n Wai��cr.Extcnsion uF the timc for payment or mc.dification
<br /> �4. �.:_ c__..�...i............... � �3 �.,:.7:�::S�wS!":::��.�5:`!'![;i+�tnrnct nf R�rr�iwnr chall
<br /> _ - , .�,�. ' oi aniunir•riion ui iiic�uu�„cwicu uy im�ac�wi�y u.,uwu�.,:b::�.::. � �
<br /> • ,'ti,�, ' not operatc to rcle:ise thc liabiliry of the original [iorrowcr or Borrowcr's successurs in interest. l..:ndcr sl�all n�t bc requir�,d ta
<br /> T�� coinmence procee�io�s against any tiucc�ssor in intere+i ur refusc tn extend timc for payment or othenvise mcxiify amortic�tion
<br />- •�. . `� of the sums secured by this Security Insvument l�y rea�on of a�iy demand madc by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> __ ;.a�„�t��; • successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lendcr in exerrising any right or remeJy shall ni�t be a�vaiver of or pt+eclude the
<br /> ���-f ��" �'.;� exercise of any right nr remcdy. —
<br /> R��?: ;,°k':::
<br />�-�;�!!,:_-:�,,�„ 12. !;uecess��rs und Assigns Dound; Joint And Severul I,iubility; Co-sl�ners. 7Yie covenants and agreeme�xts of this _ _ -
<br /> '�'� �� Securit Insi�unten.t shall hind :md hr.nefit the succeason and ati,igns of Lcnder and Borrower, subject to the provisions of �
<br /> :�i.�:u.t .,':•.:i. Y
<br /> - _ - -._„-� para�raph 17. Borruwer'ti covenants anJ agreement� tihall be juint and se��et�al. Any Borrowcr who co-signs this 5ecurity _ a�
<br /> T'`�T'�"'"�' `� lnstrument but docs not execute the Note: (al is co-siguing this Security Insirwn4nt only tu mui�gage,grant and ronvey that
<br />.- -,:. .. �r'qAq .
<br />=�yX�-.,.,_,,..,�.. Borrower's interest in the F'roperty under the t�rms cif this Security Instrumenr,(b)is not personally obligatcd to pay die sums
<br />__�;__�=°��-?�� secured by this 5ecurity Instrumcnt: and Icl agrees that L.ender and any other Borrowcr may agree to extcnd, modify, farbear or �
<br />_��.�yrv�:�..._.�Alr. . =
<br /> ..:,�•,,,..;�, m:ilce any accommodations with regarJ to the term�uf this 5ecurity Instniment ur the Note without that Burrower's conaent. ,.--�
<br />-�•�---��='--:��= 13. I.oan Chary;ts.!f the loan secured by thi� Securiry Instrument ia subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, �__ —
<br /> _ -- ;+t't:; _--_
<br /> ;=��;,��:�;.' and that law is finally interpreied so that ihe intemtit or i�dter luan charge�collected or to be collected in connection with the _.
<br /> ,--
<br /> '����+�.���;��; loun exce�d the permitted limits. dnen: la) any.uch I��an charge+hall b�reduccd by the aino�mt necessary to rcduce the charge �,- _
<br />,w:.�:..,,:..,1�- --
<br /> ,:��:":•:• ' to t4�e permitted limit: and (b)any sums already collected from Burrowcr which exe�ecied�:rmitteci limits�vill bc refundr.d to a°------
<br /> ,.,. � �,F�--
<br /> � � :, Borro�ver. Lendr� n�uy chuose to make this refund by rcducing the principal o�ved ❑nder the Nnte nr by making a dircct -
<br /> payment to Eiorcawer. If a rcfund redure, principsl. [he reJucti�m will be treated as a partial pmpayme�it withuut any ���
<br /> �-..- ..Y L��r'�B_ .�
<br />- ' • -` prepaymcnt rhargc undcr thc Nota �+.._- _
<br /> .y..,. ,.R� -:,:�r .r er=r"_
<br /> 14. Noticcs. Any� noticc to Borruwcr providcJ fi�r in this Sccurity instrumcnt �hall bc givcn by dclivcring it or t7��msiling .;;s� �_----�--
<br />:_:n� ,:.�,�,� ., .. 'z?�a-�__-�>—o:
<br />-_�..}� " " it by first class mail unlcss applicablc law rcquires use of anothcr methoJ. Thc noticc shaU he dirccted to thc Propett��.Address � ;�:3�.: •
<br />— ii �".,f... • r,..r�.,.
<br /> ., 'i, or any other addretis Borrower designates bp notice to Lender. Any notice to L.ender sh�ill be gi��en by first class mail to ,:;;y,�.-.._��_,;,,�' �`
<br /> ""�''�� • [.cndcr's address titatcd hcrcin or any other ad�iresti [.cndcr dcsignatcs by notice to Borrowcr. Any no:ice providcd for in this `, � �::„�~;:��::�
<br /> ��� �� Security Iiistrument shall be dcemed to havc h�n given to Bvrrowcr or Lender when givcn as provideJ in this par.►gr.iph. , ,� • •
<br /> .. _� ,
<br /> = '�.�'�� .,°•� I5. Covcrning [.�a•; 5eversf�llit�. This Se�urity Instrwncnt tihall be gu��crncd by fcdcral law mid thc la�v of thc
<br /> •' ' .d. jurisdiction in which the Pmpcny is IocatcJ. In the evcnt th.0 any provitiiun iir rlausc Rf thiti Scrurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> _' •+�r" ;� contlicts witl�appli�:sble la�v, sunc�onflict shall not affect uthcr provisions uf this Sccurity Instrumcnt or dic Notc�vliicli can bc
<br /> ;, �.,�„•,;� given eFfcct without tlic conflicting provision. To thiti end thc provisiuns uf thia Securiry [nstrument:ind the Note are declared
<br /> .�!;. .:��.•.;:� tn be sever.ible.
<br /> .�;';.;;�,,;i' " l6. BorroNer's Copy. Bmrowcr shall bc gi��cn onc continmcd copy of thc Ncnc and of thi�S��curity Instrumcnt.
<br /> _ ,'�� Form 3028 9190
<br /> .,r,,
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