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<br /> p:,yui�-��may no fangcr b�eequlr�d,at thc o�tlon of Lcndrr,if mo�tga;c insurcncc cavcragc(in thc amount and far thc p:rtod � � r
<br /> � Ihat L.cnder requirrs)provlded by an irtsurer epprovcd by Lender again becomes evailable and is obtaincd.Hoaowex shaA pay the � " �� �`
<br />_ ' 4�remiums required to mainlaIn mongagc insurancc in clfcct, os to provide a loss r�rve.unW the rcquircment for mongage I
<br /> . � ..r.-.�' � insurar�ce ends in accordancc wlth any wdwen agreement betwoen IIorrawcr nnd Lcnder ar appUcable luw. �
<br /> - •�""`' 9.Iasprc���n. Lcnder or its agcnt may m�icc rcasons►ble entrfcs upon and inspecdons of thc I�iroperty. Lendcr shall givo �
<br /> " ' ' Barawer notice at thc time of or prior to nn inspecdon specifying rcasonablo ca►uso for the inspectlon.
<br /> . ' 10.Condcmcatlun. Tlw procecds af nny n�vdrd or cL�im for damn�es, dirxt or consoquentinl, in conaection ��rith any
<br /> condemnution or other takinE of any part of the Property. or for convcyance fn lieu of condemnatiore,are hereby ass�gnecl and
<br /> � shall bc paid to l.cndcr.
<br /> In�hu event of a total taking af d�a Property,thu procecds sliall be npplicd bn tha sums sccurcd by this Sea:urity instcumcnt, •
<br /> whether or not then duc,with any eacess paid to Horrowu. In tl�e event af a partial wking af the PropcRy in which die fnir markct
<br /> , valuo of�ha Prope�ty immcdiauly before the taking is equal to or greatcr than thc amount of thc sums sc�uc�d by this Scxurity ' �'•�
<br /> �' , � Insttumuit immai�atcly before the talcing, unless Boarowcr and Lca�dr.r ott►eivvisc: egroe in writing, die sums sec�ual by this ,,,,�.�r::;.��. _
<br /> .. –rr...-.
<br /> —. �. Security Instiument shall he reduced by�he emount of the procecds mutt�plieA by the following fracdon:(a)the total emount of .. „�,���:;
<br /> � ` ihe sums securcd imme�latel bcfnre the takin , dividc4 6 (b) U�c fair marlcet vsilue of the Pro unmediacel befare t�c ���-
<br /> Y 8 Y P�Y � Y r.�t;;�,.�';-�
<br /> __ � �alcing.Any balance shall be paid to Bortow+cr.In Ihe event o£a pattial taking of the Froperty in whlch the fair maricet valne of�he � � • r•"•^�
<br />" . 1'roputy immediately before tha taking is less than Ihe amount of the suans secumd immediately befora tho taking, unless ..dti.?�m�►at
<br /> ,, , Dortowcr end Lcnder athcrwisc agrce in wridng or untcss applicable law athcrwise providcs,the proce�eds sl�a�l be applied to thc ' ''"';:v��fy�.
<br /> sums secured tsy thi�Socurity Instrument whcthcr or not the sums are then due. �=-�- ���-�--
<br /> If the Pnopaty is ubandoned by Hocrower,or if,�fter nopce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnar oifers to malce an " '�y:�,4::
<br /> "'� awni�d or seule e claim far damagcs,Borower fails to respond to L�ende.within 30 days eftcr the date the notice is givcn,Lender ' ;�=`_�_
<br /> ,. ':�; ts autlwrized to col�OCt and apply the proceeds.at its opdnn.cithcr to restoradon or repair of the I'ropcity or to the sums securcxl .r.•�,.+ :
<br /> .. . . by this Sc�urity Instntment,whether or not then due.
<br /> •� ° Unkss Lcndcr and Bomnwcr athcrwise agree in writing,any epplicarion of procecds to principal shall not eatcnd or post�w '��
<br /> -- - the tiva tiate of tho monthiy payme,�ts reiu�to in par�aphs i and i or change tne amount oi such payments. �`
<br /> , .,,,..,t.:a
<br /> :•�� ' 11.�orrower Not Rekasal;�orbearance By Lender Not s�Waiver. Hxtension of thc pimo for puyment or mcxiification ' � '
<br /> '��i•,•���• , of ama�rtixerion of the sums secured by diis Socurity Inswmcna g�u�tcd by Lender to eny suocessor in interest of Hcr�row�r shall .
<br /> not operate to relcase the liubility of the original Horrower or Borrower's successors in intems�Lender shall not be required W ��,•��• •
<br /> commence procoed�fngs against any successor in int�rest or refuse to extend time for payment or otheiwiso modify emorti�.ation of "����
<br /> J,.-�
<br /> . the sums secured by this Security Instrument by m�uon of any demsnd m�cle by the original Borrowu or Bormwer's succcssors ,:,�„u,�.
<br /> In interesG A�ry forbearance by Lender in eac�cising nny right or remedy shall not be a wuiver of or proclude the exeicise of any x• ; �' �•
<br /> right or remedy. � �
<br /> • lz.Successore�nd Asslgns Bound;Jo�nt And Severai LIa6Wty;Casigners. 'fhe covenants and agcc;ements of this , �,.-��.
<br />: " Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Aorrower, subject to thu provisioi�s of • �
<br /> paragraph 17. Uorrower's covcnants and agreemenL shall be joint and scvernl. Any Borrowcr who w-signs this Socuriry :mr-.—�
<br /> , � � � Insttu.ment bat does not eaecute tho Note: (n) is cfl-signing ihis Security Instiument only w mortg$ge.grant ond canvay tt�at � �'
<br /> .,�.; Bonowcr's int,erest in thc Praperty under the tcrms of thls Se�urity Instrumcnt;(b)is not personaily obl3ga�ed W pay 1he sums ' �'�•.
<br /> � sccurcd by this Socuri. Inswmcn�ond(c)agrecs that Lendcr and an ather Bomower ma y � '
<br /> �Y Y Y�to extend,modif ,forbear or ,..a4,r.�i�,�.
<br /> . make any accommodadons wirh regtud W thu terms of tliis Security Insavme,nt or tha Note withoat that Bmzower's cunscn� " � ��== � _
<br /> ,�� 13.Lo9n Cbarges. If the loan sec�ed by il►�s Securi�y Instrucnent is subject to a 4�w which sets�naximum inan charges, � '•
<br /> � ���� �' � and i�nt law is Fuially intcipreted so that the interest or othc:r loln charges collccted or to L�c;�allected in ctirmocaon wlth the loan ;:;� :
<br /> � � cxceefl¢he�mitted Itmits.thcn:(a)any such loan churge shnll be reduced by the amounc nccessary to reduce the chargc to the ' '�'
<br /> ' ' .;'"r permittetl IImit;and(b)anY sums alrcady coUecied from Bornower which eacceded pertniued limits will bc refundcd to Borrowa. � '��.,
<br /> •• � I Lcndu may choose to makc this refund by reducing rhe principa!owcd under the Note or by mak�ng a dircct payment to I �
<br /> Botrower. If a refund reduces principal,the c�etit�ction will be aeated as a partial prepf►yment wIthuut tu�y prepayment charge
<br /> ,,, ,. unde.r ihe Notc. �
<br /> ' 14.Notkes. Any nodce to Aarrower provided fos in this Security Instrument shaq be given by dclivering it or by mailing it i, � "
<br /> �� by fust class mai�unless uppliwbla law requines use of another methad.'I7►e norice shall be directed bo the Property Address ar
<br /> any other addr�ess Bocrowcr dcsignatcs by noticc en L.endcr.My nodcc to Lender s6a11 be giv�n by fust xless miW to L.ender's �
<br /> oddress statcd t�erein or any othcr addmss Lenc9cr dcsignaoes by nndcc to Soirower. Any notice provi�ed for in this Securiry '
<br /> -. InstrumG�t shall bc deemed to have bcen givcn to Dorrowcr or Lendcr whcn givcn as provided in�his pazagraph.
<br />-- � A5.Gaverafng Ls►EVi SeverAteility. This Sccurity Instnuncnt shall be govcm.ed by fcdcral la�v and the law of thc •�
<br />� juiisdic:don in which tho k'roperty is located. In the event thut any provision or clnuse of thi� Securiry Instnunent or tho Note •
<br /> cont]i,�is with npplic�blo lusv,such conflict shtill Etot affect ut�or provisions of thifl Socurity Jnstrumont or m¢Nntc which can bc �
<br /> � given cPfcxi viilLnnu ehn conflictin�provision.To 2his end�tie pmvisians of¢ttLa Secunity Instrurnent ctnd th�Note are decLlred to �
<br /> ° bc se��mrablo. .
<br /> " ;:,�:,•R Form 902e �/00
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