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Ins�ectlau. I..cnder or its iigent may makc rcusanable entries upon and inspections of the Property.I.endcr shnll givc <br /> Darmwer notice at dte time of or prior ta an inspection specliyinE renson�►ble cuuse for ehe inspection. <br /> lp, Conde�.mnaf.ton. The procceds of�u�y award or claim for dumnges, direct or consequentiul, in connectian with any <br /> condemiu�tion or�theP taking of any p�rt of thc Propei�ty,or far comeyancc in lieu af cnndcmnation, arc hcr�by i�ssigned and ` <br /> shall bc paid to I.cnder, <br /> ln the cvcnt of a tatal takin�of the Property,thc procccds shall be applicd to the sums sccurcd by this Scturity Instrument, <br /> whethcr�r not dicn duc, with uny excess paid to Borrowcr. In thc evcnt of a partial tnking of the Property in �vhicl�the fair <br /> markct valuc of thc Praperty immeciiltely before the taking is cqual to or grcatcr than thc umount of the sums securcd by tiiis <br /> Security Instrumcnt immediately before thc taking, unless Rorrawcr and Lcnder othcrwisc agree in writinB, the sums sccurcc!by <br /> this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the Amount of the praceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total <br /> amount of thc sum, s�;ured immcd�ately taefore the t�king, divided by (b) thc fair market value of thc Propeny immodiutely <br /> before the taking. Any balance shull be paid to flurrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Propeny in which tfie f:►fe <br /> rtiarkct value of thc Property immcdii►tcly befare the taking is lcss than dic amount of the sums securcd immediately bcfore ttte <br /> taking. unless Rorrowcr und Lendcr othcrwisc agtcc in writing or unlcss applicablc law othcrwise provides,thc procccds shall <br /> be applied to thc sums tccurcd by this Securiry lns¢rument wl�et.hcr or�tot che sums arc thcn due. <br /> If the Property is abandaned by Borrowcr,��r iF, aftr,r notice by i.cnder to Borrower that the condcmnor bffcrs to make an <br /> award ur sctt(c f► claim far damAges, f3orro�vcr fuils to respond to I.cndcr�vithin 30 days aftcr thc date IIIC 710iICC IS given, _ <br /> Lender is nutharized to coliect anJ upply ehe proceeds,nt its option,either to restoration or repair of the Propei�ty or to the sums _ <br /> sccured by this Security[ngtrumcn4 whcther or nc�t thcn due. _ <br /> Unlcss L.endcr unJ Borro���r othcrw•isc agree in writin�, any aPP�ictuiun of proceeds to principal shall not exl¢nd ar <br /> postponc thc due datc of thc mund�ly puyments rcferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change thc amount of such paymcnts. <br /> ii,no��u:�er R's�t o�;����_r.,,rgrnpnnee[iy Lender Not u WsdvC�'.Extcnsion oti thc time for payment or modification <br /> of mnortizatian of the sums sccured hy this Securiry instrument�ranted by Lender w any successor in interest oC BurruN•c�wiiujt <br />: not opernte to r�lcasc thc liability of thc original Borro�vcr or Borra�vcr's succcssors in intcrest. Lender shall nat be rcyuired to <br />- commence procecdings against any successar in interest or refuse to extend time for puyment or otherwise mndify amortiratiun <br />= of tiic sums sccurcd by this Security Instrument by rcason of uny demand madc by thc originul Barrower or Borrower's <br /> - sttccessors in interest. Any forbcarance by l.ender in exercising any right or remecly shaU not bc u waiv�r of or prcclude the <br />-± exercise of any right or rcmedy. <br /> CO-SI nc►�s. Thc covcnants and u�reemcnts �f this <br />- 12. Successors nnd Assi�ns linund;Jofnt and 5evernl I.labflity; B <br /> = Securlty lnstrumcnt shall bind und hencfit thc successor. aud ussigns of Lcndcr aind Borrowcr, �ubject tn the prnvisions of ._ <br />� paragi�ph 17, Borrower's covenants and a�reements shall b., joint and several. Any Dorrower wlio co•signs this Security <br /> - Instrument but does not executc thc Notc: (a) is co-xigning this Sccurity [nstrumcnt only to mortgage. �rant and convey tlmt <br /> Rrnh'owcr's interest in thc Property undcr thc terms of tliis Sccuricy Ins�rument; (b)is not personully obli�ated to pay thc sums <br /> "�= sccured by this 5ccusiry Instnimcnr, ,u�d(c)ugrces that Lender and any othcr Borrowcr may agrcc ta cxtcnd,madify,forb�.lr or <br /> = makc any �ecummodatiuns�aith regard to the terms of this Securiry Instrument c�r the Note�vithout tliat Borrower's consent. <br /> - 13. Loan Char�;es. If thc loan securecl by this Security Instrument is subject ro.t law which sets muximum loai�chnr6es, _ <br />'� a;nd that law is finally interpreted so th;�t the interest or other loan charges collected or tc�be collected in cc�nnection with d►e <br />� loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan chnrge shnll bc reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge <br />,a to thc permittGd (h) any +ums :dre.�dy collcctcd from Borrowcr tivhich�xcccdcd permitted limits a�iii bc refunded to <br />-� Borrowc�•. Lcndcr may chionsc to makc this rcfund by rcducins thc principal mvcd under thc Notc or by making u dircct <br /> paymcnt lo Burrowcr. IF a rcfuiid reduccs principal, thc reduction �vill be trcatecl as u panial prcpay�nent u•ithuut any <br />._ prcpayment charge under thc Notc. <br /> 14. Noticcs. Any notirc to Dorrowcr providcJ for in this Security Instrument shall he�ivcn by dclivcring it or hy mailing <br /> - 1x by first class mail unless app�iciiblc law rcyuires usc of:mothcr nuthod.Thc noticc shall bc dircctcd to thc Property Address _ <br />,;•� or any othcr address Dorrowcr dcsignatcs ny noticc to Lcndcr. Any noticc to Lcndcr shiill bc givcn by first class mail to � <br />,:� Lender's address stat�d hercin or any other aJdress I.en�ler designates by notice to I�orrower. Any notice provideJ for in this <br /> �•- Sccurity Instrumcnt shall bc dcemcd ta I�ave bccn bivcn to Borrower ur Lender wh�n�ivcn as providcd in this psragraph. <br /> �.� 15. t;uvcrnin�; I,a«�.; Scvcr��bfltty. This Sccurity Instrwncnt sliull bc govcrncd by fcJcral law nnd thc law of the <br />_ jurisdiction in �vhich dic Property is located. In thr.cvcnt tl�at .uiy provision or clausc of this Sccurity Instrumcnt or tl�c Notc <br /> :�� conflicts witl�applicublc law, such conflict shall not affcct othcr provisions uf this Sccurity Instrumciu or thc Ninc which can be <br /> - given effut�vithout the contlicting provision.'to tliis cnd the provisions of this Security histrument and ihe Notc are declared <br />�� to bc sevcrablc. <br /> — 16. �3or�Ynver's C���v.F�urro�vcr shnll bc�ivc��onc canformc�l capy of thc Nou and of tl�is Sccuriry Instrumcnt. <br /> - Form 3028 9/90 <br />,� <br />::� <br />--�_�}� Paflo 4 0�G � <br /> o� <br />:� <br />:'_q <br />-.i <br />.. . <br /> _' <br /> --�'�ns7r:S� •5:�.�Rf}�'� �iYb�� l4Fr�i.:.:...-. ._'___--�_' ...' . <br /> ��..�,.�w�aw�aauv.!Y�•�+::i;F---'er_.`..TKi.�:",_C":�',•°`°:li:?. ••:� :,°"'��� . • .. <br /> �.}��... .a <br />_. . . . ... ..r.-.�e'a,.-� -.`�.__'___.• _. <br /> � . . .. . — -' - - - <br /> ,_ . . - -�-- -`�--' '---- -� - - - - - - — . -----•-- <br /> • .� ... <br /> .. ._. � <br /> . <br /> .ti.... ..�.- <br /> _� . , �. <br />...�_...__....��.__�.....--'- '�-'--- �' . .-". <br />. .. .,� ._ _- . - - -_...�- .---- , :� _ ., r':T.�,..,.. .�� .. 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