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<br /> TOGF"fIiI3R WITH all tha impravoments now or huraafter erect�d on the property, and all eesamente,
<br /> �w-�-�� Ap�urtenan,.c�,:.nd f ixtures now or hereafeer n rt ot thv ro rty.All re lacements end additione shnll ul�o be�covered
<br /> :.y:�� � ° l� P Pe P b �:`�:�;..
<br /> by thi�.ciccucity]nstrument.A.11 of tho Poregaing ie referred w in thie Security Inatrument as the`Prop�rty."
<br />_���� BORR0IVF?R CC)V�NANTS that Barcower is Inwfully seised of the estate heraby conveyed and hsa the right to =°--
<br /> �r�nt and conv�ny tho Praperty nnd that tho f'roperty is unencumbered, except for encumbrancea of record. Aanower �.��-:_
<br /> __ wArranta.�nncl w i Il dotcnd gRnerelly the title to the Yroperty egainst all claime and demande,eubject ta any cn.umbrances
<br /> ,,:�,. �;�;�;� ' , �f rccord. 7, STRUMENT cambines unitorm wvenants for nationel use and non-unif�rm covenante with
<br /> ,:.:�',L:::�.. Tf•IIS S�.(.[JRI 1 Y W _ -
<br />-�_��,�,�;:;�;��� limited variatian9 by jurirdiction to can3titute a uniform se�urity instrument coverin�real properxy. _
<br />=�w-=°r#,�4`.�: UN1FORM COVENANTS.IIorrnwer enc9 Lcnder covenant and agree as follows:
<br />—�.7.f�.: .
<br /> � ����`��', 1.P�ymont�f Principsl�nd lntorest; PrcpAymeat end L,ate Charges.Borrawer shall promptly pay when u3
<br />..-�..���.M1 I: _
<br />�.`';`�'<',`''+'P;;�"� ttie rinci al o#end interest on tho dubt c;vider�ced Uy the Noto and any prepayment and la4e charges duo undcr the Nota.
<br /> .t���..a • P P
<br /> "� '`r �r �. Punds tor Taxcs�nd Ineurro�ide.5ubjcr:,t ta ayplicable law or to a �vritten weiver by Lendar, Ekrrrower shall
<br /> ��•:•,�,�;����;„x;^,
<br /> ,�xd��,,�;.�:��,��'.:• y tc�L,ender an tha day monthly}:aym�yite are 4t*r 4:��ier the Note,until the Note ie paid in full,a sum S"Funds")tor: _
<br /> ��'`+�•.�?�`';;4{:�,;� (a) ycarly ts�x�and assessmcnta wt�ir,h �a�t+y attair�priarity over ihie Security Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)
<br /> ' �`�� �=-' �� yearly icnr,c:lwtdi payraentg ar�round r:�°.,on the Property,if eny; (c)ye.nrly hazard or pro�rty insurance premiums; :
<br /> r. ,-.�::� .,.:,._
<br /> „ i� � (d)yearly fload insurance prera�ume,iP any; (e)yrsrly mortgage insurance premiuma,if ar+y;and(f)eny euma paynble
<br /> .:�,�.';..;:` _.
<br /> � �� by Borrowc:r to I.onder,in nccardanee with tha proti-isions of paragraph 8,in lieu oY the paym�ent of mortsage inaorance
<br /> �•� „, .�� promiume. Th�o items are colled"Escrow Items."Lender may,at any tine,collect and hold Funds in an amount aot
<br />-�'`''��'it�f`�.�;,`.�; ---
<br /> �f �+ to exceed t3»cnc+ximum amount a lender for a fedarelly related murtgage loan may require for Bortower s escrow
<br /> � •�� nccount ua�:r the federa! itenl �sre:ce 54ttlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from tima to tima, 12 U.S.C.
<br />��:�:'��� Section 7b01 cri seq. ("RFSI'A"),unl�another law that applies to tha Funda sets a lesser amount.If so,Lender may, _
<br /> �,�., "•'ti,:; at any time,ca�lect end hold Funda in an nmount not to exceed the lesscr amount.I.ender may estimate tha amoune of
<br /> �`'�' `�� . Funda due on tho basie of current dnta und reasonable estimatcs of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in ��
<br />- .r,. . .,d t';
<br />"�::;;�•�.' y; accordsnce with epplicable lew. ='�"
<br /> . '� '� ` The Fund�shaU ba held in an institution�vhose deposits are insured t,y a 4ederal agency,instrumentality,or entity
<br /> :'h,.'�•',��, (including Lendor,it I,ender is such nn institution)or in any Federal Home Laan Bank.Lender shall apply tht+E�onds to
<br /> , '. , pay ine cs-�;r�w iici7tn.:,c;r�c: ...s, .^.a:chsrge R�•'�R'"-* for h�IrNnp And apnlyine the Funds. annuallv analYxing the
<br /> escrow account,or veritying th9 Pscrow Itecne,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds end applicablo law
<br /> '"` ` �'�' permits Lender to meko such a chnr�e. Howevcr, Ge�ider may requira Banower to pay a ona-time charga far an
<br /> ,�.i�.::!'�:•,4.,�:
<br />: -,;�,.. �,,,.,;, independent roal estate tax reportin�service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unless applira�7•e 1aw provides
<br /> �Ig ��,� �t�t otherwice. Unlrus an ngreement ic mnde or applicable law requir�es int�rest to be paid,I.ender shall r,oY be required to p.o,
<br /> "� �,
<br /> r4r ,..:,
<br /> '�s�;,;;� �,, pay Borrocver r•.ny interest or carnin�s on the Funcls.Bonower anc7 I.ender may agrea in writing,however,that inter�t
<br />��: -i'�,��:"�'. sliall be puid oy1 the Fund�.Lender shnll give to Dorrower.Nithout cherge,an annual accounting of the Funds,showing _.
<br />�:_�ir;.
<br />�:��^y��:,�t�• credits end dobi�9 to the I�und�and the purpose for Nhich each debit to the Funds was made.The Fvr.c'g are pledged ae i�:`
<br /> �;.
<br /> i =;�%� additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. �n,�
<br /> ri�"�+�� U the Punds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by a�plicable law, Lender shall account to ��x_=
<br /> �.� '�",�'; Barrower for tho excesa Punds in accordance with the requirements of appliaable Isw.If the amount af the Fund�held e i°_
<br /> '�'' ' �'` .�„� by Lender at any timo is not sufficient to pay the Esccow Items when due,Lender may sa notify Hunowec in writing, �;;-;,
<br /> `.,--:.�,..
<br />--�:�� "''r�'"° and,in such case Borrower ehnll pay to Lender the umaunt necessary to make up the deficienr,y.Bonower shall maka ,�-:.
<br />--.;u:i+,ps�,•'A;L.��" -�-
<br />�_.N.:,.,,,,,� up the detic;iency in n�more than twolve monthly paymeM.s,at Lender's eole discretion. �,����
<br /> �`:,;v,i�.,;;;��. Upon payment in iull of all eums secured by thiA Security Inetrument,I,ender shsll promptly rePund to Bonower �-:
<br />-:'-•`�„ ;,, uny Funds h�ld by Lendcr. It, under paragraph 2l, Lender ehall ncquire or sell tha Property, L.ender, prior to the f���
<br /> •���= ''' �' acquieitiun or salo of the 1'roperty,shall appiy nny Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale ao a credit
<br /> � aguinst th�sums secured by this Security Instrument. ..
<br />,�,,..:,.� ' 3. Applicetion of Peyme»ts. Unless upplicable lnw provides otherwise,all paymento rec:eived by Lender under
<br /> ���:�''�.� paragraphs 1 nnd 2 shall be epplied: first,to any pr�payment charges due under the Note;second, ta amounts payable
<br /> `Y �" � under uro rn h 2;third,to interest due;4ourth,to principal due;and last,to any late cher�es due under the Note.
<br /> :�.,k�.�-_:�.,.K:: P S P
<br /> ��.:.,;::.;
<br />-�;:��,�,�,,,,,,�� 4. Charges; I.icns. Barrocver s}:all pny all tnxes, essessments, chargcs,4ines and impositions nttributable to tho
<br /> -_r�-��f:�w�:';,` 1'roperty�vhich mny attain priority over thie Security Instrument, and leasatiold p�yments or ground rents, if nny.
<br /> � ��:. , �t Bona�vcr shall puy thesc obligntinns in the mnnner provided in paragraph 2,or if not pai3 in that menner, Dorrawer
<br />;::;,s,h...�:. s.
<br />- •.•:�'•. .�,�.• ehall pay thaai on time directly to the person owed puyment.IIorrower shall promptly furnieh to Lender all notices a
<br /> � '''�'• amounts t�bv pnid undcr tliie pnrngraph.[f Borcower rnukes these puyments directly,Bonower shall prumptly furnish
<br />_ . ,^,r. .
<br /> " •..;, , to L.ender recoipts ovidencing tho payments.
<br /> ,������=j"'��:�'�' Borc�wer�hatl prontptly discharFe uny licn �vhich has privrity over this Security Instrument unless IIorcower. (a)
<br />,__...rv.w,�i:;;r,t:��'Y' '
<br />;:�',•';,ti,.,. ��• age�:es in writing to the puyment nf Ch:obli�ntion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable t�L,ender; (b) contests in I
<br /> �`''•.. :•z:�r-. �k� go�d fnith thv licn by,nr defenda a�;�inst enforcement of the lien in, logul proceedinge which in the Lender's opinion
<br /> � � �" operatc tc� provent tho enPorcement of tha lien;or(c) secures from.the hold,.r of tha lien nn agreement satisfactory to �
<br /> _';:,,,_::.:.�L.
<br /> � . Lcnd�r auUordinating the lien to thie Se�;urity Instrument.IP Lender deternain�thnt any part of tha Property is subjcct i
<br /> Y;�`'•'�`?'`•�'- '�� to a li�n�vhich may attnin priority over thid Security 1n�trument,Lender inay give Borrower a notice identifying the j
<br />�`_��'''''��� licn.}3urcower�hnll sntiafy thc lien eur tnke onc or more of the actione set forth above��ithin 10 daye of the�ivitig of i
<br /> '````^;r.'' notico. �
<br /> '=�'''`���'' Form 30Tt 9/90
<br /> =��_r: t z��F, � �--
<br /> - - -=.1i:��- �i1�—ont�n.i;'r', • ==-=� - .s�..a�- , -
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