. / .pritn; . . . , . , _
<br /> 1 _
<br />'" ' , �...� _
<br />' � ��
<br /> •,�l
<br /> �Ylk�- � '
<br /> f . /l -... ��L9
<br /> o .....w...w..u:�.l z�e._�."_'.._.._._._ ........... . ..... . . ..... .. .... . .. .. _..._ . _... ......... __..�... ...._ . ,. _, . •_ ". ....._..'_"'__'_. ..
<br /> . Lid�►L �
<br /> �. �, s
<br /> 11 *.
<br /> , 6. TF�IN9FER OF TFiE FROPERTY;ASSUMPTION. H all or nny pnrt of Ihe property or Interust thorein Ia aold,trnnc}arred or •
<br /> � oth�mn�o ronvayed by Trur,tor v��thoul ponoficlary'o ryriot vs'ntton consent,exciudfnp (e) the cront�an o} n Ilan or oncumbrnnco (,n
<br /> eubordinaU to Ihia Dosd of Truet, (b)tha croatlan o}a purohaoo monoy cecurRy mtoroet for housohol�appliancoo, (c)c+trnnotor by �
<br /> devli�,d�aosnt ot by op�rntion o}law upon lhe daath o1 a Joln!tenant or(d)th�erent of eny loaaehold Intsreet o1 th►ee yeete or i�sa '
<br /> not conta�nlnp sn optbn to purcha��,such actbn I�a 6r�nch of[hl�apn�m�nf,end H�neficlary may,nt B�n�Aclary'�optbn,d�ck+n ,,,
<br /> ell th��um�aQCVnd by thi�D��d of Tnut to b�Imm�dtntay dus nnd p�yebN,or caus�lh�trustN to fif�a notk�of dotauN.�• �
<br /> B�n�flc!¢ry shall hav�wnhr�d wch optkn to nccNerat�f},prbr to th��nl�,tran�t�r of conv�yana.B�n�ficlary and th�p�rson to�. ; � ��
<br /> whom th�prop�rty I�to f»soW or transf�rnd nech egn�m�nt In wrftinp thet th�cndA of such p�non b eelUtactory to Bm�Rcfary Q
<br /> � end thni the Intereet{�nyahl�on Iho eum�socund by lhie De�d of Trust uhall b�at euch reto a�D�neOciary ehali requ�et. �.b ;
<br /> e. ACCELERA"fION UPON DEFAULY;REMEOIEB;BALE.TFu feilun by th0 T►ustor to mak�eny peymmt or to p�rform any of
<br /> �• ' th�t�rrns end conddbn�o}th�Nots,or any runewaN,modificatbn�or�xt�n�bnt thcno},or lh�paym�nl of eny othrr ind�htadnao�•' f'
<br /> " . � s�cund h�r�by or in th�p�rfarmana of nny o}th�cov�nante or ayrNm�nU h�aund�r thafl bo a br�nch of this apr��m�nt end ths� i
<br /> Bm�ficiary may d�clar�s d�huR and mny d�cka all eum���cund h�nby Imm�dktNy du�and peyabN and lh�acma�hnll �
<br /> th�reupon b�coms du�end payabN wRhout pras�ntm�nt,d�mand,prot�tt or notia of any kmd.Th�r�nR�r,B�n�ficlary rnay dN�va�r i
<br /> to Tnist�s n writt�n d�claraUon oi d�fauR e�d demand tor snb.7rustor aynas and h�r�by prante thnt lh�TrustN aheil hsvn tho �
<br /> povrc+r of sal�of th�Properry ax!ii Bonoficiary dacldoa tho Propertyr ia to bo cold it nhnU depasft tivith Truetee thie Deed of Tn��t nnfi i
<br /> th�Note or not�s and nny oth�►docum�nts�videncinp�xp�ndituns s�cund h�rsby,nnd shall daliwr to TruKN a writt�n notic�ot .
<br /> d�lauk nnd eMctbn to c+AUS�th�Prop*rty to bo soid,nnd Truot��,in turn,thnll pnpar�e simflar not��in th�Sorm nqulnd by low.
<br />- . wh�h chnll bo duh!filed tor record by Trutta�. '
<br /> , (e) ARer th�lapso of auch thne ae mny bs nquired by Inw folbwinp ths rscoMntbn of Notice ot OefnuR,and Notice oi A7afauk �
<br />� end Notk�ot 9ele hnvirop bsm giwn ea nquind by law.Truab�,without d�mdnd an Truetor,�hnll s�ll th�Pro{»rip in�rns i
<br /> � •• J or mm�parah end in sush order as Truator mny d�t�rmino on th�dat�and th�tim�nnd plec�dafpnnbd in eAiB i�}uUr,s �
<br /> � of&aw,et public nuctbn to th�high�st biddsr,th�purchase price peyabi�in cash In lawlul mon�y ot th�Unitod 9ttdtrs e►t
<br />' th�tlm�nt snl�.Yhs p�non conductinp tho eelo mny,tnr eny cause iie or siia cieorna expedWn�poztpono thc csfa trr.n I . : ,
<br />:,i , .: tim�to tlm�until it ahnll b�completed nnd,in w�ry wch cas�,notic�of postponomont shall b�eiven by public declarntti:n �
<br /> ; • th�nof by such p�roon at th�tim�and plac�Iast eppolnt�d for th�eeie;provldsxl,fl th�ca{s i�postpon�d tor lonpsr tlinn
<br /> on�(i)day b�yond IhB dny dasipnated in th�N�tics uf Snk, notice thersof ehall be pNsn fn th�enme menn�r nr•iTir I
<br /> origlnal Notirw of 8�1a.Trust��shnll�x�cuto nnd d�liwr to Ih�purchas�r ita Oeed convsylnp th�Prop�rly so a4:4�,byt •
<br /> without any cownant or werranry,sxpre�s,or impikd,Th�racRnts in tho[ked of any mnnnsn or idcts eheA ba co�r���dw� � �> �
<br /> » praol¢+4 th�truthfulnsts thoroof.Any peraon,includinp wifhout limih�ilon B�neficinry ar Truetae,m:�y purchat�at th�ecb�. �_,ti
<br /> (b) 1Yhon 7ruata�sol!s pursuant to the powsre heroin,Tru�t�s ehali apply ths procesdy of th�reh+to paymont oi lhs�r.riLt r'�-
<br /> � end oxp�ns��af ix�rciainy th�po�HOr of�r,N and o}th�snN,includinp,wfthout Iimdntbn,th�pr►ymant of Trustss'o F�oos ���•-'�
<br /> ineumd,which Tructoe's F�os chell not In the aygragate axcesd the follavrinp amountc baaed uFron the amaum aocurnd �•�w �`'
<br /> „ h�rnby nnd nmalnlnp unpNd;b p�rc�nturn on th�batene�th�root and th�n to th�it�m�fn eubpfimgr�h(o)in the ordw �T*�, v•-'-
<br /> , thara atnbd,
<br /> (o) After paylnp lh� d�me specified in subparaprnph (b), H th�eala is by Trustee, or th�proper court nnd oth�r eo�tt af ;,:� t�':
<br /> MtecMsun and eaN N the eaN IB punuent to�udieusl toncbsure,tn�proc�sde ot saN shnti t»nppiNd in m�ards�r svt�sod A - •
<br /> '�''" �'�.
<br />- b�bw to th�pnymont ot
<br /> (1)Attorn�y�f��s nnd costo of coll�ctbn;
<br /> (2)Co:t of eny svid�na of titl�procur�d In conn�ction wRh such aeN and of nny r�v�nu�r�quir�d to i»pafd; ,
<br /> (3)Ali obliyatbns ucund by this Trust d��d; .
<br /> (4)The nmainds►,M any,to ths porson fegely�ntitl�d th�nto. � ��� � �-
<br /> . :
<br /> , 7. AODITIONAL BECURIN INSTRUMENTB.Truator,et ite�xpense,will ox�cute end delivsr lo th�BAnoflclery,promptly uFran ' t • %
<br /> " d�mand,�ueh cscurity Instrum�nte ns may be requlred by B�neflcie.y,In torm end aubstena sntktractory to B�nNfclary,eow�tir.� . �`
<br /> any ot th�Proporty conwy�d by lhla Dood of Trus�whieh s�curity Instrum�nts shnll b�addRbnnl��curiry}or Trusto�'e ttiiht:d {4 �-,;;
<br /> pe;formnnce ot ell the brms,cownante nnd conddbnn o}thl�D�sd of Truat�th�promitsory not��socu��d h�nby,and nny cdMx I, �-
<br /> a�curily Instnim�nU�x�cutsd In conn�ctbn with thie trnnsactbn.Such instrumante ehctll b�rocord�d or 61sd at Trustor'e expsnsa #;�,�'�� � '
<br /> , :1..4�', y.
<br /> ' D. APPOINTMENT OF SUCCES^u0R TRU8TEE. Bansficinry may, lrom time to tlms, by n writtm inthum�nl�x�cut�d An:l � � ' a*�.;��:a+�'--
<br /> acknowt�dqsd by B�nsficfary,maiNd to Trustor and record�d in th�county or countWa in which tho Prop�rty i�beat�d end by '�-
<br /> :� .✓'':�':i`--
<br /> oth�rvrls�oomplylnp with th�provnbm of the applicnbN Inwi ot th�Stnta o}Nobraske subsMut�a sux�uor or succ��cors to ths •'�1��•--- �
<br /> � 'fruttN nnm�d h�nln or ectlny h�nund�r. �� , R
<br /> ."�'"y.
<br /> ' 8. INSPECTIONS.��n�ficlnry,or it�ep�nte,rsRresentatives or workmen,are nuthoriz�d to�nt�r nt ttny nnsonebN tlm�up�n • ?.•�„
<br /> or q�eny part of th�Prop�rty tor th�purpos�of inspecting tho�am�end for th�purpos�of p�rlorminp any ot Ih�acb R Is authori�ed �i.'�, ;
<br /> � to p�rtorm und�r th�t�rms o4 th�Desd of Trus4 •
<br /> 10. OP7ION TO FORECL08E.Upon th�occurronco of eny broach end upon th�dsclevetion of d�fauk hareund�r,B�ss�ficlaay , �,
<br /> ;. ehall hew th�optan to torcebta thls D�sd of Trust In th�mnnner provld�d 6y lew tor tho toncbsur�of mortpnp�s on nnl�xopQrry�. } ,�
<br /> ' 11. f�OAEBFJ\RANCE BY BENEFICIApY UR TRi18TEE NOY A liUA1VER. Any torob�arnnce by B�nefictay or Tn�aUtm in j � �`
<br /> oxarclefny any rlght or rom�dy honund�r,or otherwls�nNord�d by nFpl�cRbi�itsw,shell not h�e wniwr ot or pncluda th�axut�w .
<br />� ' o}nny such riyht or nmody h�reund�r.Likswlse,the wafver by Beneficwry or Truste�of any d�lauK o1 TNStor under thio Oe�cd of I �
<br /> Trunt thall not b�d��med tv b�e wniver of eny oth�r or slmilnr d�inulte eubsequently accurrinp.
<br /> . i
<br /> � �`? 12. TRUBTOR NOT REI.F113En.Extensbn of th�tlms tor pnyms�Rar modfiicet(on or amon.lzetion of th�eume securod b f thxi �
<br /> •�!,,1, D�ed of Tmet prnnt�d by B�n�fictary to eny wccaaor In int�rast of Trut(br ahall not op�mts to roknse,in any mnnn�r,th�linb:lily of �
<br /> '�'��
<br /> ,�, ,�..� th�orlptnat Trustor end Trustorb succ�isar In intusat. Bsn�ficluy thaN not b�r�qufnd to comm�na procwdlnps egeinat�uih I
<br /> sucaasor o�ntu��to extand tlm�tor paym�nt or othsrwls�modify emortizntbn oi the eums eeeured by thie Dsed o}Truat by
<br /> • � reasan of nny d�mt+nd mad�by th�orlpinnl Trustm cnd TruetoPe successoro In Intsrest
<br /> ' ;� '1� 13. BENEFICIARY'8 POW�R3. W�thout ettecting or nbasing th� tiabSlRy o}tha T►ustor or nny oth�r panon li.�hts br thm
<br /> �5 �'��;'' payrt:ent oi en ebli at�un h�nln msntbned,and without nftectin the li�n or char s o1 t{tle D�M of Trust u n en
<br /> Y a p 0 po Y puApn ot lRe
<br /> + Prop�ry nat th�n or th�rotofon nkns�d aa s�curiry for tho tull nmount ut e11 unpeld obligatlons,B�n�ficlary may,from tim�to tlmo
<br /> �� .�.� and wiihaut nottas at th�requnt of ono or moro Trustoro(?nNasa nny pa�on so IlabN,(ii)eM�nd or nn�w th�maNriey or ak�r nny
<br /> yg `'�•-•� 01 ths t�rma ot emy euch oblpetbne,(ii�prnnt oth�r indutger.cos,(ro)re:a:ss�or nconv�y,or caue�to b�nNae�d or rsconwyed et
<br /> s� , eny llm�nt 8snsfictery's opTbns eny peresL portwn or e!f o4 the Property,(v)tcke or nNns�nny oth�r or eddiUonN sscurEy for nny
<br /> �� obliaatlon Atnln menHoned,(vi) ma{c�compoaRbne or cf:lir artenpemente wdh dsbton In nlatlon Ih�nto.All Truatorc chsll b�
<br /> -
<br /> _-__ _
<br /> � -
<br /> ►olntty artd a�vurally obtpated and bound by�fi�nctiona ot tha Brnoflclary or nny trustor n�her�tn stntad.
<br /> � , 14. ATTORNEY FEE8,COSTB AND EXPE��SES.If the Bone6eitvy of Ihls Deed ot T►uat I�a bank na defined by Nabraskn lovi.
<br /> eny�tetemont contnfn�d In nny cth�r sectbn ot lhls ds�d noNvithetnndinp,the Beneficlery ehell not be mtitled to r�aiva or tnka and
<br /> debtor shell not b�obllpatod lo pey or giw:any aonleeslon o1�udgm�n�power of ettom�y to eonfnsa�udflment,pow�r of nttomsy to
<br /> � eppenr for n borrow�r In e�ud�fal procaodln0 or egreema�t to pay tht costc o}coIloctlon or the ettomoya'teaa,unl�aa Ih�Intorost
<br /> — =� ---- - peyebls by th�terms ot ths Noto nt�rnd to in thla doed te t G96 por nnnum or teaa,Or t�e Rote roterroa tv�n tme aew ie npayai;�.u�
<br /> lwo or mon�quel ot unequal fnsiellm�ntc nnd ovsr a p�rbd o}mors Ihnn ons hundrod tbtty-fiv�(14b)rnanthe.Provided,howaver,
<br /> that thla eectlon do�s not npply to tho truetss tee retettod to m Pnrnprnph 8.8(b).ProvWed further thntthl�Pnraqreph 8.1a chall not
<br /> Iepary to thle D�ad of Trust,if th�Bm�Rclnry here�n is not o bank. —
<br /> I � ORIUINAL 1
<br /> (1
<br /> I_� 00707t REV.t-03 NWr�ck� 806iROWEA CAPY(t) tw�sx a'f ` -
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