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<br /> _...^'--`'�r._�.��. ..� ptyma�ts rruy no bnger be requirad�at the optbn af Lenciu�if martgagc inaurancc covcrage(in tM�tun;�tii�tt nnd for thc{xriod -_
<br /> , , ttut i,uidu reyuires)providul by an lasurcr upprovod by Lendtr agnin btcamat available and is o'nt�inr.d.qorrower shall pay thc I
<br /> 'v�=�y:t .. �..r:, �taniums ruyuiced W nwintatn mat8a8e insutance in effect,or to provi�Ic e lus9 iex,:-vc� uittU Q�� cag��ii�.mcr.t [or mort�ay,e .. _ -_
<br /> , ..���.,.;'y�'�'. � insuamcc e�ndt in accordu�ce with any�xritun agreement between Borrower end l.enda or epplk;nD�;law. I
<br /> ; ,.,� g�/pspectio�, I,e��r cx its egent may make reasonubk enuies upcm an d inspoc dons o f r,h r, p r A�F;n y. L c n d e r s h a�l g i v e
<br /> },���.��` Bormwer nMice at�he tfine of or prior tu eun inspection speclfytng rcason�bk cau.se[or thc inspecdan. •, ,
<br /> . , f 0.C o e d e�eia d o�. 'R i e p ro c a s d s o f a n y u w a�d o r c l u i m f o r d A m a i g e s, d i r o c t o r c on��x;nt�91.�n connection with any I
<br /> - � �pndcn2nadon or ott�er tAkis�g of any part of thG Pmperty.oe for conveyancc in lieu of eondcn�mati�:+v��+hercby assigncd and � �
<br /> .. , ..
<br /> ,. �. ' �, at►ell be paid�o l.tr�dcr. ( .
<br /> xn thc cveat uf a totai tatcing of the Pmpaty.the p+'octcQ9 shAll be ePPUed to the sums sccuaed by tSt',s Security Instruracnt,
<br /> n
<br /> whetlxx or not the�due.with any eacess paid co Borrowa.In th�evant of a pa►ilnl taking of 1.he"?ra�ri��in which the fair markei �
<br /> - ... . � . value of the Prropeity immediate.lY befae the lafc�ng is equal to or gcoater than ihe amount of th�:sun19 socum,�by this Security I
<br />°---''�: �; ln�nt invnediately b�fon: tho taking,unkss Borrowcr and Lcndcr othePwisc agrce in writing„ tl�aa sums secured by this
<br /> �
<br /> Sxurieyr Instr�ment shall be ceduced by tho amowu of the procads mult+plier,�by the followin�frs�ti,rn�:(o)the total amount of •�'.+ `,. ._ .
<br /> :�. „ . . " :
<br /> _ °°3 ��� unmediately before the •� �.... _ .
<br /> � s�.T.s�!i.� ur_n!ed�?rr,ly betore �he talcing.divided by!b)the fair markct value of tt�e Propr.rt��
<br /> �...��-,.__�
<br /> � ulcing,pny b�lance ahaii be paid to Borrowex.In�he event of a partial taking of the Property in whir,t�r�l,p fair market valuc of�he � �� � �- r� •,..
<br /> ,:u:.;,:.:-
<br /> _ prc►�saty immediueiy before the taiting is lesa thsa� ttie amount of the swns Secured im�x�ed.i�IGly boforc d�e taking, unlr.ss i ',���;;;��'
<br />— Bo�rower and Ler►dcr oU�erwise agree in wtiting ar unlcss:qrplic�tble lnw othexwisc provides.the pror��s shall be applied ta the � �,�,,. ,;
<br /> �� � sums seCUrW by ihis SeCUrity Instrument whett�o[n��[u�c stir�w d�:tt.�.��:..°. . 1�t,��a:-.�
<br /> If the Propacy i�a�endnned by Sorrower.or if.afrer notice by Lender tn Bocrower Uiat thr,cvi,riemnar offers uo maice a►� '`�-�L=�:�:��.
<br /> � , :,-����.�.
<br /> � award or seltle a claim fa damagts,Borrowu fails to respond ta l�cndu widun 3U days after thr dai�e�t►e nodcc is given.Lendcr
<br /> ._+� i�authorizod tr.colkct and apply Ihc proce�ls�at its option,either to restorntion or repair of thr,�ro��tY�r to the sums secuted , `� ,.�-----
<br /> +
<br /> � by this�ecurity Instnunen4 wbethu or not then duc. �.'�'� . • ��
<br /> • .°�"' Unkss Laida and Bormwer otherwise a�oe in writin8,ar►Y eAPli�arion of pmceeds to prinr.i�l s��Jl not exte��d or posq�one i:`�:::;4,;
<br /> �""� the due date of the munlhly paymeats refc,�red t�in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the a�nount a t sur.h 4�s�ymcnts. �
<br /> - 11_Ronn�er Not Rdtascd:Forbea�oce By Lender Not A Wsivtr. Extensi,on of Ihra drsx;faY peyme�t�x�xtodif'x'.atio�' �
<br /> �. -���
<br /> _ _,� - --- - `r.
<br /> � ' of amotbization of tLe surnr sec�eted by this Sec+uity Instrument g[nntod by L.e.nder co anY sucr,essor if�int�aese oi norrower si�ali
<br /> � na operate to release the liability of�he origutal Borrower oz Hormwcr's successors in intc�,st I.e:a.dea sh�l not bc requirad W :
<br /> �nmance p�oceedings against any successor in inuxest or refuse to eatcad dma far payme�t vr a�hr.r�visr,modity art�ort�7scian of � ��:
<br /> . U►e su�s socured by this Security Insttument by reason of any dr,�nand madc by the originaA Hmrm�v�°.c or Bocrowu's suaressors
<br /> M
<br /> ��;'� .` in intaest Any forbea�ance by Lendel in eaetcising any rro!!r e*re�1y stwll not be a w�i��::t af ar rxeclude the eaercise of any
<br /> � .
<br /> ._'' .",ti.,;i �tor nmody. :, .,
<br /> "'-''�'`` . 12.Sdccessora and Ass6�ns Boandi.loint and�evcr�l LiabBity;Co-signere. Tt�e cavenantg aud u�roune�ts of this ..:�;�,
<br /> �
<br />-•.' ". . Sec�tityr Insttument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of I.endet and Baatawer. subject to the provisiuns of ,,,i�
<br /> :�`,' , . p�ra�aph 17. Bouowrr's covenants and agrocmcnts s�ll bc joint and scvcral. My Bnm�w.0 who co-signs thi9 Socuriry ` �.: �
<br /> ` .1;`�,�:!•." Insu�ment but does not execute thc 1Vote: (a)is co-signing this Socurity Instrument only ro mcvR�yage,Brant and convay that .°:�•�
<br /> " ° o �„ Y oa tfle SumS '_'`��.�t=;'
<br /> �. • Borrower's int�st in tGe PmgutY under tne tefr��s of tttis Security Instrum�si; (b)L r.et r�ncail: oblio_tM t�p�,y _ ..�--�
<br /> `~ " • ' secured by this Socurity�nen�and(c)agrees tt�at I.cnde�r ansi any other Lioirowcr m�ny agtne 6a cxtend,modify.forbear or � ';�"•��_-
<br /> . make any acc,�mmodations with regacd eo the terms of this Security Inswment or the Now wetM�ut t��t Bolrowu's cot�sen� �-`--=
<br /> ,�....,.�.� --
<br />' , � � .:,�' . 13.Loan CLarges. If the loan sec�ued by this Seceuity Insnument is subject w a lav��vhir.t� seis maximum loan charges� ;t...�,.,�.�'�`�-
<br /> �' ° ',�
<br /> and that law is finally intupneted sa ttiat tha intet�st or ctt�a loan churges collected or w b,�.collei.trrl in connocaon with the laan r�,
<br /> ..., eacad the pemriued limits.then:(a)any such loan charge shaJ bc reduced by the tunount necess�y w reduce thc charge to the `'_- � "'�°,
<br />` .� un
<br /> pe,�aritLad limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitud.linti�g will 6e refiunded to Borrowet. """�"-
<br /> _ ,, '. •.� Lender may choose W make th;s refund by reciucing the principal owed undcr the Note or by malcing a direct pay !q��
<br /> mCtlt W "'�-�v
<br /> .. :.,: Sorrowrr.If a refimd reduces principal.t�e reducdon will be treatcd ns a parti�l prepay�nant w;thout nny pcepayment churge ;; ���•��•.
<br /> ��_
<br /> �,�•�;''=' : u n d a d�e N o t e. Y .F,�'
<br /> ;`;::.���..;;:,.:� '?,
<br /> � 1�.Notices. My natice co Bocmwer pmvided for in this Security Inswment shall b�,aive.a S�y dellvering it or by mailin�it � _•r
<br /> - �•• by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of s{nother method.'It�c nodce sha11 be diss�:ted w U►e ProRerty Address or
<br /> n
<br /> : - •� any otlt�address Borrowcr dcsignate.c by noli,�to Lender.Any notice to Trender shail bc givcn by fust class mail co Lender's
<br /> , adcl�ss stated herein or uny other address Lender designates by norice to Bo�rower. Any natico provided for in d�is Secwity I
<br /> In�uument shall bc cteemed to h�ve bccn given to Borrowcr or Lcnder when givca�as proaa^r.d in thi�paragraFh. • . ,
<br /> �' �� " 15.Coverning Lna;Severm�ril�ty. Thi� Sccurity Instrumcnt shnLl be govem:: I1y fedcral I�w ond tho iaw of thc I ..
<br /> '� jurisdiction in which t8�FcrrpestY is locat�d•In 1he cvent that any provision or clause of th� Sccuriry Instiument or thc Nuro i �•
<br /> conflicts with applkaHk 1aw,such conflict shall not affect ather p�mvisio�s af ihis Security insmim,ent or the Note which can be j
<br /> � , given effxt withcwt d�e conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of�.his Sccurity instrament and the Notc are declared to I ..
<br /> � be sct ezable. � j
<br /> :, .:.�
<br /> _ _r �
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