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<br />�`�^�s�� S. N�z�rd or L'raperty In�sur�nco. I�orruwer ehall keep the impmvcmente naw exiettng ar hercatter erecte on
<br /> ��=%���.?;'� tho Praperty inaured egeinet lor�s by tira,hazarde included within the term"extended coverego" and any other ha•r,erd�, j,;;-
<br /> _ � inr.luding�toods or Pinnding,fo•r�vhich Lcndcr requirca inaurAnce. '1'hie inaurnnce shsll ba mainteined in thr,amounte ��;':��_�
<br /> '''�;_;t'' �� and far the periods that i.ender requires. The insurenco carrlo�providing tho ineurnncv�1�911 Ue choson by Darroe�er ..�
<br /> '->� subjec¢to I.ender'e appravsl which ehall not be unreasonably withheld.IF Ii�rrawer feils to meintain caverage de�scribed �,�;,;;,
<br /> �`�' ���• above, I.endor mny, et Lendar'e option,obtein coverege to protcct I,cndePn righta in tha Property in eccorc�ance with f,+-,"•
<br />'r,.�!�` . y;,±:'`.':.
<br /> Y,�,. paragreph 7.
<br /> •. ,.- •� All insurance policies and renewe�s ehall be uccepteble to l.ender and nhal) includa n Atanderd mortgage clause. . : ��
<br /> •- �����`.��'�'�� 4 Lender ehall have tha right to hold tha policics and renewals. If I,ender requircy, Aorrower ehall promptly givo ta : �,;;;.
<br /> , �:.,. ,
<br /> ,�,:v}'••�;; I,ender ell rcceipts of paid pcemiums end tene�val notices.In the ovent of losq,l�arrower nhall giva prompt noticc ta the ��_;,r,.
<br /> ,,,..:..-., insurancocarcier nnd I.ender.Les►der mey make praof of tos9 iP not meda promptly by Borrower. _ _
<br /> ,. ,r::. _-��
<br /> .i�`_��.•,: � y : iJnless Lender and Borrowar otheinvise agree in writing,ineurance procceds ohall l�epplied to restoration or repair __
<br /> � �''= •���;�- of the Property dameged,if the restoration ur repair ie economically teasiblc�nnd[.csnder's security ie not lessened.1f ti�a �„-;�
<br />=:�:;ti, :� .. .,
<br />•��•� restoratioR ar repair is not economically femsible or I..ender's security would be lessoned, the inAUrence proceedn ahall be �n�----
<br /> — . �`°: applied to tha sums secured by thi�Security lnetrument,whother or not then duv, �vith any excess paid to Durrower.If �___
<br /> � ' •? ' Bonowcr abandons tha Property,or does not answer within 30 days e notice from Le:nder that thc insuranco carcier hae
<br /> - � " offered to scttle a claim, then Lender may collect the insurnnce procceds. I.,�nder may usa the proceeds to rep�ir or
<br /> restore the Property or to pay aums s�u;ed by thie Security Instrumcnt,whether or not then due.Tho 30'day peric�d wili �
<br /> _= • '�; " begin when tha notice is given.
<br /> - Unless Lender and�3ano�ver otherwise n�ree in writing,any application of proceeds to principal ehall noe�a�tend or �
<br /> _" . •;..�a;'�.•• postpone ths dua dnte of tha monthly paymente refeaed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changa tha amount of tha pnymente. -
<br /> � "t'' If under paragraph ?1 the Property is acquired by Lender, Aonower's right to nny insurance policies and procads �
<br />•��� ''� � resulting from dam�ga to the Property priar to the acquisition shall pass to I.�nder to the exten¢04 tha surne secured by �_
<br /> `, thie Securi ty Instrument immediatel�pr►or to the acquieition.
<br /> . - ,. . 6.Occupancy,Preserv�tion,Maintenaace�nd Protection of tho Propar4y;Donower's Lo�n Application;
<br /> Leasehalds. Bonower shall occupy,cstabiiah,nnd use the Property os Aorrower's principal residence�vithin sixty days �
<br /> '' after tha execution of thie Security Instrument nnd shall continue t� occupy tha Property as Borrower's principal
<br />' ��� residenco for at leas-t one year efter the date of occupancy,unless Lender oth�rwir,ess agrees in writing,which consent 9hnll
<br />• ' :�. ,,,.,t w�ar�.A�r.:�:;::�i:!:he?d,er�!nl�+Pxcenundne circumetences exiet which era boyond Borcower'e cantrol.Borrower
<br /> ' � .� . ahall nat destroy,damage or impair the Property,ullow the Property to deteriorate,or commit weate on tnc Properiy.
<br /> „ .�;�. Borro�ver ahall be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civil or crimi�al,ie begun that in Lender's
<br /> � ;�,;:1,;;, good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwir,c matarinlly impair tho lien cnatre�by thie
<br /> Security Inetrument or I.ender's security inierest. Borrower muy curo such n default nnd reinstate, �s pro�ided in
<br /> ��` � � � pai�agraph 18, by cavsing the action or praceeding to ba dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's Sood taith __
<br /> ' "'•��` �� � determination,precludes forfeituro of the Bunower's interest in tha Property or other mnterial impairment of tho lien
<br /> ��' � ' r!�`r created by this Security Instrument or Lender'e security intersst. Hnrrower ehnll elso be in default if Bonower, during �_
<br /> •� .�•���x� the loan Application process, gava materiully fnlse or inaccurate iu[urmatiun or stf►temcnts to I.,ender (or tailed to f_._-
<br />- �• •� •� provida Lender with any matorial infarrnation) in connection with the loan ovidonced by the Note, including,but not �,_,w
<br /> '� `'1 ' " , limiteci to,representatione concerning Dorrower's occupancy of the Property as u principal residence. It this Security
<br />�`` � ' Inetrument ie on a leasehold,Bonower�hall comply with nll the provir,ions of the lease.If Dorrawer a:quires fee title to _
<br /> "�1.•�••:�fi�'.;.,.y,;•� the Property,the leasehold and the Pee title shall not merge unlesa Lcnder agrees to the rnerger in Nriting. ;.��
<br /> 'n'•�`�`°��"���' 7.Peotection of Lender s Iiights in the Property. I4 Borrowor faile to perform the covennnta ond�geementd '�,
<br /> �`'"`�' �tt`��'�'�` containec� in this Seeurity Instrnnnent.or thore is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's ri;hts in the :..:
<br /> �;.,�..,..:�,.
<br /> �� ��� Property (such as a proce,eding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnsti�n or forfeiture ar to enforce lawe or '�;;
<br /> _ ; �� regulations),ehen Lender may do and pay for whntever is necessary to protect the vnlue uf t�ae Property end Lender's '
<br />_ ,.'� rights in the Property. L,ender's actions may include paying any sums secured by n lien whi�h hue priority over this .
<br /> Security Instrument,appearing in court, paying reasonnble attorneye'fees and entsring on the Proporty to makc repaics.
<br /> ' � � �` Although Lender may teke actimn under this paragraph 7,Lender does not hnve to clo so.
<br /> '••� +� ,'' Any amounts diebursecl by Lender under thie parngraph 7 ehall bc�cama udditionnl debt of Borrowcr secured by this
<br /> . ° �� Security Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agrea to other terms of paymont, these emounts shull benr interest •
<br /> .;`�f': .��� •� from tho date of disbursement at the Note rnte and ehnll be payoble,with interes4,upon notice from Lendcr to Dorcower
<br /> - �� � �� requesting payment.
<br /> ���' � . a.[vYor4gage Ineurance. If Lender required mortgnge insuranco as n candition of making the lonn secured by this
<br /> � � �� Security Inatrument,Borrowee shnll pay tho premiums required to maintain the mort�ngo insurunce in effect.If,for any
<br /> ' " � � � reason,the mortgage ineurance covera�c requircd by I,ender lupsea or ceases to be in effect, I3orrower shall pay tha
<br /> ' . " .,. premiuma required to obwin covcra6e substantinlly equivalent to the mortgn�r,insurnnce previously in etfect,ut n cost
<br /> substantially equivalont to the cost to 13orrower of tho mortgngo inyurence previously m e4fect, from an alternnte
<br /> � mortgege insurer upproved by Lender. If substnntinlly equivalent mortgago insurnnce covernge is not availuble,
<br /> �;'•`''; r. Barroner shall pay to I.ender each month u sum equal to one-twelttt�of the yearly mortga�e insurance premium being ,
<br /> ' "� �� paid by Hnrrower when the insurance coverage lnpsed or ceased to be in vffect,Lender wiU nccapt, use and retnin these ,
<br /> _ ••�•:�;�°�^_:;� payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mnrtgage insuranco. Lo� reservo payments mny na longer bc required, j
<br /> I
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