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. 'j� ..�..� _ <br /> �� II <br /> 'L.. <br /> . ' ..w.\��li}Ar'M��'� � .. .�M� .- <br /> .. �- . . " t.� .. ,i � � .. <br />�... . ....... ..... .__..... . . .. �. .. . . .. . .. . . .. __ . . . ... _ . . <br /> I •� <br /> � _ . ' , 9 5�,101��,8 � . <br /> ° lE.Borrower's Copy. Iiorrawcr shall bc givcn ono canformcd copy of thc Notc nnd of dUs Sccurity Inswmcnt. <br /> 17.Transfer of the Property or R Rtnefk[�1 Interest in Ilorrower. IF all or nny psut of thc Prnperty ar nny irtcrest ln it is . � , <br />.,, ' sold or trnnsfcrrcd(or if a benefcial intcrest in Borrflwcr is sold or vnnsfcrrecl nnd Borrdwcr is not o nutural person) withaut . <br /> _ � - Lcndcr's prior written conscnt,I.�cndcr iu option,ecquuc immcdiatc paymcnt in full of all sums sccurcd by this Sccurity � <br /> InstrumenG However,r,his option shall not be exere�sed by Lender if exercise�s proh�bited by fecternl luw as of the date of this <br /> Security Instrum,cn4 i <br /> If Lender eaercises this opdon,I.ender shall give Borrower nodce of tieceleration.'Iha notice shaU pmvide np�tod of not Iess � <br /> cc <br /> than 30 days frorrs Iho date Ute notice is deliveted or mailad within which Borrower must pay all sums securcd by this Security <br /> Insirument If Borrower fnils to pay dicse surn:s prbr w the expira�on of this pertat.Lender may invokc any remedies pertnittcd <br /> by thls Security Insdument without further notic�oc demand on Sorrower. <br /> 18.Borrower's RIRkt to Re[e6tate. If HarroWer mects certnin conditions, Borrower shall have the risht to have � <br /> enforcement of ttiis Security Instrument di:continucd t�1 any time prior to 1he earGcr of: (a) 5 days (or such olher period as � • <br /> � applicahk faw may spccify for reinsGztcmcnt)bcfore salc of the Property pursuant to any powcr of sale contuined in this Security , <br /> In.�wmerit;or(b)entry of a judgment e��fc�c�cing this S�uriry Ins�men�'IUosa condidons nre that Bonower:(m)pays I.ender atl ` <br />' sums whkh the� would bc due under chis Security Inswment and the Note as if no acceleradon had occurred; (b)cures any � „ <br /> �� ' default of uny other covc�ants or agreements;(c)pays all expense,q incurred in enforcing this Securlty Inswment,including,but - •� • -� • " <br /> not limited to,masonable aunmeys'foes;and(d)takes such acdon as I.ender muY reasonably rcqutre to assure thac tha lien of this <br /> .,�5 Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the PropGrty and Borrower's obligaUOn w pay the sums secured by this Security '~' <br />-�5 Instnunent shnU continue unchnnged. UUon reinstntement by Blorrower, this Securiry I�nstrument and the obligadons sccu�ed <br /> hezeby shall remain fuU�cffccdvc� sccclerauan had occurrcd.H�wevex.this right to reinstate sha!!not a�ply ir.!hc c��^of !`"=•��^�-'' <br /> �.. ..+-.,,t.a,: <br /> ^ accelerunon under parnga�17. x,• ,r <br /> 19.Sak of Note;Cha�c of Loan 5crv3c+er. Thc Note ar a partial interes2 in the Notc (toget�cr with this Seciuity �.�,��?�`�^�'' <br /> �m�ment)may be sold onc or more tirnes without prior rtotice to IIorrowcr.A salc may ecsult in a change in tho enriry(knoam . ; ��, �— <br /> ' as the"LAan Servicer")that collecs monthly payment�due under the rote and this Secunry InstrumenG'Ihere aLso may be ona or �� • ' . -=_ _ <br /> � n�ore changes of the Loan Servicer wu�elated m a sale of the Notc.I7'there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Ba�rower will bc <br /> given cvriucn notice of the change in accordance with para�caph 14 above andapplicsble law.'ll�e nodce will state the name end `�•. � <br /> addmss of the new Loan Suvicer and the address to which payments should be ma�fe. 'I1ie nouce will also contaui smy othec '' ' � <br /> information required by appiicablc law. <br /> — ��. i .''•'. <br /> -;�-- 20.H11�rAO��ubstxnces. tsomnwcr shali not cause or permit [he pmsence. use, disposul, swragc, or relcasa oi any <br /> . ..t:F..:<:: <br /> �:,`;� Hazardous Substances on or in the Prope�4y.Borrowcr shall not do,nor allow anyone eLsc to do,lnything affecdng thc Fraperty � ,:. <br /> '"" that is in violadon of anY BnvironmenW I.uw.'Ihe preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or storage on the , ,;1�"�•�' �i;. <br /> •������'' Property of small quanades of Hezardous Substances lhat are generally recognized to be appropriate ro�ormal reside��ti�al uses �:. ��.' <br /> ,.,,< .. <br /> � and to mavitcnance of the Froncrty. r, . •;,` <br /> • Bomower shall prompUy givc I.cndc� writtcn nodce of any invesdgatian,cla.m,demand, lawsuit or other acdon by any - ' <br /> . � govemmettt�or regulatory agency or pdvate par►y involving the Propecty and any FL�rrnrdous Substance or Environmental L.ttw .-:,�`•,H <br /> . ;;:;!, . of which H�r►�wcr has ectual knowledgc.If Borrowcr lcams,or is notified by any govemmental or rcgulatory authority,that any � :;,; <br /> •;;,,;� ' removul or o1�er rernedi�tdon of r+ny Hauirdous Substance affecting the Plroperry is necessary,Butro��ver shall prompdy 4�tke a►!1 '� <br /> necessary remedisl octions in accordance with Environmental La�v. _� � <br /> • As used in this para�ph 20, "Hnrardaus Substances"arc those substa�ces defined ag toxic or hazardaus substances by , ...�.. <br /> Environmental Law and tlt� follo�ving substanees: gesoline. kerosene. other Mmmzble or toxic petroleum �raducts. toxic �:, ��.•, <br /> pesdcides end herbicides,volaT+le solvents,materials containing asbestos or farm�tdehyde,and cadioacdve mut•.:nttls.As used in � .�c �_-�-` <br /> .�• th�s pacagrap�h 20."Environmental"means foderal laws and IAws of du jurisdlcdon where the Propexly is Located that ral��te • <br /> � " ! to health,safety or environmcnuil protecpon. •'��`��'��`P'= <br /> ��;t%%`�� � ,: • ,,rf;.'��... <br /> 14�, ., <br /> " � � � NON-LINIFORM COVENAIVT'S.Bnrrowcr and Lender further wvenant end agree es follows: �, � a�". <br />. 21.Accekrxtion;Remeiiks.Lender shall give�►oiice to Borrower prfor to accekratfon tollowing Borrower's breacB of " . <br /> . any wvenant or agrament in tQ�is Security Instrument (but not prior to accekratlon under pnrAgraph 17 unless �� . <br /> „+'„ eppltc�bk law provides otherwise).The notice shAll spec;fy:(u)the defAWt;(b)the actbn required to cure the default;�{c) ' f� -� <br />_ . ;.;:,t, <br />_ ��� "' a d�tq nM less than 30 days from thc date the notke�given to Bnrrower�by w6kh We default must 6e cured;and(d) '•�� <br />- �� �� t6st tailurc to cure t6e dMault on or betore th�date spFCified in the notice may result in AccekrAtion of Rl�e sums secured " • " <br />_ by thE� Securitv Iivtrumene and sak of k6e Property.Thc notice s6a0 further fnform Borr�wer of the rig�t to reinstate I ' , <br />- � . utter acakratEon And the right to briug o ceurt ect3on to esscrt the non-exktence of a default or any ot6er defense ot <br /> . • Burrov�er to accekr�tion�ud s91e.It the default is not cured on or before the d�te specitF,ed in the notice,Lender,�t u�a � ' <br /> '' , optioe,may require im�edi�te payment in fu0 of all sums secured by t�is Security Instrument without turther dema�c��D I <br /> and may invoke the power ot s�k aed nny other remedies permitted by appGcabk law.Lender shaU be er�titled to coll+ect � � <br /> � t� all e�cpenses imcurred in purauing the remedies provlded in t6t�paragraph 21� including,bul not limit�Qo,reasonabk ! <br /> "�'�� �ttomeys'fec9 aed oosts of tltk ev�denca ; <br /> �. . IP the power ot sak, is invoked, '�Yustex shaU recard a nodce of defa�ult in each munty in whk6 any part oP¢�e , <br /> - • Property is bc�tod and s6sll mAil capi�o!sutfi aotke in the manner prescritxd by applicable law to Borrower end M ttu <br /> a at6er persoa9 pn�scribcd by applirrabM law.Aiter the Nme required by Appiicnbk law�Trustee shall give publk notice of - <br />= sak to the perst►ms end[n the mannw�rescribcd b��applic�bk I�w.Trustce,�vtthou¢demand on Einrrower,s6a11 se11 thc <br /> � Property at public auctiau to the hlghtat 6i�dev�t the time and pl�ce ond under the terms designated in the notice of sak ; <br />�, <br /> e�.�.enea mer .. . <br />— ------------ <br /> _ '. �•6R(NE)coz�z� a.p•b m e �„�❑a��: . <br /> � <br /> - � . <br /> � , , <br /> �' ° <br /> �, <br /> �F , � <br />