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<br /> �`��� ,� paymcnts rnay no langcr bc rcquircd,at tho o�don of I.endcar,If mor¢gugo lnsurat►co coverage(in die amount and for tha perlotl , ,
<br /> • d��t I,e�rtpr ren�uin:s)provic��d by on insurer nnpruvcd by Lender again bccor►�es avullnblc und is obtaitted.Honower sht�l pay the ^�=m
<br />_��..�.; � �. . premiums roquired to melntain mongaga insurancc in cftcct,or W provido a loss rescrvc, undl the rcquircmcnt for mortgagc �
<br /> � insu.°ance ends In accardanc:o with any wrlttcn i►greeseunt between Bormwer end Lender or appllcuble law. -
<br /> 9.Ins�►ectiop. I.endtr or fis agent mey melce reasonnble cntrics upoa und inspecdons of the Propecty. Lender shall give �:
<br /> ���� Bomowex nodce at the dme of or pdor to an inspocdon specifying reusonable cause for the inspecrion. � . �`�
<br /> :.:-*"'"" 10.Coademnatbn. The proceeds of nny awnrd or claim for dvn�v,es. dir�ect or conseyuentiN,in connecdon witE�any - � • �� ;,,._
<br /> .........,.:�:��. .
<br /> . condemnadon or other taking of any pact of the Prope�ty,or for conveyance in lieu of condc�nnatton,ara hc.nby as.slgned an8 , _
<br /> shall be paid to Lendcr. . '.-
<br /> In the event of n wtstl tafcing of Ihe Propecty,iho prc�a�eds shall be applied w the sums secured by this Secur�ry Instn�ment, �• �
<br /> . whether or not thcn duc,with a►y cxcess paid to Beaower.In the cvcnt of a pariinl talcing of the Propeaty in which the fnlr ma�ket
<br /> vatue of the PmpeTty immediately bcforc the teking is equal to or grcater thnn the amount of the suma secured by this Socurity � `��
<br />: ; ,. Insuument imm�diacely beforo [he taking, unless BoROwer and Lender otherwise agree in writing, tha sums sccunA 6y this :��:
<br /> ` • •. Sccurity Instrumeut shall be reduced by the amount of tbe proceeds�uldpllod by the follawimg frncdon: (a) the totel smount of ._-,��1,�:��.
<br /> �;c�, �� � tlio sur�is secueed iEUnettiately ts�.faio thc taL•ing�divid�d bY @) the fair market�al¢e of ths Property am�eedi.?!ely bcforc thc .:. ,`.�zh'.",,,_�.--
<br /> r. •r
<br /> --; ,'��'�. wring,Any balance shall be paid w Borrowcr.In the event of n pivaa!tabng of the Property in whtch the fa�r marjcet value of thc ~' '"'Y':_!�='�
<br /> - Properry imm�ediatcly bcfore the tdcing is les9 than ttes amount of t�e sums secured immediately before the tafring. unlcss • `.�'!�=�'=°=_
<br /> "'a Bomower und 3.ender otherwise agcee In�vri�in�or unless appllcable law otherwtse pravidea,tha proceeds shall be appGed to Qte �:� ...
<br />'�'`" sums secwr�d by this Security Insuumcnt whether or not t3�e sums ate thcn due. ' �+���.
<br /> �f the Propaty ia ahandoned by Harrower,or if,after nodce by Lender to Bas�awer thut tt�e condemnor offers to make an 7, '' '� �'`"`.-,,;,.:
<br /> -..t.a.61;'e..=_
<br /> - awartl or settle a clswn for damages,Bormaet fails w respond to I.ender within?0 days afte,r the dnte the notice is given,Lender ;;:::„ ° w..:�___
<br /> � "' is authoriz�io colloct and apply the praeeds,ut its option.either to re�toradon or repair oF the Property or to the sums securecl , ,'��.�_——_
<br /> . by L`iis Securirj Insuument,��rhe!l�er or not then due. �'"�'`,--�-�
<br /> '�:- Unless L.e�Ger and Boirower odtenvise agnx in wrl�ang.any applicuuon of proceeds to princlpal shall not extend or postpone `�,., `�"
<br /> . gn ` .'� . .
<br /> ,... :� ,�-,
<br /> .. ;.�;:, ,
<br /> tha due date of the monthly payr�nen�g rcferred to in pamgrapbs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. ,�. ..�q ,,,
<br /> ... , ••
<br /> - - .lU��Do�.nrul.Q�����nyra Rv i a r. N 1 v ' •
<br /> •.--_ ;'�-- ::.°:..";�r.. .^...,,..,o..�r_... � _..L+...le7_.4__w�ivnr_ F:trnc�nn �f Ihe dme for navmrllt o�rteod��rsdnn f::��r� f__ --
<br /> ..� of s�sartiu�t��of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lendcr to any successor in interest of Borrower shall � ;,
<br /> �. noi operale 2�celease ihe liability of the originsil Borrower or Bonmwr,r's successors in interest.I.ender shall not be requiced to ��•,, �::�
<br /> il
<br /> ' comm�noe pnnccedings against uny successor i�i interest o�refuse to eaceend ti�ne for payment or oiherwise mod.ify amoxti�adon uf ��,
<br /> � the sum.g secured by this Security Instniment by reason af any demand mada by tho original Boxrower or Borrower's successors
<br /> in interesG Any forbesuanee by Lender in e:cercising any ri�ht or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude tha exercise of any "_ -' ; ,
<br /> ' right ar remcdy.
<br /> ' � 12.Successors ond Asstgns Bound;Joint and Several Li�bil[ty; Co-signera. The covenan�s and agrcements of this ` � 1 :
<br /> � Securiry Instrument shall bind nnd beme�t the succcssars and assigns of Lender and Borrowcr, subjoct to ihe provisions of n�g-�
<br /> paz-.igraph 17. Borrower's covenents and a�r,ements shall be joint and several. Any Bomawer who co-signs this Security ; „ ,� �a,,,
<br /> ' ' Inswment but dces not eacecute the Note: (a) is casigning thLv Security Inswment only to mortgage. grant and convcy that i °��•
<br /> �� Borrower's Intcrest in the Fropcity undcr the te�ms of t�is Security Instrument;(b)is not peasonally obllgated to pay the sutns i . �"�,� �_
<br />. „ sec�ued by c"^9s Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and nny other Borrower cnay agree to extend,modify.forbear or � _".. "�
<br /> ." , .'"� makc any accammodarions with reganl to the temis of this Security In.4u+�nnent or the Natc without that Borrower's u►nsen� '`'M1 ' ��";'�
<br /> 13.LoRn Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets rnaaimum loan charges, II "�•.. "�
<br /> . �� "�'• nnd that law is fmally intespretcd so that the interest or a�her loan charges coUected or to be collected in cannecuon with the losn t.":. .�• ' �s
<br /> •�'�.'��';�c`"�.`•'+ ene�od the�rniucd Wnits.thrn:(a)u�q soch inan charge shall be rectuced by the amount neces.gaiy to rcduce the char�e to the E�" • ' _
<br /> 0
<br /> � � '';�''":;,s4'� permitu;d lirn�2;and(b)nnY su�s nlready eollected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will bc re�unded to Sonow�er. ; ' • �.
<br /> ' Lendu may etwoses to n�ake this refand by reducing die principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to I ��.�t'•�
<br /> F Horrower.If a refund mduces princl�al,the m,�lucuon will be veated as a parti�l prepayment without any prepayment charge :.��
<br /> .. under thc Note. �
<br /> , 14.Nofi�. Any notice to Borrower pmvided for in this Security Ir�stri�ment shall be given by delivering it or by m�1in�it ��
<br /> by first class rtnnil unless applicable law requires use of another met�md. The nodcc sB�nll be directed to the Properey Address or I ,
<br /> � any other address Boaower designates by notice to Lender.My noace to Lender sh�ll be given by first cla.ss mail to Lender's , �•
<br />_ adtiras stated herein or any other address L.ender designates by notice to Boerower.Any notice provided for in i�his 8ecuriry �
<br /> Insirument shall be doemed to havu bcen given to Sortowcr or Lender whe,n given as provided in this paragraph.
<br />_ . � 15.Coverning Law;Severebtt�ty. 'Ihis Sccuriry Inswment shall be govcmed by federal law nnd the luw of the •
<br /> " " j�uisdictioa in which thc Pcoperty is loc�ted. In the event shat any provesior►or clause of this Sccurity Insavment or the Note '
<br />-_-: confllcts with epplicubk law,such conflict shatl not nffect other provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Noto which cnn�:
<br /> givEn effect wi�hout th�oonfricting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument t►nd the Note tua declamd to
<br /> bc scvcrabk. �
<br /> �F ��, Form 90:�9lOD
<br /> � ' �•tiii�NE)latia� r.p.4 oi n imuau: .
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