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<br /> +a�'t,�• ; S.Hanrti or�'roperty I�surance• Borrowu shall icoep the improvemcnts now cxisting or hereaftcr crcctcd on U�c Pmpcny I _
<br /> insurcd aguitest{�iss by Cue,ha7ards included within the cerm "eatendec!cove.ragc" and eny other hazards,iricluding tloods or
<br /> f{pading.for whir.h I.�ender raiuires insure�nce.`i��s insurainc,�shall i�e raair►ta:y�ed'uh IS1c WraaunL^and far the prri�s ih�!i I�nder i _
<br /> .:,;t-�' requlres.'It►c insuran�e cacrlu Providing the insurance shall be chosen by Bocrowes subject to L.ender's apprnval which shall rtet I "
<br /> --° bc pnrea9onAbly evithheld. lf Boqrowes fails ta maintnir► ccyvuage desecibed above, Lender may, at Lender's opdon, obtain
<br />: ' :,,"�'"°«+ ' cuv�e to{xt►te+�t Les�der's dghts in the 1'roperty in accnrdartce wlth parag'eph 7. i
<br /> . . , �, p�l irt�uranoa rolicie,4 and renewals shall be occeptable to Lenaer and shall includa a ctandard martgage clause.l.ender sh�ll I
<br /> t�a�c the rigt►t tp Uok1�hc policies end renewais.If Lra�dei requires.Borrower shall pr�mpdy give to Lender all receipts of paid I . .
<br />: prc.�►ziums md rencwat notias.In t1x evcnt of bss,Boaower shail Bive prompt notice to tho ussurance caniu and Lcnd�r.Lcnder
<br /> may mal�ts prao!of lass if not made promptly by Borrower. � i�
<br /> Unk.�Lendcr and Bo�snwer ottu�wise aga+ee in writing,insarancc praccxds shall be apptied to restoration or r air at the � .
<br /> pro�Crty damx�rad.if ihe restoration or repair is aonanically feasible and Lender's security is nat lessened.I�the restoration or � • .:
<br /> x shall be applied to�he sums
<br /> c�epair is not eennanically feasibb or Lender's sxurity would be lessefird,t�e insurance procc;e,ds . , ��,
<br /> _� sccured by ttd� Security Inswma�t, whether or nat then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Bocrower aband.ons the ,� . ��..;•..__`',
<br /> — Prag�ty, ar daeG r.ei�nswe�within 30 days a noace Groar Lendu that the insuraace a�rier has offered tn settle a claim,then - • _,r��__;
<br /> an �•. - - _
<br /> — Lende�may collext the insurana:practeds.Lender may�trsc rke proceeds to repair or nestore tLe Pmp�ey or t�pay sums secw�ed . =.,s.����-;
<br /> � ' wi1!begin when d�e nouce is givcn. `�'°''^=--.�=�=-='
<br /> � by this Scr.�uiry E�strumen�whetha or not thcn duc.'The'�U-day period , ���s�';z:�;;�,:.�.:
<br /> Unl�ss I.,c,�rxS�:.�r and Barrower otheiwi,�:r�in writing.anY aPPlic�ian of proceeds co princiQal shall not extend or�po ntp�ne , •`r �f�,"
<br /> '' . n - • ' mcnts reftrce�i eo in 1 and 2 or change the araount of t�e payments.Yf unda r�..�...,.h ----�--
<br /> ., ttr�c due d�trr at t�e mon�uY PaY F�� "°.�`.`---�"�'°`
<br /> 21 tfia:i'nD�tY is ecyuired by Lender.Bonowa's r �bn aay insuraz►ce�olicies a�id proceeds crsuldng frnm damage ta tl�e ':.-3ru�-- —_
<br /> �,3�t ,,�;�.��s
<br /> � ` F�asperty priar tn the acquisition shall�acs w Lend�e:us rilr catent of the sums socured by this Security Insaument irteme�liately .c:,--. .—
<br /> ' ���—
<br /> _: pJiar to ttxi a�v�sition. •'.``�,.y
<br /> �_ 6.Occuppacy�Preservation.R�aintena�oe�nd Prote�tioo of the Properiy: Boirrower's l�ucrr� Appticatbn;A.e�se�. , ..'x J,
<br /> IIorrower st►nU occupy.establi.sh,and use the Ppopaty as Boeruwa's principal cesidence witl�in�ia„f�r r9ays after the esecutia�of ;�-r:. ..�
<br /> this Su�uiry instxument and shall contieue to occupy the Prope�ty�.s Bozrower's principal re�idenm f�+r at�ast one year afta the : :.��;:: �,
<br /> :. ,. •,
<br /> -- , - � �f.,M�rancy; unless imr�.rr whcrwise aA�s in ariting. which conscnt shall not be wtre�sonably withheld, cx �m{e.c� •r:r�� '�
<br /> ` eactenuating cuc►atnstances ca�isc ahkh aze�syand Burtower's controL Pamwu shall nut desuay.dutnage or impair ihe Fropa-iY. � _
<br /> � allow tlee Fco{�.x�y w deteriorate,or�r.:,:.;r waste on the Properl_y.13'+qrower shall be in defmrlG i�any forfeitun: xtion or �`-
<br /> peocordi.�,wM^�er civil or oriminal,i�Cr.;�.am�hat in L.endet's go�d L�irth judgment could result in Fi�feiture of the Pmpeity ar v.�,
<br /> orla�cswise nnmu�ially impair the lien cmau:�by this Sece:xiay Instrumcnt or Lender's socurity interest goccower ms►y cun sucI�a
<br /> , ' da:�ault and Teinstatc. as provided in para�saph 18.by c�:sing the action or proceediag w be disntissed wiih a niling that, in
<br /> � Lersdix's gond faith determinatioa,prac6�r�9r:s fodaiture nf the Bocrowrr's interest in the Property or other material imAalnnu�t of
<br /> d�c lien cra►1ed by this Security Instrum.r�c ror L.end�r's security in�.Bomower st�all also Ue in�r-.,�ault if Borcowu.dua�ng the � .
<br /> loan ap}�►licatlon proccss.8avc mar�rfalLy f.-�ilsc or inaccurate information a statcments w Lcnder(or Gyiled to pmvide Lcndcr with �'`i;
<br /> any m.�tetial infom�ation) ui c�::r.:ccs� with the loan evideaced by the Notc. including. bnt not limited w. representations ' ,�r. ,
<br /> coaceming Bomower's occv ..���rF the Pcoperty as a principal residence.If this Securiry Insuument is on a leaseh�ld,Dorrowa ���
<br /> s1�all comply�vith atl the pro+i»m�x►s of the k�se.[f Borrower acquires fec titie to the Pn�pelty,thc leaschol�and tue foc dtic st�all ��
<br /> n
<br /> not mcr�u unlass Lerxk�a�gtc�es tn�1te mcr,��t in writing. �,,��;�:'i`
<br /> �4,yA� �r�.
<br /> T.['rotc�flon ot l.ender's Rig6tg in the Pr�op�rty. If So�rowe,r fails to pe�fam the covenants and xgrc�emcnt9 anntainai�s ,� }���,
<br /> •� this Socwity Instrumen�or there is n Ieg�l pruceeding t6at may significandy affect Lender's aights in the Propecty (such as a ; •��iw
<br /> � p�i�g m I�anl�uptcy�probate,for r,ondemnation or C�rfeidue or to enforce laws or regulnaons)�then Lender may do and pay �, •.� �...•,
<br /> ; < <�w�ya�S n�r co protect the value of[he Fm.r�,rty and Lender's rights in the Propeny.L.ender's actions may inclade
<br /> .R + ,
<br /> . � P�Y 8 �Y in court. PaY�B �nabk ,1� ,� ,,,� -�.�..
<br /> in an sums scxutr.d by a licn which has priority over this Securiry lnsuument, appearing ���.,d`;•,
<br /> '� atwmeys tocs and cntc,ring on the Property tn make repairs.Althou�h L,e�ader may take actiom undcr this parap�aph 7,I.�neb.�r �� �a',
<br /> + does not I�ava to do so. •-}:�;�'�
<br /> • Any aunnunts disbucsed My L.ender under this paragraph 7 shJ1 L-esome addidonal debt of Bocrower secured by this Security �_t�- � .
<br /> • InswmcnG ilnlcss �or�u�.�cr and L.cnd�r agree co othcr terms r�i'payment,thesc�aunts sh�ll bcar inten:st from thc date of I`: ..
<br /> ' �' '�.,� disburscment at thc No�:r�.,at�d shall be payable�with interest,upan oatice from Lender to Borrowcr r e qucstin8 paYmenG I �
<br /> �`��`�` 8.Morfgage Insurane�. [E Lender required mortgage insuiarece�.s a co�didon of mald►ig the loan secured by this Socurisy I
<br /> .. Insuumcnt. 13ormwcr shs�ll Enry the premiums rcquirc•r1 to maintain tihe neortgage insuzance in effect ff. for any xcasan. t�,c
<br /> �.,::� m�ortgago instuance cover�+ge roquired by Lender l:�psc�rr ce.�ses to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums c�equired to I
<br /> . :e,;,;`':: c�btain covt:rege substantially equivalent oo�he mottga�e ms'�rai►ce Ixeviously in effoct, at a cost substantiaUy equivalent tn the
<br /> ta
<br /> •;�.�';'i I
<br /> �.,,..,,. cost to IItimower�f the moriga8e insua�x� proviausly in effect, from an alte,�nate mo:tgage insurer approvc:cl by Lender.I
<br /> - ,:��+�:,•� substantially oquivalent mortgage insurairrxa coverage is not available.Bomower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> � � "`���� one•twclfiti of thc ycarly mortgage insi:►sitcc pnmium bcing paid by Borrower when d►e insurance coverage lapscd or ccascd to �
<br /> . , i
<br /> � be in eifa:t I.endcr will accept„use and retain these payments as a loss resrrle in lieu of mongagc insurance.Loss mservc
<br /> �.;.:�" .,_; .
<br /> ��f..� p
<br /> ''�.
<br /> � , Form 3021 9140
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