M,,-� .
<br /> ' �, ,. �, . , , ,.
<br />-._,.�✓_ ,.. f��� �r.�y.. ,. .. .. , ' '. .w "'1 . • .. - +ur"r�llx.. ... „ ,
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<br /> - '"WTM3�i'`y8�'' . .
<br /> . .. _ .ai.v a�n- ,fi�-�- —�.I� ._— ,yFr.W. . . ., .- . . .• • - .. - ... - �... '.'�., ...�f�1'-
<br /> �. . . �-,�....�. —..�,.
<br /> ..M"1'YS'.�'40fi:i;i1?a.Q� wt• . � .. ,. . •:�• .
<br /> :r..... -�.M�(r'.��'� . Y . . .. . ,�
<br />�-� � -.1_�^-� � . . . . . ..._... .. .. _ .. .. .. . .. - . ..,._.�-.__.... .. I ., ,,.
<br />.�����"��' ; 9 v..., �(�1,(D��"'i I -
<br />- � 'd::..{b. .
<br /> ' 1iU(36THBIt Wi'I'H�II tha im�►rcivaneeu now cx�ct�r croctal on tha prnpcxtY.+usd all casomenu,�ppurtenan�cs�and .
<br />-�= _�''� �.� fixh�ncs r+nw on c�resillr,�a p�Rtt oP llio ptoputy.All rcplaccment�ond nddidons shall aLo 6e ccsvered by lht9 Sccuriry Inslnimcnt. ` ;
<br /> —`"`"'F'�'�"�=j AU nf 1he foregoing e�rctarocl W in thit Socurity rnsuument a�tha"�,ope�rty�� ( ..
<br />^.;�'J=-�__—'�- BOIiROWER COVFNANTS U��t Barowcr u IawNUy eelsed nf thn eslaw hcrcby convcyc,�i and h�u thc ri8ht to grant Bnd f °
<br /> l�;, �:-:` annvey thc Proputy �nd thu thc Property i�unencum4nnd, eac�pt for a�wnbra�nces af rocoid. Borrower waRant�and will �
<br />_--�'., dctrnd gcnuaUy the 6tb to the Ro�►uty ag�install cLim�and ckmu�ds,subja;l to cny cncumbrancc.g of rocad. � .
<br /> 7�iS SECIJRITY INSTRUMIIN'I'combinc3 unifam covenent�for natl�o�tal usc and non-uniform covcna�nis with limitcd �
<br /> y'�'3s.''T :;'. verWions by jurisdicllun t�conultato�unlfatm sccu�ity inswrrieat covcring rcal prop�riy. ; .
<br /> ��,: �....��„a, � I
<br /> _ ,�.;,....:s � UNIF�DRM COVENAN'I'S.Borrowu��d l.cnda wvcn�nt and agcoe as folbws: .,
<br />-;;`:�:,;��-� ' 1.P�ynat ot Princip�l aad Interesti I"rtpaymrut�ad Late Cha�es. Bo�mwcr shall prompily Ray when duo the ,
<br /> '� �' principal af and interest on thc deb�avi�anced by tho Nao and anY P�Yrrccnt and latc charqes duc un�er thc Nute. � �� .
<br /> ;�..� ,.....,..� .,
<br /> .,-,>'" �-.�� 2.Fu�lo+�Tues aed Iesuranca Subkct to oppticable law a to a written wajver by Lender. Burrowcr shall pay w � .
<br /> e.5•.'.� � . . . . •
<br />.=-�� �`" ° I,cnder on th�day mocnhlY PBYmc[►ts arc duc undu thc N�,untll thc Note is paid in fuU�a sum(°Funcis")[ar.(a)Ycar ly caxes •a.:
<br /> _„ f_��• .• i .. �: .
<br /> y�r. ; �'� and asses:anaits which mag euein priority ova this Sccurity Instntment as a[icn on thc Pmpaty:(b)Yearly leaseho{d payments ;,,�..� �
<br /> . . oz gra:sr�d rasis an tte;Pces�xty.if��y:(c)Ya:rly t�:,L.zd or prag�ty insur°..�pnsnium.s:(d)Ye:siy fFnns!Lz�srn!+�e�xemio►�s,if f . ,��..�'^"'�•;..�
<br /> .�; eny�(o)Yearly nwrtRAga insurencc pm,miums�if any: wid (q arry sums peyebk by Boerowcr w Lcnder.in accordance with 1hc J r^=.:
<br /> visions of 8, in Iku of tho meat of m 9.�
<br /> _ ' " t� P� P�►Y atBaBe insurance prcmiums. These icems are caliod "Fscrow Itcros." . �..��'"�::
<br /> Lez�ms►y.et any time.colle�ct nnd hold Funds in an arnouni noi w eactxrll the maxemum e�nount a De�for a fcde�uUy rclated � �y�`���:f-
<br /> _ . ., . matgaga loan m�y roquiro fa Bocrowea's escrow eccounc unda inc fi.�.fa1 Itral Eslate Settk,meet Procedures Act of 1974� .:•,:.._.----.=----_
<br /> �� :i^;,r,,�,�r�-�
<br /> anpKkd fn,�n tiir�e w ttme,12 U.S.C.Sccuon 2601 et scq. ("RFSPA").un{ess enother Law that applies ta 1he Funds scts a{�xx • �• ,_;,�,�-�-„�_
<br /> j�` wiwun4 If sa.Lendlcr ma,y� at tu�y timc,colkct and holri Funds in an amount not to e�ccad t1� Icsse.r emount I.cMer may .,' ';���
<br /> 'S�t cstiroato the�nount of Funds dua on�he basis of curreat datr and rr,a5onable cstimaics of capeixtiwres of future Escrow Items or :�...r:�
<br /> ,� �'�+�; odxyevlse in accacdancc with applicx�bic law. : _ ,
<br /> ;;.e 'Ittie FiuKis shall bc heM in en instiNtion whosc deposits arc insurcd by a fr,dcral agency.instrumeataliry.or cndty(includin8 ..��u:�-,�
<br /> , `s"" �� Lendtr,if Lend�r is such an institudoa)or in any Federal Home LAan Bank.Lender shall apply ihe Funds to pay the fiscrow
<br /> �+�..
<br /> ,' q.�'r I��Y!°..LC.^'�P'SS.�'°�!'^ t.}'.°�o�'H4iS44Yor fi�r h_�r Ir,�' o°°�Q-s-��i�°o t}u.F� c ���11�nnnl�ino thn a;crmw wmtumf.M vlIljVlflQ I �.`_{{•. •.
<br /> .:� lhe Escrow Itans,unless Lendcr pays Bomnwcr interest on the Funds and applicabk law permits L�cnder W malc+e such a chargc. ;�;y� ,
<br /> ,J�� NoNeva. I.aKler may requirc Boirower to pay a one-dme charge far an inclependent rcal est�e taa reponing s�xvice nsod by � ":�
<br /> . •,v. � r- ti�..
<br /> . I�endcr ie� oa►necdon with Ihi�ban.unless applicabLG law provides o�hciwisc.Unless an agrametit is made or applicabk law ::�a,..
<br /> . roquiies intaest W be paid,Lendcr shall not bc requircd tn pay Bonowel any interest or carnings on the Funds.Bomowa and � !��+
<br /> �,:,� �, I,e�xkr may agnx in wciting,however,that intuest shall be paid on the Funds.I.u�dcx st�ll g6ve to BamMer.witlxxit chargs.3n
<br /> � aiuiusl ecxoanung of the Funds,showing credits end debits to the��ncLs und the purpose for ahich each debit to the Fundg wa9 • �
<br /> :";'"'� ",..".:: made.'Ihe Funds are pkdged as eddidonal security for all sums stxun�d by this Securiry Instrumen4 a< ; ' �
<br /> �" � ! If the Funds held by I.ender excced the arnounts�clmittcd to be hcld by appucable law,I.ender shtill occount to Borrowcr fnr � .''�§'1 .�
<br /> .��'. . .: Y��r tho oxcess Funds in acco�rrdance with�he requirements of applicable law.If the amount of'the Funds held by La►der at any time is • „
<br /> '`: not sufficieat to pay tha Escrow Items when due.I.endl�may so notify Boaower in wriring,and.in such case Borrotiver suall pay
<br /> '.- r, to Letu{er the amount nooe.ssary to mak�c up the d�acncy. Borrower shstll mak� up the �efi�icaicy en no more than twelve �
<br /> �`-'. .. . month[ ents�ai Le,nder's sole di.9crcdon. , •• �
<br /> Y P�Y� �.l`;�'
<br />__,�,,,_�,. : �'�.,� Upon pA�ucnt in fuU of all sums securet!by this Security Instn►ment,Lendcr shall prompdy refund to Horrower t+ny Funds '�
<br /> �i
<br /> , �`t held by Leac�ei. If,under paragr�aph 21,I.ender sha11 acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior ro the acyuisition�r sale of the � � �'
<br />:��` : �s�W ' I�rop�rry. shall apply any Funds hcld by Lendcr at the tunc of ecyuisition or sa�a as a credit aguinst the sums secured by this ' =•Y��.�: '
<br /> .; , � W_c.:7�:,�.
<br /> , Security InstrumenG
<br /> ` � 3.Ap�lx�tion o!Payment�. Unle.�s applicable law provides otherwise,all paymcnts ressi��ed by Lendet under pardgcaphs •'��-'�!w-�-
<br /> 1 and 2 sh�1 b�applied: first,to any p.rWpayment chargcs due under thc Notc;scoond,to nm�antc payable under paragrapt►2; �,��;',� .
<br /> _ ' . • third,ro int�crest due;fourih,to principal due;and last,to eay tete charges due under tiie Not�. • "�• "
<br /> °,• �=� 4,Ct�rges;Lkns. IIoirowec shall pay all taxes,assessments,charg�s, f�nes and imposidons awibutable to the Property �° `�• `
<br /> _, - �'� whkh may attain prioriry over this Security Inswmeaal,and lcasehold payments or ground rents,if any.Borrower shall pay thesG I '
<br /> - :_- �'�' - obligations u�the manncr providcd in pacagraph 2,or if not paid ir�that manncr,Borrower shsll pay them ori 6me dircctly to the �,'�>;,.,
<br /> • • • R . � person owtxl paymcnG Sorrowcr shaU promptly fumish w I.cnde�all no�ccs af amounis to bc paid under this paragr.iph. If ':'`ifs`
<br />� ' � , Borrower rnakcs these:payments dirocdy,Borrower shall prompdy fumieh to I.ender receipts ovidencing the paym�;nts. ••• "'��
<br /> ;.�,.
<br /> �� • :rt Bo�rower shall prompily dischar�e nny Gen which Nas prioriry over�his Socar�ty insaument unlcss II�rrower:(ii) c�gm.cs in
<br /> � wri6ng to tho payment of the obligorion secured Uy the lien in a roanner aace�i�blu tn l.ender;(B)contests in good fnith tha lien
<br /> ��.(:�•i;• by, or defends against enforccment of thc lien in, legal proccedings which in the I.ender's opinion operute to prcv�nt the � �����
<br /> ,`'r�'��'��. cr�fort�mrat oF thc licn;or(c)socures from tha ho]drr of the licn an s�mement satisfactory to Lendcr subordii�atinng Ihe licn to � �
<br /> .. . �;.:.�:...
<br /> , . ;::;'� this Socurity Inswme,�►�If[.ender dete�►c►ines thst eny paet of the Propr.rty is suL}act to a Gen which may attain priority over this
<br />= Security Inswment,Lender may givc Bonowcr a notice identifying the lica�.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or tako onu or morc
<br /> .:.�,,.._.,,..�'•
<br /> ••_,,s. = of the actions set fotth above within 10 days of the giwdng of nodce.
<br /> ` ��._;_ Form9088 B/�0
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