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<br /> .e�::,-7 . ..�_.-.•.r-yen•�,..,,,.r....-... . . . .'""' '.'._."_.._._.�_..._'. __ . ..... . .
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<br /> `7+R� : .� „ � � :
<br /> ��,��:.� ; ���,.1oo�s� , �,,
<br /> .;-ai`L'kTSI."Y:".7•.-.'1�'e � '.., --. ',-'�:.��1�'+:-��..,
<br />��'�..�� °_ .; pay�ncni�m.;�y na�ar,gct be re�uly�cd,C!thr,oPt�nn of L�nder, if�n�rtgego insuranc,^e covcre�qa(!n tt►o funauntand for tho pcciod �, .�
<br /> -. -.;..�:.�,,:,' � �y�� , '
<br /> -- �w tl�t l.cnder roquires)provldecl by en insurer spprovod by Lender again becomes svni.lable and is obtained,Borrower aha[1 .. •f'='_=
<br /> -�., ;a''°.�'£�'�` � � �A:��":;'.;
<br /> �_��'��''~'-'�'��'-` premiums roquired w mainsaln mortgage iasuranco in c[fect, or tn provida a las.y rescrve, until tha ra(uirement for mortgago , .. +:��
<br /> < ;'•.,';�,
<br /> .,.�,y;;�. �; in,tunnca end�in occurdance with any writtcn agrcemtnt bctwan Horrowcr and l.cndcr or appllcablo law, � :.�;:�,,<<--
<br /> ',. �,��..-- 9.Iaepectba. Lendcr or iU agcnt may meko reasonablc enuies upon end inspoctions of thc Property.Lcnder shall givo •�;. •°• -
<br /> :a'�.,�er�'�'"'" . ,;' <<.-r
<br /> y�,�_�r�»� Aarower nodce at tNo time at or priar to nn inspecdon spocliying neasoneble cuuse for the inspecdon. •� ..,�r.
<br /> `�' 10.Cea�t.ma�tt!ai. 'Ihc Pr�scods of nvy nward or claim for doinngra, dlrecl or consequendal,in connecGon with any � "'',*; -. ,:�:`
<br /> :_�,,,, ,: cond�m�atlon or other taking of any part of the Property,or for conveyanco in lieu of wndemnaflan,erc hcreby assigncQ and ,�� �t.y;,���,�;,v..
<br /> ' • shall 6o pnid to I.ender. � •:� ::�_,�'�i�"�`
<br /> in thG eva�t of a totnl taking of the Property,�he procceds shall bo agplied to the sums soc�utd by ihi9 Sccurl I��stnimcnt `�-`•''
<br /> � ' . '.��a�"�� � ' rr
<br /> � ' � whettKr or not Ihen due,with any excess paid to Aomawer.In the avent of a pAnial taking af she Pcoperty in which Q�e fair market
<br /> :�����.�;::,:�•.�`• vtlue of the Property immodietely before tha roldng is a;ual W or greatri tlmn the amount of the sums scxured by thia Sccuriry ;,����'��'��,a.
<br />..=`:'�: ;;::;;•.`' .�, Inswmct�t immodlMaly 6efae tho uiking. untess Borrowcr and Lender nUierwiso egra in Kniting. �he aums socun�d by ¢his ;=� .�-.....--R-.
<br /> - •� . ;, Securiry Instrument shall be reducvi by die a�aouut oi Qie pr�a�ds r.sWdpii�d by thc f�flowfng fsscti�n: (a) di�wt;i!s.r�ourtt of �r -'_ -
<br /> the swns��red Immediately before tho talcing,divided by @) the fair market value of th� Propfrty iuumediately baforc thc r�r = --
<br /> ,:. ..�2 �-,.�.�---
<br /> laking.Rny bAlancq ehall be paid to Borrower.In the uvent of a partial talctng of tho Property in which thc fatr mazkct value of ttw =:-,�„
<br />-- Proputy l�n�odiauly beforo the talcing is less than thc omount of the sums secured Unn�edlately before thc taking. unless �.:i��`��°
<br /> Bormwcr end Lcnder othuwfsc agrco in wridng or unlcss applicablc law nd�cnvisc provides,the proceeds shall bc agplicd to 1he ,
<br /> ,� . - ., `+ Sums&CCU[c�by lhi9 SeCwity Instrw�nent wiicG'�e.i Gi iiai L`e�6ui715:si�thcn due. �s:;t.'`=---
<br /> � . ,� If the Propaty Is ubandonod by Uorrower.or if,aftu aodce by Le.nder to Bo�wu that thr condemnor otfus to make en = °'---
<br />' � ���� award or settle a clalm for damages,Borrower faUs W respond to Lcnder within 30 days after the date thc notice is given.Lrnda
<br /> -i ' �.,� ' is authori�,od W colkclt and apply the prncceds.tu tts opdon,either to restoradon or repair of tha Pinperty or w 11�e sums secured �-_--- —
<br />, , by this SecurIry Instn�mant,whether or not then due.
<br /> .. �{: Unles�I.ender end Borcowu othciwlsc egrcc ln writing,any application of procceds to principul shnU nnt extend nr pastporw '� .
<br />:.r. ., .*:.. [IIC tiuC deiC oi lito mnnutlY f�Y�iii.ziin iciaicu i.'v ii�',�'ojh'iS 1 a:�d 2 a:&:�igG iltL�T:C:iitt af�uCl:j��s:�sS°. �"`A�-,.��
<br /> 1 �•Rc .� 11.BorroweR haD Rekased;Forbe�rance By I.�aderNW a Wafvor. iixt�nsion of tho time far pr�yment or modi�ication —�
<br /> ... of amortizabion uf che sums securcd by this Security Inste�ment gran¢ed by I.�:det ta any suceessor in intcrest of Horrowcr shnll ���
<br /> � �� not opuatc to nkase the liability of the orig(nal Borrower or Bonower's succcxsors in interes�Lcndcr st�all not be icguirod W rq:����
<br />. ��.�'`' ; `� commenr.c proccedings agatnst any succe.9sor in interest or rcfuse w extcnd time for payment or otherwise modiCy amo�ti�atla�of
<br /> • • ' � tho sums seaurod by th�s Sccurity Instrument by reasou of any demand anadc by the original Borrowc�or Borrower's succcssors
<br /> "' • � in interest.Any fucbearence by Lender in exereising eny cight or rem�edy shxll►1ot be a waiver af Qr pc+eclude the exucise oF any
<br /> "', ;' dght or runcdy. ��
<br /> ,{r:_:'. ... . 12.SuccesRUrs wnd Assig�as Bound;Joint ASd Sever�l Ltabflily;Casigners. 'Ihe covcntmts snd agrecments af this
<br /> ' • � � Sectuity InsWment shall bind end bene5t Uie succes�ais and assigns of Lcitder end Borcow�r. subJoct W the prAVisions of � '
<br /> ' '4.W 3..
<br /> � . ;, psuaganh 1?. Borrovier's covenai►ts and �reements shall bo joint and severnl. Any Horcower �vho co-signs thi.3 Socuriry • ... ��i;�Y�
<br />-'���• � •� Inshument but dc�s not exocuu the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Inshument o�nly to mortga�ge, grant end convey that �`'==-`" ""
<br />. ;;..,•..�. _:. ; Borrowcr's inuxcst in thcs Prapaty undcr thc tcims of this Scxuciry Insuumcnt;(b) is not personally obligated w gay thc sums �� , �-
<br />�`':-. ...4.,�.:.,. socurod by thls Security Instrumcnt;mid(c)a�rees tluu I.cnder and any othcr Bormwcr may ag�cc to cxteiid.modify,fortacar or •,,,,,,�,,, �.-.-'=
<br /> �-, �•,'.;'i4:. �, ' malce a��y ac:commodations with regnrd to thc tcrms of this Sccnrity Instwnent or Ihc Notc without that Borrowea's conscn� _ � '�=-��_
<br /> :.: .;,. .� :
<br />_ � ';�; �±� 13.Loan ChYr�ss. If thc loan secured by this Security In�munent is sub,fc,ct to a I�w whlch sets maximum in�.n charges, .�.��ti - �
<br /> �" �'• .. . :u�d that law is finnlly intctpreted so that tho Interest or at�er loan chsuges collected or to be wllected i�coanection wlth the loan ` '`+,'.` . � `!�-
<br /> _ . . �''., . tr..:.
<br /> , � cxcced t1k pennittul iimits, Uien:(a)any such tos�n charge shall bo reducex�by the amount ncccssary to c+cdur.�thc charge to the ,
<br /> n
<br /> •:,-v;,, � ' ��.� permivacl lunir and(b)any sums ulready collected from Bercow�r which exca:ded permitud limits will 6e refunded w Borrower. ,�'���-'+��`
<br /> �- Lers�Jcr ma choose to makc this rcfund by reducen d►e rinci al owcd undcr the Note or b mz�kin a dircct a mcnt to .'�� ��
<br /> ,:.,w.,:..:.... Y B P P Y B P Y „ r •�•. ,. ,.
<br /> ... �.�,r.
<br /> _'" Borts�cwet.If a refund reduces principal,the reductlon wiU�e trcated as a par�nl pre�ayment withovt�ny prenayn�et�t charge ' ':�-�_•
<br /> �':° .
<br /> d!<t,�`y. � UOf�Cl t11C�OtC. . . . . '>.-e�T•_++
<br /> "������ � " 14.Nobices. Any nodce to Borrowcr provided for in this Security Insttur�ent shall Ue givca�by dclivering it or by mailing it ' • . .
<br /> - �' '1 � �' ' � by first class mt►il unless a�epllcablo law requires uso of snother method.'�lhe notice shnll be dirccted to the Property Address or �
<br /> _ .:}�.r;,;�
<br /> _ ..;,�"i�?•-. . _ uny c,�her sddress 13orrowcr dosignates by uotice ta Lcnder. alny notice to Lcndc�shall Uc givcn by Cust class mail w Lender's
<br /> . �.-•7i;. • , ,�• addre.ss siated henein or any othea addc�ess Lender designate�by noiice to Borrower.Any notice provided for in this Security
<br /> Inswmcnt shall Uc dc�med w have been given to Borrower or I,ender w�an givcn as pmvided in this paragreph. �
<br /> # 15.Govertair�glLpw;5eviceabflity. This Socurity Insrrumcnt shall �be govemcd by fedcrAl 1nw and thc lnw of th,,
<br /> ,,� jurisdicdon in whicb thu Pr�eny is located. Jn d�e avent that any provision or clause of this Sccurity�Inswment ar the Note
<br /> =�- �,. oonfl�ct�widt npplicablo law,such conflict shall not nffect other pmvistone of this Secur.ity Instrument or the Note which c,�n be � ,
<br /> _ _ . .... '� given�ffcet witLaut tha conflicdna pmvision.To th�s end the provisions of this Sccuriry 3instrument and tha Notc nre�c]ocL3ned w i .'��
<br /> - _ .. _ ••a bo scvembla. ,
<br /> - _ _,''�+: i
<br /> �� Form 9028 O/o0 L_
<br /> ---_; zRy,s� OR(flE)�0212) r�p��ore mrtun: -
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