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<br />_ , �, , • �_
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<br /> . I
<br />� , �, : � I �s-��00��9 I ,
<br />__ 16.Borrower'x Copy. Bomowcr shail be givcn ono conformcd copy of tho Nuto and ai'ihis Sccunry lnstrumenG �• � F
<br /> 17.TransR�of thc Pr+operty or a Benefici�l Interest tn Horrawer. If all or eny pn�t of tho Property ar nny intcrest in it i� �. „
<br />_ � sold or transferred(or if n bencficial interest In Borrower is sold or aansfcrrcd ond Boirower is not a naturalperson) witho�n
<br /> -- Lendu's pdor written consent,l.enAer may,at its apdon,re,�utte immedlate�s+yment in full of ull sums secured by U�ts Sectuity ,
<br />_ � Instrumcnt Howevar�this opdon shall not be Faerci.sed by L.ender if cxercisc is prohibitcd by federal law ns of tha duc of tQiis ,
<br /> _ Socurlty Insuumcn� ^ „
<br /> If Lender e�cercLes this opdon,I.�ndee shall give Barrower nodce of accelerudan.'Itia nodcc shuU provide aperlod of not less �,
<br />� thun 30 days fram the dute the nodce i9 delivered or mailed within whlch Barrower musc pay�11 sums secured by this Sccurity ^
<br /> - Instrumcnt If Borrowcr fnils to pay these sums prior to the capirndon of this period,Lcndc,r mt�y invoke any rcmedics permittr;d
<br />= by thi.9 3ecurlty Instrument without further noticc or demand on Borrawet. •
<br /> - 18.Borrower's Right to Retnstate. If Borrowec mcets certain candidons, Borr�wer sh,311 hnve �he right to have
<br /> ' cnforcement of this Security Instrument dlscontinued at any Wne prlor to the earlier of: (a) S days (or such other pedod a� ,
<br />—�� � appliu►ble law may specify for rcinstatement)before sala of tha PropeicY A►usaanc to anY PoWCr of sale contained i�►this Securjry =_s;<_-_�. _
<br />�.i � � Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgmem enforcinE thls Securiry Inst�umenG'I7►ose cc�ndidons are that IIoaower.(a)pays Lender till �,',v;;,;y�,-;�:_,:.
<br /> ` � sums wh;�:h tt�en �1ould bc duc undes thbs Sec�nty Inecmment and the Nate as if na acceleradon had occurted;(b)cures anY ,�. �„�^�^"f
<br /> ��j�' default af any ather cov�nunts or agreemenu;(c)naya al1 oxpenses incurred in enforcing thls Security Ins�ument,includt��g,but • . .,. _
<br />=�:;�� ' not ILnited ta,reasonable nttameys'fees;and(d)talces such acdon as L.endcr maY reasonably rcquira to ctssure chat the Uen of ehis ,,.. • ------
<br /> j��''� Sosurity Instrument, Lender's iights in the Property and Borrower's obligabon to pay the sums secured by this Sectuiry :,�I����r; -�
<br /> '�1Z Insuume�lt shall wntinue unchan ed. U n reinstatcment b Borrower, this Securi Instn�ment and ihe obiqgations securcd '1�?,�;..,.��;
<br /> �-: �7!
<br />�e� ` ``'� her�by shall remaln fully effecave a�ii no acceleradon had oc•curred.However,this rig t w reinstatc shall not epply in the ct�e of '.'"�f.-`
<br /> ���" acccleranon under paragraph 17. V�;;.�, �..�~
<br />�'; . .�'`1 .�'. . ,^,:F.ar�'Yw�-
<br />_„ �. �• � 19.59{eotNote;ChangeoiLoanSsrvicPr. 'Itic Notc or � partial intcrest in Ihe Natc (together with chis 5cct�riry -. ,,,;�,,;,...�'._.
<br />; �' Instrument) muy be sold one or more times without prior noticc to Boaower.A sale may result in a change in the en6ty(known �'�;;�.,�,�;:,;..
<br /> • � .,�..:
<br /> ns the"Loan Scrvicer")that colleccs monthly payments due under the Notr,and this Secunry InstnunenG There also may be one:or ;;,,.�: s�„�;:;:
<br /> - more changes of the I.oac►Servicer unrclated to a saie of the Note.If therc is a change of the Loan Servicee,Sorrower will be ,�.�.
<br /> - ° given writcen notice of the change in accordance wlth ps�ragraPh lA above and epplicable law.The nadce wiU etatr,tha name�nA ���-�:a�'�°
<br /> address of Q�e new Loan Servicer and the address w which paymenis should be made.The notia:will also contain any other , :.:;.
<br /> ----- '.. :. ;,qi.sr n�„,r:nn�r��mrl hy nnnitcBble law. _ �____ s �r._���
<br />_ " • 20.HnYardous Sub.sts�nces. Borrowcr shall nat causc or permit the prescnce, use. disposai, �i,uri�s���� ��a�: �i �7 �f,ryA+.
<br /> "• He»rdous Substances on or in the Property.Bor�owar shall not do,nor allow anyone else ta du,anything a4'�feciing tho Property -,,,;�. .z.
<br /> that is in violadon o£sn�Environmental Law.Thc pr�ecedin•two sentaiccs shall not epply to tha presena,�se,or stomge on the t„w:�.� ,
<br /> - Property af small quanaucs of Hauudous Substancc.�that Abre senerally mcognixed tn ba appropnate to normai residonhal uscs ,: ,��
<br /> = '��' and to maintcnanw of the Propers.y. ,
<br /> �,a�'...�
<br /> ''���'�,�� Bozrower shnll promptly give Lender written nodce of any investigadon,clt�im, dcmand, lawsuit or othe.r ucdon by any .;,;,_. .
<br /> governmental or rcgulatdr�egency or pdvate party involving tha Property and any Ha�ardous Substancc or p.nviror+mcntal I.nw � �r�
<br /> � -�!. .
<br />- of which IIorrower has actuni knowledge.If Borrower leams,or is notificd by uny govemmentFil or ragulatary nuthntiry.thet any �
<br /> - � � removal a uther remediadon of any Hnzaedous Substnnce affectin�the Property �s ntxessary.Borrower shull gramptly tnke all � `
<br />- necessary remedial ocaons in eccor d a nce wi t h Environmental Law.
<br /> ,;LA�..�..'
<br /> Aa used in th�s paragrsiph 2A,"Hazardous 3ubstnnces" ero those substances defined ns eoxic or hazardous substances by , .. YY.
<br /> - Environmcntnl Lnw and the following substanccs: gosaline, kcroscne, other flammnble or toxic peuolcum �roducts, toxic ..,,
<br /> � ' pestictdes nnd herbieides.vol�tile solvents,materiels conudnuig�ssbestos or form�ldehyda.and radioucdve metennl�.As usecl in - �p�.;K �
<br />_ � t�is pare��ph 20,"Environmental Law" me�ns feder�l laws and lnws of die jurisdiction where the Property is locatod thnt relate '. �:' . .r��
<br /> - �-�.�; to health.safety or environmental protccuon. ' '-
<br /> „ �e yV�' '
<br />_'��'� '�' �'' NON-QJNIF�RM CCDVENANfS.Borrowcr and I.ender fluther covenant and a�rce as follows: • ' •• ¢�
<br />-.�I.`. " .,..r,i.';�; . .
<br /> _t:�,,.,
<br /> i• �.
<br />-�;:. ,. ,-.,�.. 21.Accekr�tion;R�medies.LenzJrr sh�il give notice to Dorrower pr[or to acceleratiom tollowi�g Borrower's bresic�at ��r,�,;;,, .
<br />�,''.'��, '''' any rnveeant or agreemtnt in thts Security Insirument (6ut not prior to acai�ration nnder pAragra�h 17 ur�oess h . '��.i;,;";�
<br /> ' ��� ,5`-
<br />_::' '' ;;'. Applicabk Inw provdc]ss otherwlse).The notke shall specify:(a)the defaulh,(b)the acttoa required to care the default; (c? �-'.;,
<br />" '`�� :.,, a daRe,not kss thae 30 daye Mom t6e dete the natke L�given to Borrower, by whic6 the default must be cured; aod (d) , ,•<<".;�),���'`"` .
<br /> `� .;:l..f;
<br /> ��.�..:.,...
<br />� that Rsiile�ce tu curG the deteult on or hetore the date specttied i�a!he notice n�ey rRSUIR b�Acceleratloa of tbe sums secured • ;,'. .; .�►.
<br /> -� by this SecurIty Instru�ent aad sale oP the Property.The n¢�t1ce Ahall turther Inform Borrower o�the right to rPlnstate , , . .�
<br />�, atter accekration aad the right to bring a rna�K action to assert the non•e�cistense of n detstult or�ny other defense oP
<br />=� Aorrower to acaekrr�ibn�ne1 sale. It the defaulY i�u�ot cured on or before the date specified ia the nodee,Lender,at its .
<br />,_i .. aption,may requtre immediate payment in full of all sums secured by thts Secur[ty Instrument without fuPther demand
<br /> _ " aad may G�naoke the power ot sak and any othes•remedi�.w permitted by applicable law.Q.ender shaU be entitled to collcct , , .;c;
<br />-° " atl expens�es iucurred in pursaing tUc remedies provided in this paragraph 21, includia��,but not ltmited to,reasonablc i �•
<br /> x�� attosneys'fecs ued ces2s o!title evidence. . �
<br /> It the power of sn9� is invoked, �'rustee s6all record e notice of detanit [n each county in wh�sh any purt of the
<br />� � Property i�focated and shall mail copks of such notice in the manner prescri6ed by npplicable law tm ffloarower and to the � � �
<br /> _� othcr pia!���ns prescribtd by applkabk I�w.After the time requtred by applicable lnw,Trustee shxU give publlc uotice of � ;�' .' .'
<br /> ssok to tLe persons pnd in the manner prescribM by applicabk law.Trustee,without demand on Dorrotver,shnll seU tde ,
<br /> - ,� • 1'roperty at public auction to t6e hightst 6klder at the time and pluce and under the terms designatec!in 4he nottce of�ale i ..�
<br /> . '
<br /> -- Fn►m 3A48 910D
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