, _,���� „ : . , i , �
<br /> ., .. ,. �
<br /> yr. ,. '- . .. •. ..
<br /> - ' - .. ,. �• �� . . - ..
<br /> .. . � �,+A7i ., ° '' .� � .. ,. ,���,M.y,pe,; . .
<br /> _�'�',������ �*� ���.._ �. .. . � .:.. .:!�'��tY'7St�.:.___,....,*.•fl'e�y�F�'hlk4:#GN�RMIW[6x��,_.��:_.,..:,_....,....... .w__s�.. -x�_ ,..._..:w.r., , . .
<br /> ry:�,-:$°16'•..��' .a .,�. . ,..'...
<br /> � � 18, li[CUNVEYNNC�OY 7RU9YEE.Upon w•rittsn requ��t of FRn�fk!nry ate,�.�7 Ihet aA rturnq R�urod horaby havo be�n pnid, � ;
<br /> Rnd upen eurrender af p�l!�IJc�tl of Trust nnd th�Huto to Yrustea fce cEncs.int!r,n s+nd�a.tsnrh�n�rr�upon pnym�nt by Trwtor a1 �
<br /> 7ru�t.a'o t:_c�.Yru;t�o ci�c.!I rc.onv:;y ta'Pruct�r,or ths p^rcon or�:orco�ia l�f^�y os�t:':�I C:�trstc�e��Utiout wnrrenry,any�artlon�f
<br /> " Ih� f�rop�rty th�n h�1d hrnund�r. Zh� reclt�h In wuch nconv�ynnc� 01 uny mett�n or}�ate oh:t1!bs conr.ludv� proo}01 Ihv
<br />,A•� '�. • truthTufnon tMrwt Yh�QrantN In nny nconv�yancw may Aa d��crib�d aa'th�pr•+r.an or per�n�n InQ�Sy p�ititied thoroto.' _
<br /> _�,,. „ . � 16. NOTICEB.F�capl kr wny nolk��,d�mends.rWu�sb or othn communl:i�tlam nqulrnrl uRd�tn�yplic+ibl�{�w to b�ptv�n in ", •
<br /> ,� .,•,:''., �nWl»r rnu}n�r,wh�n�wr B�n�lEctRry,Tru�tor o�Trwts�plw�or��rw�any��nflcw(ncludH�Q,with�au111mRr11en,not�c�01 d�i�uk
<br /> -„`'r{'^+� : '`?, �md notiex o1�), d�m�nd�. nqw�b or oth�r oommuniu�don wNh refp�ct to thM Drnd o!Tn»t Mch�uch not{ra, d�m�nd. „ ,
<br /> � rsqunt or oth�r cammun1ca11on�hal!b�In wrM{np md�ha11 b��fNcth��ony I}thx eams Is danrarr�l Iz/p�raonnl r�M�v o►b meiNd
<br /> :. � � `�, by cNtM�d�nsH,po�t�9�pnpe�id,�ddreead to tM�ddrM�1u�H torth IH lh�pUy�nnlnp�t lhte Dn+A�Y17�uoi.Afly piitiy ri7�y st cny
<br /> , �'''"'.'..�,�.' � ��_qm�ch�nQ�R��ddr�n fo��uch notla�by dNiwrinp a m�Minp to Ifi�othKµ�tfp harrMO.�n atore�ald.�notic�of wch c0nnp�.My � , ,
<br /> , _ •...,:z,� .
<br /> 1lotla h�r�undrr�h�fl t�daHmsd td h�w bNn�hron to Tru�tor or B�ndlcl�ry,�rrl�en fll+r�n�n th�p mRn�•a1r d�tfpnat�d h�nln.
<br /> �,;'.�:�.rrf�'+"' � + 17. FlEQUEBT FOR NOTICE,Truttor and 8�n�11cluy hu�by r�qw�t N ayiy of Mny notk;p o1�la��xuk,�nd�copy ot wny natky "
<br /> � !''*�'� •�'"'°" o}u�f�M�nunde, bs m�Wd W s�ch p�non who N�puty h�nto�t th�t�ddr�sot krtl�1oa�ruch p�non in�ithsr th�fln� .
<br />: h:, � –--
<br /> ' . .�. pRr�Qr�ph o1 thl�IM�d o}Ttuet or b�iow. �'j��etor
<br /> ' .. ., . .� .., ...,, }�?,
<br /> 10, QOVERNINCi IAW,Tt�b Dwd ot Trutt�half 6�powm�d by th�I�w�c�t Biu SUt�o}Nab��oalnl� :.•„�;•�;,_.��.,.:,� ,.,:.
<br /> ' 1 p. BUCCESSORB AND A981t3N9.Thh OMd o1 Trutt,and�N t�rms,cc�s�dilbn�and obltvrtd��c�'�h�nin,�pply W�nd Inun to .,�,,;.;;.�,i F.i W��..
<br /> • th�6�n�fit o}and bindt all pwRN� h�r`to,th�fr hNrs,NyatM�,d�vl��s�,p�rnonel r�preeanrnt.lvaa, tuea�non end aasipn�,Th� `" � :':� �a"t�"'`�".
<br /> � t�rm'B�rt�fidRr�shaN rn�en tho owmr�rtd ho{d�r of th�Nob,wh�th�r or not mem�ci w B�nrtRcstary h�rNn. `fj'."`"��r"^'^�' '`"�'
<br /> - . �.r.`�{:.�LM��.'�u�fl:'O `
<br /> •L{Li�:—a.e...���_a,�._� -
<br /> � 20. JbINT AhD SEY�RAI.LIAdILIIY.AH cownnmb��d ayrNm�nts o}Tnaowr Rhed Iw JotnR nrv�;w�rel. ��.,.:.s---=.
<br /> �:�or.�t�x:_
<br /> -- ;;',�,�xF?+-^-
<br />= 21. 6EVEW181UTY. In tho�wmt�ny on�or mon of th�provltWn�wn.nln�d tn tt�in D�od v1 TrwR or th�Not�or�ny Mh�r ��,_____.
<br /> ��eurity insttum�nt pnnn in conn�etlon with thls tm�adbn�h�ll tor�ny r��san b�h�ld Da b�Immlit�,iMpal or un�ntorc�bM in�n �"��"="–
<br />� y �`"��"::�:. �
<br /> ,, nsp�ct,euch invalWily,ilNpalityr,or unenkraab�iry shall,�t ths optbn ot B�rrnfwis�y,nat�!k�cE ur/�ath�r provirbn of thh DNd of •jL. -,�
<br /> ° Tro�t but thb D�d Af Trust�h�ll b�constru�d eu M�uch inv�id.Illpal,or un�nioto�abl�F�ra•A�b�h,nd n�wr bNn ant�fnrd Mnfei �°—tinO"'-"?��
<br /> � � or th�r�in.(}th�IMn Cf thb ONd 01 1 Nft ia invaiia u� w�iiiviwiaw�v':.^.:3«r�=:iK 4��:Q��!�:����tt�s►wn ia lnvaMd or un�r�torO��N �C.':--,-,:_
<br /> as to any part of th�ProMrly,tho une�cur�d or paRialy e�currd porUon ot Ihe dabt ChUI iw c� ot� to th� m�nt of 3�'��
<br /> :�:+n mr► N P+Ud P"a P+►Y _�,,,,_..
<br /> t_v_=
<br /> th�nmdmnp and��cur�or pertleNy s�curW portbn ot th�d�bt,and�II pay�mnnte me�s ort the deb4 wh�tt»r w�7unt�rg w under ,�__
<br /> ' .� for�closur�or oth�r�nioram�nt aetion or proe�dun,�hatl b�coneld�rW to tk►w bem fint prtld un�tnd�pplhd ta th�fuH payrtNnt .�_-��-°°°
<br /> of that portbn of tha d�bt whhh h not eseund or nof iuly sacursd by th�Ii�n oI�tb l�sW o1 Tnx�t.
<br /> �,�'14ffii�i
<br /> , 22. NUMBER ANU C3ENDER.Whan�wr u:�d h�ain,th�tlnpular numhar ehn.11 Inclu�l�thu plur�l,and th�u��of any p�nd�r �,;���
<br /> , , shaM b�applicubN to�I p�nd�ro.
<br /> • w�r+��n�ee�r T� .,�. r .�WI�� 1,h1� a�t1 nl Trupf dulu eY�cutsd end ecknowNdo�d.{� �`-_—.-°�•°�_�.-
<br /> zw:, �o. n�'n.�i.;<vc o� �...,.�.��. 3.�....".:r...l.h�Tsu_... n �--- •
<br /> rv�ar��-
<br /> , mad�e pubNc ncorr]eu providod I�y Inw.
<br /> � • 24. TRU9T�E LIA9IUTY.So bnp es th�TmstH shall act in pood faNtn�nd in r�linnco u;�:rn notfcn and othRr IniormMbn
<br /> whkh R.In ib wis discntbn may dNm to b�nliabN,and ao bnp as Tru�tos ohnA�xerd�tr�rursannbN prud�nc�end cue In ke
<br /> administr�tWn h�r�und�r,TrustM sheH not b�Ikbl�for any bn or dam�pN�uotulnt►d ov ineure.od by th�T►u�Vin or any B�n�fkinry
<br /> or by any othor psrs9ns whom�o�wr,R bNnp expr�ostly�tlpulet�d that th�Trt�o"as eheJl bv linblo onty Mr ftt own pros�npUp�ne�
<br /> . and wilNul d�fsuR in 8h�pnm1�N.
<br /> � � IN YVITNESS WIiFREOF,Trustor he��x�cut�d this Ma�t�r DNd of Trutt Fortn euid by th��Iprting htrw}ncknowlWpN th�t M heu
<br /> ,� � roed and r�cahnd a fuD copy horuof and undsnta�d�that R�t�rms,condilkaA nnd cont�nM et�a iuly Incorpont�d IMo Ih��dual
<br /> � DNd of Truit h�tipn�d of�wn deta h*nwith.
<br /> .. . � o –
<br /> �t.� � ��-�� �;,
<br /> �, .h �..
<br /> " Bu bara A. Lyions �-��
<br /> u�, _–'_.-� r' --
<br />.- .. . . �__—,.��.-�'iti�ilQ�e:�.
<br /> _� ''ni}'.������.
<br /> � . ..il.��,�"�,,
<br /> .� �'
<br /> , :rJi_. .
<br /> . •tor oinq Instrum�nt wa�ncknowNdped Wfor�m�thle�dny of�„a,_ ��B�bY (;v � �;'"-`
<br /> . � . ___!, �_ •. . ,
<br />.. . ,. � .. �.��'+���l ��_�Notiry HmSa-^ .. .... ..
<br /> ��� f
<br /> ;� Mfdmn►Fx0.1Ml?�1995 -- � •
<br /> . � My commfubn o:cpfroo:��l��-� I ;
<br /> 1\ �
<br /> R;� .. -
<br /> . :� sTare oF N�s�nsw>,couNrr oF � .
<br /> =�. .:
<br /> Fil�d for ntord end�nhnd in Num�rical Ind�x on _ , 1fl__,,et o'cbck_ .M., ,.
<br /> end ncord�d at Book Pnp� .or Inetrummt No. L_.___ __._
<br /> -- _-- .. . _ I . —_.__._. _
<br />_-. .� — � .
<br /> - > � Cwn.y w O�puly CanH drk .
<br /> Rpmu a Uerey a.aur��i n.,e. ,
<br /> ' ,
<br />��i' . - .. ODTd)t N�Dnn4e 00)52D.Uf
<br /> - ♦
<br />