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<br /> `���;�ti:�;,���,, � 9 5 �1�1�13 .
<br /> :;;:��?'- ;;' :� 5. ala�.ard ur Property Ins��mnce. Borrowcr shall kccp ttte improvements now existing on c�rcafter crectcc� on thc
<br />:.:,,,r��'.�; • . . •
<br /> •� - +y Propcny insurcd against loss hy firc, h.vardti includcd �vithin thc tcrm "cxtcndcd covcr;tgc" and any othcr h,uards, including i�. "
<br />. '^. r�..y'„�r :
<br /> �,,�#�:� , floods or flooding, for which I.cndcr requires insurance. This insurance rhall be maintained in thc amounts and for the periais
<br />=:�y7+����� that Lender require�. Tiie insurance carrier pro��iding the insurance shall he ch�isen by Borru�►•er subject tu L.ender's upprovnl .� � �
<br /> � �k4•�r�.1�"^ y w�iieh shall not be unre.isanably withheld. !f Borrower fuils to maintain coverage described aUove. Lender may, at Lender's
<br /> ` ''�� � �. `�;� option,obtain coverage to prntect Lender's rights in the Propetty in�ccordance with paragraph 7. � �
<br />'•_'° - ��;�,��� All insurance policies and renewals shaU he acceptable to C.enJer and shall include a stanJurd mortgugc clause. Lender '�• • ��- •r��'���� ��
<br /> � ' ; shall havc the ri ht to hold thc olicics and renewals. If L.cndcr rc uires.Borrower sl�all rom tl �ivc to Lcnder all rccci ts of '� r s ,:;s.��';';;!;•:�
<br /> 'rt . ' 'y G P 9 P P Y b P r;�r�.r,�
<br />_ :�. # paiJ prcmiums nnd rene�va!noticcs. In the event of loss, Borrower shal[ri��e pnDmpt noticc to thc insurance carricr and I.end.r. •Y���+�.
<br /> I.cndcr ma makc roof of loss if not made n�m tl N Borro�•<r. '�`��`
<br /> : � . 6`:G' i.. Y P P N Y Y . . .,.• ...�..-
<br /> _:!�".a�_�u?'-=—
<br />-a'n'_ �:,��'..� Unless Lsnder and Borrowcr athenvise a�ece i�writing,insur,jn�ti proceeds shall be applicd to restoration or rep�ir of tlie =_____
<br /> l•�' ' Property dam�ged, if thc restoration or repair is economically fea�ible:uid l.�nder'ti sc.r.urity is not Icsscned.lf tlie rc;storation ux -
<br /> ,�,�. _....
<br /> •:. „�.:- -
<br /> �� ' •�.Vc qr ••_---
<br /> repair is not cconomicaliy feasibtc: ur Lxnder's securiiy ����,uid be tessett:d,the insurance proceeds shall be applied ta the sums "�==_-- - --
<br /> - :::�:�„t r�t�e�
<br /> , ,.;..:.,��. securcd by this Security Instrument,whetl�er ur nvt thcn due. +��ith���3 �xcess paid to Borrow•er. !f Borrower ubandons tkc ..w,,
<br /> , ' � �° r, Property, or docs not answer within 30 days a nuticc fnnn Lendcc ti�ns�.7�e insuruncc carricr h.�s c�ftercd to setUe a claim, then �' '--
<br /> r,^;;°'-
<br /> � l.ender may collect the insurance proce�ls. I.ender nz��� ust the pr,;«L�s w n:�air or restore the Propeity or to pay sums �"'N�
<br /> �Y.'..
<br /> _ , ,�����",, secured by this Security Instnnnent, whether or not then dur. The 30iia eriod will C�r in when the notice is iscn.
<br /> Y P 6 G �I�'-
<br /> Unless L,endcr and i3orro�vcr othcrv�isc agree in wnting, any �molication of procceds to princi�p�l shal! uot cxtcnd ar �`""�
<br /> ' •'• postponc thc due date of thc monthly payments referred to in p,u-agn�t,s 1 and 2 or change the amount of th�payments. If
<br /> �� •;7,h undcr paragraph 2l the Propert�•is acyuircd by Lendcr, Borrowcr's nc"�t to uny insurancc palicics nnd nrocecds resulting from _
<br /> •:�s : dantilge to the Proper[y prior to Ihe acquisition shall pass to I.ender ta the extent of tlie sums secured by this S�:cUriry Instrwnent � �
<br /> immediately prior to the acyuisitiun. ���_
<br /> : 6.Occupsency. Prtxerv�tton,Matntcnancr.mtd PreG�c4im��►f the A'ro�rty�;Borrower's Loan Applicat�rn�n;I.easelxiids. �
<br /> ��'.... .'�. .� pnrrnw�:'��!»�!C�'...5:�.�. �. • 1.C. a �.' ^-""�' _ .. .
<br /> _ � �.u�uot:,:.r.,�sc inc r�upc��y ua Du��uwcr'a pre:�tip.tl ft'SIqCIICC�Vlllllft SIE[y d7Y5 AIICi(�18 6XCCLL[IOA 01
<br /> ;, i this Security Instrun�ent anJ sha11 continae to uccupy the Property as Borrower's principal residenee far at Ic:ast one year after
<br /> the date of occupancy, u��less L,ender othern-ise cigrecx in writing, whicl�consent shall not be unreason.►bly withheld,or unless
<br /> extenusting circumstances exist �vhich are beyond Borrower's control. Botrower �hall not destroy, dumnge or impair the
<br /> :,. �f�,¢: Property, allow the Propeny to dctcriorate, or commit w,�ste on thc Property. Borrowcr shall be in default if uny forfciture
<br /> , „ x. action o�proceeding, �vhether civil or rrimi��al, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the �
<br /> '° "''y '� Propeny or athenvise materially impuir the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or I.ender's security interest. Borrower may
<br />"-�'°''� "`�1'�"� cure such a default and reinstate,as providcci in parr�raph I8, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with n ruling
<br /> _ ,.^�;v�` that, in Lender's good faith determination, prerludes forfciture of the Borrower's intereat in the Pro�erty or u.hcr material
<br /> . ., .�,,• : ..,., impairnient of the lien created by this Security Instrununt or Lender's security interest. Dorro�ver sl�all alca be in default if
<br /> �,: ' � Bonu�vcr, during thc loan application process,g:�ve materially false or inaccu�ntc information or statemcnts to Lertdcr(or failcd �
<br /> ,'.' ,{ :..�::;;.7.:„ to providc Lender with any material information)in connection with thc losn evidenced by the Note, including, but not limitai .,,.
<br />, .""'�:'���;=', to, representations conceming Borroa•er's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Inst.ntntent is on a
<br /> ^y��,�� �- Ieaschold. Borrowcr shall comply with all the provisions of thc Icasc. If Borrowce acyuires fee tide to di� Pr•aperty, the
<br /> �'�� •i- ' Ieaschold and thc fce title shall not mcrge unlcss Lendcr agrccs ro thc mergcr in�vriting. -
<br /> .-::��ro;��;�:
<br /> � 7.Protectton ot I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Bonowcr fails ro perform thc covenants and ugreements contained in
<br /> . � ,:'� this Sewrity Instr�:ment, or there is a legal procrecling that may s'sgnificantly affect Lender's rights in the Properry (sucl�;s u
<br /> � procecding in b;tnf�ruptcy, probate, for condcmnation or forfeitw•e ur w cnfarce laws or regulutians), thcn Lcnder ntay do cuaf -
<br /> . pay for�vhatever is necessary to protect thc valuc of thc Prnperty and L.ender's rights in thc Propeny. L.ender's;r,ctions may
<br /> _ •• •- include paying ,iny sums secured by a lien �vhich has priority ovcr this Security instrument, up�xaring in cowt, paying -
<br /> - .. c. neasonablc attorncys'fecs and cntering on thc Property to makc repairs. Although L.i:ndcr may takc action under this paragraplt
<br /> '� ' 7.L.ender does nut have to do so.
<br /> �r u r�"._. .
<br /> :.ti�-:�r!';�x...�.,: Any amounts disbursed by Lender undcr this naragraph 7 shall becume udditiona! debt of Barro�vcr sccured by this -
<br /> � :>.,w • _ Sccurity Instrun�cnt. Unlrss Bo�roaer and Lcndcr agrce to othcr tcrms of payment,thesc amounts shall bcar intcrest from the --- --
<br />- � -• � dr.te of disbursemcnt at thc Notc rutc anJ shall be pa}•ab!e, with intcrest, upm� notice fram Lcnder tc� 8onvti3-cr rcqucsting
<br /> _ �a�n:cnt. �:_
<br /> �` ' ' � .�"'� S.Mortgage Luurance.lf Lender n:yuired mongage insurance as.,condition of making the Ic�an secured hy this Sewrity �`=��-;��
<br /> - • [nstrumcnt, Borro�ver shall pay the premiums reyuircJ to maintain th; mortgage insurance in cffect. If, for any rcasun, the � � �::�;r
<br /> _ � • moats;agc insurancc rovcragc myuiresi by Lcndcr lap,es or cu�ses to be in cffcct, Bum��vcr sh.dl pay the premiums rcyuircd to -�- .. * �.°��
<br /> �_•,�;.• . - - obt:i;cover,�gL substanti:illy�uivalent w the mongage insarance pn;viuusly io effect, at a cust substantiiill e uivalent to tEte +'k• h� �
<br /> ' � ` � ��st te Sorro�vcr of Uic mon a c insurance rcviousl ,
<br /> , � _.� r;,; ,.,,ti.
<br /> - . r Y 9 ' � �P.'��5.�'��"�.
<br /> _.,,��;:; ' B b p y in eFfect, from un altcmutc munbagc insurcr approvcd by Lcndcr. If _. . .
<br /> ,. ,::...•:,.
<br /> substantially cquivalcrt mo,rtgage insur.mcc covcxagc is nat availablc, Bnrrow�;r shall pay to Lcnd;r cacl► month a sum cquul to �• �-•.� -
<br /> _ ':;�i;.�•: one-hvelfih of the yearly mortgage insursnce pn;mium being paid by fiorrower when dic insurance cover�ge lupsed or ce;isec!to --� • --
<br /> - � �� be in effcct. Lcndcr will accept, u�-e and retain thesc paymcnts aa u lusa rescrvc in licu of mortgage insurunrc. L,oss rescrve �
<br /> ;r,�,�::-- : Form 3020 3/30
<br />