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I.endcr rcyuiectil providcd by sin insurcr uppruvcd by I,cndcr nguin bccomcs uv�iilublc and is abtniiud. R��rro�vcr shall pny <br /> thc premiums rcquircd to maintain martgngc insurancc in effcct,ur�i�pruvi�le n losw rescrvc,unUl the requircmcnt far mnrtgage <br />-- insurance ends in accordance witii uny wriuen agreruunt lxtween Dorrower�md Lender ur:qtplicable Inw. <br />= 9. btspection. l.cndcr ur its agcnt may m,ikc rr.�sonablc cntrics upun and inspcctions uP tlic 1'ruperry. Lcndcr shall givc <br /> L' I3urrowcr nolicc at thc timc iif or prior tu nn inspcction s�xcifying rclsonublc cuusc fc�r thc inspcctian. <br /> � 10. Con�lemnatlun. The proceedr uf any uw,ud or claim far duma�es. direct or c�msequential. in conne�tion with nny <br /> �� co»dcmn:iti��n or othcr tukin� uf uny pa�t uf thc f'ruperry,ar for convcyuncc in licu uf cundemnation, arc hcrcby assigncd und <br />_�� shall bc paid to Lcndcr. <br /> ;; In thc cvcnt of a�otal taking of thc Properry. thc procccds shall bc upplicd ro thc sums sccured by this SccuriQy Instrumr.nt. <br />'�� wttethcr or not then duc, �vith any cxccss paid to Borro�ver. In thc cvcnt uf ii parti;�l inking of thc PmpcRy in wl�ich tlto fair <br /> '! markct valuc uf thc Prc�perty immcdiatcly bcf'orc thc takiiig is cqual to itt grc:ucr than thc amount af thc�wns securccS by this <br /> = 5ccurity Instrumcnt immcdiatcly bcf'urc thc tuking, unlcss Hurrawcr and L.cnQcr oQierwisc agrrc in writing, thc sums sccurc�d by <br />"� this Securiry Instrument shall be reduced by the anwunt of thc proceeds multiplir.d by the following f'raction: (a) the total <br /> `� amu►wt uf the sum+ sewred immcdiatcly ks.fore the tzkinb, dividcJ by (h) �ha fnir market vulue of the Property immediate;y <br />' -a beforc the taking. Aoy balunce shall bc paid to Borro�ver. ln thc event of u partial taking of thc Property in which thc f:iir <br /> � market valuc of thc Property immediutcly befi�rc thc taking is less than the amaunt of thc swns scwr�d inunediately bcforc thr, <br /> j takhi�. unlcss Borrowcr and I..cndcr othcrnisc agrcc in writing or unlcss a�plicablc law ut hcr�visc p*ovidr.s, dic procccds shall <br />� bn applicd to thc sums ticcurcd by this Sccuriry(nstrument whcthcr�r nnt thc sums arc thcn duG. <br /> If thc Property is abandoned by Bnrrowcr,��r if, aftcr noticc b�� I..ender to porro�vcr that the condeuutar offers to make un <br />- award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to resPond to l..ender within 30 days after the date the notice is given, <br /> Lender is authorized to cullect mid apply the proceeds. at its option,cither to restoration or repair of the Prop�rry or to the swns <br /> T:, sccurcd by this Security Insmimcnt,�vhcthcr or not thcn dua � <br /> Un(css I.c:nJcr and Borro�vcr c�thcnvisc agrcc in �vriting, any ;�pplication uf procccYls to principal sh�ll not cxtcnd or <br /> - postponc the Jue date of the monrhly payments rcferrcd to in paragrnphs I and 2 ur changc the amount uf such payments. � <br /> i;,°:.rra:rr:R'at°.!��,:�; F::r!»�::�s��e!j;S.••nrinr N��f n Wuiver.Gxcension of thc timc f'or payment or modificati�n� <br />,.� of nmurtiratiun of the sums secureJ by this Serurity Instruntent grnnte�t�y Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> not operate to rel�asc thc liability of the uriginal Barru�ver or E3urraver's successors in interest. I.cnder shall not be required to <br /> commence proceedings agi►inst�ny suc ccs��r in intcrest or nfusc to extcnd timc for paymcnt or atlienvise modiCy;unortiuition <br /> of the sums sccurcd by this Se,uriry Instrument by rc:�san of any demnnd madc by Nic urigimil 63oiYUwcr or Borrower's <br /> successor� in interest. Any forbeurancc by l.ender in txercising uny ri�ht or renudy shull not be a waiver of or precluda thc <br /> exercise of any ri6ht or remedy. <br />_�] 12. Successors and Assi�ns Bound; Jolnt und Seveml I.I��biUty; Co-sl�ners. The covenants and agrecments of this — <br /> � Security Instruinent shall bind und bcnclit thc succcssor� and atssigns of IAnder and Fiorrowcr, subject to the provisions of <br /> °� paragraph 17. Borrc�wer's covenunts anJ agreements ,hall be juint and several. Any �orrower who co-tii�ns this Security --- <br /> instrwnent but does not executc tlie Note: (ci) iti cu-signin�;this 5ecurity Intitrument oiily to ntertgage, grvu and convey dint <br /> - Borrawcr's intcrest in thc Properry undcr th:tcrms uf this Sccurity Instrumcnt(b)is not personall� obligutc.d to pay thc sums __ _ <br />`� securcd by this Security Instrumcnt:and(r)cigrccs that Leiidcr nnd any other F3orrower ma}•ugrce to extcnd,modify,foebem•or �. <br /> any uccammodutiuns ���ith regard to the tennti uf tliiti Security Instrument ur the Note�vithout tl�at Borro�ver's consent. ��_-, <br /> n� 13.Luan Cl�a�x�s. If the lor.n Secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a la�v which sets maximum Inan charges, �_ <br /> and tl�at luw is finully interpreted so that the interest ur uther lo:�n rharges cullected or to be collected in connection with the <br />���y� loan excecd the permitted limits, then: 1a1 �.ny such loan char�e sh�ll be reduced by the amount neresti.�ry w reduce the charge '�: <br /> R'�.- <br />•.y� to thc permittcd limit:and (bl any sum�alrc:�dy cullc�ted frunt Rnrrrnvcr whirlt csccedcd permitted limits will be refundcd to ��-: <br />_:'� Borrowcr. l.ender may rhoase to makc ehis refund ny rcduring thc principal cru•ec1 undcr �he Notc or by making a direct �S`y=: <br />,+�� � , : <br /> payment to �orrowcr. If a rcfund redures principal. thc reduction will hc treated :u a purtial prepuyment widwut any �;r�=`_ <br /> prepaymcnt chutge undcr the Nntc. <br /> � 14.NottCes. Any noticc tn Borrowrr pro�idcd I'or in thiti Sccurity Instrumetu tihaU bc�ivcn by dclivcring it or by mailing - <br />•`a� it by tirst class mail unlcss applicable I.nv reyuires u�e of anuthcr mcthud. The notice shall be dir:cted to the Property Address <br /> � or any other uddress Bon•owcr designate� by notice to Lcnder. Any notice to f.i:nder shull he given by first class mail to <br />-� L,ender's address titatcd herein ar i�ny o►her address Lender designates by notice to Bnrrowcr. Any nolice provided for in this <br /> .� Security Intitru►ncnt shall he dccmcd t�h�ivc hcen givcn to Borrower ur Lcndcr when Z iven;�s providcd in this paragr.iph. <br /> 15.Guvernf�►�;; Severubilitv. 'i'his 5ccuriry Intitrwncnt shall bc guvcrned by fcdcral I.nv and the I7\4 of thc �� <br /> jurisdiction in which thc Propciry i, lucnl�:i• In thc cvent any provision or��lauac uf thiti 5xurity Instrumcnt or thc Notc <br /> conflicts with upplicxblc law, such runFlict shall not:iffect othcr provisions of this Sccurity Inatrumcnt ur thc Notc which can bc <br /> givcn effcct wi�hout ihc runtl�cting provisicm. 'Po this cnd �hc prnvisiom uf this Scxurity Intitntntcnt and thc Notc urc dcclared <br /> ;a to bc sevcr.�blc. <br /> � 16.Qorro�rcr's Cnpy. I�ormwcr s4all I�c givcn onc confornicd u7py oF thc Nrnc and ut'this Sccuriry Instrumcnt. <br /> " Form 3028 9I90 <br /> � Paqo 4 0l ti <br />_•� I <br /> _ ' <br />��.r� . ..:...... . . .._.. -.. .._ .. I <br /> � �1i!Yt/1C.�rt;iiFr}�ft2::u*`'_..._.."'—'.._.._._.-�._'_"__'.—_- _._..__-_-,.... . s:'—___........ <br /> �n----'-.----_.. _, :u. �.�.wrrvi� . <br /> � _ui��.s.:.u�a>�.,.r•..•,_::..• .� .-:_. -�-- - - "'---'�.. ��:-.e •. ••1,�_5�e'��r a�r��.e... � -� .. <br /> ..... <br /> . .----._.'-- ---� , �---.r; -------�- ---�--- -- - .. .... .._ <br />-, �� �. <br />., . . . . . , �� �� , " ,. <br /> ,,. <br />.. , t l g� <br /> . ., <br /> ,� . <br /> �' . .. � . . :i.���k,rh+ �; . �� . <br /> V:�i . .. , . ..�i .. . � .. ,yL�i�'� Ak�� . . <br /> � •. .. <br /> , .� � <br />