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<br />`����=;^,;;;;,�;,_r��' at the uption of l.ender, it mortgaga insura�ica cciverega (in tha amount end far the periud ehec I.endor requiresa
<br /> — -..�.�. 'IL
<br />-:�r•��=�-�:•����•�- �Sravided by an inaurer approved by[.ender again becomcy av�ilnblo end in abteined.Hc�rrower ehall pay tho premf.��me r �'`
<br /> • ' required ta maintuin mortgage in�urunce in effcct,or t� provide n lo:a rc::�rve, until the rcquirement for cn4rtgag� ` "
<br /> „°'"��.:�ca�v�; I�.�_:
<br /> - inaurenco eada in accordance with any written agrcement hetwecn 13arrower and I.oader or applicable law, -
<br />�:/?�,r. � ";rw
<br />: �.�.�.: ., 9. Inspection.Lender nr its agent mey mnka rea�neble entries upon and inspectinnn nf tho}'roperty. L,ender shall �;`
<br /> �-` givo Borrower notica at tha time o!ur Priar to en inepection speciPyinp rensonAbld ceusa lor tho inspection. ��;'.:;,�:
<br /> ^��: ,;.;.": � 10. Condemn�tion.'I'ha proceeds�t nny nward�r cleim ior damnge.9,direct ar canseqttontinl,in connecician with '��`
<br /> :.�'�' ,,: }; .,�
<br /> ,�� nny condomnation ar ather tekin��P nny part af tho Property, or for convoyance in liou oP condemnation,ard hereby . ,,.:
<br /> _. '. . assigned ond shaU be paid t�I.endc:r. ,'�':�:�
<br /> •.. " In the event ot a totol takinB o! tho I'roporty, tho proceeds shaU ba applied to th�sumA recured by thie Security ��"
<br /> •.��.��::`. ; Instrument,�vhothor or not then duo,�vith any oxcess puid to Bonawer.In the evont ot n partiel teking of tha Property in
<br /> �` ' wiiich tho fair mnrkot vnluu a�t tho Pr�perty imme�iately before tho taring in equ�l ta or greater then tha amaunt�f tho �_:--
<br /> ' '". . ' s�n�s e.ecunsd Ly thid Security Indtrument immediately be4orQ the wkina, unlr.ea Aorm�ver and Lender othorwi�c agrccr _-_
<br /> `-a��• � in writing,tho auma secun:d by thie Security InRtrument ahal)be red�ced by the amount oP the praceede multcplir.d by
<br /> :; ; :
<br />===�>i:,;;;��;;;;�.;� thu toflowing iracti�m; (ts1 th��total nmount oi tha sumn sccun�d irnnr�r,dintoly hetoca tho takin�,divided by(b� tl►�fair
<br /> ''� �;?'�' '�;� m4rkat value of tho Pro�sorty immediately t�efac�e tho tnl:ina.Any bnl�nco ehal) be paicl. t,o�orr�wer. In tt»ovent of e
<br />- - . C,.. •{: � partial taking of tho Nroperty in which tha fair mnrk�t valu�of tho Yroportp immedintaly beFnr�t9�c w{�ing ie lesa than -
<br /> _ .��: �'.,; the emount of the sume secured immediataly befor�e tho tnkina, unless Borrower end I�ndcr oth��rwisa agrce in writing �
<br /> __ - '� or unle,ss npplicable law otherwise provides, the proceeds shull be appliecl to the sume se�:urecl by thie Security _
<br /> �� '. .,.,:,; `, Instrurnent whether or not tha eume are then due. —
<br /> If tho Prop:rty is abandoned by Borro�vcr,or if,after noticc by Lendcr to Barrowcr that tho condenlnor otfe;a to -
<br /> '��'� make an award or settle a claim for damnges, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aftec tho dete the ---
<br /> '� � notice io given,Len3er ie nuthorized to collect and apply the proceeds,nt its option,either to restoration or repair of the
<br /> . °; Property or to the sume s�;cured by this Security Instrument,�vhether or not then due.
<br /> � .. .�� . Unless Lender and Horcower otharwise agree in�vriting,uny upplication o4 pracccds to principal chall not extcnd or �--
<br />��' postpone the dao date of the monthly payments referr�d to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chango tho amount of such
<br /> `�� � paymente,
<br />' " �,, _ ._":'� I!. tiorrower Not keleased; Farbearance By Lender Not a 1l/anver. F?xtcneiun of tha time for pavment nr
<br /> � '"� �,� modification of amvrtization oP tho sums secured by this Security Instrument�ranted by L.ender to any succes�or in
<br /> ��`'"�" intcrest of Bonower ahall not oporate to releasa the li�bility of the original Botrov�;,r or Borr.ower's successore in
<br /> ;,� ,,;,���� interest.Lender shull not be required to commence praceedin�s against any eucce�sor in interest or refuse ta extend
<br /> .«• . tima Por�ayment or otherwise modify emortizetion of tho sums sect�red Uy thie Security Inetrument by renson of any
<br />" ±`� .; '.�,`�%:r' demend made by the original Borroweror Borruwer'e successors in interest.Any forbearance by L.ender in exercising
<br /> �!":�:�,•�-.��•;.r� EsAy tlght of iCmedy Sh&11 AUt bo 8 waiver oY or preclude�he exercise of any right or remedy.
<br />"�`= ''�' ° 12.Successors and A�signa IIound;]pint and Seve�ral Liability; Co-signars. The covennnte and agreem�nte
<br /> �"�'�"��'� � of this Securit�/ Instrument�hall bind and benefit the successors and as,sipne of Lender nnd Borrower,sub�'p/�t to the "`�
<br /> ..�t4.'�tit.. "N�.S4'r Y�•, J O i""
<br /> pror•isions of paragrnph 17.Borrower's covenunts nnd ugreemento ahull be jaint nnd saveral.Any aorrowor who co-eigns �=�_
<br /> ;:ra:•.r,.e.+rc��i+ ��j_;:.
<br /> t • tnis Security rnstrument but does nat execute the Notc: (a) ie co-signing thie Security Instrument only to mortgage, ,::.,
<br /> -_ �''��`� grant and ccmvey that Borrower s interest in tho Property under the terma of thie Security Instrument; (b) ie not �.�_?'-�:
<br /> -_ _ ,:,,.�,; personally obli�nted to pay tl�a sume secured by thie Security Inetrument;and (c) afirees th�t I.endar nnd any other r=--°
<br /> '�•h�-.S•rr��7 G{�,::-
<br /> �:.}�°;�`,^ Bonower may agreo to extend,modify,torbear or make nny vccommodAtions cvith regard to tha terme of thie Seeurity
<br /> -���=�-� "�++1^•"'' Inotrument or the Note without that Bono�ver's consent.
<br /> - '�'':�"'"''�' 13. Loan Charses. It tho loan secured by this Security Inatrument is aubject to a Inw which sets muximum loan '
<br /> _ • _ ., charges, nnd thnt lacv is finally inwrproted so thut the icxterest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in '
<br /> ,, connection with the lonn exceed tho permitted limit�, then: (a) any such loan charge shall bo reduced by tha amount
<br /> •� : necessury to reduce the chargo to tha permitted limit; and (b� any sume already collected from Horrower which '
<br /> ��f is: �' exceeded permitted limita�vilt be refunded to Bonower. I.ende�• may choose to mnke thie refund by reducing the
<br /> .I I;�i principal owed under tha rlote ar by making a direct payment to Borrotiver.If a refund ceduces principal,tho reduction
<br /> y"-�' "�-- :i will be trested ns a partisl prepayment without any prepayment churge und�r the Note.
<br />_���' �'''` "" 14. Nutices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Inatrument shall ba given by dolivaring it or by �
<br /> "�""''� ' •.'; . mnilin�it by first class mnil unless npplicnble In�v requires use of another mothod. The notice ahall be directed ta the
<br /> . � . �,;c� �•; . • Property Address or any other nddress Bonower de.aignntes by notice to I,ender.Any notice tn I,ender ehull be�iven by
<br /> - . - °�•ti`�,.:_� firstclass mail ta Lender's nddress stuted herein or uny other address i,ender dc.qignates by noticc to Borrower. Any
<br /> • , ;�. notice provided for in this Security Instrument shnll lx:deomed to have been given to I3orro�ver or I,ender�vl�sn�iven
<br /> . . -� ns provided in this paragraph.
<br /> . . I5. Governing€.�w;Sevor�bility.'1'his Security Inatrumentshnll be 6overned by tedernl luw und tha Inw of the �
<br /> ' jurisdiction in whicli the Property is located.In the event thnt nay provision or cluuse of thia Security Inatrument or the I
<br /> - �`• Noteconflicta cvith npplicnble luw,such conflict shnll not affect ntl�er provisinns of this Security Tnstrument or the Note i
<br /> • -�`° ' '� which cnn Ue given effect�si!hout the canflicting prnvision. Ta this end tha pravisione�f this Security Instrument a�id
<br /> .,v�Ml':� tho Noto nre declrsred tn b�severablo.
<br /> r
<br /> '�..�_� ' .
<br /> �`�.,-�r� Form 30T6 9/90
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