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'fUUH'I'lit?R Wl'I'M all�hc impn�vcmcnts now on c��•cnftcr crccted �n thc property,aud all cuscmcnts, uppurtcn�uucs,und <br />� fixtures nuw or h��rc;►Iter i� p.u•t of �hc property. All replacemcnts and udditians shi►ll ulso bc covcrcd hy this Security ��J-' <br />' lnstruincnt. AU nf thc forc�;niug is rcfcrrcd ta in this Sccurity Instrumcnt as thc"Property." <br /> BpR[tOWER CO�'ENANTS�hat Ba•rowcr is Inwfully sciacd af thc cstute hcrcby convcycd cuid h<<s thc right to grant nnd „=` <br /> convcy Ihe 1'roperty nnd qmx the Properry is unenc�imbered, except for encumbnnces of record. Burrrnver w;irrants ��nd will <br />� defend gener�dly the tille to ihc Property against all dnims tuid demands, subject to airy encumbr�ances of record, t•, <br />' T�IIS 5I?CURITY INSTRUMBNT combinc:; unifnni�covcnants for national usc and non-uniform covcnants with limitcd <br />' vnriatiuns by jurisdictiun to ccrostitutc a uniform sccurity instrument�ovcring rcal property. t f.: <br />, UNIf�ORM CUVk?NANTS.Borratvcr und Lcndcr covcnant und agrce us follo�vs: �;, <br /> 1. Puyment of Princlpal und Intcrest; PrcpAymenl and I.nte CNarges. Borrower shall promptly pay whcn duc tlic —_�'� <br /> a':':. <br /> pri�uipal of and intc;res�on thc dcbt cvidcnced by thc N�te und any prepayment and latc chargcs duc undcr thc Notc. �,�.: <br /> 2. I�unds fnr T��xes nnd Insurnnee. Subject to applicnble law or to a written waiver by I.c:ider. Borrower shall pay to �''' <br /> Lcndcr un thc day man�.hly payments arc duc widcr thc i�otc,until thc Notc is paid in full,a sum("Cunds")for:(a)yearly taxcs ��°'_ <br /> and nsscssments which m�y uu�in priority ovcr this Security Instrumcnt us a licr�on the Propeny:(b)ycarly lcascholJ paymcnts _° <br /> ar graund rents on 1ha Nrop�rty, if any;(cj yc.lrly hazard or propcny insurancc prcmiums;(d)ycarly flood insurancc prcmiums, _ <br /> if any; (e) yearly ntuKRgage insuranee premiums, if;uiy;and(f) nny sums payable by Borrower to I.xnder, in a�cuniance wi�h u-_ <br />: the provisinns of pur�;gr.�ph R, in lieu of the paymcnt of mortgage insurancc premiums.Thesc itcros are called"Escrow [tems." --- <br /> I.,ender muy, u� nny time, collect iu:d hold Funds in an :.amuunt nat lo exceed the maximtim amount A Iender for a feder�lly r��; <br /> relntcd mortgugc lonn m�y requiro to� Fiorrowcr's cscr�w accaunt under the fecicral L�eal Estate Settlement Proceelures Act of =- <br /> 197A�s omcnited from timc to timc, 12 U.S.C. Seciion 2601 ct sey.("RESAA"), unlcss another law tl�at uFplies to die Funds <br /> �•�ts alc�s�s ar.�r.uttt. If�:o, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excceei the :�ss.:»::oa:it. -- <br /> I..endcr mxy cstimatc tl�e umount uf F��nds due m� the basis of current data and reasonablc cstimates of expcndit�res of future <br /> Escro�v ltcros or othenvisc in accardancc wi[h arplicablc law. <br /> Thc Funds shall hc hcld in nn institution whose depusits are insured by a federal agency, instrumcntality, or entiry <br /> (iiicludin� I.ender, if Lcndcr is such an instimtion)ur in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply thc Funds to pay thc `—-- <br /> Bscrow Items. Lendcr may iwt chargc Horrowcr for holding and ap�rlying thc Funds,annually thc cscrc�w account,or <br /> vcriiyi�g inc Escro�v itcros,unicss Lc:ncicr pays Borrowcr intcresc oa me Funds and uppiicaoic iaw permi►s L.�:ndcr iu makc;�uci� <br /> .i ch;v�e. However, I.cndcr may rcquire Rorrowcr w pay u one-time chargc for an indcpendcnt rcal cstlte tux rcNarting scrvice <br /> used by Lender i�� connection with this lo,ui, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless �n agreement is made or <br /> apr lic:iblc law rcyuires interest to be paid, Lendcr shall not be requircd to pay Bonowcr any intcrest ur c;►rnings on the Funds. <br /> Bonc�bver and I.endcr may agrec in writing,ho�vever, that interest shall be paid on thc Funds. Lender shall givc to Borrowcr, <br /> without charge, nn annuul uccounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits ro the Funds and thc purpose for which each <br /> debii co the runds wati madc.Thc�unds urc pledgcd as additiona!security for all sums sccurcd by this Security Instrunicnt. <br /> If tl�e Funds helc!by Lender exceed the ameunts permitted to be held by applicable law. L.ender shall uccaunt to E3m•rower <br /> for the excess Funds iu accordunce with the requirements of applicable law. lf the;unount of the Funds IieIJ by [.ender at any <br /> timc is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Itcros when due,Lcnder may so notify Borcawcr in writirig,und,in such case t3arrowcr <br /> shall pay ta I.ender tl:e amount necessary to make up the deficiency.Borrower shall make up thc deficiency in no more than <br /> twclvc monthly payments,at L.cnder'c:sole discrcticn. <br /> Upon paymcnt in full ut'all sums sccurul by this Sccurity Instrument, Lcndcr shall prompdy rcfund to Borrowcr uny <br /> Funds hcld by L.�.ndcr. If, undcr paragraph 21, I.,cndcr shall acquirc or scll thc Propci�ty,Lendcr,pri�►r to thc ucquisition ar sale � - <br /> of thc Property,shall apply uny Funds hcld by Lender at thc time of acquisition or salc as a rrcdit again�t the sums sccurcd by <br /> this Secw•ity Instrumcut. <br /> 3.Appltentlnn of Pnyments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments reccived by Lender under paragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shaU bc applicd: tirst, tu any prcpaymcnt chargcs due under the Note; second,to nmounts payable under paragraph 2; - <br /> third,to intcrest duc;fourth,tu principal due:und last, to any Iatc charges due undcr the Notc. <br /> 4.Cbm•E,es; Llens. Borrnwer sh.dl pay all t.►xes, us�essments, charges, fines and impcnitions attribut.�blc to the Properry <br /> �vhich may attain priurity uvcr tl�is Sccurity Instrumcnt, anJ Icaschold paymcnts or �round rents, if any. Borrowcr shall pay <br /> thcsc obligations in thc manncr prmided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in.that manncr. Borrurvcr shall pay thcm un tinic dirccdy _ <br /> to thc Fx.rson owcd paymcnt. Durrawcr shall promptly furmsh to Lcnder all notices of amounts to hc paiJ undcr this paragraph. <br /> If Burru�vcr mukcs tlusc paymcnts directly, Borrowcr shall promptly fumish ta Lendcr rcccipts cvidencing thc p;rymcnts. = <br /> Borrowcr sh.►II prnmptly dischargc nny licn which has priority�vcr this Sccuriry Instrumrnt unlcss Borrrnvcr: (a)agrccs in �`;. <br /> �vriting to thc paymcnt nf thc obligation secured by thc licn in:i manncr acccptablc to Lcndcr: (�)l'JI1l�tiSS IIl(;9UtI �,iith�he licn �': <br /> :.,;::: <br /> by, or defend�; a�;ainst enforcement uf die lien in, Iegal proccedings which in the I.crder's opinion operate to prevent the - ° <br /> cnforccincnt uf tlic licn;��r(c)«v.-wres from thc holdcr of the licn an agrccmcnt satisfuctoiti to Lcndcr xubordinating thc licn to <br /> this Ss:curity Instrumcnt. If L�:��dcr dctermincs thut any purt of thc Property is subjcct w a licn which m;ry attain priority rncr <br /> this Sccurity Instrwnc�t, Lcndcr may givc Borrowcr a notice idcntifying thc licn. Aurrowcr shall satisf'y dtc licn or takc onc oc '. � <br /> murc of tl�e nctions sct fbrth abuvc within l0 days of thc givin� of noticc. <br /> Form 3028 9/90 ` <br /> Peoo 2 0�0 .� <br /> � '. <br /> . � <br /> � <br />'-d....c�:..�,z,a�r�.��:�:x.—c�.;r.::�l ..a..:,c:."..._r-�--+�--r-'--�--'* --••---. __....---_.�. ._. . <br /> __""..:v.�r-:-::"'"_ "_ ' n1�--.- . . . .. ._� . ..=ti���.-`r��.a����v.� ..'.�... _..._. <br />. . . . .yn..� , <br /> _ . .._._.._ _ .__. .. _... _ <br />..--'__-_'-- --_. . <br /> - . . . . .. . ._-..i._.�.—. .__,.._ .�.._. , <br /> "-_'_-_�____..- ' _ --_ _.. . <br /> . . . ' . . ; . ., <br />. i - <br /> . .. 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