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: .,. .. . . . . <br /> .,, . .. . <br /> ,:..i�r <br /> „� � <br /> M . . ' . .. '- '. ' JL' <br /> _ . 'M�.1l���Jil(I'.h... .r . - . � . �F .. .. �� . ,_.__. <br /> .. .. .. - . �. <br /> � ' r'! <br /> .r. -.. .... '.. ' ' . .. '.� <br /> ....... .. _.. _. .. � • 3"' <br /> I n <br /> , ' , 9 5�OQ�:�t� I `-`- <br /> , �.: <br /> f ' � lb.Borrowtr'�Copy. Iiorrawcr shall be given one cantormed copy of die Note and of this Sceurit�Inswcnent. ' s° <br /> 17.'�'r�nsfer ot the Property or o Ucneflcial Inte�e�t In�orr�wcr. If ull or nny psirrt of thG Properiy or nny intcrest in it is i ,. �� <br />- sold or transfcrre4 (or if a beneGclal in 8orrower is sold or uansfcrcul�nd Boi�rowcr �s not a natural perso�) without . <br /> L.cndcr's pdor wdttcn conscnt,L.cndcr mny,at its oPdon. rcquiro immcdiate paymcnt in,full of all sums sccuccd by this Sccunty i �yT <br />�� Insuvmen�Howcver,this opdon shull not be exerctsrd by Lendcr if excrcisc is prohibttcd by fcdcral law av di thc datc of thiis , • 'p <br /> � Sc�udty Instnimenu. °' <br /> If I.cnder oxcrcLus thls opdon,L.cnder shull g8vc Borrower nodce of acccicradon.'lhe nodcc shull pruvide apcdod of not less � <br /> � ` � than 30 days from U�e date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secureci hy thls Security <br /> ' ' Instrumcn�If Borrov�e�fr�iL3 to pay the�c sums prior ta thc eapiradon of this�criod,Lcnder muy mvokc siny remedies permiued �.. ._. <br /> c by d�ls Sectuity In.stntm�ent wtttypul furthcr noticc or demand on Borrower. <br />� 10.�OTI'I17�'tt'g RIg�1�O 6lC�t5tfltC. If Borrower mcets certnin conditions. Banowcr shall have the right to have 4 <br /> enfoscenu:n1 of�hn.3 Secunty Insu�unent Aiscanrinued at any Pime pdor w the carlier of: (a) 5 days (or such mher period as � <br /> appliceblc!nw may sp�city for reu�stntemcnt)befoae sale of the Property pursuant to ar►y power of sale cantained in this Securiey � <br />� Instrumeni;or @)eniry of a,judgment�nforcing this Secuiity Insuumen�Those conditions are that�oaodver:(a)pAys Lcndcr all � <br /> sums which then would be d�e under this Security Instrument end the Nnie�s if no accelerntion had occurrrcd; (b) cures any <br /> : � - � defa�dt of any o�her covenants ar agreements;(c)pays all cupenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,includin�,but f � <br /> , not llmit�d tn.rcasonable auomeys' fces;and(d)teke.9 sush acuon as Lender may reasonably require to assurc thet ihe lie�of this I � <br /> �F Security Insmiment, Lender's rights in the Property arid Barrower's obli ation w pay tfine swns sccurcd ty this Sectui�y . <br />_`_ '� • Instrument shall conpniue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, th s Se�urity Instrument and the obliga0lons secured . �� <br />;�'�' heteby shall remain Ful4y effecdvc as►f no acceleradon had eccumed.However,this riglu to reinsWta shall nat npply in ihe case of ' <br /> , � accelcradon undcr p�s�aph 17. � _ <br /> ,=. 19.Sak olNote;Chnnge of Loan�erviar. 'I7�e Note or � partiel incerest in the Noie (together with this Sc�urity , ,; <br /> • � Insnument}n�ay bc:sold one or more times withaut prior nopc�to Borrower.A sale may resu3t in a change in ihe enuty(Ilcnown ,.;�,,:,,ti,: __ <br /> as the"L.out►Seevicer")that collects monthly payments due w�d�r the Note and thLs Security InserumenG'Ihere also may be one or ,;:.:;:;,.,, ! <br /> more changes ot the Loan Servicer unrclated tc�a sale of the I�ote.If�here is a change of the L.oan Serviccr. Borrower�vill be ::�},,� •�,�; <br /> given writzen r.ouce of the change in accardance witli paraguph 14 above and uppGcable law.lfie norice wail stnte the name and . �.:�.•�- <br /> addmss o8 tho new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should t�c mude.The nodce will 11so contain any other �. ,,��_._ <br /> informarion requined by applicable law. . � . f <br /> � 20.H�r�rdous Substanc�.w. Bortower shaU noi caus�or pesmit �he presence, uss, disposal. storage, or rclease of any ,�_��.��`—°-. <br /> Ha��rdous Substances un or in the Property.Borcower shall not do,nor allow flnyone else to do,anythmg affecung the Property r�: �;T}•�, <br /> - -- . M,...�� ,�n�nr ctn�ar.nn the � %!,.�_�-'• <br /> --- - [hA2 1S lIl V101liflOR at 8I1�L'i1Vli0i1Ti10t11�LSW.TIIC[�ict:cciiii�i"wu Sci�kTiC"w"�a2�ftOi�jj'.0 Sfi.°.Y:°.......... ��l <br /> � Propeny of small quanuues of Hazardons Substances that are genernUy recogntzed to be appropriate t�normal residenbal uses ('�. ��•. , <br />. and to mamtenance of¢'he Property. � '``�i�r,. � <br /> �� aonower shaU prompdy give Lender written notica of any investigauon, cLtim, demand, lawsuit or other acdon by any . ,.;;. � <br /> ovcmmentel or regulatnry agency or privute party involving the Property and any Ha7ardot�s Substance or Envimnmental Law . ,� ,.,:;,�.�, <br /> � of whlch�Borrower has actual knowledge.If BorrnwRr leams,or is no'uf"iaf by any govemmcnin1 or regulatory authority,lhat any , <br /> � removal or ottmr remcdiadon of nny Hsuard�us Subst�nce affecting ihe 1'coperty �s necessary, Borrowe�shnll promptly take ali � �: ,� <br /> necessary re�ntdial ecdons in accordance with E,nv'vonmeeitel Law. �, <br /> ' As us.ed in th_s p2r�,�ph 20, "He�ardous Subsuuices'tue Ihose substances dcfined as toxic or ha�ardous substances hy � <br />. Environmental I.�w and the following substnnces: gasoline. ker+asxne, other flammable or toxic petroleum pioducts. toaic . ' <br /> pes�cidrs and herbicides,volntile solvents,matenaLs conutining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radivaanve matenals.As used in • <br /> " this paragxaph 1A. "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdic�on where the Prop�rty is lacated that relate � .� � <br /> �� to healifi,safety or cnvironmental pmtecdon. I • . " '" -_ <br /> NON-UNII�ORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further wvenant and agree as follows: ° �'•'`�-�� ��- <br /> ' Zl.Accekntion;Remt�dies.Lender s6atl give notice to Borrower prtur to aa�eleration foUowing Borrower's breach of '�;,,%' �•�. <br /> eny wvcawnE or agrecment in thts Security Instrument (but not prior ta accekrateon under paragrapb 17 uekss I ,;;s,�� ;"�'' •_ <br /> � applkabk Istw prlovides otherwise).The not i c e s ha U s p e c i ty:(o) t he default;(b)the actbn e e quirctl to cun t6e defauih,(c) i -,.:;,,1���;;� - , � <br /> a dnte,not tess tben 30 days tlrom t�e date the notice Ls given to Borrawer,by which the default me�st be cured;aQd(d) i • . . <br /> that fi�ilure to cure Qhe detault an or before the date spec�ed ia tht notice may result in acce[eration ot the sums secured � . , <br /> : - r.,-, .. . . . <br /> � .�s;;• by tl�Secmrity Ins3�vment end sale of the F'roperty.The notice shaU turther inform Borrower of the right to refinstute � <br />-.:q 'fl ;i... <br />.� after aac�ekrs►tbn w�d the right to bring a rnurt action to�ssert the noa�exLstence ot a detault or any other deicnse ot j `�. <br /> � DorrowPa¢o acce�eraIlinn and saaa It the detault ts not cured on or before the date specified in the nutice,Lender,at its � � ' <br />'�� • eption,may requirc�immed[�te paymcnt in fuel of all sums seeured by this Secur's!y Ynstrument withont further demand I <br /> � • �� and mAy invake tix Q�ower uf sak Aud any ot�tr remedies permittecl by applicabk law.Lender shall be entitkd ta�allect ; <br /> - all expenses incurred In pur�ning tt�e remedk^s provided in tbis paragraph 21,including, bu1�not l'umited to�reason�bk <br /> ? � anomcy8�r�esa�a msrs ot ct����a�n«. • <br /> " If the noa�er af�le ts invoked� Trustee st►all record a notke of default io each caunty in which any paat ot t6e <br /> ' Property t�located a�d 6ha11�aU cepks aF sucb notiic�e in the m�pnner prescribcd by applicabh I�w to Boarower and to the <br />>'�,'� other�e�rspns pre�sarirbed by appE;cnble law.Af�er the ti�e req�aired by appiicabk la�v�'IY�utee sh�0 gi�e pubik no�ice of <br /> sAk to ltae persons and In tlse manner p�cscribeal by applucablm Ix�v.T�ustce,without demmmd on Borro��cr,shail seU the <br /> '-". Propdrty at public ouction to the h1�4�est biddrr at the tl��w¢1 plsce ourl under the tce�ms d�1�n�ted in the notice of ss�k <br /> _� <br /> - Foim 9028 9190 <br /> °` <br /> — �-BR(NE�Nti2) aaye5 o+e ��i�uu: <br /> .��.. 1 <br /> _� .. . _ . . _.._..__..__,._. .. _.. <br /> _w .. <br /> �.:� _ --_- - - . <br /> �`— <br /> � , ` . <br /> � ' . <br /> �6" ' � <br />