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<br /> �- . 5. 1#aia�rd or i'roperty I�isuruu:e. L�orrower shall kccp Ihc improvcments nuw existinb ur herc�fter crectc-il on thc ��4.`-�•,�-z��%ki�-�;,,
<br /> -_-�.�'=;�-'�j� ,
<br /> -_---_--_ _ - Propc►-ty insurcJ against loss by flrc, h:u.ards includcd �vithin thc tcrm "cxtcn�icd sc�vcrinc" and :iny othcr hn•rardti, includin� �� . •-�
<br /> -- Iloixls or fluodin�;, for�vhich I.cndcr rcquires insuruncc. 1'his Insw•imcc tihull hc iuuintaincd in thc umounts and for thc periods `.�,�,���,:��^*�;;;,
<br /> _,
<br /> ___ ___,�r� thut I.cndcr rcquires. Thc insur►incc carricr providing thc insurnncc shall hc cho,cn hy Ilorrowcr yubjcct tu L�:ndcr's approv;d �--•� •�•-�:.. �;:;�>•�
<br /> .�T. -- which shnlf not bc unrcasonably withhcld. If Uorra�wcr fnils to maintain a�vcragc dc,rrihr�.i ubovc. l,cndcr may. at I..cndcr's j�.,��.u,'•1�r•,Y�'�i'P7
<br /> � �.y.��� uption, obtuin coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Pr��perty in nccurdnncc with pnragraph 7. �;' `��._,r.. '
<br /> �'� All insurancc policics and renewals shnll bc acccptnhlc tci I..cndcr and shall includc .� stundard mort�agr clausc. L.:ndcr ' �%:•.�-� �
<br /> --___ `�r' �hall ha��e thc right to hold the policies and renewals. IC l.cndcr rcyuires, Anrrower tihull promptly givc to Lcndcr nll reccirts c�f r;, -•'�;:•��`A��
<br /> •.�.�s-m,�� aiJ remiums a►nd rene�vul notices. In tlie event of loss, Horrower shall �ive rom t notice to the insurunce carrier and I.ender. �;'= ;� a`e � �'�'Y"�
<br />° - .1�d'It� P P b p P .••.:. .r t �k't 3�.'r
<br /> �x•a»�� ��:!° I.ender may muke proof of loss if nns ►nade proinpdy by IIorro�ver. •`-•-'� ` _
<br /> �'� „`* ��, Unlcss L.cndcr and Borrowcr othcrwisc U rcc in writi�t insurancc rocecds sl�:�ll bc a I�ui to restorntian��r rc �+ir of the `� ax,,.„� ,� .
<br /> - ..s--, 8 S• P PP�' P' r.����,� j}!
<br />�-�`°`'��=���'� °T� Pro rt damn ed,if thc restoration ur re iir is economicall fcasiblc and I,endcr's sccurit is nat Icsscncd. if the restaration or „
<br /> --=-.�.�,:�.i• P� Y S p� Y Y ^kt�!S��u�����:
<br /> "'�"'_'�'-� re air is not economicull feasible or Lender's securit would be Iessened,the insur:►nce roceeds shull be a licd to the sums '"'`�l'`------
<br /> _ ,-::'��'�l � Y Y P PP ire.�:-.:-_-:_���,z�.�_
<br /> ��"�x�� securcd hy this Sccurity Instrumcnt, whcther or not thcn duc, with any cxccss paid to Borrowcr. If Borrower abandnns thc °--_--- "'
<br /> --=i�.Y��1,� Praperty, or docs not answcr within 3U days a noticc irom Lcndr,r that thc:nsu.raucc carricr has offcrcc{ [o sc[dc n claim, thcn �a�--=�-=
<br /> Lender ma collect the insurance roceeds. Lender m� use the rocceds to rt air or restore the Pro ert or to n tiums ��
<br /> -==�� Y p Y P P P Y N Y ,.
<br /> __•"�� scxured by this Sccurity instrument,whcthcr or not thcn duc. Thc 30-day periad will Nc�;in whcn thc�totiec is givcn. �'�,Y,
<br /> "='''_����,..'�,!,�� Unlesti L.ender and Borrmver othenvise agree in writing, any application of praceecis to principal sliall not extend ar �^`'"�
<br /> j �;*�!�a°,w-":�ln,j postpone thc duc datc of thc monthly paymcnts rcfcrrcJ to in paragraphs l and 2 or chan�;c thc amount of thc pnymcnts. If ___
<br /> _�.� ;�'�;;:,:�:,;� undcr paragraph 2l thc Pruperry is ucyuircd by Lcndcr, Borrowcr's right to any insurancc policics und procccds resulting from �- _
<br /> '.��
<br />:-,,�,fw,f; 'T damagc ro thc Property prior to thc acquisition shull pass to i.cndcr to thc cxtcnt of thc su►ns scrurcd by this Sr.curity Instru�iicnt
<br /> -��:'§'i'•'",�', immeciiatcly prior to thc acquisition. --
<br /> -^-';� 6. Occupancy,Prese�•vution, Malntennnce a�id Pratection�P the Property;Dureower's I.c►un Appllciitlon; I.easel�olds.
<br /> :-:�s:,�� ++ Dorrower shull occupy,ralublish,and usc the k'roperty as Borrower's principal msidence within sihty day+after the execution of � "
<br />::�,'�r.. ,
<br /> _ �__�5' � this Security Instrument und shall contir.ue to occup,y thc Propeny as Bnrrower's principal residence for at Ieast nne year aftec --�-- -
<br /> =..•AlF:.�"l. �h
<br /> .,;.o-�:� .�
<br /> cnc du[c of occupancy, uniess i.endcr othenvisc agrces in writin�, wnicn con�enc shuii not oc unr�isonabiy wiihiicid, ur uuic,� -
<br />...5.•��� p; extenuutinF circumstanccs exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Bon•�wer shail not destroy, damage or impair thc
<br /> _ti.,,
<br /> ::•••�••:1�' Property, allow the Properry to dcteriorutc, or commit wt�sta on thc Property. Borrowcr sliall Bc in Jcfault if nny Yorfeiture
<br />=°F=r�:�?�; .` action cir prnceuling, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in i,ender's goal fiiith jud�rment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> �..� •.:�
<br />__:�z;„�'.,a,�,� Property or otherwise mnteriully impair the lien creuteci by this Securiry Inscrument nr I..cnder's securiry interest. $ormwer may .
<br /> � -'°''� cure such a default nnd reinstate, as provided in paragraph 18,by cuusing d�e sction or proceeJing to be di�missed with a ivling
<br />-�n������ that, in I.ender's good fuith dcterminution, precludes forfeiwre of the Borr��wcr's intcrest in the Property or other material
<br /> --�:==1„V�.:;� . impaire�ent of thc licn crc;ited by th.is Security Instrumcnt ur Lcndcr's security interest. f3orruwcr shall ulso bc in default if ���;
<br />- "`t�'!�=u=����:��. Horrower,durin the loan a Lcution rocess, uve materiuU fhlse or inuccurate informatiun or statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> - - ,--�-;:-�� S pP� � 6 Y
<br /> "°r��'h'•¢�' to providc l,cndcr�vith uny matcri:il:nformatiun)in conncction with thc loan cvidcnced by thc Notc, including, but not limitcd
<br />-°_,�;��;.��,�,_� to, rcprescntaticros ronccrning Borrowcr's occupancy of thc Property as a prinr.ipal residcncc. If this Sccurity instrumcnt is ou a
<br />-�'"'=>"•r' Ieaschald, Borrower shall comply �vith all thc provisions of thc lease. If Borrmvcr acquires fec tide to the Property, the
<br /> .-.;.:.�w;i F .T...
<br /> -=^�'��r�'--', lcaschold rnd thc fcc tidc shall not mc:rgc unlcss C.cudcr sgrccs to the mcrgcr in writing. :_
<br /> _"" �6" ` 7. Protection of I.cnder s Rigt�ts In tlte f'roNerty. If Bcn7ower fuils w perfunn thc covcnunts:uid ugrccincnts conti»ned in
<br /> ----_r:_,__.�= . ,. �_
<br /> °�-"";"�` this Security In�trument, or there ia a le�ul procecJing that may significandy affe�t I.cnder's rights in the Property (sucli as u -------- -
<br /> -_--�,�.�
<br /> ----- proceeding in bankrupicy,probate, for condemnutivn or forfeiture or to enfurce laws or regulations), then I.endcr may do and ---
<br /> _�:=-,�g�,-�- pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vnlur of the Property and I.ender's rights in the Nroperty. Lender's actions may °- -
<br /> � iiicludi: a m+ ►n rums sccurcd b a licn which has riorit ovcr this Sccurit Instrwnent, a ririn in court, a in ��+��
<br /> p'Y� b � Y • Y ' P Y Y PP • S p'Y S
<br /> `i��`t '� � reasonublc aaorneys' fces und entcring on the Property ro make rcpairs. Although Lc:nder may takc action undcr this parngraph
<br /> �4e:.• .
<br /> ° 7, Lcndcr docs not havc to do,o. ��,��„
<br /> � -- = Any anwuuts disburticJ by I.endcr undcr this puragraph 7 shull bccomc additional dcbt ��f F3orrowcr sccurcd by this i,�,;�.r
<br /> _-_=��s,��y;� Security lnstrumcnt. Unlcss Borrowcr and Lcnder agrec ro othcr tcrms of puymcnt, thcsc amowits xhull bear interzst from thc ,.t�;:���"T:-=�;�r•
<br /> LLy�;�'r`�,:1€�,'�� datc of di5burscmcnt ut thc Notc rutc und shall be payablc, with intcrest, upon noticc from Le.ndcr to $orrowcr rec�uesting •..�'�,;t��.'.�'ti'�'+�,,.
<br /> � n�k��._ paymcnt. .;; . =�a.
<br /> ��' '�'"'�� 8. 51ort�uge Insurance. If Lencier rcyuired mortg.ige insurance us a condition of making the luan tiecureci by this Seeurity y�� � " � �
<br /> _ _,r- �r���t , � .._
<br /> '`:���{��`��,.. Instntmcnt, Dorrowcr +hall pay thc prcmiums rcyuired to maintain thc nwrtgagc insurancc in cffcct. If, f'or any rcason, thc '
<br /> , ...-_t,��:�,a.,ti�� mortg.��c insurancc covcragc rcyuircd by Lcndcr lapscs or ccases to bc in cl'Pcct, Dorrowcr shull pay thc prcmiums rcyuired to
<br />-°:�'�::�' �, b Y I t'�S P ' Y � Y�!
<br /> - __ i_y,�r,t�';� . obtain covcra�e tiuUsruniall ec uivalent to dte mort � e insurance r�viousl 1❑ C��CCI, aI:I l'OS�SUbSlantiall uivalent ro the
<br /> ______ -',;,,,_-;"{. cost to Borrowcr of thc mortgarc insurancc prcviously in eff'cct, frum un ultcrnate mo�tga�c insurcr approved by Lender. If _ , ..
<br /> _—_� - -=rn---� substnntially cyuivalcnt ntortgage insUrancc covcr,�gc is not uvailablc, $orruwcr shall pay tu Lender cach month a sum cyual w .
<br /> __�:�=��,_
<br /> ---==ea.g one-twelllh uf thc yearly inort�a3e inswnnce premium being paid by Borro�ver when the insur�nce coveraee IapseJ ur ccaseci to :
<br /> --i.=�,v',�°�i ,
<br /> . - bc in cffect. Lcndcr will arccpt.use and retain thcsc paymcnts as a losti reserac in licu �f mort�;uge in�urance. Loss reserve
<br /> -- -- �`„�,
<br /> - =?-_`�L"-�-� Form 3028 91fl0
<br /> �•'?"�'� Pcn�3 of 0
<br /> __ �
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