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:,cr:. � . '"'wnm t.,. ::{:. `i�`"5.'`.5,. , � . � . .� _ _. <br /> . . . ., ,\'�;•y �ar.: ,� . . . � .��..:,�.�_ , <br /> ...��9fly,a+r a:� � � .�fllN..N.-• . .. . . �� . � , ., . . . ., . <br /> - �.o.���+.•,i �•-. .,.., . � ' " 'i�tn?i.�t <br /> :1�..�-�-. ,.a.,:., . . ., .. . , .. � , ��`�:� . .. . <br /> _ . .. ( �;��. �11.0�1��.,`� , <br /> ' :�,.: l7. Tr+►n��'er of thc 1'ro�icrty or i+licneficial Intcrest in ll�rrovYCr. If ull ur any p��rt uf thc Properry��r any intcrest in it , - <br /> is sold ur tra�isferrcd(or if a hcncticial in�crc.t in t3orr�iwcr is snid ur frantifcrrcJ;uid Hi�rrowcr is ttat a natural person) without <br />:��s���rh. �, , l.enJcr's prior writtcn run,cnt. l,cndcr nwy, at its uptiun. rcquirc immcdiutc p:�yment in fuU nf�;dl tiumti �ccurcJ by this . <br /> '7��`�' • Se�curiry Instrumcnt. Howcvcr. thi�uption shall ��ot bc cxcrcised by Lc�dcr if cxcrcise iti prohibitcd hy fcdr�ul law as uf thc datc , '• <br /> ol'thiti S�eucit�� Instrumcnt. t. . �a <br /> �L (f.L.enJer exercises this uptiun.L.cnder�hull givc Bon•c�wcr notice uf acculer;it iun. Thc nutire�h�AI provide a periud c�f not , <br /> � .'„v:• <br /> ' . �:��, Ic3s �hitu 30 d�rys frc�m tlic dutc �hc noticc is dclivcrcd i�r mailcd within wh�ch k3urrciwcr must pay ,dl �um�:sccurcd by this •, . , <br /> l�. � Sr.rurin� tnstrumcnt. If f3on•uwcr�ail� tn pery thesc tium�prior tc�thc expirution a(thi,p�riud. [,cndcr m�ry invokc nny remedics • • . . <br /> .��:"`."R.�a.sti pormiStucl by thiti Sccurity(n:,trumcnt withuut furth�.r notice or dcm.►nd an Borrcmcr. <br /> • l8. tinrro�scr'ti Ri�ht to Rclnstate. If' Borrowcr mc�ts rutain cuncliti��ns, Borrowcr shull huvc thc right to huvc N <br /> cnti�n:emc�tt cif thiti 5crurity lntitrumcnt di5continuc�l at any titrn: priur tu dia;rarlicr nf: (al 5 days (or such othcr perio�l as , <br /> •ipp�icab�u l��v muy specilp far rcintit,Ucmr.nt) before sale of thc Property to uny powcr of salc contained in this . , <br /> Sa:curir.�� lntt.�umcnt: ur lh�en[ry of a,jud�ment rnfbrcinL thii Sccuriry Instrumant. Thosc cunditions arc that Horrowcr: (a)pays ..,,� <br /> L�ndcr all Hums ahich thcn �vould bc duc under this Security lnstroment and th� Note as if no accelera[ion had uccurrcd: (b) :•� --.���. '' •1..�.'. ` <br /> curr,s any dal'ault of any uther covenunts ur agrcentants (c) pays all expenses inc.urred in rnforcinU diis Se�urity In�;trumrnt, 4;��'`�`'r;':`��„�;?���'}.�'� <br /> ' �y"�iF:��-.�.: <br /> • inc.ludin�l, but not limited tc�, rca�onuhle attomeys' (ees; and (d) [akes such activa a+ Lcnder imiy rcasonably reyuire tu assure ';. .'. �1..;;;:-'_� <br /> thut ihe:lit�n uf this Sccurit Intitrum�:nt. L�ndcr'�ri•h[s itt Ihe Pt'o rt and Born�wer's��bli ation ta .► thc sums�ecurcd b r y`"- --='" <br /> -- Y b p� Y' 6 �'Y y f. ,,.;:_��}j_� „��. <br /> - thi�; Stxnrity Instrumcnt shall runtinuc unchangcd. Upon rcinstatemcnt by Borrowcr, this Securuy Instrument and thc ��.;;��_-____--- <br /> � obligt�tiun� sccured hereby tihall remain fully cffe�tive u+ if no acccicration hud occurred. However, this rigltt to reinstute shall �+'w_=,;�-�— <br /> = not npply in lhe ra.e uf:�c�cicration undcr paragraph 17. . <br /> ° ' t�. Sule of Nate; Chunt;c ��F I.oim Scrvicer. Thc N�,tc ur a partial intcrest in thc Nocc (rogethcr with this Securiry r«�::__ <br /> ma nL,�ia�������r�»��«���»�, withuut priur nutirc to I3on•ower.A salc mu result in a chan e in the entit (known w�_ <br />� ` Ins.�rumcnt) y Y 6 Y w;i�;,�•__ <br /> as tht; "l.t�an Scrviccr")that rollc�:t>nwnthly paymcnts duc undcr thc Notc ancl�hiti Sccurity Instrumcnt. Thcrc alsa may hc onc �.!�����; <br />' or murN�hun �ti of the Loan S�rvicer unrclutcd to u sale ot'�hc Nutc.I f there is a rhangc of the I..oan S�rvicer,Borrower will be �F7��-'����- <br /> . �'. �,w.,�uw;..: <br /> „ �-:,:..:----- <br /> given a•ritten not�ce of the rhxnee in accordancc with pura�raph 14 ahove and t�ppli cable law.The ttotice will state tfi4 nume und --- --- <br /> . addrvas of the nrw Loan Servirer nna thc adJretis to which puyment�, ,huuld Ix rnadc. The notice will also contain any other �v'<'�— <br /> r...- <br /> '"� infarm�uiun required by applirablc law. ` �T _ _ <br /> 2U. Hnu�rda�us 5ubstunces. Ourrowcr shall not cau�c ur permit thc prescncc, use, disposul, storugc, or releasc of any <br /> ` H:trardnus Substanc:o� on or in thc Property. Burrc�wcr shull not Jo, nur allaw anyone clsc to do, ,utything nffccting thc ��s <br /> � Pruprrcy that is in viofation of any Environmentul Law. 'The preceding two senlenc« zh�ll not upply to the presence. use, or ��� <br /> "�' �toiagc un thc Property uf+mall quantitics ��f Har.ardvun Subntanccs th.0 urc gcncrally rcrognir.ed to bc appropriatc to normal _-�� <br /> residt��ntinl usc,and tu muintcnnncr uf thc Property. <br /> � • r �_ • . ..f .. : ,�-ria.orin�� ,•I�im �I�_man�1 IaWallf ar nthcr action bv any . <br /> ,-� [SUf�OWI'I' SDSU }�IVII1�)'tl) �;i"vi�.�3i�u�i '�iiiia�i� �:iil:.:: ., .L1� .C:'i...n«....... .. . . <br /> � � go��c�•mncntal ur rc�ulutcxy agency ar privutc p:�i�cy inv�ilving thc Properry und any Hazardous Subtitancc or Environmental Law <br /> ' of w!)it:lt Borrowcr hrs ucwal kno�vl�dge. If B�n�riiwcr Icurns, ar i+notificd by any guvcrnmcntal or rcgulatnry authority, that <br /> a�iy rc�»ovul or other remediation uf anv Hs�z:uduu�;Substancc affcclin�the Property is nece�sury�, IIorrower shall prontptly take <br /> ' all n�x:e�sary remcdial:ictions in uccor�nc►:with Environmcival <br /> As uscd in this psra�raph 20. "Tiuzarduus Substanccs" arc thos���ubhttincc� Jcf7ned ati toxir ur har.�rdou� subst:inces by <br /> Em�irunmcntal Law and ilic ti>ll�wing �ub5tance�: Za,ulinc:, kcrosenc. oth�;r Ilarnmc�bb: ur toxic pctrolcunt products, toxic <br /> pesticidcs and herbicid�:s,v�ilatilc,alvcnts, matcrial+contnining asbcstos or fonnllalehydc,and radiuuctive muterials. As used in ', <br /> thia.paragraph 20, "Envirunmantal Law" mcans fedcral lu�vs and laws of thejurisdiction whcrc thc Prope�y is locuted thut <br /> rc1 t; he:dth. �afety or cnvironmental prutertiiin. <br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bornr�vcr cutd L.cndcr furthcr covenant and agrcc uti follows: ' <br /> 21.Aeceleration; Rerncdier:.Lcnder shull�ive iiotice tc�Borroa•er priar to uccclerutlon Pollo��•ing�iorri�wcr's brcach _—- <br /> of uny covenuut ur tt�;reement hi thls ti�tiurity [nstrument fbut not priur ta►nceeleri�tion wider pt�rugmph 17 unle�s _ <br />• : u[�pllcflble lu�v provldeti ntherwise). The notice shiill sEx�cify: (i+l the defuulh tb)the uction requircKl to cure the defuuth, `_, ---- <br /> . (c)n date, nut Ic�s tlian 30 duyz from the date the�inticc iti�;iven tu I3orro�ser,by�vhicb the dcfnult must be curcd; a�td ���,°-�--_�� __ <br /> „r,,., (d)tttat fuilure tu cure tl►e deFault on or befnn thc date s�xxifted In the nutfce may result in ncccleration of ttm sums F���.,�,:; _-W���. <br />. ,�:;; secured by t6is S��cm•Ity Instrument and sule uf the Propertv. 'fhe notice shwll further Inform 13orro�ver of the right to iF,�{;�;;��� <br /> - re[nstute ufter ucceleratton aud the rf�ht to brin� �� court uction m us,rri the non-existence of u defnult or nny other ���==�- <br /> ,_;_�,-- <br /> - � defense nf liorro�vcr to uccclerutiou csud s►�le. If thc def�iult is uot cur�on ur bcfom tl�e dute tipeciflcd in the nottce, �,>ay <br /> .��.,,.�, ' <br /> Lendcr, ut its option. nu�v rcyuire itnmcdiatc p�yment ht full nf all sur�ssc�cur^d by this S��urity Listrumcnt �vltttout .,.-��- <br /> �.� fierther deumnd und m�y invokc thc Ew�r•cr uf'salr imd nny other remediNS pertuitted b�� .tpplicablc luw. Lender shull bc � ��' <br /> , ,j • �fr�;'' <br /> rntltled to cull��ct ull ex�xns�.y iucurred hi pursuin�the renudie.r•pruvided in this pi►ruFrnpl�21.including,but not Iimit�:d . .,�,�._�':- <br /> , ' to,reUSOnablc attorucys'f�ti�imct costs of tiHc cvideuce. • -' _'>`?��,�: <br /> � If the pcn�rr of uile is invokcd, Tru�tee shall record u notice uf defnult In eurl� county in a•I�icli any pnrt of the ,��,� <br /> ' Prupertv is Inc�tcd uud�hall mafl cnpf�w nf sucl� i�oNce in Nie manner prescr�bed bv i�pplicublc luw to liorro�ser und to "�', .. <br /> ' the other pei�sons pmscrfbed by iippliccible la«•.After the time reyuir��c1 by uppllcnhle lu�v, 'frust�v�shall�Ive public r►ot[ce , <br /> nf sale to the persons and in the manner prescrfbecl by nppllculile law.'['rustee,without demand c►n I3arro�ver, shall sell <br /> tl�e I'�•operty ut public :tucttnn to the hi�ttest blddcr i�t thc thnc nnd place und under the tcrms dc:�[finutecl in the noticc of , �1 <br /> , � uilc in o�u or morc pvrccls und In any ordcr'1'rustce dctermines. 'IYast�.�mav�xrtpone tinle of aU or uny parcel of Nte <br /> Froperty bv publfc��nnoancement ut N�e time and placc of' any previously scticduled tiule. Lender or its desiFnec mny <br /> �- . ' ° purchasc thc�roperty at uny si�le. � <br /> • S �. <br /> '' .. . �:s Fo►m 3028 sreo � <br /> � ...,;�*,�,� ' PaUa 5 al 8 I <br /> . ., .. ,�, i . <br /> � _!T7��.. ' � <br /> r� � <br /> __�__..'.__.�,,,� . . . . .--'__ _ . <br /> �r - <br /> _.. ... <br /> . , <br /> . ... 7 <br />._- .. . "'_ ""..... _ ' ' "_'' '. .. i� � - • <br /> ; .. .... . .... .._. ... .. ... . ...........-._ " "'_ '. . . . .. ..... ._ .. . - .. . <br /> . _. .. .. ,.. . ..... .. . .. <br /> . • . . � � . J -�t <br /> a,. �� � , <br /> . . <br /> . � <br /> . . . .� - � , - ' � .. ._. <br />� -. � .. i. .. , - �1 . <br />— 1 � <br /> � . <br /> �,, r:' . , <br />;4'.' � -. ' " � .. - <br /> . ,� <br /> , ,. , <br /> �- <br />