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<br /> :•r� . r J• � 5.Hsra�rd or Property InsurAnce. Barrawcr shttll kcep thc improvcmenis now cxisdng on c�reufter crc,�ted on the Proper4y �'
<br /> insured sgainst toss by C�,hazards included within tho term °extended cc►verHge" and eny other h�zzard.9, including floods or
<br />_ fk�aiiug,fo�whECf�i.cadez e�,qui�es Insumnce.This 1nst!mnce qh�ll bn rr�P1nt�lned in the amount�cutd far the periods Utat I.cndet � ,
<br /> �� roquires.11�e insuraoce csuriu Providin8 the inswancc shall be choscn by Horrowcr subjact to I.ender's approva!which shall not ` ; ,a;,.:
<br /> . , ;�• . �
<br /> Uo unmasonably withhclb. lf 8orrow�r fuils to mair►tsin covcrage dcscribed abovo, L.ender may, ut Lcndex's �ption, obtain
<br /> - r"`" coverage to protect Le�vler's rights in tho Property in accordancc with P�B�Ph 7.
<br /> '_r::,:�' _
<br /> � - All insartmce policies and m,newals shall be occeptablo to I.ender anA shall include u swndard mortgage clause.i.ender shall
<br /> ' hnve the dght tn hold tho palici�s and renewals. If Lender rcquires,Aarrowcr shatl prompdy givc to Lcnde,�nll rcccipls of paid
<br /> pmaniw�is r�nd reaewal r�oticcs.In the event of loss,Honowcr sh�il Btvc prompt nolice ro the Insurnncc csurier nnd I.endr.r.Lcndcr :� -`
<br /> . may make proof of loss if not madc promptly by Borrowcr. �
<br /> . Unless L�ender end Borrower ati�erwise agree in writing�insurpnc� pcocACds shall be upplje.d to restoradon or repair of the t , , �.. . -
<br /> � . , p¢�p�y,�mAge+d,if 1he cestoration or repair is oconomically fcasiblo and x.ender's seciuity is not iesscntxl.If the mstor�►tion or • . �.' ��h:.
<br /> „� repair is nol ecanomically feasIble or Lender's securi.cy would be lessened. tha insurenca prncecds shall be appl�ed to the sums � .�r•G��,
<br /> , . a d W Bonower. If Horrower abandons the •."����'''':-=
<br />�•�. , ; socural by ihls Securlty Instrument, whether or not then duc,vvith any e cess pai ' r:�4,}`.,�+�__���
<br />,�,_. .. '. prolx,�ty.or do�s nat enswer within 30 days a nodce from I.ender�hat ihe insuran�c caRi�ha�s offered to scule a claim.ctsen , �-:;..�,:r.-------
<br /> � Lender may coilect the insurance procou�s.Lender may usc th�prx�ecis to cGpaiT a�rW�tar t�N F�rsag:xty or w psy sums�t��ucd �-�'3�`;=�'��_
<br /> '_ t}�'t'.:%':t;.�
<br /> bY���S���Y��'m��`whethcr or not then dua.Tl�c 30-day period wlll begin when d�e notice is given. �,R,.,;.,, -
<br />►�► Unless L�r►der and F�c*arr��Ner othe:wise eg�ee in wridng,any appllcation of proc�ccds W principai shall not extend or postpone � - ".�
<br /> 4hc due da'c of the monlily payments rcfened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changc thc omount of the paymenu.If under ga�agraph _ ,s_«'�"�'��_`=�
<br /> � 21 the Property is acquired by Lcnder�Horr�wer's riglit to eny insurana: policies and procceds resulting from demage tn the �=h s}c� �_
<br /> , . pco�xity prior co the acquisidon shall p�s to Lender ta the oxtent of ttie sums seeured by this Security Instrument immediately �;��;,,�_,��v _—=
<br /> ��� prior In the acquisiaon. �€�_--
<br /> h.oc���Aa�r�rres����at�on,�na�nc�n�ace a�a 8rocec�oa Qt�ee rropeny; Aonv�wu's I.oan Applicatbn.Leaae6olds. ��+—;_-T -- --
<br /> s =
<br /> �� Bocmwer shaU occupY,establish,and use the Propeity as Borrower's principal nsidence withL�suty days afterr the execudan af ��•� -,� .
<br /> �w tbis Soc�rity Instnunent and shall continue to occupy ihe P'ropeny a9 IIo�rowe�'s principal residence for at Icast one ycar afxr the .^�,� .
<br /> . date of oceupancy, uaiess I.ender ottxawise agees in wdting, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unle.s.s �_ .,
<br /> .. _: _ - �----� MP!Y+�_rty. u
<br /> • extenuating citcumsteuces t�ttst w[tich are beyond Boriowci s wuuo,.a`�vuvvrai S�iu�ROL L�w�'I.��t�.�SiiP.e^°.OS�SI2�3�f thw
<br /> ullow the Property to dei��:iorate, or commit waste on thu Property. Borcower shall tie in default if any forfeiturc acdon ar
<br /> . praceeding.whethu civil or�riminal,is begun that in Lcnder's good faith judg�nent could result in finrfeiwre of the Prapaty a
<br /> �:"'.� othe.�wLse ma+triaL�Y impnir tE►a licn created by this Security Instcument or Lender's security int�resG Borrower may cure su�ch a
<br /> de,fault and xeinstete. as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the actnon or pmcceding tn be dlsmissed witt►a n�ling ehat,nr�
<br /> Len�'s good faith det►�mineaion.pc�ecludes forfciture of the Borrower's lnterest in the Propeaty or other matecial impalm*,ent of
<br /> ., � tha liai cmated by this Socauity Insttument ur Lender's security inurest.Borrower shall also bo in default if Borcower,during the
<br /> loan nppllcation proccss.gavc materially false or inaccuratc informaGOn or statcmcnts to Lender(or failed w pmvide I.endcr with .:�
<br /> any mgtuial infom�adcx�) in connoction with the loan evidenced by tha Note, including, but not Wnited tfl. rcpresemndons �,�,
<br /> � conceming Borrower's occupancy of ttr�Peopeity ss a princlpal c+esidence.If this Sec�rity Inswmant is on a lcaschold,Bocrowcr ��
<br /> shall comply with all�hc provisions of the lense.If Bom,wer acquires fca aflo tr�thc Pcoperty,the le�chold and thc fee dUe sha1D __ __
<br /> .,�; � not mErge unkss Lcnder agoes to the mergcr in wdting. ��'
<br /> '"� ' ' - 7,Protection oi 1.en�Y�er's Rights in the Ft�operty. If Borrowcr fails to perform dic covcnants and agxeements containcd in �P"'�i��'"-
<br /> ,r f,,��-`—.--•J
<br /> �, "� thLs Sacurity Insuument,or thece is a legal proceeding that may significandy affect Lender's rights in the Property (sach as a ,,,,:�
<br /> ' � p�ding in bankreiptcy,pmbatc.for oondemnation or fodeiwre or to�enforce lnws or rcgulatinns),�hen Lender may do aad gAy .
<br /> �� �' for whatever is necessary to prot�ct the value of the P[operty end I.ender's riAhts in the Property.Lender's actions may inclucte , i�„
<br /> paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Instnunent,appearing in court, �yin8 reasc�r�able � y ,_'
<br /> ,. } auomeys' fees zind enserir►g on the Propeny to maka repairs.Although I.endcr may take acuon undcr this par.igmph 7.Lendcr � � � , �
<br /> does not t�sve w do su. '�'�.
<br /> " ''` " My amous�ts disb�rs�xl by Lender under this pacagraph 7 shall become addiaonal debt of Baaower sccured by this Security
<br /> � �� Instiument Untcss Burrmwer and Lender agroe to othcr terms of payment,these omounta shall bcar interest from thc date nf
<br /> �• dLsbiuscment at the Nate a�te and shttll be payuble,with intemst,upon nodcc from L.cnder to Bomnwcr requesting payment
<br /> = � ° S.Mortg�ge Ios�ra�ne. If L.ender requirod martgage insurance as n condirion of making the loan secured by this Security ,
<br /> ` Insuun�ent, Borrower ahal] pay the premiums required to mvntnin the mongage insurance in effec� If. far any reasan, the
<br /> mottgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceasev w be in etfect,Borrower shall pay the premiums requis�ed to
<br /> � obtain covraage substantially equivWent to tha mortgage insurance proviously in effect,at a cost snbstcu�tiaUy equivalen.c t�o�e
<br /> � 7 cost to Borro�ver of the mortgage insurance proviously in effect,from nn nitemnte mortgago insurcr approved by L.cnder. If
<br /> sub9wttially cquivalcr,t mongage uisumnce coverag..i�noi availablc, Bomo�vcr shntl pay to Lendcr cach month a sum equal to
<br />' ' on�nvelfUt af tt�o yctvly maxtB�e insurnnca Prcmium bc�ng paid by Bomowcr whcn the insurancc covcragc lapsed or ceascd to
<br /> ' bo in dfiee�L.endes will�cccps. uso ond r�evtin Iha;o paymenis a�u loss resccve in Ueu oF muctguge insumnce. Loss reserve i
<br /> � ; , ;� . Form 5028 DIAO i
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