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<br /> �. . ,�. pr.L�•y;• . . ..... ._ _.—__........_. '"'_"'_-' � „ '�
<br /> ti�� "��R j �5� �.01045 .
<br /> ,��.��. ��� � I �`'
<br /> ,�`'� "� "' of Ihe Note and of thls Sacurity[nstrnment. • .. . :
<br /> !6.Hormwer's Copy. Borrower shall be given ona canfa�mect copy „
<br /> IE n11 or nny pPSt of ihc Froperiy or nny inu:rCSt in it is
<br /> �.^ 17.Trapster of the Property or w Idenei'iici�V Is�:e���tu Ba�v�c.2u. -
<br /> �,� sold oa trtmsfemut (or if a beneficial inecrest tn BQnrowcr is sold or transfr.reed and Dorrower is not a nnturai�crson)withoui f
<br /> � `�}"� Lender's priar written consent,Lender rteay,ac its o�don.rcquire immediate payment fn full of all sums secured by this Security I '
<br /> ;�.,;;.;...;s��«,� Inswmen4.However,t h i s o p ti o n s h a U►tot be exercised by Lcndcr if cxercise is proM6ited by fedcrnl Inw us of�he date af this
<br /> . • :r�°' Sec:urity Inswmeat
<br /> If T.enckr exerGises this opdon,Lender shall give Borrower no dce o f e c e e l e r a d o n.'I h e n o t l c e s h A l l p ro v t d o aperlad of not Iess
<br /> �. than 30 days from the date the nod�ie�se sums enar to thc expiration of►hB�period.Lcnder may�invake u►y r e meydie.9 permitt d
<br /> � � Instcumcr�t If Borrowcr fails W paY P
<br /> � by this Socuricy Insm�ment with�ut fiuthar natice or demand on Borrawer.
<br /> � Borrowcr shaU have the cight to have I
<br /> �� 18.Borrower's�tig6t to Reiastate. If Borrowec meets ceriain con�itians. ,
<br />. „ enfor�cement o�UusyS,�,�o�reinstatementj before salc�of tYlcc Property pursuant tol nny powacr of sale eontained in thi Scxun'ty �. -
<br /> � app�caUte law Y`'P� y �
<br /> Instnunent;or(b)enuY of a judgment enforcing this Securiry Insnumen�'Riose condidons are that Borrower.(a)payNs,l.en�desr�y
<br /> �``_ ; sutns w6f��er covenants or nngreemencs;(c)P Ys�Penses incurred in enf'orcing is Sexucity I sdrument,including,but � ,.,. ,
<br /> �lefault o y a;-:�-�
<br /> - not limitcd to.reasonable attomeys' fecs:and i�1f��such�UOn as L,end=r maX reasc►nably require to assure thas die lien of this , M.', .. _S
<br /> '� Securiry Instrument, Lender's nghts in the Propc:rty and Borrower's ob��as�untypInstiument wtd the o liganons secur d • ,.,. .. ;j;'`
<br /> � . Instrument shall contlnue unchange.d. Upon reinstatement by Borrowcr, .. ,. :
<br /> lhis eight to ecinstatc shuU r.ot npply m che c�c of "
<br /> - . , hereby shall remain fully efh i�ve�v if no sceelemtion had occucred•However, .
<br /> � . acceluation undcr paraB�P ,, '�';�' `'��`.
<br /> 19.Sak of Note;Chunge ot Loan Servir.�r• 'R�e Nou: or a parrtiia] interest in the Notc (cogc�her with ¢his Security ,���t�,,,.�.p,,,
<br /> a
<br /> Instrument)cr.ay be sold one or more times withaut prior notice to Borrower.A sale n�ay result in a chAnge in the entity(known „ L�,��:
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collcxts monthly paymea►ts due undet the Note and this Security Inst�ument.'Ihere also may be one Qr .��-�.
<br /> �;u:.� ..„ . %�
<br /> r;, more clianges af tttt Loan Servicer unrel�ted to a sale of Uia Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Aorrower will be ,ct
<br /> � �� given written nouce of the et�:nge in accordance with per�a�aPh 14 above and applicable law.Tlte noti;�c�•lill stat,e lh�nAmo a.nd j , _
<br /> `' address of the ne�v Loan Servicer and the address ro wlucl� payments shauld be made.'Ihe nodce will Fslso contswn nny other �� , .y,�.�'
<br /> �' infomiation requircd by epplicablc Iaw. '"�`�= �
<br /> • Zp,H�rdous Substanoes. Borrower shall not cause or germit the presenco, use, dlsposa�. su►rege, or release af any :.,,;,�{
<br /> _ ° Hazt�rdous Substances on or in ii�c Rv�:.�. �aac•�':r yh3!�t�t�I�;nnr allow anyone clse to do�anything affocting the ProP�riY
<br /> thxf is in violapon of an}�Environmental Law.'17�e preccdln8 two sentences shall not apply co th�e���o noimnl reside�ntial uses �' .�
<br /> pca�ty of small qnannues of Ha7ar�oua Substances that are gc:nerally recognized w be aPP P �,�, � .
<br /> . . az�d to mauacnancc of tha Propezty. Y��;.,,
<br /> '� Borrowec s1�al1 Pcon►PUY 8ive Lcnder wriuen notice of any invesdgation,clairn, demand, lawsuit or othex aetion by any �_
<br /> . f� govemmental or regulatory agcncy or priva'�puty invol�ing�he PropP.�ty and any Hazardous Subss�nce or Enviran�nental Law �
<br /> :� oi�+��ich Banrow,er has acwal kr►owledga lf Borrowcr leaens.or is naaf'ie;i by�Y�necessary Barrowcr�h�l promp y tnke aU ; ..,.
<br /> �L�.,c�ral or athe�remediation of any Hazardous Substance a€fec!pag the E'roperty ' ,'.
<br /> � �t n�ccssscy remedial ocdons in accordence with Bnvironmenk�!Law. �'�;�4, ,•' ,'
<br /> � 'i. � ��d � �is Far�gr'aph Zp. "Eia�rdous Substnnoes" are those subsuu►ces defined as wxic or hazardous substnnces by � :�),'':s
<br /> ,,. �•f... -
<br /> i� Envimnt�ena.� Luw and the following subsrances: gasoline� kerosene. other flsunmable or toxic pcuoleutn products, toa�c ���
<br /> pesticicl�n and hczbicides,voladle solvents, muterials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioacctive `smati���atSre}.�1s `�' `' • � ,
<br /> � - -- u���;�,;�,�,j;y„5�;,"En riror.me�ta!I.�w"meana fedc,�il laws and laws of tho jurisdicdon where the Property =,.,,. �•�
<br />. .i; W health,safeiy or environmen t n l pr�tection. r�:.. :_.
<br /> `� .(JN�ORM COVENAN'I'S.Borrower and I.ender futther cavenant and agree ag follows: ;.;cl��'�', ,.• .%�.�=�T,
<br />. �: '>� NON
<br /> ' � ,ki�. - .��`i'��':_
<br /> (
<br /> 21.AccekrRt3on;Remedks.Lender shAll qive notice to Borrower prior to accekration folbwing Borrower's breACh of ,� .,,.'. ��
<br /> ony covicewn� ��r agrament in t1►is Se�auri�y Instrument (6�et mot prior to accekration under paragrap6 17 uakss ;.,�����,,;�f�
<br /> sy�cefy:(a)the default;(b)the actbn reqneral to cure the default;(c) ,.�s,��.:�.��
<br /> ppplkable dyiw provtdes otherwLse).TIfO�OBC!3IIAII � -"
<br /> .� a date,not le.a than 30 daye trosn the date the notice is givem tn Borrower�by whic6 the default must be cured;and(d) s��'�±�
<br /> � tiwt failnrc W cure the detault on or befon the date specified in the aotice may result in occeler�teon ot the sums secured , . 4,�` -I
<br /> ' by t6i�Secu�Ry Inshvment an d sa1�of the Pro p erty.The notice shall furthtr inform Borrnwer oi the right to reinstate ;_.:� .
<br /> 8�'ter ac�ltrat.�an and the rig6t to bring a rnurt actfnn to nssert tt�t non•existena of a defa�lt or any other defense ot :�.
<br /> Borrower to ecceleratbn aed s�k.It the default[s not cured on er before the date speciGed in the notke,L.ender,at its
<br /> • option,m�sy require immediate pAyment in full of�U sums secured by thb Setn�rity Instrument withuut further demond ,. � ,
<br /> ' and may invotie rhe power ot sxk itnd any�oWer remedies permlttttl by App�eable law.Lender s6a11 be entitkd to collect 1�
<br /> all��y���rred(n porsuin�the remedies provided in tht9 paragraDh 21,including, but not limited to�rwsonabk
<br /> � attomeys'fi�es s+nci costs ot tixl�evldence.
<br /> �� I� the power of sxk t� iavoke�l,Trustce stu�ll record a noticc at detnult in each county in wh[c� any part o�the
<br /> ��y,�,�y�t�pnd 56�Ii msil copies ot such notice En ihs manner presaibcd by Applicahle law to t3orrowQr and to the
<br /> , �t6e�r persons prescribed by appika6k law.At�ter ttce ttmo rsquirtd by npplicabk law,7Yustte s6a11 givc public notice of
<br /> '•. � sak to t6e persons and fn the manner prescribe�i by npplica�t�le l�w. Trastt��i)�out demand on 13�'rowsr,s�a�l c�t�l tRe i
<br /> . ,k_ proprrty nt pablic ouetan to t6e highest 6idder ut the timo and�Stace and under t6e terens�.tesi�nateti in the�mticz o!'anix i
<br /> a I
<br /> `., Form302� 9/OD I
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