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<br /> _ Upon reccipt of pi►yment oP the price bld, Trustcr hhnll dcUver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying thc _
<br /> T'�ot:;,iy. '6'is::�•c.(iuts tii iS�c 'rius¢c�':; dc��Nhall b� prf.�a FLCie evidencc oP the truth oP the stntementq mnde thcrein.
<br /> Trustce tihAll apply the procceds nf tht sale In the fi►Ilowing orticr: (R)�O AII�05t9 QII1�CXpCI1SCS OP C%l'Y�,'IS�II�1IIC pOWCP OP
<br /> sale, and the sale,Incladin�;the paytnc�it nf the Trustce'q fe�.w uctually incurrcci, not to excefd 2.0 °�o
<br /> of the princlpal u�nt►unt o6'thc note ut thc timc of thc dcclurnt�lon mf default,ond reusonAble attorneys'fces as pennitted
<br /> by law; (b)t�➢nll sunze sM:ured by this S��cur(ty Instrumenh an�l(c)nn,y exc�.ss to the person nr persons Ic�aUy entitle�l ro
<br /> it.
<br /> 22. Recouveyance. lJpon paymcnt of ;dl sums securcd by this Sec;urity Instrument. Lcndcr shall rcquest Trustee to
<br /> rcconvcy thc f�ropr,rty ond shnll su�rendcr this Security Instrumcnt and all notes evidcncing debt sccurcci by this Security
<br /> instrtimcnt ta Tiustec. Tiustec r,hnll rcconvcy!he Properiy without warrnnty and�vithout char�;e to the�erson or persans legally
<br /> entitlni to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recorclation costs.
<br /> 23. SUkRS�I�l11C TCUS�G.'• L..enJcr, at its option, I113�f�nTll II�YIC LO U�iIC 1'Ci110VC TI'tlSICC a01� il(lp011lt A SUCCCti50P 11116ICt'�0
<br /> any Tia�stcr,np�intui hcrcundcr by an instrumcrd r�cardc+i in the caunq�in which this Security Instrumcnt is recordui.WIt�IQlll .
<br /> convaynnr.tt of the Property, the suceessor trustee shnll sucr.eed to ull the title, power and duties conferrui upon Trustee I�eauin
<br /> ancl by upplicablc law.
<br /> 1A. P.et�u�t f�r �iottccs. 8orrawcr rcquests that copies of the notices of default and ss�lc hr,sent to Ronotver's address
<br /> which i5 thc Property Address.
<br /> 25. Alders ta this Security lnstrumcnt.If one or morc riders ure executed by Borrowcr nnd recorded togethcr with this -
<br /> Security Instrument,tl�e coveiiants und agreements of euch such rider shall be incorpor�ted into�nd shaU nmend und supplemcnt
<br /> the covenants and agrecments of this Se.curity Instrument ns if the rider(s)were a part of this 5ceurity Instrument,
<br /> [Check applicablc box(cs)J
<br /> �Adjusu�ble Rnte Rider ❑Condominium Rider ❑ 1-4 Namily Rider
<br /> ❑or;iduatcd Pnyment Rider ❑ Planncd Unit Devclopment Rider �Hi�veekly Payment Rider
<br /> ��alloon Ridcr ❑ Ratc Improvc�ncnt Ridcr �Sccand Homc Rider
<br /> ❑V.A. Rider ❑Other(s)[spccifyJ
<br /> BY SIGNING B�'LOW,Dorrower:�ccepts and agrecs to the terms und covennnts containul in this 5eeurity Instn�ment nnd
<br /> in any ridet(s)executed by Borrower and record�.�with it.
<br /> Witncsses:
<br /> h
<br /> __�� �r+*�� (Scal)
<br /> 7.bdd A. Anania •eoROw�r
<br /> � � �'u� ��.(Seal)
<br /> _ J E. 1A111II�d. -Borcower
<br /> _ (Scai) (5Ca1)
<br /> •Boiruwcr -Borrowcr
<br /> STATE OF NEBItASKA, Hall County ss:
<br /> Tlie foregoir�g instrument was acknowledgcd bcfore me this 14�h duy of April , 1995 ,
<br /> by 7.bdd A. Anani.a and Jane E. Ar:ania, husband and wife, ,
<br /> Witii;ss my h;�nd and notarial scal<<t Grand Island, Neb�aska, in said County,thc datc aforesaid.
<br /> My Commission Expires: ���'���'� � �
<br /> ���.�p.��1� Nmtiry Public
<br /> Pa�a o o�o Form 302fl 8/90
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