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' n .. . . - . • .... ,�..1-n!}�(�.til:-. <br /> . <br /> . � � �y� '„ �]�� <br />.. .. ..i..��u�..��.�w.�iL.i �•.���wu�•f�M1Nawl.r�l41.w' �.�..�..��'�`Mi.'M1:dN=31wbJL•w'e«:'.�u�ua�.�aw.i.ruW:�4M LW.lA+__d11Wa.`� —=�4�.1.*Yi.If�ru1.JM(ad{I.�}.(Jyyy���C��Rl•'. <br /> � ��_ �(D�046 <br /> �;��. <br /> ' opplicnble Inw�nny specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursunnt to;u�y power of sale contalned in this `�' <br /> Sc�urity Instrument;or(b)emry of u judgment cnforcing this Securlty Instrumcnt. Thase conditions are that Borrowcr. (a) " ;� <br /> p;►ys LenGer nll �:ums which then wouid be due under this Sccurity lnswment and thc Notc as if na accclemtion hnd ' <br /> � o c c u R.:d;(b}c w c s a n y d e f a u l t a f a n y o d i e r c o v e n a n t s o r a g r eements;(c)�a ys al!ex penses incurre�l in enforein g this Security � <br /> Instmment, including, but not limited to,rcasonable attorneys'fees;and (d) takes such action us Lender may �nsonnbly L�j,;._�` <br /> aquir�to assure thut the lien of this Secudty Inswment,L.cndcr's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the <br /> sums securcd by this Security Inswment shall conti�tue urtchanged. Upun reinstatemcnt by F3orrower, this Security �� <br /> lnstrument ard the obligations securcd hereby shnll remuin fully effective as if no accelerntion hud occurred. However,this i • ° <br /> right to rcinstatc stinll not npply in thc case of ncccicratlon undcr parasmph 17. <br /> 19 SAfe of Nute; ChAnge of I.aun Servlcer. The Note or a partinl interest in thc Note(tugether with this Securiry .;,, <br /> inr;trumcnt)mtiy bc sut�a��or uwre times wid�out prior notice to Bottowcr. A salc may result in a change in the entity <br /> (kr►nwn as the"I.oan Servicer")that cnllect�monthly pnyments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also :;,; <br /> mny bc one or marc changes of the Loan Scrviccr unrclatcd m a sale of the Note. If thcrc is a change of thc I.oan Scrviccr, �.�:� <br /> Bonower wil!be given written notice of dte change in nccordance with paragraph 14 above and npplicable law. The notice . <br /> will statc the name nnd address of the�iew Loan Servicer ond�he address to which paymcnts should be made. The notice will � �•. <br /> �Iso cuntuin any other informution required by npplicable law. ��u,�,. <br /> 20. Hazardoua Substances. Boirower shall not causc or permit the prescnce,use,disposal,storage,or relea�.se of any (,i;` <br /> Hazardous Substances an or in thc Property. Borrowcr shnll not do,nor allow anyone clse t�do, anythin�affectin� thc ;;w;.. <br /> Property that is in vfolntion af nny Environmental Lnw. The preccding two sentences shall not apply to the prescncc,use,or ';��. <br /> stomge on fhe Property of small quantiaes of Hazardous Subsiances that are generally recognizcd to bc appropriate to normnl <br /> residential uses and ro mAintenance of the Property. -`�� <br /> Barrower shaQ promptly givc Lender written noticc of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any _�-�a:�: <br /> govemmentaI or regulatory a�ency or privute pr�rry involving die Properiy and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental --- <br /> Law of which Bunower has ucwal knowledge. lf Boao�oer learns, or is nntificd by any governmentul or regulatory �Wj.,�>: <br /> nuthority,that any removnl or ether remediadon of:u�y Haz�uclous Substance affecdng the Propeny is necessary,Borrower -___ <br /> shall pramptly tnke all necessl►y remedial actions in accordance with Environmentul Law. __ <br /> As used in this puragraph 20,"Htrtardous Snhsinnces" are tho,e substanceti defined as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> Environmental Luw and ihe following substances: �asoline,kerosene,otlier flammable or toxic peuoleum products,toxic =_-_ <br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, mnterials containing nsbestos or forniald�hyde, and radioactive materials. As = <br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental La�v"mcans fcderal luws and luws of the jurisdiction whcre the Property is located <br /> :hn�::�Aar�,:Q���,enf�(��f�na,i�•nnma�ta,l�rnfnrunr�. ---�. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowe►•and Lender further covenant and agme as follows: ��:� <br /> 21. Accelerution; Reanedies. I.ender si�aU give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleraUon following Borrow�r's ---- <br /> breach of uny covenunt or ugreement In thfa Security Instrument(but not pr[or to ucceleratlon undPr paragraph 17 �^'"= <br /> unless upplicablU Inw providcs otherwise). Tlie nottce sh�ll specify: (u)the default;(b)the actton rer�uired to cure the ��y„_ <br /> defitult;(c)a dute,not less than 30 days from the date the notEce is�iven to Borrower,by whfch the defnult must be ��,M <br /> cured;and(d)thut[atlure to cure the defnult on or before the dute spec[Qed in the nottce may result in ncceleratlon of R�""" <br /> the sum9 secured by tlds Security instrument und sule ot the Property. The notice shnll further inform Iiurrower of �."°� <br /> the dght to retnstate atter Acccleration end the ri�ht to brin�u court action to assert the non-existence of e defeult or """ <br /> any other delcnse o[Borrowcr to acceleration end sale. If the defnult is nat curcd an�r befure the dnte s ciAed In °�"� <br /> P� E�r n. <br /> the natice�l.ender at Ita optlon n�ay requirc immedletc payment tn full otnll sums sc�ured by this Sccurity Instrument E:-•.. <br /> without tLrther demand ond may invokc the power of salc und nny other nmedtc� perm(tted by applicable law r <br /> Lender shall be en4lUed to collect ull expenses Incurre�cl in pursutng the eemedte9 provided in thts parc+�raph 21, ' <br /> IncJuding,bu:no4 llmited to,rcasonablc nttor��eyA'fees and c�►sG9 of titic evidence. -'-�= <br /> If the power oP sule i�Invoked,'[l�ustee shull record n nottce of detnuEt I�r cach connty in arhlci�ony part uf the �`'� <br /> Property is located nnd shaU m.ail rnp9es of sucli notice in the munner prescrihed by up�slicablo law to 13orriiwer nnd to _ <br /> thc athcr peraortr�prescribcd by epplicahlc Imv. After the timc required by appNcublo la�v,'ilrustec shull give publtc � - <br /> no4ice of sale to the persons and[n the manner prescribed by nPpllcnblo law 7Y�ustee,without�temand on Borrower� ''�. <br /> shall seil tl�e Pro�►erty at publir.suctfon to the htghest bldder at the dme ond pince nnd undcr thc terms designated in ,; <br /> the notPce oP Gale in onc or mone pnrcels end in any ordcr 1lrustce determitees. 'h�astce may postpanc snlc of ull or any , <br /> parccl of the Property by publtc aunouncement ut the time and pluce of nny pmvtously scheduled sale. Lender or its � <br /> designce may pu�chase the Froperty ut nny sale. <br /> Upon reccipt of�ayment of the prtcc bid,7Yustcc shnll deliver to thc purchuser 7Yustce's dced convcying thc <br />' Pr�perty. The rec[tals in the'IS�ustt�e's deed shnU be prima faicle cvidence of the truth of the stntements made therc[n. <br /> 7lrustee sttall upply the proceeds of the snle in the foliowing order: (u)to n!1 costs m�d expenscs oi exc�ctsing the power <br /> � <br /> :._. ;zCn+tir,-il��t+L"+Mk��kri'�+'X'ti,'�wt�rl�Ytd.s�•F•.. . �.'_��!* .. . . , •-�-_-..__'_'__ , .. _ .,.,-_.-.-+ <br />� �� i"�, ���.l'�: . . � .. <br /> ` f 1 .. . ..'r'�. . <br />- ' ':�i;. . . . .. '� . . ,. , " �i�^�.i�:'� �� � � .� <br /> ' � ';% <br />-� .._b,..l.�_............:_...'_'"_._, . ...........' _ ' ". .... -. _ _ - __"__' '_ '.... __—_'�_'--__—_"_"'"_"_" _. <br />�.. �,._..,, - ._. ._-_ -_._=':r..-----_�.__.__..- . � . . . <br /> .... <br /> 1,,,`_11'. -.-",.--- .. � - - �Z.i� �- .. .. �. . <br />_ � - . „ .� . . ^ r ' � - <br /> � � - � . - �, � .. .. �i��., - � . <br />. - _ �' -- � -. 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