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<br /> T(XlliTHEtt Wi'E fl��ll Qtie Impxavcir�cnts n�w or hrn;aftcr crectcd an thc propeny,m�d oll ensemcros,nppurtenances. ��.-,
<br /> and fixtures naw or herea€ter n part oF the pni}xrty. All replacementv and adJfuons sludl nlsa be covercd by tUls Security _
<br /> Instrument. All uf tho forei�oing is rcfcrrcd to In this Securiry Instrument ns thc"P:operty." �.-
<br /> BORRUWGR COVk'sNANT5 that aorcowcr is luwfully sciscd of thc cstntc hcrcby cunveyc+l und iias thc right to grant �
<br /> and r.onvey the C'roperty and that�he Pruperty is unericumbered,except for encumbmnces of record, Uottower wnnants nnd �,_
<br /> wlll dcfend gent:mlly tho ti�le ta the Praperty ngainst all clalms and dcmnnds,subJect ta nny encumbrnnces af rccord, +i
<br /> THIS SFrUR1TY 1fiISTRUo eon.stitu e abun form'SCCUnty in tn ment cuvedns rea!praperty,n-unifonn covennnts with
<br /> ,b '�erisdicdon t �,1-
<br /> limited vari�tian. y� !�.�.'-
<br /> UNIFORM COV�'NANTS. Bonower and I,ender cov�nant and agrec as follows: �_
<br /> 1. Payn�ont of Ptit�cips�l and Intcrest;Prepnyment aiid I.ate Charqcs� �iorrower shc►ll promptly pay when due tli�c =___
<br /> principal of nnd interest o:x�he debt evidenced by the Note nnd any prepayment and lute charges due under the N�te. �.
<br /> 2. Fund�i for'llnxcs ond Insurence. Subject tn applicnblc law or t�a written�va�ver by Lcnder,Borrower shsll pay to F'
<br /> Lender on thc day month�y paymcnts are due under the Note,untll th�Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly _
<br /> tnxes nnd asses�uncnts which may attain piiarity over this Security Insnvment as a lien on the poperty:(b)yeadca 1�flood =_
<br /> payments or gcaund rents on the Properry, if 1ny; (c) yenrly hazurd or properc}+ insurance remiums; (d) y y —
<br /> insurancc prc�niums, if any; (o) ye:uly mortgage insurance premiums. i f any; and (fl any sums payablc by Baaowcr to
<br /> L�zder.in accordance��ith the provisi�ns of paragraph B,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. '1'hese
<br /> items nre callect"Escrc�w items.' Lender may,at a��y time,collect und hold El�nds in an amount not tu exceed¢tte maximurn
<br /> amount a lendcr fos a fecferally related mortguge loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Rcal
<br /> Cstatc Scttlem�:n4 Nn�cr.dv�.res Act of 1974 as amended from dme to timc, l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless unother Vtl
<br /> !�«�Ehut applicc to tlic PUmds sets a lcsscr amaunt. If so,Lender may,at any timc.collect and hold Funds in an:unount not to
<br /> e:ccced ihe lesw:r amouKr.t. Lender mny cstimate the umoi+nt of Hl►nds due on the basis of cuacnt data and �a�o;�aule
<br /> escnn�ates of ea�cnditurc.4 of future�scrow Items or othenvise in accordance with applica�+�e law. �_
<br /> 'I'he FundE shnll be held in an institution whosc deposi��are insurcd by a feder.11 agency, instrumentality, o;entity
<br /> (includin�I..emier,if I.cnder is such an insNtution)or in any Federal Honie Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> thc Escrow Iteme. Lcnder mny nut charge Borrower for holdin� and �pplying the Funds, annu�lly analyting the escrow ,
<br /> uccount,or verifyinB thc Escrow Items, unless Lendcr pays Borrower interest on th�e Fl►nds and applicnble ]aw p�:rmits
<br /> I.cndes ro mui:e such u charge. However, Lender may require Boaowcr to pay a one-time churg:for an indepen�lent rcal
<br /> e�tnte tvc repodinQ service used by L.ender in connection with this loan,unless applic�blc law provides othenviae. 'i.]nless an
<br /> agreemcnt is mndc or appIi�uuSi:iuw���a:=:.s in:�s'�ss;��='Pai�,�."n�iP�chall not be reqiared to pay Borrower any interest ar
<br /> camings on tha�undg. Borcower and Lendcr may agree in writing,however.that interest shall be paicl on the Funds. Lcncier
<br /> shall give to t3�ccovicr,without charge,an nnnual nccoun6ng of the Funds, showins crcdits and debiis to the F'unds and the
<br /> purposc for which each debit to the FLnds was made. The Ft�nds are pledged as additional security for nll sums secured by
<br /> ttiis Security Lnsuunient.
<br /> If the Nundg hcld by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to 6e held by applicable law. Lender shall account to
<br /> Borrower for tlic exeess FUnds in acconiance with the requinsmencs of�pplicable law. If the nmowit of the•Funds held by
<br /> Lendcr ut any time is not suff cicnt to puy the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Boaower in wriring,and, in
<br /> such case Hutrower sl�all pay to Lender the amount necesstuy to make up the deficiency. E3orrower shall make up the
<br /> deficiency in nn�nose than twelve monthly payments.at I.eader's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon piiyment in full of all suans secured by this Securiry Inswment,Lender shnll prompdy refund to Horrowcr any
<br /> s lc of�thc Pn>Ex:uy. shall apply any F nds hl.ld by Len c�r atahc t�mc of acqu s tion o sale as nncrcdit agains thc�ums
<br /> secured by tlifH Security Inswmcnt.
<br /> 3. Applia�►tlon ot C'oyments. Unless applicable lu�v pravides othenvise, �11 paymcnts received by Lender under
<br /> paragraphs 1 aad 2 shall be upplied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts paynble under
<br /> para�taph 2;dii�d,ta interest due;fourth,to principal due;und lnst,to any late charges due under the I�Iote.
<br /> 4. Chncges; Llens. liamowcr shall puy ull taxes, a.ssessm�nts,charges, fines and impositions attribivable to the
<br /> prapeny wlrich may uttain priority over this Security InsnumenG and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. fAorrowcr
<br /> shtill pay�hcsr.nbii�ations in the�nanner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr,Dorrower shall pay chem on
<br /> time ditcctly to�hc person owed payment. Borrowr,r shall promptly funaish to Lender ull noti��es of amounts to be Qaid mider
<br /> tt�is pamgmph. If BoRnwcr makes thcse payments directly.Bortower shall promptly fumish to Leuder receipts e�•idencing
<br /> thc payments.
<br /> Horro�vcr shull promptly discliarge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borcowcr.(�)agrecs
<br /> � in writin�to the payment of the obligndon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to i.ender,(b)contes�s in good faith the
<br /> licn by,or defcnds ugainst cnforcement of thc licn in.Icgal procccdings�vhich in thc Lender's opinion operatc to prcvent dic
<br /> enfon,ement of the lien;or(c)secums from the holder of the lien an ugrcement sat.isfactory to Lcnder sutiordinating the licn
<br />- to this Security Inswment. 16 Lender detern�ines that any p�ut of the Property is subject to a lien which muy nttttin priority -
<br /> aver this 5ccurity instrument,Lender may Fzve Butrow•Er a notice idendfying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the I:-��or take
<br /> onc or morc of tix:nctions set forth above��7thin 10 da���of the giving of notice. _
<br /> 5. Hazi+rd or Property lnsur4nc�e. $orro�ver shall kecp the improvcmcnts now existing or henat�cr emcted on che _
<br /> Properly insun:d a�ainst loss by tire,hazan',s included within the temi"extended covern�c"and any other hax:uds,incl��i� _
<br /> ' floods ur floodinQ, fur which Lcndcr rcquins insur.mcc. 'This insurancc sh,01 bc maintained in dic amount:•, and far th:
<br /> _ Gorm 3021 4J90 fYu�c 2 oj6�wgcr) �
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