,.. . �
<br /> ..�.,n.. --
<br /> �y..�.��
<br /> ,
<br /> _
<br /> , . . �
<br /> .. �. ,
<br /> .. ..,. . � � .
<br /> `� .:
<br /> ..
<br /> — '�� �Miti.**'�!'.'�+ . .�''1,�..'°' � . ....................._.... ...... ........ ..,. .�._._..,_....___...�.... ._....,r.rr..t , .
<br /> . � ... ._ . . ..........._......-.—'------_- ......_ i� . ........_._ ......_ .... _- -.. -
<br /> • : , I{ -.
<br /> 4. IN6URAKC�. Tructu�, uZ iia oxpt�nae,will mnintain enth �nauroro npprovcd by�onof;Gery, In�uranco vr�th ra�pect to Qio . �.
<br /> hnprav�ircnto and parconr.l propaity,conaG2ulinn liw Propariy,agcmct la�a by�iro,Itphminp,tomcdo.and othor pcnl�r.nA htunrds �
<br /> �� covorad by�te.�idard�xtRndrsl cov�rnpa�ndorssm�nt,in en smount eqi�al to nt Itaat one hundnd p�reant o}lh�NII nplaam�nt „
<br />- valw thsr�al and inouranc��y�lnst�uch othu huard��nd in�uch amount�nt I�cutbma�dy c�rrWd by own�r�end oporaton o} • -
<br /> . �ImIMr prop��th�ar u Ban�flcl�ry m�y rsquia tn►Y,�prot�ctbn.Tru�tor wiN campy with wch olhor nqulr�m�nt�a�fl�neficlary m�y
<br /> from tim�to tlm�requ�s!for tha ptot�ctbn by Intur�ne�o}lh�int�mt�01 th�nep�ctN�part��.All Insuranc�poL�ci�s malnteln�d ^�
<br />+ � ,, purau�u�t to thl�Uwd ot Tru�t�h�ll nam�Trurto��nQ B�n�ficl�ry n�Insund�,u thoM n�p�ctlw Int�re�te may�pp��►.Rnd provid� 'r
<br /> Ihat lh�re ehall b�no enncellation or modificatWn wdhoul na Nn th�n 16 dsyi Frlor wrMt�n notifkatbn to TruatN and 8�n�flci�ry.In :
<br /> � � th��wnt�ny polwy heround�r ro not revi�w�d on or baf�ra 1G daya priar lo il�e:sp,ralbn dnto,Tructc�or Bonofielrrv mny proeure
<br />. � �uch Inwrmoa m acwrdanc�wRh ths provi�bn�ol p�r�pr�ph A.4 h�rrol.Tru�to��h�H dsliwr to 8�n�ficl�ry th�orpinal pc�ik�w of I �?
<br /> , Inwr�nc�end nn�wai�tha�ot or m�mo copNs o}�ueh polkk��nd nn�wal�th�nof.F�itun to furni�h�uch insurenc�by Trustor, � ,; ,
<br /> �or an�w�ir ae nqutr�d h�nundor tha11,�t Ih�option ot 0�n�ficlary,con�tRub e d�1�u11.
<br /> ' � 6. TAXE8,A88E8SMENTB AND CHJiR6E8.Trultor ahall pay all texa�,astessm�nte end oth�r chnrg�e,includinp, wdhout " .. '
<br /> �limitatbn,finns and Impo�rtbn� edributebl�to lh�Ptop�rty, a�d Nns�hold peym�nto or pround r�nta, if any, 6�fon lh�oam� f , ,
<br /> �� � becomw de4nquent.Truatar shall�rompttyr turnhh to Fi�n�ficiary nA notkss ot nmountt dua urtd�r lhts parayreph,and In th4�wnt I �
<br /> Trustor ehell mek�pnymmt dlr�ctty,Truttor�hell promptly turnioh to B�n�ficlnry nc�ipt��vid�ncinp such pnymmt�.Trustor ahaN
<br /> � pay nll taxe�and assnsm�nts whkh mny be NvNd upon B�n�ficlnry'e intoro�t hsnin or upon thh D��d o}Truai withaut rap�rd ta �'
<br />� � eny law thnt mry b��nact�d impoalnp pnym�nt of th�whol�or eny pnrt th�rsof upon th�B�n�ficiary. . . '
<br /> � 8. ADDITIONAL LIENB ANO PROTECYION OF BENEFfCIARY'8 SECUR1IY,Trunor ahali mak�all peym�nn of Int�e��t and '
<br /> princfpal end paym�nts o}any othsr chargs�, iN� and �xp�nn� eontrnct�d to ba pnid to any �xietinp INn ho{d�n or prlor ,
<br /> " ben�fieiauNt und�r any prlor desd of husl or mortpay�b�fors th�dat�thay nn d�linquont and prompty pay and dhchar9+any and ,. a� • '•
<br /> eil other INne.claims or charee�whkfi may j�operd¢�th�s�curiry pmnt�d hsnin.N Trustor faib to�ek��ny�uch paym�nt or faiN ,,�,.� . -_
<br /> �'�� to pedorm eny ot lhe covenanh nnd ayr�ement�contain�d in thh DKd o!Trua4 or In Rny pnor mortpap�or dwd of lrutt or ii etty � • �
<br /> � actbn or rocNdi� I� commmc�d whkh matekl atfsets B�n�ficin �� U�t�ra�t In th�Prop�rty. Includinp, but nol IlmR�d to. ` '0i`Y���
<br /> P 0 N 9� .. •�,,,...z•::-_
<br /> � ominent domain procaodinp�,or procNdings involv(ng n d��»d�nt,or if Trustor falb to pny Trustor'�d�bb p�n�rsly an th�y b�com� •�s .,„ .. � * ,
<br />-� dus,thon dan�ficfary,nt H�n�'lctary'e optbn and vr�thout notk�to or demand upan Trustor end vrithout rolaatinp TrusNr hom nny .
<br /> obigntion h�nund�r, may mak� wch epp�arQnas, di�burp �uch sums and tak� such action ru h n�t�ary to p�ot�c1 y,�, J"�*�'-
<br /> ..:�+'7GI'!t'�'.�-.a::;:a..
<br /> B�nsficla•ry'e intr.�st, Includinp, but not Ilmit�d to, ditburs�mant of nasonabl� attorney'�f�e�, paym�nt, pueches�,cant�Rt or ';'".. *S"�
<br />. comprornss�of eny�ncumbrnnc�,cheuy�or lion,and�ntry upon lh�Prop�rly to maks npalrs.In Ih�ownt lhst Trustor�haA tefl to , ,,a:,:.-°1°`�'�'
<br /> procurs inturena or to pey tax�t,atsusmmts,or any other charp�s or to mak�any paym�nts to eny�xkGnp prbr INn hold�r�or `�,
<br /> b�n�ficiarie�,Bnnsfiawry may procur�such Incur�nc�and mak�such paym�nL Any amounts dkbun�d by B�n�Aclary punuent to : ,+G°-�
<br /> ;1 tM�Parayreph A.8 khaN b�com�adddbnal ind�bt�dnses of Trustor c�curod by this Qa�d of Truct. Such amounh�hell b�puyabb :�._-_�
<br /> upon notia irom Ban�f'icfery to Trustor r�qu�stinp pnym�nt thenof,and ahnll b�ar Int�ntt itom Ni�dnh o}dMbuvs�m�nt�t tfi� ' •
<br /> rat�pnyabN hom tim�to tim�on outatnnding princlpal und�r th�Not�unNss peymont o}int�n:t st such rnt�woufd b�conUary ta � `;"''`� • �
<br /> -—
<br /> applicabl�law, in whkh ev�nt such emounb sheil b�ar intenst at the hl�t��st rat�p�rmissibb und�r n�plicitbh lew. Nothiny ��i', � `
<br /> contaln�d in thb Perapraph A.8 shell requtr�B�no6ciary to Incur any�xp�ns�or taK�eny actron i��nund�r. �: �,�:i�:�-
<br /> �4
<br /> �t:
<br /> . ;.��:
<br /> • , 1. A9SItiNMENT OF RENTS.Ben�ficiary shNl haw tfi�right,potvar and authoriry durina tPis coMtnuanco of thb�eod o}Ttutt 5= `•;;
<br /> to collsct th�ront�,iaw�r nnd profi4s o1 th�Prop�rry end o!nny p�nonal prop�rty IocAted thsr�on wAh or wHi�out Wcina poswnbn .; '�: � "
<br /> of the proparty att�cted hor�by, and Trustor h�nby ebsoluhy nnd unconddbnely aasipns all such rartb, Itsw� end p�ofih to � �" ���
<br /> • " B�n�fickry.B�naficiary,fiow�wr,her�by eon��nu to th�Trustor'�collection end ntsntbn ot such r�nto,lssu�t and profit�M th�y '•'.`.� ,
<br />- ;,.,, nccru�and b�como pn�IebN so bng as Trustor ia nat,at such tlm�,In d�tnuk wdh napoct to paym�nt of any ind�blKJ��a t�cund ,�,��,, �-
<br /> h�nby,or in th�prrformnnco o}eny ayro�ment h�r�und�r.Upon eny�uch d�fauM,Benoflefery may at any tirn�,�ith�r In p�non,by
<br /> ap�nf, or by a r�ivxr 4o b�appointed by a court, wdhout notky end without reeard lo th�ed�quacy of any s�curity for th� �. ��''
<br /> � ind�bt�dnsts h�r�by socurod,(e)ent�t upon and tnk�possaubn of th�Ptop�rty or any partth�r�o},nnd In ih own nam�su�far or �`�'��,'i••
<br /> , , oth�rwit�croli�ct auch ronb,Is�ue�and profrts,includinp thos�pnn duo mnd unpaid,and nppiy the aama,I�ss cotts and exp�nsa ��
<br /> of op�ratbn and coll�ctkn, tncludinp raasonabN eKom�ye ts�a,upon eny Ir,dsbtedn�ss ucund hereby, and In such ord�►ao * _-=--
<br /> Ben�ficlery may dst�rmim;(b)p�rtorm wch ects of npalr or prot�ctbn as mny b�noc��sary or prop�r to con��w�ths wlu�o!th� �;,, � ,. �
<br /> � Prap�rty;(c) {�a��ths sem�or eny peut thsr�of lor euch rintnl,brm,nnd upon auch condRbm na Rf�udpmmt mey dktnt�o� ,�. , �.;`
<br /> torminah,or ndjust tho t�rms anA conddbm of exkting leant.Unkss Trustor and B�n�ficlary th�raot aprw oth�rwlso In writfn0� ;..,�fqs�..
<br /> . any npplkelion of nnte,I�suef or profits to any Indobtadnoca secut�d hanby ehall not oM�nd or poatpon�th�du� dnt�of the '•�'" .
<br /> instelfmmt paym�nts eis provld�d In �nld promiawry noto or chenpo th� nmount of �uch Instellmenb.Th� mteriny upon and .��f`�"'�
<br /> " taklnp po�wssbn of the Prop�rty,th�coll�cdon of�uch ronte,Isw�e and prafic�,nnd th�xpplicatbn thorwf a�akr�sa.W,shall not i.�,.��
<br />- 4, • wahro or cun eny dofnuR or notfa of d�tault hereunder or Invnlidato any nct don�purouant to�uch notla.Trustor eleo as�I�n�to ;.• Y^
<br />° . B�n�frcmry,Rs furth�r aacurity for th�psrturmena of the obGgatbns iacund h�»by,ell pnpald nnb end nll moni��whkn may ' �
<br /> haw b��n or mny heroalt�r b�d�poeR�d wdh eald Trustor by nny Nss��of th�Prop�rty,to eseun th�paym�nt ot any nnt or '
<br /> � dam6Qa,or upon d�feuk In lh�pnformence of any of tho provi�bno h�roof,Truitor apn�a to daliwr wch ronp and d�potft�to �� �' ,
<br /> " � Bs�n�flclery.D�liv�ry of writt�n notlsy of Ben�ficlary's�x�rclso of ths righb prnnt�d horelo,to any tennnt occupylnp�eJd pnmh�� ` . �� •
<br /> ' shell be iutficNnt to nqufn said t�nn��t ro pay ront to the Benaficlnry until turth�r notic�. ' �' '.
<br /> ' 2. CONDEMNA170N.If tdN to nny part of tho PropoRy shall be tnkan In condsrn�etbn proa�dlnflt,by rl�ht of emtn�nt domeln I;•° �
<br />• , or sanilnr action,or shull M sold und�r thnet of condertinatbn,ell awerde,dnmag�i and proc��ds an h�nby as�qn�d end�hnll ba `
<br /> paid to B�n�fiGery who shell eppty such ewarde,dnmagss and proce�d�to th�sum s�cund by thl�DoH.I of Trust with Ih��xc�se.
<br />_ it eny, peid to Trustor.If Trustor r�cvlw�nny notic�or othtr inform�tlon nrpnrdlnp euch actlon�or proc��dlnps,Trustor ehell phre �
<br /> prompt writt�n noY�c�thsnof to B�n�flclery.B�n�ficla�y ahefl F��ntitlad,at ib optbn,to comm�nc�,a+pp�nr In end proacul�fn ils I
<br /> _ own nnm�nny�uch nctbn or proa�dlnps and shsll bo ontitkd to mnk�any compromh�or esHkment In conn�dion wilh any such �
<br />`'� actfon or procNdinpn. ;
<br /> 3. FU7UC�E ADVANCEB.Upon requ�sl of Trustor,U�nofic(ary at Donofic�ttry'a option,prbr to roconveyaneo of the Property to I
<br />- Tructor,mny mnk�Ntun ndvena�to Tru�ior. 3uch tuturo ndvanca,wAt�Intsnst thonon, theN be a�cund by thl�Tru�t DNd ;.
<br /> wh�n�v�iondd by promhsory nobs�t�tiny that udd not�s an socuru�cl horeby;provfdod thnt at na tlmo ehnll tho tocur�d princlpnl, �
<br /> � futun edvanw�,not Includiny sum�edvanad to prot�ct th�s�curtry,exco�d Two Hundrod porc�nt(2oD76)of the oripinal pdncfpal ,•
<br /> � smaunU acund hor�by. '
<br /> ., �
<br />- � 4. REMEd�B NOT E3(CtUSIVE. T�vttN md B�nofictary, nnd �sch of thom, ahaN b� �ntiUsd to �ntorco p�,rtn�nt and r
<br /> -_ _ °=
<br /> ---
<br /> p�rlormaao�of nny Inslobtednsis or oWp�llom wcursd h�raby end to�x�rck�alI rlphb nna pow�rs undsr tnn u�w or i rurt or �
<br />-- „ und�:eny othor aflre�m�nt�xocut�d In conn�ctlon h�nwth or eny lawa now or h�r�eE�r in forc�,norivRh�tnndinQ�om�or ell ot th�
<br />" such�a�dobtodnoee and oDlpelbn�s�cund hsnby mey now or h�nalbr be oth�mts�s�cund,wh�ther by mortgap�,dHd o}tru9t,
<br />�; � phdg�,INn,n�synm�nt or oth�rw:a�.N�dh�r the a�ptancv of thh D�ad of Truut nor Rs�ntorcert:�nt wheth�r by court actlon or
<br /> -_ ' pununnt to th�power o1�eN or oth�r powuY h�r�In contNn�d,thell prNud4cs or m any mannrr att�ct Tru�t��'e or B�noficlary's
<br />- riaht tn reelae unan or anforc�nnv oth�r aacuriN now or haroaitar h�ld Cv Trusx��or Ben�ficWry.R b�inp ngro�d thet Truntes end
<br /> .� - E3�n�ficlary, end �ach ot th�m, shall ba ontRNd tn ontom U�If ONd ot Trwt end eny oth�r oecurrty now ar horeaRer held by `
<br />-• „ Bbn�ficlery or Trustw in�uch ord�r and mnnnar ae lh�y or�ith�r o}lh�m mey m thdr ebsolut�disentbn dot�rmma.No rem�dy
<br /> - h�rNn confort�d upon or r��uwd to Yrutt�e or D�n�ficlary N Int�ndsd to b��xclu�Iw ot eny oth�r romedy here�n or by law
<br />� provided or p�rmftt�d, but�ech ohnll a cumulalnve end�hell be �n eddrtron to�wry oth�r rom�dy gii�n h�nundu or now or
<br />�� heneRer exfsting et!aw or In squdy or Ay atstut�. Ewry paw�r or nm�dy providsd henundar tht�DNd of Tmat to Trustee or
<br />� B�n�fclery nr to whlch�i1h�r of th�m mey b�oth�rwh�ontitf�d.may b�rx�rclsed,concurc�ntty or f�dep�nd�nty,irom lim�to tim�
<br /> � nnd Rs oR�n ef iney h�d�em�d�np�dNnt Dy Trwtw�or @�n�ficbry end�ith�r of lhom mny pursu�Ineonsistent rom�dNS.Nothing
<br /> = . h�r��n thall bo canttrusd es prohibKinp B�n�ficiary from n�ekmp n d�ficNncy►udpm�nt ayamst th�Trustor to the�xt�nt�uch actbn
<br />� j fa psrmdt�d 1�►r lew.
<br /> j' .
<br /> I��,. 00T071 nMra�fu OOi5290J t
<br /> ♦
<br /> �r '
<br />