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<br /> � I i•t•�,A(.�w.Y,i:.i fA.� :f� j r.;a•�,-,�.� .,�t 'atiRx7. . �. . . :t<�yu.�� � . '„�z
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<br />_ ._ - �Zrr i� .,i�"`+ --� _.� �6��1M��1��=Y�Kflatttp�nr .-.,r:.41r . • 'y..� 'r F y _ .
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<br /> • .h,s.d . ..•f.� ..y ..�� St:.�,..:•.� .. _..i.. � , . - a.�,4 • - y ..<;r.! • �7� y� +J .
<br /> +�T t.- n
<br /> r.-•�raiaa-mE�reYammrr�� l;c,.�. - . . . � . ,� .. , ., . �1i?.�, . .
<br /> . �
<br /> . f -v, . .sj.�.,-�.t � -t . . � . '
<br /> . _.:,�.n,.....r.���.Ls ..,..._ . . , , . , . r
<br /> .. .�...i.L]dn.a,.il4,.,:,.,.r . . ' f .,... n .. . ... . ... .-- - _ .. �.t _ ._ ..--- . .. ___ ....._.. .. .. ._ . ._ --
<br /> ; ��-� 1���U�� .
<br /> cundca�n�Uli���ur uthor IaV,iu+1��f nnyf pait of IIu�Ihnpt�+ty,ur lar n�nvcyancc in Ilcu ut cond��mnci�iun.�uc hrrrl�y us�i�!n�d nud ' .,
<br /> shall ix pai�l tu I.cndcr. � ��,f: •
<br /> In �lic cv�nt ol' n tulnl ¢iikln� ul' �liu 1 ropwry, alu� pr��ccc�ls �h�ill I�r npplicd io ih�+uwti ucw'cd hy thl�� Scr��rity
<br /> (ntitrumcnt, whcthcr or ni�t thcn dua,�vnli nny cr,�;r.*.�puid to Nurruvrrr. In thc rvctu ut a pmm�l Iukinit uf Ilic i'�upc�ly in �
<br /> which the f;�fr nu�rkct vidu�uf ihu N�ti��x�ety innnualiitk+ly Ix:tiir��hc��iking iv cquid t��or�fcnt��r�h;m thc nmumu ui'�hc sumn ' •
<br /> sccumd by thfy Sccurfty In�u•umcnt imnti��dliit��ly bui�,n�thc�cikin�!,unletis l3urr��H•cr and Q.cndcr othc��visc ngrcc in writing.
<br /> N�c sum�hccund by U�i.r• Sccuriiy �ns�n.uncnt �d�id) tw rcdurcd by Ihc am�num ur�hc proc:cc�ls muliipliod by �hc f'ulluwing •� ,
<br /> i'raction: (n)thc tntul ninuunt uf ihct snn►r;`cc�un:d hnmcdiat�:ly lx�t'orc thc takinz.dividcd by(hl thc fair mu�kct vidur of thc ,
<br /> Propcny imincdiutcly Ixti�rc tha tal:in�}. Atqr balim�w r,hall bc puid to I3urrowcr. In Ihc cvent of u partial tnkin�t uf thc
<br /> 1'ropcny in wliich ihc fair mn�rkct vsilun uf thc�Ihopriiy immediatrly Ix�fore thc ialcinQ is Icsy th,m thc am��unc af th�: ,ums ,. "
<br /> �ccurcd Immcdiutcly bcfora thc taking, unl�:ss Qurrvwcr nnd Lcndcr oth�:rwisc ugrcc in +vritin�r i�r unl�:sti applicablc luw
<br /> othel'wise provides,the preuceds sb;.yll bc, appli�:d to thu sun�s securrd by thi:;Securiry bntrumc�t whe�hcr or n�n the nums are 'r, . . '
<br /> thcn duc. :,••.. �.
<br /> If the Prope�ty is abnnclotied by Qurru+a�c:r,�►r if.uftcr nutice i�y Lcnder tu Rrn•rower thut the condemn��r ofl'ers[o mi�kc � -y=••��
<br /> an award or xctttc ii cli►icrt for d,imn��rs,Hq17�J\A'P,Y failf,iu rcxpond tu LcnJcr within 30 duy�;aftcr thc duta thc noticc is giv�sn, -.; '
<br /> Lcndcr is authurizcd to call�:ct nnd uppl�+tha proc:c��L,,ut its uptian,cithc�to rostoration or repuir of the Property ur to thc '•'' �.
<br /> sums sccured by this Securi�y Instn�rncnt,whe:tht:r c�r not then due. f";�.��_
<br /> Unless l..ender and Borrotver e�thcr�vi�e i+gree in writing,�iny cipplicirtion uF pruceeds�o prin�:ipal �hiill nnt extend or :..--:u�-�-
<br /> . . ��_
<br /> post�wne the due date of the mcmihl��paymcntr,n:furred to in parugraphs I und?or chtmge the iimount of such payments. .'.�'•�•';;r,;;
<br /> ��;�*�-
<br /> 11. QorroKer Not Released; Ford�car�.nce 13y l.endcr Nut a Walve� Extcnsion uf thc [imc for puymcnt or >.• -
<br /> marlificutiun of iunortizntinn�f ihe sumr: secun:d by this Security Instnmti�nt gr.mtcd by Lender to uny succ�ssor in interest �� y�T',�,°�
<br /> of Bu�mw�r sliall not o�.rntc to relrase thc linbility af the original Borrower or Borco�ver's successon in interest. Lender __=•�`�'
<br /> siiali uvi bc �cquin:d ro crnnmen� pmc�aeclings ugainst any xuceessor in interest or r�fuse t:; cxtei�� tiuic fur puymCU� ur �o-;,�-�-:_ °-
<br /> :,}i==
<br /> othenvine mcxlify amonizatii�n af the:,umr•.secun:d by this Security Instrument by r�uson ot any denu►nd made by the origin.d P�:`::��.__n
<br /> Barrawcr or Burrower's su�rekyors in intcrcst. Any forbcarancc by Lcnder in cacrcising any right or rcmedy,hall not be u "-'
<br /> ,I��.�_'
<br />. waiver of or preclude the exercise uF amy ri�ht or rcmedy. �i;�n
<br /> 12. Successnr:�:md Assygnn lfound;Jofnt and Severul Liubility;Co-signers. The covcnan[s w►d agrcemen�,oi this �u'„�-�-
<br /> Sec:urity Instniment sliall bind nnd benefit the successors and assigns of Lender und Borro�ver,subject to the provisions of =_
<br /> paragra�h 17. Burrowee's cov�n�nts and agrecments shall be joint anJ,everul. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security �--�--
<br /> Instrument but does not execute�hc� Note: ra)is co-signing this Sewrity Instrument only co mortga�e,�rant and convey that
<br /> norrowcr's inccrest in ihc i�rup�ny u�iuc� �iir irnn�u�ii�iti�ccwiiy 1uai�uwc�ii, iLj i��wi Nci�uiiiui'y ouiigdtiu i6 Naj�tliC:su�u; ______
<br /> securcd by this Securiry lnstnirnent: und(��a�.rces that Lender and any uther Borwwer muy agree w��xt�:nd,modify,forbeur ___---
<br /> or make any «ccammn�lations witt� re�ard tu �he tertns of this Security Instrume�t or thc Notc without thut Borrower's =_--�
<br /> consent.
<br /> 13. I.uan Chargc.w. lf ahe loan serurc I t�y this Securiry lnstrument is subject to •i la�v +vhich sets m�ucimum loan
<br /> rhurges,and thiu Inw ic finnll�� interpreled so thnt the intcrest ur othcr loan chargcs callected or ro be collected in connection
<br /> witl�dle loan exceed the Exm�itt�d lirnits,then: (a)any such toan chnrge�hull be rcduced 6y the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> dte charge to the perntitted Umil:mid(b) any sums aln:ady rvllected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wifl 6e �'�`
<br /> nfunded w Durrowcs. I.��ndv�m�iy choc�sc to make this rcfund by mducing thc principal owcd undcr thc Notc or by making a �
<br /> din:ct payment t��purru�ver. If u rr1'unJ reduces principal.the mduction�vill be treated as a partial prcpaymen[without tmy ___
<br /> prepi►ymcnt charge under thc Nuie. �•_°.--°°
<br /> l4. Noticts. Auy uotia:c w Bornnver providcd for in this Sccuriry Instrument�hall bc given by dclivering it or by _
<br /> muiling it by fir..t d:4wa mi:il u:i1r�+spplicable lativ reyuircs usc iif:►nother meth�xf.1'he notice shull t2e directed to th�Property �_-=_-
<br /> Addre�.e ur uny ULIICC UtIIIfUtiS t3um��+•er dcsignate+ by nulicc w Lendcr. Any noticc�o Lendcr shall be given by first class ��K-�---_
<br /> mnil to Lender;nddress statc�i h�eein or uny utlier:►ddress Lender designates by notice to 6uROwer. Any notice provided for �"��"'°�
<br /> in this Sccurity Instn�mcnt sli:.11 b�*Jecmcd to huvc been bivcn to Dorrowcr ur Lender wticn given as providc�f in this °x"�`�"A�-�
<br /> p.uugrapli. �-_-._. ..
<br /> IS. Governin�; Luw; Sesurnhility. This 5ccurity Instrument shall bc gaverned by fedcr,t! law and the law of thc --=--_
<br /> jurisdiction in�vhich thc Pmperiy is Eo:atcd. In the event thut any provision or clause uf this Security Instrument or the Note ��-
<br /> cmiflicts with npplicablc la�ti•,sud�contlict shall nut nffect other provisions af this Securiry Instrument or the Note which can �-a-=-_----�
<br /> be given effect wiihoul the cunflicting psovision. To this end�he provisions of this Securiry Instrument:md the Note are "'�-----
<br /> dccltucJ to t►e sc�•crablr. ��"_"'_^_^°�'
<br /> 16. Buranti��er's Co�y. Borco�ver shall be given one confurtned re�py of the Note and of this Security Instrument. �.�_=�-=
<br /> 17. 'IYAnsfzr af thc Froperty vr n Iicneftcial Intcrest in Horrower. If all or any part of the Property or any intercst in fj'�f"�;;�:�_���
<br /> it is soW or tr:msfcrn:.� lor if a bene�cial intcrest in Borrowcr is sold or tr.msfcrrcd and Borrowcr is mn a natural person) +.���""'�"-�"
<br /> .C:.:'!-.'i.F�:+-�
<br /> without l.ender's priur written cunsent,Lender may,at its option, rcyuirc immediate payment in full of all sums secured by iZ;;��.�,•�,`�
<br /> this Sccurity Insuvment. Ho�vever, tliis option shall not be excrcised by Lender if exercise is proh:bited by feder.tl law as of •�;��. .
<br /> thc date of ihis Sccurity Instn�mcnt. '��'
<br /> If Lenc�c exerciscs this optiun, Lender shaU 6ive Borru��•er notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide u�xricxl of - �
<br /> not Ic�s thu�30 days fn�m thc daic thc noticc is dclivcrcd or mailcd�vithin�vhich Horrou�:r must pay all swns securcd by this r�•�
<br /> Sccurit}� Iu�trument. If Bomia•er fails to pay tliese ,ums priur to the expiration of this period, Lender muy invoke any ".'�'•�•�•- ,
<br /> remedicy pCtmittcd by this 5ccuriry Instrwmcnt widtaut furthcr notice or demund on Iianuwer.
<br /> , 18. liurrow•er's Right ¢o Reinstnic. if Borrnower meets ccrtain conditions, Borrox•er shall ha�•c thc right ro havc
<br /> enforcen:�nt nf this 5ecurity lnstmment discontinuedpt�my time prior to tl�c e:irlier ofl. (a)5 days(ur such other period.�s
<br /> Su�;lc fimiily••Naeok�faclMYeddbe Atac L'\IPURl11 fN9'PRU�fEN'i'-•Umtonn Corcaunts y�yo r�«x�a��J6 n�xe4� ' �
<br /> �_
<br /> �_-- ---
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