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<br /> prop+rt7 by ptiblfc�e�muatynnent at the ttme�ad �►f�ta of�ey pnvbuely e�cAtduled e�k. Lendrw�x itr deeiRnee m��
<br /> pMrtbMe t�e i'ropat��t uy e�k. p�;--�.
<br /> .� U rereipt d p��ent of t�e price b{d� 7YuMtee elu�ll delir�r to l6e purcbaer Trwtee's deed rnnveyNtx the _
<br /> prope�iy.T6e rtck�le in the Truatee's deed e6a11 be prima f�cie evtdeece ot t6e trnt6 of tYe statea�eats�ade thtrein. _-_^._
<br /> '�Ywtee�p�DPi�H�e proceeda of t�e wk[s tYe�olk�wiai orcier:(�)to�p cwte�ed expeaae�of Gxersltiiin�th�po�v'er of "_^_
<br /> sw1e,nwei tl�e eve.6�cludle�►f�e p+�yaent ot t6e'1'ru�tee'�tea actuaUy in�umd�not ta ezcee�Y 3.000 96 _
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<br /> e�tLr 1�roe�at of We eote�t tLe ties at tl�e dcel�r�tton ot de!'Muit��rd raisou�bk�ttorneys'fea se�erimiltcd by =_
<br /> f��►i(i�)tu�r 1�►s�+efiuied t�r thla:icrarky Iostrnmtat;sad(c)uny rx�to the ptree►a m'pereons le6ally enUtiM tn it. _--
<br /> 22.Reco�a��eraao�. Up�np�yma�t of atl sums securod by Qds Sncwiry Insuument, L.end�r stullroq uest ltusue w
<br /> roconYCy dr Pmyaty erid atuill surrender this S+ocurity Insuumrnt and all notes�videncing debt soeure! by this Security .
<br /> Lnsuumrnt Ki'i'iu9tce. lYusWe sha11�xo��rvty the Pcopetty witt,nnt w�r�utty and without chaxgt to the�person or petsons legally -
<br /> entiAod i�a iG Such person at pdsotrs sbell�ay eny nxord�t�ca��ls.
<br /> 2.9.Sai�titmte'flrwtee. I.r,nd�x�at�ts option�may froni a�me ta time removo Tmst�e aixl appoint a succeasur tru.c�ee to�ny
<br /> Tnutee�ppoinbd haitunda by an insuumeat�ecocdcd i+n Ibe cnunty in whkh this Sccurity xnswment is rc:coniai.WiUKwt -
<br /> conveyanco of d�e Prc�peciy�the suceessor te�stoo shall succeod to all�he t�+le.Pawer and duties oon�errod�pnn TYustee herein end
<br /> pY appucabb Isw.
<br /> .?A.Req�t for Notices. 8ortower requests that copies of the notices af d�fault and sale be sen¢to Burrower's addre�s
<br /> which as Jhep�y Addres,s.
<br /> x5,�Wers fo tbic Security LoaR��meet. If ane ar mom r.iclors ere executed by Borrowu end recorded togsthei wdth this _
<br /> Socurit�inswn�b thc covuunes aud agrocmrnt�mf cach such rlder rhall be incorporaced into and shall err�aid and suppzcnxnt '
<br /> tho covan�u►ts and agrcxmonts oY Ihis Security�.�vcr,ument av if the dde�(s)w:rc�i part of this Securley Insneachcnt,
<br /> [Chpc�k Piicabk box(es)I
<br /> [_1 Adjusubk Etete Ridu d Condominium Ridcr �1-4 Famlly Itider
<br /> �Greduated Pnymcrn RIdes �Planned Unit Davelopment Rider (�Siwoekly Payment RideT
<br /> [�a��Ri� 0�,,,,�iteitc Improvemr,nt Rider []Second Hamo Rkkx L .
<br /> �V.A.Rldu �;;J�CI(Sy ISj1CCIC3']�aigmm�nte oP Rent
<br /> HY SCOIVIIVG BELOW,Flo�rowa accepts and sgcees w the t�cros a-►d covennnts contained in thfs Sacur3ry Insaument and in �
<br /> any rlda(s)eaecuud by Bacuwu end recorded with iG �-------�� �
<br /> Wiusesxa:
<br /> . <�'
<br /> RODNFsY • orruwer —
<br /> �� � � `�,
<br /> TAMAFtA A TIMMERMAN •Sono+rm _
<br /> (SC81) _ � �5�� _
<br /> -Borro�ver •Borrower —.
<br /> St�te ox Nebrask�, County ss: --
<br /> 'itu foregoin�q aoswment was a�irnowleAgal beforc cn�this 17�'H day oi FBBRUARY � i�95 , __-
<br /> by RQONlY A TYFDI6RMAN ALiD Z'.IIMARA R TI19�lBRM/�N. HU9B71ND AND HIDfi , --._
<br /> . Witr�SS my hand and axotnr�i�l scal at o�+ND is . RASxA ' sai�ountq,the datc�n'foresaid�. '.�
<br /> x����� c ..x=
<br /> My Commission�z itcs: 6;i'ilE�ll MOtANY,St�N N�Ituk� _ .
<br /> �.EYp�Nw.23�1995 Naaryr Pahlic
<br />_ �..
<br /> ��tRiN�las�s� a,�aeo�• Form�020 Yl00
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