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<br />' �� � 5.t1WZ.�rd or 1'roperty Insurance. 13orrowcs ahs�ll kcep the im�rrncments now cxisdng on c�rcAftc�crccted on tho Praperly � � `�-
<br /> ins�utxl sgalnsl loss by tuc,hazdrds fncludcd within tfio tcrm"cxtcndod covcruge" nnd aiy other ho;enrds,ijicludiug ftoc�ds oe • '��
<br /> " flaading,fer which Lendsr roquires insurance.'Ihis insurancc shall bo maintelne:d in thc amounts end for the pedods that Lcnder I .-:.�
<br /> �' ' requlre9.'I1�e insumnce carrier providlna tho insurancr shnll bo ctzasen by Borrower subj�ct to Lender's appmv�l whlch shaU not , �'�jp�
<br /> � be u►aeasonably withhatd.If B�rrower fa�ls to mainu�in coverago described ubova. Lender muy, ut Lender's opiion. obmin „
<br /> -" - covcrnge to protoct Lender's rights in the Proaerty in accardance with pamgraph 7.
<br /> All insuranco pallcfes and renewels shaU bo ac�ceptu6le to Lendcr and shall include a siandnrd mortgnga clause.Lender shall � d�
<br /> hava the dght to held iho polic;ics and renowal9. if L�dcr rcquires,Barrower sb�ll prompUy givc w L.ender all rece9p4g of paid � �
<br /> pnemiums and renewal noti�:s.In the event of loss,Borrawer shall give prompt notice to the insurance canier and L.ender.L.ender : . . •
<br /> may�nalcc proaf of loss if not made prompily by Boaowcr. �
<br /> Uales,n Lcndce and Borrower oU►cnvLse agrec in writing,incivanco procceds shall bc applled to res�ration or rcpair of thc
<br /> pronerty damageA,jf ih� rtstoradon or repair is economicaUy feasi6le and Lender's securiry is not lessened.If the restorution or ` ;. �.,;,
<br /> • rcpair is not economically feasible or I.ender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be applied w the sums , ,
<br /> . ., stct!m,�l by this Seauriry Instrument, whether or not thcn due, with any excess paid W Borrower. If Bomnwer abandons thc �. • : ��
<br /> �, Prap�ny,or does not answer within 30 days a noace from L�tder�hnt the insurs�nce carrier ha�offered to seale a claim,thcn '• • µ:;;��
<br /> :� Lender may copect the insurance pmr.ecda.L.ender may use Qha proceeds to repair or mstore tho Property or to pay sums sxure.d
<br /> by this Securiry Insirument,whcthcr or not then due.'ITne 30-dey period will begin when t,'tc noucc is given. ����'�' .. '�
<br /> �'� Unless Lender and Bortower otherwise agree in writing,cu►y applicarion of proceeds to principal shaU not extend ar postpone � �
<br /> � • � the due date of thc crronthly payments refcrred to in para�ruphs 1 and 2 or changa thc amount of the payments.If undcr paregraph i ' • •
<br /> Zl �he Pro is uired b L.ender.Borrower's ri ht to en insurance poli;.ies nnd proceeds resulting from damag�to the ���
<br /> P�Y �Q Y B Y "�
<br /> �� Properiy prior w Ihe acquisitian shall pass to I.ender to the exte�t of Ihe sums securcd by this 5ecurity Inswment immediately �';�• -�,,.,_.,
<br /> prior W rhe ucquisitio:+. �-��3"
<br /> . � 6.Uccupsincy�Preservation,iW�intenance�nd Protecuon uf t6e Property; Borrower's Loan Appltcetlon;Lease6olds. �- • •�''_
<br /> �'* Aorrower shall accupy,establish,and use the Propeery as�orrower's principal residence wittun sixty days afu;r tha eaecution of � ., f;;��`�',��--
<br /> this Securi.tv Insuument and shall wntinue to occupy t�e Pr�operty as Borrower's principal residence for at least une year after the �''•�__
<br /> '� date of occupancy, unless Lender othernise agr�es in writing. which consent shnU not brs unreasonably withheld,or unless ��.i� `
<br /> � extenuaung cireumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control.Borrower shall noi destroy,damage or impair the Property, ( ';i�.;:.�r�
<br /> a l i o w t h e P r o p e r ty t o d e t e ri o r e t e. o r c o m m i t w n s t e o n t h e P r o p e.rt y. Borrower shall be in default if an y forfeiwrc action or ,.� „., `"`•��;•`;� 9. � �;;
<br /> � procoeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the Propecty or '�'' . , •�:t;;: � ,�`;`:
<br /> • otherwise mAterially im�sair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's socuriry inkrest.Boirower mey cure such a �� • � ;:�. .'
<br /> • ' dcfault and reinstato. as providcd in p�uagraph 18,by causing thc acuon or procceding to be d'umissed with a ruling that,in ;�',;
<br /> Lender's gocd fatth determination,precludes fodeiture of t�e Borrower's interest in the Property or other material impairmcnt of �q�-, ,
<br /> ihe Gen created by this Security Instcument or Lender's security interes�Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower,du�ring the I �;._�
<br /> loan applicarion process, gave mntrrially false or inaccurate informadon or statements to I.ender(or failed to provide L.ender with �°
<br /> � , t�ny mate.ritil infom�alion)in connection with the loan evidenced by ihe Note, including, but not limited w, reptesentatians � " �� i�
<br />, cflnceming Bonrower's occupancy of tho Property t�s a principal residence.If this Secarisy Instrument is on a teasehold,Borrower � .
<br /> ahall comply with all the provisions of she lcase.If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property,the leasehold and th�fee tiUc shall � , •��_';�
<br /> , �� not mergc anless Lendc�agees to the merger in wriring. i - ,' - ' 1
<br /> :; 7.Frotectlon of Lender'6 Rig6ts in the Property. IF Borrower fa�ls to perform the covennnts and agrecments contained'u� I � .� - '+�
<br /> this Security Instruumen� or thcre is a legal proceeding ittat may significantly Rffect L.ender's rights in thc Property(s�ch as a . �
<br /> m
<br /> proceed6ng in banlcn�ptcy,probate,for condemnntion or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender may do and pay � „ �
<br /> � , for wtk�tev.�r is necessury to pmtect the value of the Property end I.ender's rights in the Propeny.Lender's acaona may inciude ; .,
<br /> , ,�~ paying any aums secured by e lien which has priority over this Security Insmiment,appearing in court, paying reasonable ; , `
<br /> ' attnmeys' fecs and entersng on the Property w maks repairs.Although Lender rnay take action undcr this paragraph 7,Lendcr ;
<br /> `s� docs not have to do so. � ��' ;
<br />_ My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paia�aph 7 shall lxxome additional debt of Borrower secured by this Securiry i -
<br /> ' Inswmen� Unless Borrowcr and Lender agrce ta othea terms of puyment,these amounts shall bcar intcrest from the date of ;
<br /> disburscment at the Nate rate and shall ba payable.with interest,upon noace from Lender to Bnrrower requesting payment •
<br /> 8.Mortgage Insuramca If I.cnder requimcl mortgage insurance as a condition of making the(oan secured by this Sccurity
<br /> � Insuument, Borrower s�a�ll Fay the prcmiums rcquim.ci to muintain the mortguge insurance in effocG If, for any reason, the
<br />_ "' ' mottgage insuranCe covpage required by Lender lapses or ceaSes to be in effoc4�orrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br />_ ; � obwin wveange substsntially equivcilent to the mortgage inswance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivaler�t to the �
<br /> _ 1 cost to Bonrowec of tha moetga�e insivana�pc�eviously in effect,frAm an altema4e moctgage insurer approved by Lenc��r. If
<br /> _ _ � subsmntinlly equivalont�ortgago insurance coverado is not aveflnblo. IIorrov�er shall pay to Lcnder each month a sum equal to
<br /> ona•twclftG of tho yearly mort+�ago insurance premium 6oing paid by Borrowex when thc insuruice covera�e lapsc:d or ceusad to
<br />= � ba in effect I.endat will accept, us;and retain those payment� as ce loss resesvo in lieu of mortgage ins�uance.Loss reserve
<br /> , Form 3020 9190
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