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<br /> peric►ds th�u Lcndcr rcqnircy, '1'itc insurunco cmYi�r prc�vi�ling�hr,insurrmcc sl�nll I�c citnsrn by Ilu�ro��cr r;ubJeci tu L��nilcr4 � �.
<br /> upproval whlch yhall nut hc uumnsunubly withhcld, If'13�irrowcr fnlis to n�nlnintn cuvcn�gc dcscrit►cd cdx►vc,!_.cndcr�uny.nt ; , ,
<br />_ • l.cndrr�upti�►n,abtoln covcrngc to��rotcct l.cndcr�ti f�hi119 Itl(I14 PfO�rty in nccurdi►ncc wilh parngniph 7. ' `b'-
<br />- All insur.!ncc pnlicicv oni� nnc?�vnl,tihnll t,c ucceptnbic�n Ixn�cr nud tihnll inclucic�i stamd.ird mortFi�}!c cl,uitic. l.endlcr _ _
<br /> sfiall have the�Iglzt to h��id the�x>licies ond renewnls. If l.endec rcqufreti,L�orn�wer tihi�ll promptly give to l.cndcr ull recei�ts ;;i, ,
<br /> of pnid p.tnifuniw und renewul nutices. In the event of lo,ti,Qorcov�er slr.�ll givr,prompt nutice to thc insuriince ci��ricr m�d • °
<br />- Lcndcr. I.cndcr muy mukc prrx�f ut'loss iP not mudc prompQy hy F3orrawcr. ` •
<br /> lJnlcss Lcnder n��d Bnrrower nth�rwisc ugree in writin�, insurnnce procccds shi►II be upplicd to restorntion or repai� of � .• �
<br /> the I'raperty damuged, if the restorntton or rcpair is economicaiUy feusible und Lender's security is not Ir,s,ened. If ¢he •
<br /> �r�toraaion or repair is noi economicnUy feaslbie or Lender's securiry would lx: Iessened, the insurance pr�ceeds shall be ,.
<br /> applicd to thc sums sccured hy this Securiry Inst�ument, whedier or nat thr.n doe, with any excess paid to Horro�vcr. If
<br /> Dorrower nbnndons the Property,or docs not nnswer �vithin 3U days a notice from Lender thnt thc insumnce carricr has 'ss. .. . :•_, '. _
<br /> offered to settle n claim,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender mny use the proceeds to repvr or restore •;;,r�.�•+�.rt,�,i.�
<br /> tl�c Property or to pay sums sccumd by this Security Instniment,whether or not then due. The 30-dny period�vill bcgin when :.. ��F�'��' '
<br /> ..:.irW.w.i' .f `:.�:-/. .
<br /> the notice is given. • �� r �
<br /> Unlcss Lender and Rortowcr othenvisc agrce in writing. uny applicution of procccds ta principal shnU not extcnd or , ',,.„,������•
<br /> gostpone the due date of the monthly payments refermd to in pur.►�mphs 1 and 2 or chunge the nmount of the p�ymcnts. If �����t�±'�rs-�----
<br /> ur•dcr .a-1 ra h 21 the Pro rt is nc uired b Lender. Borrower's ri�ht to an insurcince olicies and mcecds res�dtin '�`""- - --
<br /> t � P p� Y 9 Y b Y P P 8 � ut,:_.��--°-
<br /> trom dzna.'�ge to the Ptaperty prior ta tho ucquis►tion shall pnss to Lender to�he c:xtent of the,u�ns sccu►�J by tliis Sctiurity �' '�-�
<br /> -, ----
<br /> .,��;__-
<br /> Instru*_n a:t nmmediately prior to the ucquisition. `''�y� '--�—�
<br /> G, �ecupancy, Preservntion, Maintennnce und Protection of the Property; Borrower's Lua�e Applit;atian; ,'.' --
<br /> Lease���'Y9s. Borrower shall nccu establish,and use the Pro ert as Borrower's rinci al residence within sixt da s after "`"""'"�—'
<br /> • �a_.�..'""
<br /> PY• P Y P P' Y Y :��+a.�.�:�_—_
<br /> the exc�c�:!:on of this Security Insn�ument nnd shal!continue to occupy thc !'roperty�;Barow�r�pri:�ciza!resid;.a;�fe�at
<br />