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<br /> N�t%�••i�--• i 6.Uarrawor'�Copy.Iiorrower oheil ba given ona conformed copy of the Noea and oi thie Security Inetrument. � !r�Y
<br /> °``"'� '�. "� 17. 'Ceenstor af tho PPO�sorty or� �onefici�l Interest in Dorrower. Ii all or Ar►y pnrt of tha I'r�perty or eny ' .�", ,,.. .
<br /> ,�;"_�
<br /> ' intcrest in tt ir.cold or tcnnsferced(or it u beneficiol intcrest in Norrnwer ie sold or trbnsferred end 13nrrower ie not n • • �•
<br /> _;:".x't. �,.;�;yj�.,: netural persnn)withaut I.ender's prior written consent,Lender mey,at ita option,require immediate payment in full of • :�:��i«��";;-._
<br /> ��f.; ,- c},.,u.�,_:-:.
<br /> ��:rLY•��� all sumA secured by thin Sxurity In�►trument. Howovor, thie option shall not bo cxercised by L.ender if exerciso i� _ .-. ;,_ .`�:;;�:�...•�
<br /> �* prohibited by federal law na o4 tha date ot thie Sccurity lnetrument. '
<br />,' } ++w�� If Lender oxercisea thie option,[,ender shall givo Dorrower n�ticoat scceleration.The noticeehall ptovide a period ,��:,.S.t��s.•;�� ;
<br /> ��• oi not l�than 30 deys fram the dnte tha notice ie dolivered or mailed within which Dorrowor mu9t pay all sums secured • � .�'�;, . �,..-
<br /> . _` by thi�Security In�trument.If Borrowcr tnils to pay thesa eums priar to tho expiration of thie period.Lcnder may involcc ' .�-��"�' '�• '
<br /> � anyrcmcdieapsrmittedbythi�3SeturityInetrumentwiti►outfurthernoticoordemandonHorrower. , " `� ` ��`�' .���'`'�'��=�°
<br /> IS. 13�rrawos'p Ri�ht ta Rainst�te. I[Bonower meets certsin conditiona,Horrower ehall havo the right to have 'it,f' `" � r,�5��+.•� �'
<br /> �''
<br /> � - entorcomertt a:thia Secur�ty[n9trument discantinued nt any time prior to the earlior of:(n)S dnys(or such othar period ,�a- C. ,�'���:=`,;,
<br /> as np (icnUlp(aw �nay spec�[y For reinetntement)befor�ealo af the Proporty pursuant to any pcawer of sale contained in `'. (:�f��!��;��f;r:`'
<br /> ���ir'o:,,..._
<br /> ' thi�� �ecurity Inetrument; or (b) entry�f n judginent enforcing this Secur�ty Infltrument.'I'hase conditiocta ere that �;;;�_.�-___=---
<br /> ,,.,`.. . Bof-rower: (o) pays I.ender all sums which than waul�tx�duo und�er thia Security Inetrument and the Note ea if nsa _)�����_
<br /> -_ i acceleration hed occurrc.d; (b)curen any default oi any othQr covenanw or agrermentx; (c) payo all expenses incurred in __---
<br /> . enforcing thie Secutity Instrument,including,but not limited to.reasonabla ettorneys fces;and(d) takes such action se
<br /> ° I,ender mey reasunebly requira to e.ssuro thnt thc lirn a4 thi:3 Security Iastrument,Lender's ri�hta in the g'rog�rty and - - -
<br /> • Borrower'e obli$ution to ay xha sume secured by this Security Instrumcnt shall continue unchenged. Upon reinstatement �.�-
<br />_ by Borrower,tfi�a Securitpy Instrument end the obligntions secured hereby ehall remain fully eftective ea if no acceteratia� _—_—
<br />_ ' had occurred.However,thie ri�ht to reinstate shall not upply in the case of acceleration under pars�raph 17. �;t�-• _
<br /> • 19.S�lo of Note;Cl�rnge oi Loan Serviccr.The Note or a partial interest in the Note(toyetherwith this Securitr -
<br /> � Instrument)may be sold ane or more times withaut prior notice tc�Burrvwer.A��le uxay r�ult�n a change in thoantity c= -:�---__ -__
<br /> �._
<br />' = (known es the"Loan Servicer")that collects manthly payments due under the Note and thie Securitiy Instrument.There �: .
<br /> ;; � �`� " also muy bo one or more changes of the I.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there ie a change oi the Loan -
<br /> Servicer,I3orrower wiU Se given written notice of the change in accordance with pare�ra h 14 above and aFplicable law.
<br /> .� 1'he nutice n�ill state the neme end address of the new L.osn Servicer and the nddress to wRich psyments should be mad�. ������_ ,
<br /> ' 1 The nutica will also contain any other informetion required by applicable Inw. - -_
<br /> 20. Hez�rdoua Substmces. Bonower sliall not causa or permit the pr�ence,uso,dieposal,storage,or release:of ��_
<br /> . .�; any Hazerdous Subau►nces on or i n the Property, Bonower�hnll not do,nor allow anyone e�se to do,anyt#ii�g aftecting � c
<br />�^ LI16 YfOpCTtY Lt18L lEi lIl vtvintiuu Ji nt�j��ii'r ii�l3til�t32^o,,A... r�:�F�iT.^L�'O�ZLC^��n�......... r� ... ..,..Ft°w`C..,..., '�.'�
<br /> ,y � -
<br /> ����� use� or etorage on the Property of small qunntities of Haznrdous Su�istances that ara g�En�eral y recogmzed to be ^ I '_
<br /> ' ' appro�priete to normal residential uses nnd to maintenance of the l�roperty..
<br /> � Horrower shall promptly give I.ender�vritten notica o4 any i m�est�gation,clnim,demand.laweuit ur other ection by
<br /> � any governmental or regulatory agency or privnte party involving the Property and an� Hazardous Substance or
<br /> ' Environmentul Law of which Bonawer has actual knowledge.If Borrower learns,nr�s no3ified by any gaverniriental or
<br /> � �• regvlatory authority, thet any removal or other remediation oi any Hnzardous Substonce uffecting the 1'roperty is _ '�
<br /> _ : nece�ery,Aorrower shall promptl�take all necessary remedinl¢ctions in accnrdence�vith�nvironmental Law. rh,' '
<br /> ` A.s used in thie paragraph 20. Haznrdous Sub.>tanc�"nre those substances defined as toxic or liazardous subst,�+nces
<br />` '` ' " by Environmental L�w end tha f�llowing substances:grisoline,kerosene,other flnmmable or tnxic petroleum producte, '" � t�
<br /> " �� ' toxic Resticides nnd herbicides, volatile solventa, materials contaxning nabestoa or formaldehyde, nnd rndioactive ���^^^ _
<br /> , matenul6.Ae used in thie paragrapl�2(1,"Environmental Law"means tederal laws nnd laws of the jurisdiction where the `.�1;:,`. ��
<br /> � Property is lacated that relnte to health,safety or environmentol protectiort. ,
<br /> • . , ' „ NON-UNIFORM COVENAN'fS.Dorrower and Lender f urther covennnt and agree as 1'ollowo: • r:�"_
<br /> 21. Accel�ration; Romedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceIIeretion foll�wing • `�•�5 �
<br /> � ` ; Borrower's breach ot any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrum�nt (but not prior to ecceleration � "`�3 ..�' '
<br /> , � � � ''"�•* under p�regraph 17 unless applicable low provides othcrwise).The notice Ahall specify: (e)the default;(b)the ''"�' ° '�' :
<br /> - action required to cure the dof�ult; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from tho date tho notice ia given to � � .�;•.2;�a�.��,p.:_
<br /> , .; ,� Bosrower. by which the def�ult must be cured; end(d) that failure to curo the def�ult on or befare tha dYte � ..�„�',
<br /> specified in tho notico nnay result in eccoleration of the sums secured by thisSscurity Iastcument�ad ssle of � •�"����
<br /> � th� Property. Tha notice sl�all turther inform IIorrower �t the right to reinstate aftes cccaler�tioa and thc �f., �
<br /> '�. right to bring a c�urt actioa to asser¢ the non-exisYence of e d�feult or any oth�r defeQSO ot Borrower to � �. �., _,
<br /> ? ac�cleretian and sele. If the defeult is not cured an nr beforc the datc apecified in the notice. Lznder, at its
<br /> " '. option, mAy require immxdiate payment in fuU of all sume secured by this Security Instrum�nt without
<br /> further demand end may invoke the power of sale end any other romcdics permitted by applicablc law.
<br /> ' � Lender eha11 bc entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in thia paragraph
<br /> " 21. includin�.bnt nat limited to,reasonable attorneys'fecs and costs of title evidence.
<br /> I[the po•rier of sale ie iuvoked.'1'rusteo si�e11 record a notice ot dofault in esch county in which any pert of
<br /> the Property is located and shal! m�il copies ot such notica in the menner prescribed by applicable la�v to '
<br /> � _ "� Bo,rrowcr and to tho other persons prescribed by epplicabtc law.After the timc requix�ed by �p�licable lew,
<br /> . `' Trvstce shall give public notice of sale to tho persm�s snd in the meaner prescribed by ep�IiceUlx iaw.Trustee, �.
<br /> � without demand on Iiorrower. shell sell the Property nt public e�iction to tho highest bidder at the timc and i
<br /> placo and under the terma designated in the notice ot sele in one or more parcels ancl in any order Trustee
<br /> determines.Trustee may postpoao s�le of all or any parcel of the Property by public annonncoment at t6e f
<br /> • ,r timo and place of any pseviously scheduled ssle. Lender or its designeo m�y purcheso the Property st any �
<br /> snfle. I
<br /> . . .� • , , tT�' i .
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